192 research outputs found

    Relationship between pre-slaughter handling and carcass bruising in calves. Italian Journal of Animal Science

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    Sono stati esaminati i tempi di svolgimento delle operazioni di carico, scarico, sosta e attesa pre-stordimento di 105 vitelli a carne bianca di razza Frisona. Inoltre, durante tali operazioni è stata rilevata la frequenza di eventi quali la caduta, l’inversione, la testata, la monta, il rifiuto di movimento, il salto, la scivolata, l’evacuazione e la vocalizzazionenonché il numero di applicazioni di pungolo elettrico. Sulle carcasse si è poi proceduto all’individuazione e alla classificazione delle lesioni superficiali utilizzando una scala a tre classi (1=assente, 2=leggera, 3=grave) allo scopo di esaminarne le relazioni con la durata delle operazioni pre-macellazione e con la frequenza degli eventi comportamentali. I tempi di svolgimento delle operazioni di scarico e di sosta hanno influenzato significativamente(P<0,01) la distribuzione delle carcasse nelle tre classi di lesioni. Inoltre, lesioni sia leggere che gravi sono risultate presenti nelle carcasse provenienti da soggetti che, in media, hanno presentato una maggior frequenza di cadute o di monte e una minor frequenza d’evacuazioni durante le operazioni pre-macellazione

    Effect of different stunning methods of pigs on subcutaneous veining defect and meat quality of raw ham

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    Trecentocinque suini pesanti sono stati sottoposti a stordimento elettrico (146 soggetti) o con CO2 (159 soggetti) per valutare l’effetto del metodo di stordimento sull’incidenza del difetto di venatura delle cosce, sul valore del pH, sul colore dei muscoli SM e BF e su alcuni parametri ematici. Nei suini sottoposti a stordimento con CO2 si è osservata una più alta percentuale di cosce con il difetto di venatura e valori più elevati di HCT, PT e PTT. I suini storditi mediante elettronarcosi hanno presentato un pH1 più basso e un colore più chiaro nel SM

    Prenatal Diagnosis of Clubfoot: A Review of Current Available Methodology

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    AbstractBackground:Clubfoot is one of the most common congenital limb deformities. Prenatal diagnosis of the condition is essential as it can help treat the malformation as early as possible. We reviewed the recent available literature concerning the current methods for prenatal diagnosis of clubfoot.Methods:The following databases were searched from 1966 to 2015: PubMed, OVID, Cochrane, CINAHL, Google scholar and Embase.Results:Out of a total number of 197 retrieved articles, after abstract or title page evaluation, 158 articles not matching the inclusion criteria were excluded. The full text versions of the remaining 39 articles were obtained, and their reference lists screened, with the addition of another 5 full-text articles.Conclusions:Currently, ultrasonography is considered the most reliable method of prenatal diagnosis of clubfoot. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of clubfoot appears more likely between the 18th and the 24th week of pregnancy. Alternative imaging is not indicated. There is no agreement whether to propose foetal karyotyping when isolated clubfoot is diagnosed by prenatal ultrasonography. Early detection of clubfoot should prompt a careful surveillance during pregnancy in order to detect any possible additional abnormalities and, if any of these are detected, invasive testing should be offered

    The use of thermography on the slaughter-line for the assessment of pork and raw ham quality

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    The left and right hams of forty heavy pig carcasses were thermographed to evaluate whether surface temperature differences were related to meat and ham quality. Thermal imaging analysis showed no differences in average surface temperature among classes of pH or of L* colour co-ordinate nor among classes of ham defects such as veining and red skin. However, hams with a lower fat cover displayed a significantly warmer average temperature surface. Infrared thermography seems to be a practical and non-invasive method to detect hamswith a fat cover below the minimum requested to be submitted to the dry-curing process

    Use of Thermography Techniques in Equines: Principles and Applications

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    none7noThis review of the use of thermographic technique in equines introduces the principles upon which infrared radiation and thermoregulatory physiology are based and describes the instrumentation used and its practical use. The advantage of this imaging technique is that it is a noninvasive thermographic examination, both from an operational (the animal and the operator) and health (no penetrating radiation is used) standpoint. Advantages and disadvantages of this technique, equine applications, and physiological assessments are discussed.openVeronica, Redaelli; Domenico, Bergero; Enrica, Zucca; Francesco, Ferrucci; Leonardo Nanni Costa, ; Lorenzo, Crosta; Fabio, LuziVeronica, Redaelli; Domenico, Bergero; Enrica, Zucca; Francesco, Ferrucci; Leonardo Nanni Costa, ; Lorenzo, Crosta; Fabio, Luz

    Tagging the signatures of domestication in common bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i>) by means of pooled DNA samples

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    Background and Aims: The main aim of this study was to use an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-based, large-scale screening of the whole genome of Phaseolus vulgaris to determine the effects of selection on the structure of the genetic diversity in wild and domesticated populations. Methods: Using pooled DNA samples, seven each of wild and domesticated populations of P. vulgaris were studied using 2506 AFLP markers (on average, one every 250 kb). About 10 % of the markers were also analysed on individual genotypes and were used to infer allelic frequencies empirically from bulk data. In both data sets, tests were made to determine the departure from neutral expectation for each marker using an FST-based method. Key Results: The most important outcome is that a large fraction of the genome of the common bean (16 %; P &lt;0·01) appears to have been subjected to effects of selection during domestication. Markers obtained in individual genotypes were also mapped and classified according to their proximities to known genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of the domestication syndrome. Most of the markers that were found to be potentially under the effects of selection were located in the proximity of previously mapped genes and QTLs related to the domestication syndrome. Conclusions: Overall, the results indicate that in P. vulgaris a large portion of the genome appears to have been subjected to the effects of selection, probably because of linkage to the loci selected during domestication. As most of the markers that are under the effects of selection are linked to known loci related to the domestication syndrome, it is concluded that population genomics approaches are very efficient in detecting QTLs. A method based on bulk DNA samples is presented that is effective in pre-screening for a large number of markers to determine selection signatures

    Preliminary investigation of the use of digital image analysis for raw ham evaluation

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    In order to find objective parameters for the evaluation of pig thighs to be used for PDO processing, digital images of the external surface of 384 left thighs were acquired, to be used for multivariate image analysis. The following parameters were also measured on the same samples: weight, length, circumference, thickness of fat and thigh, globosity index and colour of skin. Moreover, a subjective evaluation of veining and red skin defects was also made by an expert assessor. Multivariate analysis of the digital images showed a separation of the analysed samples in two clusters, whose differences were then investigated on the basis of the other traits. Various differences between the two clusters where found, mainly for the size-related parameters

    Isthmocele and Infertility

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    Isthmocele is a gynecological condition characterized by a disruption in the uterine scar, often associated with prior cesarean sections. This anatomical anomaly can be attributed to inadequate or insufficient healing of the uterine wall following a cesarean incision. It appears that isthmocele may impact a woman's quality of life as well as her reproductive capacity. The incidence of isthmocele can range from 20% to 70% in women who have undergone a cesarean section. This review aims to sum up the current knowledge about the effect of isthmocele on fertility and the possible therapeutic strategies to achieve pregnancy. However, currently, there is not sufficiently robust evidence to indicate the need for surgical correction in all asymptomatic patients seeking fertility. In cases where surgical correction of isthmocele is deemed necessary, it is advisable to evaluate residual myometrial thickness (RMT). For patients with RMT &gt;2.5-3 mm, hysteroscopy appears to be the technique of choice. In cases where the residual tissue is lower, recourse to laparotomic, laparoscopic, or vaginal approaches is warranted

    Surgical approach to correction of severe knee malalignment in a pediatric population in Tanzania

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    Aim: Severe knee malalignment in children usually needs surgery with different options available in surgical approaches. The aim of this study was to report the results of the surgical correction of severe knee malalignment in children treated with femoral and tibial osteotomy, temporarily fixed with percutaneous Kirschner wires, in a low- and middle-income country (LMIC), with limited medical resources. Materials and methods: Thirty children (age range 4–9 years) with severe knee malalignment were observed and surgically treated in a small children hospital located in the Tanzanian rural outback. A total of 53 deformities were treated. Thirty-two knees presented varus deformity and 21 knees presented valgus deformity. In 9 cases, femoral osteotomy alone was performed, tibial osteotomy alone in 28 cases, combined femoral and tibial osteotomy in 16 cases. Fixation was obtained with crossed percutaneous Kirschner wires, and a post-operative long-leg cast immobilization was applied. Results: Mean pre-operative varus passed from 40°±4 to post-operative 5°±6 valgus. Mean pre-operative valgus passed from 39°±4 to post-operative 8°±5 valgus. Complications included delayed healing of the wounds, skin suffering at the outlet of Kirschner wires, knee stiffness, undercorrection and overcorrection of the deformity. Results were considered excellent in 18 cases, good in 21, fair in 11, poor in 3. Conclusions: This technique allowed us to obtain satisfactory correction of severe knee malalignment with less invasive surgery. Inexpensive hardware such as Kirschner wires, combined with cast immobilization, allowed satisfactory fixation of the osteotomy, and reduction of the overall cost of surgery, as it should be desirable in LMICs

    11C-choline vs. 18F-FDG PET/CT in assessing bone involvement in patients with multiple myeloma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a B cell neoplasm causing lytic or osteopenic bone abnormalities. Whole body skeletal survey (WBSS), Magnetic resonance (MR) and <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT are imaging techniques routinely used for the evaluation of bone involvement in MM patients.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>As MM bone lesions may present low <sup>18</sup>F-FDG uptake; the aim of this study was to assess the possible added value and limitations of <sup>11</sup>C-Choline to that of <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT in patients affected with MM.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten patients affected with MM underwent a standard <sup>11</sup>C-Choline PET/CT and an <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT within one week. The results of the two scans were compared in terms of number, sites and SUV<sub>max </sub>of lesions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four patients (40%) had a negative concordant <sup>11</sup>C-Choline and <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT scans. Two patients (20%) had a positive <sup>11</sup>C-Choline and <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT scans that identified the same number and sites of bone lesions. The remaining four patients (40%) had a positive <sup>11</sup>C-Choline and <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT scan, but the two exams identified different number of lesions. Choline showed a mean SUV<sub>max </sub>of 5 while FDG showed a mean SUV<sub>max </sub>of 3.8 (P = 0.042). Overall, <sup>11</sup>C-Choline PET/CT scans detected 37 bone lesions and <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT scans detected 22 bone lesions but the difference was not significant (P = 0.8).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>According to these preliminary data, <sup>11</sup>C-Choline PET/CT appears to be more sensitive than <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/CT for the detection of bony myelomatous lesions. If these data are confirmed in larger series of patients, <sup>11</sup>C-Choline may be considered a more appropriate functional imaging in association with MRI for MM bone staging.</p
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