33 research outputs found


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    The fast growing Diabetes health problem is at risk to about 422 million estimated people in world scenario. As the people suffering from diabetes since ages and no definite medicine could be able to control the disease safely except insulin as a hope for sustaining life. Several herbal drugs are in practice for limited preventive and curative aspect. Ayurveda emphasize on the preventive aspects and provides managerial approach through lifestyle intervention since inception. Herbal products have always played vital role in drug research in every sphere. Several medicinal plants are being used in different way either by traditional healers or by practitioners in India and Abroad on the basis of known anti-diabetic activities but, so many other plants are there which are either used by traditional physicians which are not tested in the clinical laboratory and sometimes several medicinal plants have been tested as Anti-diabetic in R&D study but not known/less known to practitioners. In this paper attempts have been made to identify those medicinal plants with R&D experimental study but are less known to practitioners. Moreover such medicinal plants were also verified in classical references for anti-diabetic effect if any. The present paper deals with the comparison of classical references with modern R&D as far as possible. Review was focused on such limited number of medicinal plants which are commonly not known is having hypoglycemic effect. Observation was also noted through several experimental studies done by the scientists earlier which signifies the merit of study. Such herbal study models are attributed here to provide newer initiatives in future and it can also focus for better solution in the field of diabetes control.


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    In Ayurveda texts, Charak Samhita deals with 50 different group of 10 herbs each with specific action and uses. It also deals with different basic formulations like Swarasa (juice), Kalka (paste), Kashaya (decoction) etc. Dashamoola is one of such 50 group of herbs as the name contains root of ten different plants i.e. Bilva, Gambhari, Shyonaka, Patala, Agnimantha, Prishniparni, Salparni, Kantakari, Vrihati & Gokshura. Of these, first five’s are known as Brihad panchamoola and the remaining as Laghoo panchamoola. It is used in the form of Kwath or  Arishta (fermented decoction) or Kashaya according to Ayurveda. This formulation is used primarily for headache, relief of pain and swelling related to arthritis, pyrexia, abdominal distension and costo-chondral pain etc. It is also described as an analgesic used in arthritis and rheumatic conditions by the Ayurvedic practitioners. It is believed that the 10 ingredients of  Dashamoola may be serving different roles like adjuvant, carrier agent and stabilizer etc. evident from several studies. After reviewing the different published literatures studies on experimental models have shown to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-analgesic activities which are enumerated in this paper


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    In present scenario with hasty and agonizing mental stress in competitive life and incompatible diet, people are suffering from many lifestyle diseases. Amlapitta is one of them. It has adverse effect on the digestion and metabolism, with presence of symptoms like Avipaka, Klama, Utklesha, Amlodgara, Gauravta, Hrit Kantha Daha and Aruchi. Ayurveda is a holistic science which provides solutions with the help of natural resources as a principle of management. Different Ayurvedic literatures were scrutinized for description of Aahar (Diet)- Vihar (lifestyle) and drug Gudadi modaka has been taken from Chakradutta Amlapitta chikitsa for the management of Amlapitta. The 30 patient were selected for the study between the age group of 20–70 years from the OPD of Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, H.P. Patients were selected on the basis of specially prepared assessment criteria. Patients of both groups showed good improvement in the symptoms of Amlapitta. Patients of group II (Gudadi modak + Aahar -Vihara) showed slightly more significant results. Gudadi modak & proper dietary routine discipline has important role to achieve early and better result. To follow the code of Pathya & Apatyha and drug intake is the basic management of this disease. It is devoid of any side effect


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    Psychosomatic disorders have now become a common disease in present global scenario due to Covid pandemic. People are always in panic due to morbidity of the disease whereas the livelihood has become a secondary morbid condition due to economic slowdown. Under the above global scenario almost every person is undergoing certain psychosomatic problems either one or both of the factors.  Apart from this, the present trend of competitive and conservative life-style has made young and old person to panic mental situations. The egoistic attitude of the human being and his inability to compromise his desire/demands tends to imbalance of temperament resulting into essential hypertension, insomnia, irritability etc. Ultimately such person becomes addicted to anxiolytic, anti-depressant and tranquilising drugs of modern medicine. Psychiatric disorders are commonly encountered by clinical medicine and the management includes psychotherapy, behavioural therapy, physical treatment with antipsychotic drugs, but the post management leads to addiction or drug dependence along with morbid withdrawal symptoms in patients. In view of problems of dependence specific approach of Ayurvedic concept like Satwavajaya and Daivavyapasraya have provided the light of protection but the practices are still limited due to orthodox beliefs. Some psychotropic drugs like Medhyarasayana etc. in single and compound form are described in classical texts for the management of different mental disorders. The use of herbs to offset these antecedents and outcome has greatly increased in recent years. Not only it is helpful for psychosomatic issues rather it would be helpful at least in such Covid pandemic as because the anti-psychotic drugs are scarce in market due to heavy personal demands. Ayurvedic approach can also create a trend of revitalising herbal preparations keeping behind the hazardous post drug complication. It is an attempt for mainstreaming the Ayurveda in present scenario


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    Krimi exist its importance in Medical science from ages. Starting from Rig Veda to Samhita Krimi is accepted as a causative factor of diseases. Though there is mention of non-pathological Krimi in the texts, but elaboration not done. Whereas, there is wide narration of pathological Krimi found in different Samhita. Description of etiologies, habitat, nomenclature, morphology, and clinical conditions produced due to Krimi is done by different Acharyas. The clinical conditions produced due to Krimi in host may be broadly categorized under GIT ailments, skin ailments and features of Anemia. Regarding management of Krimi, there is sufficient explanation of treatment principles in Samhita. Various research works have been done concerning treatment aspects of Krimi. These clinical studies emphasize the effect of herbal, mineral or herbomineral drug preparations on certain parasite or protozoan. Only few studies have been done in Ayurveda to find out the type of Krimi infection/infestation based on the division of Krimi. Some research workers had tried to correlate the Krimi with few parasites only. The correlation of Krimi with the contemporary infectious microbes may be done by examining the resemblance of their habitat, morphology and effect on host. But it is a difficult task to correlate Krimi with modern due to lack of detail description of individual Krimi. Under the word Krimi all micro organisms like bacteria, virus, parasite, and fungus can be included. In this article effort has been made to describe the concept of Krimi from different Ayurvedic treatises and also to correlate them with similar microbes and parasites based on their habitat and effect on human body

    Real-time three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography in daily practice: initial experience

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim of the work</p> <p>To evaluate the feasibility and possible additional value of transthoracic real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (RT3D-TTE) for the assessment of cardiac structures as compared to 2D-TTE.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>320 patients (mean age 45 ± 8.4 years, 75% males) underwent 2D-TTE and RT3D-TTE using 3DQ-Q lab software for offline analysis. Volume quantification and functional assessment was performed in 90 patients for left ventricle and in 20 patients for right ventricle. Assessment of native (112 patients) and prosthetic (30 patients) valves morphology and functions was performed. RT3D-TTE was performed for evaluation of septal defects in 30 patients and intracardiac masses in 52 patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RT3D-TTE assessment of left ventricle was feasible and reproducible in 86% of patients while for right ventricle, it was (55%). RT3D-TTE could define the surface anatomy of mitral valve optimally (100%), while for aortic and tricuspid was (88% and 81% respectively). Valve area could be planimetered in 100% for the mitral and in 80% for the aortic. RT3D-TTE provided a comprehensive anatomical and functional evaluation of prosthetic valves. RT3D-TTE enface visualization of septal defects allowed optimal assessment of shape, size, area and number of defects and evaluated the outcome post device closure. RT3D-TTE allowed looking inside the intracardiac masses through multiple sectioning, valuable anatomical delineation and volume calculation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our initial experience showed that the use of RT3D-TTE in the assessment of cardiac patients is feasible and allowed detailed anatomical and functional assessment of many cardiac disorders.</p

    Parameter induction in continuous univariate distributions: Well-established G families

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    Textured Image Segmentation Using Localized Receptive Fields

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    : We present an approach to texture analysis that uses spatially localized filters and cooperativecompetitive mechanisms for determining emergent boundaries. Gabor filters that closely resemble cortical receptive fields are used to activate columns of cells that selectively respond to localized frequency and orientation attributes of an image. For each cell column, a winner-take-all network that is moderated by the activities of neighboring columns is used to gradually segment the image. All the mechanisms used are biologically plausible and typically yield results that are superior to those reported previously for real images. 1. Texture-based Segmentation. Both biological systems and computational vision models use texture for perceptual tasks such as segmentation of surfaces, classification of surface materials and computation of shape. An image texture can be interpreted as a pattern of image intensities projected from a surface of uniform surface radiance attributes. Several mod..


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    Rhinitis is a very common and complicating disease condition usually affects more than 90% of the population varying from simple sneezing to multiple complications along with frequency. Usually, it affects due to pollution further follower by bacterial infection in naso-pharyngeal track. Most often it is managed instantly with anti-allergic medications like nasal drop and tablet, syrup, etc. but due to suppression of condition for a longer period it remains dormant causing multiple complications in future. Looking to the condition a nasal drop prepared from few herbs processed with mustard oil was taken into multiple clinical- experimental trial both invivo and invitro study to access the efficacy. The nasal drop in the form of Nasya i.e., modified Marichyadi taila (MMT) in management of Pratishyaya (rhinitis) has been evaluated from different angle i.e., clinical, radiological, biochemical, biological and antibiogram study etc. show significant result in comparison with modern control drug Otrivin. After comparing both the results it has found that MMT was more effective than Otrivin as because of its multi-stained bactericidal and virucidal effect along with maximum relief in clinical sign and symptoms. It was also observed that the drug is effective from 48-72hrs and to be continued for one to two weeks for optimum relief. Efforts have been taken to highlight the specific findings pertaining to different study in the present paper