134 research outputs found


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    Construction Indonesia is a program of activities undertaken by the Government as the organizer of the government which, besides acting as financial manager, the government carry out the mandate of the people to use the money for the benefit of the people of Indonesia. Countries, particularly Indonesia have valuable assets or property on Natural Resources self contained and has, not least on the wealth of assets Human Resources (HR) of his. Given the budget for the electronic media (television and radio) is quite large, to 'hook' of electronic media as a media partner. Another thing you can do is make some sort of event / talk show that is not only heard or seen at a glance by the audience and the information presented can be fully delivered. Talkshow material can also be packaged with a material that is loaded with educational aspects

    Rational Redundancy in Situated Communication

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    Contrary to the Gricean maxims of Quantity (Grice, 1975), it has been repeatedly shown that speakers often include redundant information in their utterances (over- specifications). Previous research on referential communication has long debated whether this redundancy is the result of speaker-internal or addressee-oriented processes, while it is also unclear whether referential redundancy hinders or facilitates comprehension. We present a bounded-rational account of referential redundancy, according to which any word in an utterance, even if it is redundant, can be beneficial to comprehension, to the extent that it facilitates the reduction of listeners’ uncertainty regarding the target referent in a co-present visual scene. Information-theoretic metrics, such as Shannon’s entropy (Shannon, 1948), were employed in order to quantify this uncertainty in bits of information, and gain an estimate of the cognitive effort related to referential processing. Under this account, speakers may, therefore, utilise redundant adjectives in order to reduce the visually-determined entropy (and thereby their listeners’ cognitive effort) more uniformly across their utterances. In a series of experiments, we examined both the comprehension and the production of over-specifications in complex visual contexts. Our findings are in line with the bounded-rational account. Specifically, we present evidence that: (a) in view of complex visual scenes, listeners’ processing and identification of the target referent may be facilitated by the use of redundant adjectives, as well as by a more uniform reduction of uncertainty across the utterance, and (b) that, while both speaker-internal and addressee-oriented processes are at play in the production of over-specifications, listeners’ processing concerns may also influence the encoding of redundant adjectives, at least for some speakers, who encode redundant adjectives more frequently when these adjectives contribute to a more uniform reduction of referential entropy.SFB1102 Information Density and Linguistic Encoding (iDeaL


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    The medium in this theory is defined as any form of communication channels is one of the very important elements of communication. Our ability to choose the appropriate media in conveying the message would determine the performance or effectiveness we divide the message to others. Media richness theory (TKM) said that not every media match with any kind of task or message would we send. Each media has its advantages and disadvantages of each. Rich media is suitable for its high equivocality task types, whereas a poor media (Lean media) matches tugs or message that has a low equivocality. The more a potential message multiple interpretations (equivocal), is uncertain, then the strategic nature required an increasingly rich media. Daft and Lengel According to media, wealth can be measured by four criteria: (1) the ability to convey variety of instructions; (2) The immediacy of feedback; (3) the ability to present a variety of study; and finally the ability to 'personalize' the message to the recipient

    Komunikasi Pemasaran Paket Data Internet Freedom

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    Penelitian ini berjudul Strategi Dalam Komunikasi Pemasaran Paket Data Internet Freedom. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi produk, strategi harga, strategi distribusi, dan strategi promosi dalam komunikasi pemasaran paket data internet freedom pada Tim Marketing Communication PT. Indosat di Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian studi deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah karyawan tim marketing communication Indosat Kota Bandung. Proses pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara, dan observasi, sedangkan untuk data penunjang diperoleh melalui studi dokumentasi hasil penelitian sebelumnya, studi literatur lainnya, dan wawancara dengan pihak terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tim marketing communication melakukan yang pertama komunikasi pemasaran produk dengan cara memperkenalkan paket data internet freedom melalui iklan online dan offline. Kedua komunikasi pemasaran harga paket data internet freedom dilakukan dengan menjelaskan kepada pengguna atau pembeli paket data internet bahwa terdapat varians harga paket data internet dan ada paket yang lagi promo harganya. Ketiga komunikasi pemasaran distribusi paket data internet dalam distribusi bekerja sama dengan sales area untuk pendistribusian paket data internet freedom dan riset terkait lokasi pasar yang bagus. Terkahir yang keempat komunikasi pemasaran promosi paket data data internet tim marketing communicatioan melakukan dengan cara menentukan target pelanggan yang dituju, memberikan informasi produk kepada pelanggan, mengalokasikan waktu penjual dan pembeli.   Kata Kunci: komunikasi pemasaran, indosat, paket data internet

    Declarative Data Analytics: a Survey

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    The area of declarative data analytics explores the application of the declarative paradigm on data science and machine learning. It proposes declarative languages for expressing data analysis tasks and develops systems which optimize programs written in those languages. The execution engine can be either centralized or distributed, as the declarative paradigm advocates independence from particular physical implementations. The survey explores a wide range of declarative data analysis frameworks by examining both the programming model and the optimization techniques used, in order to provide conclusions on the current state of the art in the area and identify open challenges.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    Gegar Budaya Mahasiswa Perantauan Asal Padang

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    Penelitian ini berjudul Gegar Budaya Mahasiswa Perantauan Asal Padang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fase optimistik budaya pada mahasiswa perantauan asal Padang, fase masalah budaya pada mahasiswa perantauan asal Padang, fase recovery budaya pada mahasiswa perantauan asal Padang, fase penyesuaian budaya pada mahasiswa perantauan asal Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian adalah mahasiwa perantauan asal Padang yang sedang berkuliah di Bandung yang dipilih secara purposive berdasarkan komunikasi antarbudaya. Proses pengumpulan data diperoleh memalui wawancara mendalam, dan teknik obeservasi lapangan, serta untuk mendukung dalam pengumpulan data maka didukung juga dengan teknik dokumentasi, studi literature lainnya, dan wawancara dengan pihak terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa gegar budaya pada mahasiswa perantauan asal Padang pada saat awal tinggal di Bandung merasa gembira dan penuh harapan karena berada di tempat yang baru, serta menjelajahi setiap sudut di Kota Bandung. Kemudian setelah itu mahasiswa perantauan mulai merasa tidak betah karena rindu keluarga serta perbedaan bahasa, makanan, dan belum memiliki teman dekat. Kemudian setelah masuk ke fase recovery dan penyesuaian, mahasiswa perantauan akan mulai mencoba untuk mempelajari bahasa dan budaya Sunda, sehingga mahasiswa perantauan mampu bertahan hidup di perantauan hingga lulus jadi sarjana.   Kata kunci: Mahasiswa perantauan, gegar budaya, komunikasi antarbuday


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    Cases of sexual assault on a child that occurred in 2014 so alarmed the people of Indonesia. Pedophilia in Sukabumi killed up to 114 children. The author tries to analyze 15 text news about sexual abuse of children by Emon contained in HU HU Mind and Tribune Jabar during the month of May 2014. The method used is a qualitative method approach constructivist perspective . To analyze the data analysis method framing Robert N. Entman models that explore aspects of the news of problem identification , causal interpretation , moral evaluation, and treatment recommendation. From the analysis conducted there are differences in the framing of the news by the media

    The self between two places: Finding connections through digital jewellery

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    This paper presents work undertaken as part of the first author’s ongoing doctoral research into the nature of digital jewellery and the process of designing personal digital artefacts. In this paper we introduce two digital jewellery objects that focus on people in transition. Transitions in this context are the changes one experiences in physical, personal and social dimensions in the context of living in/between two countries. The concepts were inspired by the lives of three participants and the researcher who frequently travel back to their native countries, but who live permanently in the UK and who experience feelings of transition and what we will describe as “being in-between”. Topoi is a piece that reveals personal microphotographs at certain points in time. The piece is a hand held piece of jewellery containing tiny microfilm images from places that are significant to the individual from both countries. One can view the layers of microfilm with a magnifying glass and interact with different layers by manually focusing on different elements. A LED light activated by the heat of the palm allows one to peek briefly through the glass in short bursts. Togetherness is made up of two brooches, meant for two wearers in two countries. Each brooch works as data logger. The act of pinning the brooch on the body activates the piece, recording the time when the piece is worn. Such data logged is stored in a Micro-SD card inside the piece. This data is later used by an artisan to create a third piece that represents times when the two brooches were worn simultaneously. Most of the digital devices that we live with come with a set of expectations such as: What does it do? How long does the battery last? How cutting edge is the technology? By contrast, this research offers a focus on atypical personal interactions in order to address a different range of questions and potentially open up our expectations of the digital
