74 research outputs found

    Many body localization with long range interactions

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    Many body localization (MBL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm for understanding non-equilibrium quantum dynamics. Folklore based on perturbative arguments holds that MBL only arises in systems with short range interactions. Here we advance non-perturbative arguments indicating that MBL can arise in systems with long range (Coulomb) interactions. In particular, we show using bosonization that MBL can arise in one dimensional systems with ~ r interactions, a problem that exhibits charge confinement. We also argue that (through the Anderson-Higgs mechanism) MBL can arise in two dimensional systems with log r interactions, and speculate that our arguments may even extend to three dimensional systems with 1/r interactions. Our arguments are `asymptotic' (i.e. valid up to rare region corrections), yet they open the door to investigation of MBL physics in a wide array of long range interacting systems where such physics was previously believed not to arise.Comment: Expanded discussion of higher dimensions, updated reference

    Disorder-driven destruction of a non-Fermi liquid semimetal via renormalization group

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    We investigate the interplay of Coulomb interactions and short-range-correlated disorder in three dimensional systems where absent disorder the non-interacting band structure hosts a quadratic band crossing. Though the clean Coulomb problem is believed to host a 'non-Fermi liquid' phase, disorder and Coulomb interactions have the same scaling dimension in a renormalization group (RG) sense, and thus should be treated on an equal footing. We therefore implement a controlled ϵ\epsilon-expansion and apply it at leading order to derive RG flow equations valid when disorder and interactions are both weak. We find that the non-Fermi liquid fixed point is unstable to disorder, and demonstrate that the problem inevitably flows to strong coupling, outside the regime of applicability of the perturbative RG. An examination of the flow to strong coupling suggests that disorder is asymptotically more important than interactions, so that the low energy behavior of the system can be described by a non-interacting sigma model in the appropriate symmetry class (which depends on whether exact particle-hole symmetry is imposed on the problem). We close with a discussion of general principles unveiled by our analysis that dictate the interplay of disorder and Coulomb interactions in gapless semiconductors, and of connections to many-body localized systems with long-range interactions.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Localization in fractonic random circuits

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    We study the spreading of initially-local operators under unitary time evolution in a 1d random quantum circuit model which is constrained to conserve a U(1)U(1) charge and its dipole moment, motivated by the quantum dynamics of fracton phases. We discover that charge remains localized at its initial position, providing a crisp example of a non-ergodic dynamical phase of random circuit dynamics. This localization can be understood as a consequence of the return properties of low dimensional random walks, through a mechanism reminiscent of weak localization, but insensitive to dephasing. The charge dynamics is well-described by a system of coupled hydrodynamic equations, which makes several nontrivial predictions in good agreement with numerics. Importantly, these equations also predict localization in 2d fractonic circuits. Immobile fractonic charge emits non-conserved operators, whose spreading is governed by exponents distinct to non-fractonic circuits. Fractonic operators exhibit a short time linear growth of observable entanglement with saturation to an area law, as well as a subthermal volume law for operator entanglement. The entanglement spectrum follows semi-Poisson statistics, similar to eigenstates of MBL systems. The non-ergodic phenomenology persists to initial conditions containing non-zero density of dipolar or fractonic charge. Our work implies that low-dimensional fracton systems preserve forever a memory of their initial conditions in local observables under noisy quantum dynamics, thereby constituting ideal memories. It also implies that 1d and 2d fracton systems should realize true MBL under Hamiltonian dynamics, even in the absence of disorder, with the obstructions to MBL in translation invariant systems and in d>1 being evaded by the nature of the mechanism responsible for localization. We also suggest a possible route to new non-ergodic phases in high dimensions.Comment: Appended erratu
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