82 research outputs found


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    Masalah peneliti pada KTI ini adalah penurunan body image yang dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan Berat Badan yang tidak terkontrol. Tujuan penelitian Mengtahui pengaruh penerapan pola makan sehat terhadap penurunan berat badan pada remaja di Asrama As-Shiddiqy Wonokromo. Desain adalah analitik. Populasi 21 remaja putri Asrama As-Shiddiqy Wonokromo Surabaya, besar sampel 21 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan Probability sampling dengan metode total sampling. Variabel indipenden adalah penerapan pola makan sehat, variabel dependen adalah penurunan berat badan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observas, selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan uji Eksak Fisher, dengan tingkat kemaknaan α < 0,05. Hasil penelitian melalui uji Eksak Fisher menunujukan bahwa ρ= 0,184 artinya tidak ada pengaruh penerapan pola makan sehat terhadap penurunan berat badan pada remaja putri di Asrama As-Shiddiqy Wonokromo Surabaya. Simpulan tidak ada pengaruh penerapan pola makan sehat terhadap penurunan berat badan pada remaja putri. Untuk menurunkan berat badan tidak hanya mengatur pola makan tetapi diimbangi dengan faktor penurunan berat badan lainnya


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    Stres merupakan respon tubuh terhadap stressor, disebabkan faktor internal dan eksternal. Gejala stres adalah mudah marah, tersinggung, gelisah, dan sulit tidur. Data awal pada bulan Februari (2011) dari 16 responden 50% tidak stres, 37,5% stres ringan, dan 12,5% stres sedang. Tujuan penelitian adalah menggambarkan tingkat stres ibu ditinjau dari faktor umur, tingkat pendidikan, dan pekerjaan di RW.02 Kelurahan Kebonsari Kecamatan Jambangan Surabaya. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif. Populasi adalah ibu yang tinggal di RW.02 Kelurahan Kebonsari Kecamatan Jambangan Surabaya sebanyak 648 orang. Sampel sebanyak 180 responden, diambil secara simple random sampling. Variabel adalah tingkat stres, umur, tingkat pendidikan, dan pekerjaan. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengisi lembar kuesioner sesuai teori DASS 42 modifikasi, disajikan dengan tabulasi frekuensi distribusi, analisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, responden berusia 41-65 tahun hampir setengahnya (45,9%) stres ringan. Responden tingkat pendidikan menengah (SMA) sebagian besar (56,2%) stres ringan. Responden tidak bekerja sebagian besar (54%) stres ringan. Simpulan adalah hampir setengah ibu di RW.02 Kelurahan Kebonsari Kecamatan Jambangan Surabaya mengalami stres ringan. Diharapkan ibu dapat beradaptasi dengan stres agar tidak menimbulkan stres berkepanjangan. Perlu diberikan penyuluhan tentang stres oleh tenaga kesehatan setempat baik di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan maupun kunjungan rumah untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan keluarga

    Analisis Dampak Negatif Terhadap Kebiasaan Mengunyah Sirih

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    Indonesian people have been practicing the tradition of chewing betel continuously since the sixth century AD. People who carry out the tradition of betel nut are believed to strengthen teeth, remove bad odors from the body, and provide the same benefits as smoking tobacco. Periodontal disease which in fact can occur due to betel nut chewing (chewing). Since plaque is a major cause of periodontal disease, the two conditions are often used interchangeably. The periodontal ligament is a supporting structure for the gums. Gum tissue, periodontal ligament, adjacent alveolar bone, and cementum form the framework of the periodontal tissue. The gingiva is that part of the mandibular mucosa that covers the alveolar ridge and protects the underlying nerves and blood vessels. This research was conducted in the Tuntungan area, with a focus on the capital city of Medan. The research methodology consisted of a journal-based literature review and a qualitative survey. The results showed that of the 10 articles that raised the topic Habit of betel chewing on periodontal tissue damage. Based on the relevant analysis, it is known that more frequent betel chewing indicates a higher risk of periodontal damage

    The effect of Phyllanthus niruri L extracts on human leukemic cell proliferation and apoptosis induction

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    Objective: To investigate the effect of Phyllanthus niruri Linn (Euphorbiaceae) in the proliferation of human leukemic cells (MOLT-4 and K562).Methods: Phyllanthus niruri L (P.niruri) was macerated by using various solvents to obtain the crude extracts. Cytotoxicity of the extracts against MOLT-4 and K562 cells was tested using MTT assay to find the IC50 value. To analyse cell cycle progression, cellular DNA was measured using propidium iodide (PI) staining. Apoptosis induction was evaluated using Annexin V-FITC and PI staining and analysed using FACSVerse flow cytometry. Finally, the expression of p53 on MOLT-4 and K562 cell lysate was measured by western blotting, to identify the possible mode of action of the anticancer activity.Results: P. niruri crude extracts demonstrated a potential anti-cancer effect towards MOLT-4 cells (IC50 range was 42.21 ± 4.98 to 97.06 ± 18.29 µg/ml). However, against K562 cells, P.niruri extracts exhibited a lower inhibitory potency (the IC50 was 120.19 ± 8.48 to 256.55 ± 26.22 µg/ml). The results showed the selectivity of the toxic effect of the extracts against MOLT-4 and K562.  To evaluate the possible mechanism of action the anticancer effect, we evaluated P. niruri extract action in apoptosis induction and p53 expression. The results showed that methanol and hexane extract inhibited MOLT-4 cell progression from G1 to S-phase, indicating G1 cell arrest. Moreover, apoptotic cell population following treatment of MOLT-4 and K562 cells with methanol extract was markedly increased, showing morphological signs of apoptosis including membrane degradation and chromatin condensation. Furthermore, we found that there was an increase in p53 expression following MOLT-4 treatment with methanol extract, suggesting that p53 induction may be involved in cell apoptosis.Conclusions: The results indicated the involvement of p53 pathway in the mechanism of anti-cancer activity exerted by P. niruri extract on MOLT-4 cells. However, for cancer cells lacking P53 expression, such as K562 cells, apoptosis might take place via other pathways

    Morphological Changes of Cisplatin-resistant Human Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cell Line

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    Objective: To evaluate morphological changes of breast cancer cell line MCF-7 following the development of acquired resistance towards cisplatin. Resistance towards anticancer agents still plays an important role in the breast cancer chemotherapy failure.Methods: The cisplatin resistant subline MCF-7/CisR was developed in-vitro by cultivating the parental cell line cisplatin-sensitive MCF-7 with raising concentration of cisplatin (from 0.01 to 2.3 µM) for four months. The cell morphology was observed by giemsa staining. Results: The resistance was shown by the increase of IC50 by 9 folds on MCF-7/CisR compared to the initial IC50 value of MCF-7. The change in cisplatin cytotoxic potency on the resistant cell line was accompanied by the morphological modification, including the enlargement of cell size, the increase of nucleus and cytoplasm ratio, and the increase of the number of microvesicular and cytoplasmic granules.Conclusions: This result has supported the underlying mechanism of cisplatin resistance, including the ability of the cells to decrease intracellular cisplatin concentration and repair DNA damage effects. Keywords: Drug resistance, human breast cancer, cisplatin, MCF-7 DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v5n1.96

    The Development of Motion Graphic as Education Material for Promoting Adequate Home Drug Storage

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    Inappropriate drug storage at home is a common health problem in the community. Improper storage of drugs may affect the quality of the drug. Pharmacist, as a drug informer, plays an important role in providing education about how to store medicines. This study aims to develop educational media in the form of motion graphics and analyze the effect of media to improve the knowledge of drug storage in housewives. The research was conducted in three stages; media development, content revision, and media testing. The media was developed with drug storage material compiled by two experts. Then the content, appearance, and duration are evaluated. To find out the influence of the media in increasing knowledge about drug storage, quasi-experimental was applied with a one-group pretest-posttest design in October 2019 for 28 housewives. From the results of snowball sampling, it is known that the average age of respondents was 43 years, with a range of 18-58 years and the majority were high school graduates (67.9%). Knowledge of respondents was assessed using a knowledge questionnaire. The motion graphic media has a significant influence on increasing the knowledge of housewives regarding the correct storage of drugs. This is indicated by a significant difference in the pretest (67.85) and posttest scores (83.67) after watching 3-minute motion graphic shows (p = 0.001, Cl 95%)

    Analisis Wacana Kritis Sara Mills Tentang Perjuangan Perempuan Pada Tokoh Putri Jasmine Dalam Film Aladdin (2019)

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    Film Aladdin (2019) merupakan film produksi Walt Disney yang mengangkat isu keberagaman dan peran perempuan. Peran perempuan yang kuat tergambar melalui tokoh Putri Jasmine dalam film yang disutradarai oleh Guy Ritchie. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan peran perempuan dalam film Aladdin. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis Sara Mills. Mills memfokuskan titik perhatian pada perspektif wacana feminis yaitu bagaimana perempuan ditampilkan dalam teks melalui posisi subjek-objek dan posisi pembaca. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rangkaian dialog dan adegan dalam film Aladdin. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah posisi subjek dilihat dari sudut pandang perempuan yaitu Putri Jasmine yang menceritakan perjuangan dirinya dalam mengubah sistem patriarki dan posisi objek merupakan hasil penceritaan dari subjek yaitu Sultan, Dalia dan Aladdin yang dihadirkan dalam film. Sementara posisi pembaca, diajak untuk masuk ke dalam alur cerita dengan menempatkan dirinya sebagai Putri Jasmine yang terkurung dalam sistem patriarki dan berjuang untuk mengubah sistem tersebut

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Antidiabetika Oral (ADO) dengan Karakteristik Demografi, Kepatuhan, dan Kontrol Gula pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2

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    The rise of diabetes mellitus (DM) prevalence requires intensive care and self-care as a key to achieve targeted glycemic control. Patients' knowledge about DM treatment is a supportive factor of achieving the target. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between patient’ knowledge of oral antidiabetics (ADO) and demographic characteristics, adherence as well as clinical conditions of diabetes mellitus patients. A cross-sectional design was applied by interviewing 100 outpatients in an Integrated Diabetes Service Unit (UPDT) in Hospital X. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. Knowledge is measured by a structured questionnaire guided by the education 'Ask 5 O' about drugs. The results showed that the majority of diabetic patients knew the name (74%) and efficacy (100%) of the antidiabetic drugs being used, but they poorly understood how to use the drug (58%) and barely knew the side effect (11%). Bivariate analysis showed a significant relationship between demographic factors, namely age (p = 0.005) and education level (p = 0.025) and patient’s medication knowledge. However, there was no significant relationship between patient’s medication knowledge and medication adherence (p = 0.592) and HbA1c as glycemic control (p = 0.101). It can be concluded that drug knowledge in patients does not determine medication adherence and glycemic control. analysis of other factors such as patient perceptions of medication and complication conditions that may be closely related to medication adherence and sugar control is suggested

    Analisis Cost Volume Profit sebagai Dasar Perencanaan Penjualan dan Perencanaan Laba (Studi pada Pt.mitra Anugrah Gemilang, Ngoro-mojokerto)

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    Аnаlysis of cost volume profit shows the overаll relаtionship between costs, volume аnd profit in the cаlculаtion of the compаny\u27s sаles аnd profit plаnning аppropriаtely аnd scаlаble. This reseаrch аims to know the аpplicаtion of cost-volume-profit аnаlysis on PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng. This reseаrch uses descriptive reseаrch. The dаtа collection techniques used аre observаtion аnd documentаtion on the finаnciаl dаtа of PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng Ngoro-Mojokerto. The results of this study indicаte thаt the sepаrаtion of semivаriаble costs by using the leаst squаre method into а fixed cost аnd vаriаble cost generаte fixed cost of Rp 4.890.850.658,63 аnd vаriаble costs of 26.333.199.582,37. Cаlculаtion of the BEP which is а step of the аnаlysis of cost volume profit shows its product mix of BEP 33.564 units. In sаles аnd profit plаnning, PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng plаns аn increаse in eаrnings in the yeаr 2017 аmounts to 10%. To аchieve the plаnned profit increаse, PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng should rаise the sаles of Rp,66. The cаlculаtion result of the mаrgin of sаfety for PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng аmounts to 44% which meаns thаt if the compаny is experiencing а decreаse in sаles exceeding 44%, the compаny will suffer losses. Key Word : Cost Volume Profit, Sales Plan, Profit Plan ABSTRАK Аnаlisis cost volume profit memperlihаtkаn hubungаn аntаrа biаyа, volume dаn lаbа secаrа menyeluruh dаlаm perhitungаn perencаnааn penjuаlаn dаn perencаnааn lаbа Perusаhааn secаrа tepаt dаn terukur. Penelitiаn ini bertujuаn untuk mengetаhui penerаpаn аnаlisis cost volume profit pаdа PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng. Penelitiаn ini menggunаkаn penelitiаn deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulаn dаtа yаng digunаkаn аdаlаh teknik observаsi dаn dokumentаsi pаdа dаtа keuаngаn PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng Ngoro-Mojokerto. Hаsil penelitiаn ini menunjukkаn bаhwа pemisаhаn biаyа semivаriаbel dengаn menggunаkаn metode leаst squаre ke dаlаm biаyа tetаp dаn biаyа vаriаbel menghаsilkаn biаyа tetаp sebesаr Rp 4.890.850.658,63 sertа biаyа vаriаbel sebesаr Rp 26.333.199.582,37. Perhitungаn BEP yаng merupаkаn lаngkаh dаri аnаlisis cost volume profit menunjukkаn BEP mix produknyа sebesаr 33.564 unit. Dаlаm perencаnааn penjuаlаn dаn lаbа PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng merencаnаkаn kenаikаn lаbа pаdа tаhun 2017 sebesаr 10%. Untuk mencаpаi kenаikаn lаbа yаng direncаnаkаn mаkа PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng hаrus menаikkаn penjuаlаn sebesаr Rp,66. Hаsil perhitungаn dаri mаrgin of sаfety untuk PT. Mitrа Аnugrаh Gemilаng аdаlаh sebesаr 44% аrtinyа аpаbilа Perusаhааn mengаlаmi penurunаn penjuаlаn melebihi 44% mаkа Perusаhааn аkаn mengаlаmi kerugiаn