489 research outputs found

    On the Kramers-Kronig transform with logarithmic kernel for the reflection phase in the Drude model

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    We use the Kramers-Kronig transform (KKT) with logarithmic kernel to obtain the reflection phase and, subsequently, the complex refractive index of a bulk mirror from reflectance. However, there remains some confusion regarding the formulation for this analysis. Assuming the damped Drude model for the dielectric constant and the oblique incidence case, we calculate the additional terms: phase at zero frequency and Blashke factor and we propose a reformulated KKT within this model. Absolute reflectance in the s-polarization case of a gold film is measured between 40 and 350 eV for various glancing angles using synchrotron radiation and its complex refractive index is deduced using the reformulated KKT that we propose. The results are discussed with respect to the data available in the literature.Comment: 18 pages, piblished in j. Mod. Opt. 57, 1504 (2010

    Electronic structure of Pr0.67_{0.67}Ca0.33_{0.33}MnO3_3 near the Fermi level studied by ultraviolet photoelectron and x-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    We have investigated the temperature-dependent changes in the near-EEF_F occupied and unoccupied states of Pr0.67_{0.67}Ca0.33_{0.33}MnO3_3 which shows the presence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases. The temperature-dependent changes in the charge and orbital degrees of freedom and associated changes in the Mn 3dd - O 2pp hybridization result in varied O 2pp contributions to the valence band. A quantitative estimate of the charge transfer energy (EECT_{CT}) shows a larger value compared to the earlier reported estimates. The charge localization causing the large EECT_{CT} is discussed in terms of different models including the electronic phase separation.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, To be published in Phy. Rev.

    GaAs(110) surface electronic structure by metastable deexcitation spectroscopy

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    Metastable deexcitation spectroscopy was applied to study the surface valence electronic structure of clean cleaved GaAs(110). Metastable deexcitation spectroscopy was flanked by angle-resolved photoemission. An effective surface density of states was derived from the experimental spectrum through deconvolution. Two groups of states were observed in the 0-4 and 5-8 eV range of binding energy, respectively. These features were ascribed to emission from surface states. A plane-by-plane tight-binding density-of-states calculation was performed. More quantitative insights were obtained by comparing experimental and theoretical results. The most prominent feature of the first group of states of deconvolution was assigned to surface state A(5). Contributions from states A(4), A(3), A(1)', and A(2)' were also observed. The doublet of the second group of features was identified with C-2 and C-1. Relative amplitudes of effective surface density of states were related to surface charge density

    Substrate induced proximity effect in superconducting niobium nanofilms

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    Structural and superconducting properties of high quality Niobium nanofilms with different thicknesses are investigated on silicon oxide and sapphire substrates. The role played by the different substrates and the superconducting properties of the Nb films are discussed based on the defectivity of the films and on the presence of an interfacial oxide layer between the Nb film and the substrate. The X-ray absorption spectroscopy is employed to uncover the structure of the interfacial layer. We show that this interfacial layer leads to a strong proximity effect, specially in films deposited on a SiO2_2 substrate, altering the superconducting properties of the Nb films. Our results establish that the critical temperature is determined by an interplay between quantum-size effects, due to the reduction of the Nb film thicknesses, and proximity effects


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    The Vallone di Vradda stratigraphic section is situated in the eastern part of the Gran Sasso range and shows the transition from Late Triassic euxinic facies to Early Liassic open pelagic facies. This paper describes Middle and Late Hettangian ammonite and radiolarian assemblages found in the upper part of the succession. The existence of an anoxic event below the Middle Hettangian beds is noted. Assemblages of small-sized Middle Hettangian ammonites suggest some taxonomic innovation within the early Lytoceratina: gen. n. (Pleuroacanthitidae) and Analytoceras n. sp. indet. Radiolarians found together with ammonites improve the knowledge of Hettangian radiolarian assemblages of the western Tethys

    Structural transition in Fe ultrathin epitaxial films grown on Ni(111)

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    A structural study of Fe ultrathin epitaxial films, grown at room temperature on Ni(111), has been performed in the 1.5-18 ML coverage range by angle-scanned photoelectron diffraction. Both backscattering and forward-scattering energy regimes have been employed, in order to enhance the structural sensitivity at lower and higher film thicknesses, respectively. Modeling of the experimental data has been performed with multiple scattering calculations. We found indications that Fe atoms in the first layer occupy fcc hollow sites and stack with a pseudomorphic fcc structure up to 2 ML. Concerning the growth mode at these early stages, data suggest that a good substrate wetting and a sharp Fe/Ni interface take place. Between 3 and 6 ML, transition to a bcc(110) phase develops. By quantitative R-factor analysis, we found that Nishiyama-Wassermann (NW) in-plane orientation of the bcc(110) cell ((bcc)parallel to(fcc)) is favored over the Kurdjumov-Sachs ((bcc)parallel to(fcc)) orientation. The best-fit vertical interlayer distance between bcc(110) planes is d(NW)=2.11 Angstrom (+3.9% expansion) at 6 ML and relaxes to d(NW)=2.05 Angstrom (+1.0%) at 18 ML, in agreement with the angular shift observed for the forward-focusing features. In the same coverage range, the angle between bcc(110) surface basis vectors changes from 67.7degrees to 69.0degrees, corresponding to -1.7% and -1.0% contractions of the surface cell area, respectively

    GaAs(111)A and B in hydrazine sulfide solutions : extreme polarity dependence of surface adsorption processes

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    Chemical bonds formed by hydrazine-sulfide treatment of GaAs(111) were studied by synchrotron photoemission spectroscopy. At the B surface, the top arsenic atoms are replaced by nitrogen atoms, while GaAs(111)A is covered by sulfur, also bonded to underlying gallium, despite the sulfide molar concentration being 103 times smaller than that of the hydrazine. This extreme dependence on surface polarity is explained by competitive adsorption processes of HS- and OH- anions and of hydrazine molecules, on Ga- adsorption sites, which have distinct configurations on the A and B surfaces

    Refinement and revalidation of the Equine Ophthalmic Pain Scale: R-EOPS a new scale for ocular pain assessment in horses

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    This study addresses the refinement and revalidation of a composite pain scale that focuses on equine facial expressions and behavioural indicators as exhibitions of ophthalmic pain. This scale included only Behavioural and Facial and Ocular expression indicators and, compared to the first version of Equine Ophthalmic Pain Scale (EOPS), item descriptors and related ratings were changed. Thirteen horses with ocular diseases that required medical or surgical treatment were enroled (group P). In each animal, the refined EOPS (R-EOPS) was applied prior to any treatment (T0) and one week later (T7). The R-EOPS was applied twice, 7 days apart, to 16 healthy control horses (group C). Two 30-second videos were recorded each time to allow the retrospective analysis by eight observers. Inter-observer reliability of items was moderate or substantial (Krippendorff's alpha, Ka>0.40) while their intra-observer reliability was substantial or almost perfect for most items (Ka ≥0.61). Both inter- and intra-observer reliability of Total Score (TS) were however excellent (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients, ICC>0.75). The TS also showed good reproducibility (Kendall coefficient=0.786, ICC=0.684) and high consistency of its items (Cronbach's a=0.847). The comparison between groups as well as the sensitivity and specificity values supported the validity of the R-EOPS. In particular, for each extra point added to the TS, the risk of the horse having pain increased by more than two times (Odds Ratio=2.079, 95%CI=1.542-2.804; P<0.001). The Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis identified 6 as the threshold value of R-EOPS for discriminating horses with ocular pathology (sensitivity=83%, specificity=100%). This scale may be an effective tool for reliably assessing the pain level in horses with ophthalmic diseases and potentially guiding pain management although it still requires large-scale application and external validation