828 research outputs found

    La critica della traduzione

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    Questo saggio vuole offrire una panoramica degli orientamenti in seno alla "critica della traduzione", sezione degli studi traduttologici che offre oggi numerosissimi contributi. La critica delle traduzioni ha accompagnato in forme diverse e per lo più sporadiche, sorte sulla scia di iniziative individuali o di casi eccellenti, la correlata e ad essa inestricabile storia della riflessione sulla traduzione. Pur meritando il rango e l’autonomia di un vero e proprio genere a sé stante all’interno della critica letteraria tout court , la critica della traduzione non ha mai assunto la dignità artistica propria di altri canali di riflessione estetica ed è stata nei fatti a lungo confinata ai margini dell’attività critica quale intervento secondario e ininfluente sulle sorti letterarie, perché inascoltato dall’esegesi ufficiale non solo e non tanto per via della sua mancanza di organicità e del suo carattere impressionistico, ma anche e soprattutto in quanto legato a una pratica, la traduzione, di per sé sottovalutata nel mondo occidentale

    Traduire l’onirique: L’Intersigne de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam à Camillo Sbarbaro

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    This essay considers Camillo Sbarbaro’s translation of L’Intersigne, a fantasy tale written by Villiers de l’Isle-Adam in 1867 dealing with the weird experience of the narrator in a Breton presbytery, which cannot definitively be categorized as a dream or a hallucination. In Sbarbaro’s text the narrative of this oneiric experience tends towards a rewriting that minimizes or even standardizes the narratological features of the original, which was intended to have a dream-effect on readers. However this loss is compensated by a gain in terms of intertextuality, since, especially in descriptive or lyrical passages, the personal voice of the translator – himself a well-known poet – creates meaningful intertextual echoes for Italian readers

    Audiovisual translation and media accessibility in language learning contexts

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    The integration of audiovisual translation (AVT), in its multiple forms (i.e., interlingual, intralingual and intersemiotic, Jakobson 1959) and modes (revoicing and subtitling), with a key focus on multimodality have found their way more recently in the foreign language education (FLE) context. If subtitles and subtitling remain a hugely discussed topic in their pedagogical application (see Díaz-Cintas and Wang 2022), over recent years studies about didactic AVT have definitely enlarged their scope and come to comprise the various AVT techniques that can be used in the classroom as a motivating booster of language learning, since, especially in active practices, the learner is really at the centre of his/her learning process. Current research on didactic AVT shares the premises that this kind of translation is beneficial not only as a complex problem-solving activity triggering integrated skills as well as critical thinking, but also as a multisensorial and intersemiotic experience demanding a holistic approach, which fosters sociopragmatic competences and intercultural awareness in learners (Incalcaterra McLoughlin, and Talaván 2018). In the past twenty years, one of the most innovative and promising fields within AVT has been Media Accessibility (MA) research and practice, in line with the urgent need of providing accessible and inclusive services to all members of society (Díaz-Cintas, Orero, and Remael 2007). The great potentials of MA tools, including SDH and AD addressed to the aurally and visually impaired audiences respectively, also started to attract the interest of scholars in AVT in language learning. Learning a language by learning to translate, as well as by reflecting on translation(s) through media resources, has certainly gained a specific status in the ongoing “new relationships” between translation and contemporary language teaching (Koletnik and Froeliger 2019). However, while a lot has been achieved in AVT, there is much still to explore and learn

    Knowledge and perspectives on the welfare of italian heavy pigs on farms

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    This review aims to give an overview of the most significant available information on welfare issues of Italian heavy pigs on farms. These animals, whose meat is used to produce typical products, are characterized by much higher body weights and age at slaughter (approximately 160\u2013170 kg, and 9 months of age) than most pigs reared in Europe, resulting in peculiar behavioral and rearing-related needs. To highlight the main findings and the areas in which additional research is needed, the paper was organized by allocating the studies on the basis of the Welfare Quality four principles framework, i.e., good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior. The results indicate the possibility of improvement with regard to the management of feeding, watering, and some environmental parameters (light, thermal comfort, enrichments) and a lack of knowledge on the actual space requirements (and a corresponding regulatory gap). Moreover, deficiencies concerning the prevalence of injuries and disease and the relationship between lesions observed post-mortem and rearing conditions needs to be addressed. Lastly, the absence of research concerning the evaluation of the emotional state of animals has been highlighted. It is hoped that these findings will, in the future, serve as a basis for the development of specific policies for these animals in order to increase the ethical value of the entire production chain, in accordance with consumers\u2019 demand and expectation for high animal welfare standards

    Literature Review on the Pre-Slaughter Welfare of Italian Heavy Pigs

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    This work provides a narrative review of the available information on the welfare of Italian heavy pigs in the pre-slaughter phase (transport, lairage, and stunning). The meat from these pigs is used for specific PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) products, and the production rules for these specialties require higher body weight (160–170 kg) and age (in general more than 9 months) at slaughter than in most other countries. This may lead to specific behavioral and physiological needs of pigs. The present paper summarizes the main research findings and knowledge gaps for each of the pre-slaughter phases. Studies are presented according to the four principles of the Welfare Quality assessment protocol (good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior). The results of the literature review indicate a lack of knowledge on several aspects. Most of studies were carried out in a single slaughterhouse, making it difficult to identify risk factors and confounding effects. Moreover, animal-based measures were assessed using different protocols, reducing the possibility of comparison across studies. These findings may serve as a basis for the development of specific research studies and policies aimed at enhancing the animal welfare level and the ethical attributes of this renowned production, also in accordance with consumers’ expectations

    Effects of increased space allowance on animal welfare, meat and ham quality of heavy pigs slaughtered at 160Kg

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    Sixty barrows (Body Weight-BW- range: 23.9-160 kg) were allotted to two experimental groups (6 pens of 5 pigs each): the control group was kept at a space allowance of 1m2/head; the second group was kept at 1.3m2/head. Behaviour, growth parameters, carcass and meat quality were assessed, as well as fat and cured ham quality. Results showed that pigs raised at 1.3m2/head spent more time laying (particularly in lateral recumbency, P<0.01 and P<0.001, respectively) compared to pigs kept at lower space allowance. They also reduced the aimless exploration of the slatted pen floor (P<0.001) and increased overall expression of other, mainly active, behaviors (e.g., drinking, walking and standing, P<0.01). Pigs raised at 1.3m2/head showed higher final BW (P = 0.02), more favourable Average Daily Gain (ADG) and gain-to-Feed ratio (G:F) both during the last period of the trial (P<0.05 for both parameters) and over the entire trial (P = 0.01 for both parameters). No significant difference was observed between groups for carcass traits and the main meat quality attributes. Subcutaneous fat from green hams had higher \u3b1-linolenic acid content (P<0.01) in the group reared at greater space allowance. Green hams from this group lost less weight at trimming (P<0.01) and the resulting cured hams received better sensory evaluations (P<0.05). No difference was observed in fatty acid composition and unsaturation levels of the subcutaneous fat from cured hams. Our data suggest that heavy pigs intended for Parma ham would benefit from the adoption of higher individual floor space allowances, both in terms of animal welfare (increased possibility to rest) and of productive parameters, without having any detrimental effect on the suitability of the thighs for dry-curing or on the quality of the final product

    Rôles et fonctions du participe présent dans la presse ou comment la traduction vient en aide à la didactique du Fle

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    This essay considers some uses of participe présent in the French press in relation to the difficulties of translation into Italian from a didactic point of view. The study shows that translation not only illustrates an asymmetry in terms of frequency of use between the two languages, but also the appearance of critical or new uses of participe présent which need to be correctly understood before being formulated in Italian. These examples of translation illustrate the importance of considering this verbal form from a textual point of view and make it possible to complete and improve some of the descriptions proposed by contrastive grammars for students

    Tail docking in pigs: a review on its short- and long-term consequences and effectiveness in preventing tail biting

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    In spite of European legislation attempting to limit this practice, tail docking is nowadays the only preventive measure against tail biting which is widely adopted by farmers. Docking consists in amputating, usually without anaesthesia or analgesia, the distal part of the tail, in order to reduce its attractiveness and to sensitize it, increasing avoidance behaviour in the bitten pig. Tail docking results in both acute and chronic effects on pig welfare, and its effectiveness in preventing tail biting is limited, since it reduces the symptoms of a behavioural disorder, but does not address the underlying causes. The aim of the present paper is to review the available literature on the effects of tail docking on swine welfare. Although from a practical standpoint the welfare risks arising from tail docking may appear to be negligible compared to those arising during and after tail biting outbreaks, it should be considered that, apart from acute physiological and behavioural responses, tail docking may also elicit long-term effects on weight gain, tail stump sensitivity and animal freedom to express their normal behaviour. Such chronic effects have been poorly investigated so far. Besides, studies evaluating the effectiveness of anaesthetics or analgesic treatments are often conflicting. Within this framework, further research is recommended in order to reduce the acute and chronic pain and discomfort experienced by the animals, until preventive measures (e.g., environmental enrichment, stocking densities) are broadly adopted to prevent tail biting

    Unsaturated flow in a structurally complex karst aquifer

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    The objective of this doctoral project was to unravel the functioning of the unsaturated zone of a karst aquifer that developed in a complex structural setting. The studied system, Bossea cave (Southern Piedmont, Italy) is located in the Ligurian Alps. A multidisciplinary approach was adopted to investigate the unsaturated flow dynamics of the system. Geological surveys, structural analysis and thin-section microscopy permitted to recognize the main circulation pathways. Bossea karst system developed taking advantage of a peculiar structural setting in which transpression between two left-lateral strike slip faults led to a disharmonic deformation of the Permian basement and the Mesozoic carbonates. Flow circulation developed along the bedding planes of the folded carbonate sequence, but when the water reached the disharmonic surface mechanical erosion of the basement non-carbonate rocks started. The hydrological monitoring of the underground river and several secondary tributaries permitted to recognize a complex and heterogeneous architecture in the unsaturated zone. Drip sites hydrological behavior is controlled by the fracture organization and permeability in the unsaturated zone. The drip sites show a piston flow behavior, but each inflow has peculiar flow characteristics that are related to the drainage of small perched reservoirs in the fractured rocks of the unsaturated zone. The recession analysis, cubic law inversion and fractal analysis confirmed that the fracture network architecture controls the discharge of the vadose inflows. Hydrochemical investigations permitted to recognize the influence of the different lithologies on the inflows discharge. This cave represented a unique opportunity to study in detail the dynamics of an unsaturated zone that is strongly influenced by inputs from different lithologies, in addition to the carbonates. The availability of a huge amount of data collected for more than 15 years permitted to study this system in a wide range of conditions, from drought to extreme flooding events
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