275 research outputs found

    Today I threw my television out the window

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    Permanent Marker

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    On The Road Within

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    Effects of ionizing radiation on pork, beef, and turkey quality

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    Color changes observed in irradiated meat were found to be species- and package-type dependent. Irradiated vacuum-packaged (VP) pork and turkey became redder following to irradiation relative to unirradiated controls. However, irradiated VP beef decreased in redness as compared to unirradiated controls. In contrast, aerobically-packaged (AP) pork and beef became less red as a result of irradiation compared to unirradiated controls. Whereas, redness values of irradiated AP turkey increased due to irradiation. Redness values of the VP pork and turkey were unchanged during 12 and 10 wks, respectively, of display, but decreased for VP beef and all AP samples during display. Visual evaluation also indicated that VP pork and turkey and AP turkey increased in redness compared to VP beef and AP pork and beef, which decreased as dose levels increased. The surface color of irradiated VP and AP pork became less uniform at 3.0 and 4.5 kGy than unirradiated pork. The reflectance spectra showed that irradiation induced an oxymyoglobin-like pigment in VP pork. Irradiated VP beef developed a pigment which contained both oxymyoglobin-like and metmyoglobin-like pigments. The reflectance spectra of VP and AP turkey were relatively unaffected by increasing doses of irradiation. Porcine biceps femoris (BF), light and dark region of the semitendinosus (LST and DST), and semimembranosus (SMB) were packaged in VP or AP packaging and irradiated. BF, LST, and SMB had a hematin concentration of 27.5, 31.0, and 40.8 ppm, respectively. These muscle types increased similarly in magnitude following irradiation. Whereas, AP BF, LST, SMB, DST, and VP DST decreased in redness as a result of low-dose irradiation. Yellowness values for AP samples decreased but increased for VP samples with the exception of VP DST, which decreased. Reflectance spectra indicated that metmyoglobin-like and oxymyoglobin-like pigments developed in irradiated AP and VP BF and LST samples, respectively. Aerobically-packaged and VP SMB samples were relatively unchanged by irradiation. A metmyoglobin-like pigment of similar reflectance developed in both AP and VP DST samples. The extent of irradiation-induced color changes in fresh meat appears to be independent of myoglobin concentration

    Joint Involvement and Synovial Histopathology in BD

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    Behcet’s disease (BD) is a polysymptomatic and recurrent systemic vasculitis with a chronic course and unknown cause. Joint involvement in BD is common. Arthritis and arthralgia in BD are known to be the most common rheumatologic findings. Arthropathy in BD is monoarthritis or asymmetrical oligoarthritis affecting larger joints, and it is usually acute or recurrent with a self-limiting course. Bone deformity and destruction are rare. Autoantibodies are typically negative, and the presence of anti-CCP antibodies at high titers favors a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although joint involvement is clinically well recognized, few histologic studies have been reported. In this chapter, we focused on the synovitis and synovial histopathology in BD

    Insurance: A Consumer\u27s Perspective

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    The Role of Th17 Cells in the Pathogenesis of Behçet’s Disease

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    Behçet’s disease (BD) is a polysymptomatic and recurrent systemic vasculitis with a chronic course and unknown cause. BD is now categorized as both autoimmune diseases and auto inflammatory diseases. The pathogenesis of BD is still unclear; however, BD has been thought as a Th1-related disease, with elevating levels of Th1 cytokines such as IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2. Some investigators found that Th17-associated cytokines were elevated in patients with BD; thus, IL-17/IL-23 pathway and Th17 cells may have crucial roles in the pathogenesis of BD. In this chapter, we review the pathogenic role of Th17 cells in BD

    Werthaltungen, Einstellungen und Präferenzen junger Erwachsener zum ökologischen Landbau und seinen Produkten

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Werthaltungen, Einstellungen und Präferenzen von jungen Erwachsenen untersucht. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass sich die jüngere Generation in ihren Werten, Einstellungen und Präferenzen von älteren Verbrauchergruppen unterscheidet. Hierfür wurden drei Erhebungsschritte der empirischen Sozialforschung (Gruppendiskussionen, quantitative Erhebung und Laddering) miteinander kombiniert. Alle Erhebungsschritte wurden online durchgeführt, um dem Medienverhalten der Zielgruppe gerecht zu werden. Es besteht eine große Verunsicherung in Bezug auf Lebensmittel. Verbraucher haben teilweise erhebliche Wissenslücken und Unsicherheiten bezüglich Bio-Standards und Kennzeichnung, auch bei regionalen Produkten. Gründe für den Kauf von Bio-Lebensmitteln sind hohe Tierwohlstandards, Gesundheit, Frische und Umweltschutz. Als Gründe dafür, Bio-Lebensmittel nicht zu kaufen, wurden vor allem der zu hohe Preis und fehlendes Vertrauen genannt. Auch bei jungen Menschen wird die Kaufmotivation von altruistischen und egoistischen Werten geprägt. Allerdings scheinen egoistische Werte (wie Sicherheit und Hedonismus) einen etwas größeren Einfluss auf die Kaufabsicht für Bio-Lebensmittel zu haben als altruistische Werte (wie Universalismus und Wohlwollen). Regionale Lebensmittel werden vielfach gegenüber Bio Produkten bevorzugt. Wichtigste Gründe sind die Unterstützung regionaler Erzeuger und kurze Transportwege. Der Bezug regionaler Lebensmittel wird mit Transparenz verbunden. Regionale Produkte werden deutlich weniger hinterfragt, hier scheint der Begriff „regional“ stark positiv emotional behaftet zu sein. Werte, die den Kauf regionaler Lebensmittel bestimmen, sind Transparenz und Gerechtigkeit und schließlich Wohlwollen und Sicherheit. Die wichtigsten Schlussfolgerungen aus der Studie sind zum einen, dass wichtige Eigenschaften des ökologischen Landbaus, wie Klimaschutz, Beitrag zum Erhalt der Biodiversität etc. deutlich stärker als bisher kommuniziert werden müssen. Zum anderen muss ‚Bio‘ regionaler werden, regionale Strukturen müssen gestärkt werden und die Herkunft der Produkte auf den Verpackungen kommuniziert werden

    Citizens’ Perception of Different Aspects Regarding German Livestock Production

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    Farm animal husbandry and animal welfare still are of growing interest in our society. Studies show a mismatch of citizens’ expectations and the present situation in many countries. Therefore intensive livestock production systems seem to lose their societal acceptability. Especially modern pig and poultry production systems are criticized, but dairy farming is also affected. This can more and more be observed in Germany, one of the EU’s biggest livestock producing countries. Against this background, the Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy, Food and Consumer Health Protection at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture established guidelines to ensure prospective animal husbandry practices, accepted by the majority of the German society.In this paper we present the actual perception of German citizens and the importance of different husbandry aspects based on seven of these guidelines. Thereby, pig, cattle and poultry production systems are considered and the animal species fattening pigs, dairy cattle as well as laying hens are compared. An online survey with at all 2.400 respondents was conducted in 2017.The survey is based on a qualitative pilot study. Therefore citizens were invited for focus groups about the topics pig, poultry and cattle production in Germany. For each topic six focus groups (poultry: eight) took place in three (poultry: four) German cities. Participants discussed about their perception of actual animal husbandry with respect to housing systems, animal health and well-being, regarding the crucial points of the Scientific Advisory Board’s guidelines. Using content analysis, main present husbandry factors in participants’ perception were identified: flooring type, space per animal, fresh air supply, manipulable material, outdoor access and daylight.Using a ranking procedure with these husbandry factors, main criticism points as well as sideshows could be identified for each of the three production systems, in particular fattening pig production, dairy cattle production and laying hens production. The results will contribute to establish livestock production systems in consensus with citizens’ preferences. Furthermore, results will be important for the constructions of upcoming stables for all investigated animal species
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