小学校における知性と感性を結ぶ俳句教育プログラムの提案 : 互いを認め合い支え合う学級づくりを目指して


世界有数の短詩型であり日本発信の文化でもある「俳句」を活用し,賢さと優しさを兼ね備えた子どもを育てる方法,ひいては,互いを認め合い支え合うことのできる,愛情に満ちた人間関係を基盤とする学級づくりを行う教育プログラムを開発した。この教育プログラムは,著者と学校教員との協同による俳句の授業,大学院におけるゼミ句会,および大学開放事業において著者が主催した子ども句会の実績にもとづいて作成した。その概要は,以下のとおりである。朝の会で,週1回10分程度,その時期の季語を見つけ,発表する活動を通年実施する。また,季語さがし,俳句の創作,および構成的グループエンカウンターを利用した鑑賞から成る複数時間計画の授業を新学年が軌道にのる頃,夏休み明け,新年といった節目毎に,年間3回程度実施する。The author developed the educational program which performs formation of a class based on the human relations, utilizing a haiku that is one of the foremost short verse type in the world and is also the culture of Japanese dispatch, the method of bringing up the child who has cleverness and tenderness, therefore based on human relations which is filled with affection that children can accept each other and support each other. Based on the track record of the lesson of the haiku poem by in collaboration with an author and a school teacher, the seminar haiku gathering in a graduate school, and the child haiku gathering that the author sponsored in the university extension enterprise, I created this educational program. The outline is as follows. At a morning meeting, I find the season word of the time about 10 minutes once per week, and carry out yearround enforcement of the movment to announce. Moreover, when a new grade gets off the ground, I break during the summer vacation and carry out creation of the search for a season word, and a haiku poem, and the lesson of two or more hour promposal which consists of appreciation using a constitutive group encounter about 3 times per year for every turning point of the new year

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