205 research outputs found

    Graphene: Kinks, Superlattices, Landau levels, and Magnetotransport

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    We review recent work on superlattices in monolayer and bilayer graphene. We highlight the role of the quasiparticle chirality in generating new Dirac fermion modes with tunable anisotropic velocities in one dimensional (1D) superlattices in both monolayer and bilayer graphene. We discuss the structure of the Landau levels and magnetotransport in such superlattices over a wide range of perpendicular (orbital) magnetic fields. In monolayer graphene, we show that an orbital magnetic field can reverse the anisotropy of the transport imposed by the superlattice potential, suggesting possible switching-type device applications. We also consider topological modes localized at a kink in an electric field applied perpendicular to bilayer graphene, and show how interactions convert these modes into a two-band Luttinger liquid with tunable Luttinger parameters. The band structures of electric field superlattices in bilayer graphene (with or without a magnetic field) are shown to arise naturally from a coupled array of such topological modes. We briefly review some bandstructure results for 2D superlattices. We conclude with a discussion of recent tunneling and transport experiments and point out open issues.Comment: Invited Review Article for Special Issue on Graphene, References added, Typos correcte

    Valley-Selective Landau-Zener Oscillations in Semi-Dirac p-n Junctions

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    We study transport across p-n junctions of gapped two-dimensional semi-Dirac materials: nodal semimetals whose energy bands disperse quadratically and linearly along distinct crystal axes. The resulting electronic properties --- relevant to materials such as TiO2_2/VO2_2 multilayers and α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2I3_3 salts --- continuously interpolate between those of mono- and bi-layer graphene as a function of propagation angle. We demonstrate that tunneling across the junction depends on the orientation of the tunnel barrier relative to the crystalline axes, leading to strongly non-monotonic current-voltage characteristics, including negative differential conductance in some regimes. In multi-valley systems these features provide a natural route to engineering valley-selective transport.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, appendice

    Localized systems coupled to small baths: from Anderson_{nderson} to Zeno_{eno}

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    We investigate what happens if an Anderson localized system is coupled to a small bath, with a discrete spectrum, when the coupling between system and bath is specially chosen so as to never localize the bath. We find that the effect of the bath on localization in the system is a non-monotonic function of the coupling between system and bath. At weak couplings, the bath facilitates transport by allowing the system to 'borrow' energy from the bath. But above a certain coupling the bath produces localization, because of an orthogonality catastrophe, whereby the bath 'dresses' the system and hence suppresses the hopping matrix element. We call this last regime the regime of "Zeno-localization", since the physics of this regime is akin to the quantum Zeno effect, where frequent measurements of the position of a particle impede its motion. We confirm our results by numerical exact diagonalization

    Remnants of Anderson localization in prethermalization induced by white noise

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    We study the nonequilibrium evolution of a one-dimensional quantum Ising chain with spatially disordered, time-dependent, transverse fields characterized by white noise correlation dynamics. We establish prethermalization in this model, showing that the quench dynamics of the on-site transverse magnetization first approaches a metastable state unaffected by noise fluctuations, and then relaxes exponentially fast toward an infinite temperature state as a result of the noise. We also consider energy transport in the model, starting from an inhomogeneous state with two domain walls which separate regions characterized by spins with opposite transverse magnetization. We observe at intermediate timescales a phenomenology akin to Anderson localization: energy remains localized within the two domain walls, until the Markovian noise destroys coherence and, accordingly, disorder-induced localization, allowing the system to relax toward the late stages of its nonequilibrium dynamics. We compare our results with the simpler case of a noisy quantum Ising chain without disorder, and we find that the prethermal plateau is a generic property of spin chains with weak noise, while the phenomenon of prethermal Anderson localization is a specific feature arising from the competition of noise and disorder in the real-time transport properties of the system

    Localization-protected quantum order

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    Closed quantum systems with quenched randomness exhibit many-body localized regimes wherein they do not equilibrate, even though prepared with macroscopic amounts of energy above their ground states. We show that such localized systems can order, in that individual many-body eigenstates can break symmetries or display topological order in the infinite-volume limit. Indeed, isolated localized quantum systems can order even at energy densities where the corresponding thermally equilibrated system is disordered, i.e., localization protects order. In addition, localized systems can move between ordered and disordered localized phases via nonthermodynamic transitions in the properties of the many-body eigenstates. We give evidence that such transitions may proceed via localized critical points. We note that localization provides protection against decoherence that may allow experimental manipulation of macroscopic quantum states. We also identify a “spectral transition” involving a sharp change in the spectral statistics of the many-body Hamiltonian

    Common path interference in Zener tunneling is a universal phenomenon

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    We show that the probability of electric field induced interband tunneling in solid state systems is generically a non-monotonic (oscillatory) function of the applied field. This unexpected behavior can be understood as arising due to a common path interference between two distinct tunneling solutions. The phenomenon is insensitive to magnetic field, and arises whenever the low energy dispersion relation contains higher order terms in addition to the usual p2p^2 term. Such higher order terms are generically present, albeit with small co-efficient, so that the oscillatory Zener tunneling is a universal phenomenon. However, the first `Zener oscillation' occurs at a transmission probability which is exponentially small when the co-efficient of the higher order terms is small. This explains why this oscillatory aspect of Zener tunneling has been hitherto overlooked, despite its universality. The common path interference is also destroyed by the presence of odd powers of pp in the low energy dispersion relation. Since odd powers of pp are strictly absent only when the tunneling barrier lies along an axis of mirror symmetry, it follows that the robustness of the oscillatory behavior depends on the orientation of the tunneling barrier. Bilayer graphene is identified as a particularly good material for observation of common path interference, due to its unusual nearly isotropic dispersion relation, where the p4p^4 term makes the leading contribution

    Orbital Diamagnetism of Weak-doped Bilayer Graphene in Magnetic Field

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    We investigate the orbital diamagnetism of a weak-doped bilayer graphene (BLG) in spatially smoothly varying magnetic field and obtain the general analytic expression of the orbital susceptibility of BLG, with finite wave number and Fermi energy, at zero temperature. We find that the magnetic field screening factor of BLG is dependent with the wave number, which results in a more complicated screening behavior compared with that of monolayer graphene (MLG). We also study the induced magnetization, electric current in BLG, under nonuniform magnetic field, and find that they are qualitatively different from that in MLG and two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). However, similar to the MLG, the magnetic object placed above BLG is repelled by a diamagnetic force from BLG, approximately equivalent to a force produced by its mirror image on the other side of BLG with a reduced amplitude dependent with the typical length of the systems. BLG shows crossover behaviors in the responses to the external magnetic field as the intermediate between MLG and 2DEG.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
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