シンリガク カラ ミタ アルキ ヘンロ タイケン ソノ ニンゲン ケイセイテキ イギ : ガクセイ ニヨル ソウサク ハイク ノ ナイセイ セツメイブン ト カンショウブン ノ ブンセキ カラ


University student who experienced Aruki?henro express their own impression by writing Haikus. Some of them expressed their inpression and empathy with selecting Haikus and writing words of appreciation on their selected haikus, and writng reflective?explanately sentence. This study examined quality of their impression with analyzing the contens of students’s reflective?explanately sentence and words of appreciation on their creating Haiku poem. This study proved that collabolatiove learning, consisting Aruki?henro experience and expression of the impression acquired by that experience, will form the foundation of human development

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