19 research outputs found


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    El Bacanora es un destilado de agave con denominación de origen en 35 municipios de la zona serrana del estado de Sonora, México. Su industria, después de 29 años de la derogación del decreto que prohibía su elaboración, comercialización y consumo que permaneció vigente 72 años en dicho estado, continúa habida de crecimiento y desarrollo. El siguiente articulo pretende señalar la oportunidad económica que representa, para la industria del mezcal Bacanora, el mercado tijuanense; el cual es el municipio más poblado del país con 1 millón 922 mil 523 personas, y ubicado en una zona que puede resultar estratégica para su crecimiento, pues es una de las fronteras más transitadas del mundo, por su colindancia al norte con el condado de San Diego en California, Estados Unidos. El objetivo es determinar el potencial del mercado, definiendo el número de consumidores de bebidas alcohólicas destiladas de agave artesanal entre sus habitantes, algunos rasgos característicos de estos y ofrecer una visión para implementar una posible estrategia de introducción de la marca/producto a este mercado. Se utilizó el método de recolección de datos cuantitativo, no probabilístico, por conveniencia y trasversal; la información se recabó mediante una encuesta que permitió conocer las características, gustos y percepciones del mercado objetivo. Dentro de los resultados más representativos se observó que dentro de las personas que consumen destilados el 35 % aún desconoce el Bacanora, pero el 90 % considera probarlo

    Formation of the male pronucleus, organization of the first interphase monaster, and establishment of a perinuclear plasm domain in the egg of the glossiphoniid leech theromyzon rude

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    Whole-mounted or sectioned eggs of the glossiphoniid leech Theromyzon rude were studied under the dissecting, fluorescence, light, and electron microscope. The egg is often penetrated by a single sperm that enters the animal hemisphere and becomes subjected to migration block. The latter is released shortly before or after discharge of the first pole cell, when the sperm centrosome initiates aster formation, the nucleus begins to be untwisted, and its chromatin decondensed. Sperm centration occurs along one side of the egg and appears to follow an arc-like trajectory as a result of vegetal and inward movements affected by colchicine and cytochalasin B but not by taxol. Results indicate that growing microtubules are needed for both movements, whereas actin filaments are essential for the vegetalward movement only. The sperm centrosome becomes the main microtubule organizing center (MTOC) of the egg and concomitantly originates the elaborate first interphase monaster. Additional peripherally situated MTOC form cytaster-like bodies whose visualization is improved by taxol treatment. A voluminous centrosphere, formed around the sperm centrosome, becomes a center of organelle accumulation, giving rise to a perinuclear plasm domain. This process seems to involve both import and replication of organelles

    Structure and development of the egg of the glossiphoniid leech Theromyzon rude: Reorganization of the fertilized egg during completion of the first meiotic division

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    Reorganization of the fertilized egg during completion of the first meiotic division was studied in the glossiphoniid leech Theromyzon rude. Rotation of the meiotic spindle, presumably as a result of changes in the length and arrangement of astral fibers, allows one of its poles to approach the prospective animal pole (AP), which appears as a differentiated region of the ectoplasm. The peripheral spindle pole is greatly modified during its anchorage to the AP and is dismantled upon emission of the first pole cell. Meanwhile, the central spindle pole is less modified and is reused during the second meiotic division. Redistribution of microvilli, as well as rearrangement of the ectoplasmic actin lattice, lead to remodeling of the egg surface. Emission of the first pole cell is preceded by a contraction wave that seems to arise by condensation of subcortical actin filaments at the equator of the egg. Poleward displacement of this wave causes evagination of the AP and ooplasmic segregatio

    Evaluación general del estado actual de la automatización de bibliotecas de universidades públicas del Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México

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    The aim of this study is to know where is the automation of university libraries in Mexico, knowing that by attempting to cover a large object of study runs the risk of doing a job that requires much time for research. That's why this work has been defined to present the current status of automation in academic libraries in public higher education institutions, which belong to the Metropolitan Area of ​​Mexico City and thus initiate an investigation to which can give monitoring, to know, in the future, the real situation of the automation university libraries in our country

    Formation of polar cytoplasmic domains (teloplasms) in the leech egg is a three-step segregation process

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    Segregation and proliferation of mitochondria, leading to formation of the teloplasms (pole plasms), were studied in eggs of the leech T. rude by immunocytochemistry, fluorescent time lapse video imaging, confocal and electron microscopy. The translocation of mitochondria was analyzed after loading the egg with either Rhodamine 123 or a Mitotracker. Mitochondrial proliferation was assessed after pulse labeling with BrdU. The involvement of the cytoskeleton in the segregation process was determined by drug action. The teloplasms form during the first interphase as consequence of a 3-step sequential process of mitochondrial redistribution throughout the egg cytoplasm. The first step is a microtubule dependent process of ectoplasm thickening due to centrifugal mitochondrial transportation from the neighboring endoplasm. During the second step mitochondria move in the plane of the ectoplasm to become concentrated at the wall of rings (polar rings) and bands of contraction. This process ap

    Ultrastructural changes of visceral peritoneum in patients with gastric cancer

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    Introducción: las metástasis peritoneales ocurren en más de la mitad de los pacientes con cáncer gástrico. Los mecanismos involucrados han sido poco estudiados y son pobremente conocidos. Experimentalmente se sabe que las células neoplásicas exfoliadas del tumor primario, sólo pueden implantarse y proliferar en áreas de peritoneo dañado o en áreas de denudación mesotelial. Objetivos: estudiar la ultraestructura peritoneal en controles y en pacientes con cáncer gástrico precoz y avanzado. Material y Método: Se estudiaron 14 pacientes con adenocarcinoma gástrico (4 mucosos/submucosos/musculares y 10 serosos) y 4 pacientes operados por patología benigna como controles. Se tomó muestra de peritoneo sano en la raíz del mesenterio (1,5 x 1,5 cm) y se obtuvo muestra de lavado peritoneal para estudio de células neoplásicas. Cada muestra fue fijada en glutaraldehido al 2,5%, deshidratada con acetona, secada y metalizada con oro-paladio. Se hizo evaluación ciega de cada muestra con Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (10 campos con aumento de X 1250). Se excluyó pacientes con cirugía previa abdominal y con citología peritoneal (+) para células neoplásicas. Resultados: En el grupo control se encontró muy abundantes microvellosidades en la superficie y tenue definición de las uniones intercelulares (Normal). En casos con cáncer se observó disminución de las microvellosidades y pérdida de las uniones intercelulares (Patrón de Mosaico). Además se encontró pérdida de la estructura poligonal, aumento de la separación entre las células con pérdida focal de células mesoteliales dejando expuesta la lámina propia (Patrón de Denudación). Para cada grupo se encontró la siguiente distribución según patrones de normalidad, mosaico o denudación. Grupo control: 90,1%, 7,6% y 2,3% respectivamente. Grupo con cáncer mucoso/submucoso/ muscular: 97,9%, 0% y 2,1% respectivamente. Grupo con cáncer seroso: 40,8%, 41,9% y 17,3% respectivamente (p<0,001 comparado con los dos primeros grupos, test exacto de Fisher). Conclusiones: En pacientes con cáncer gástrico seroso, existe una significativa alteración del peritoneo visceral a distancia, expresado por la pérdida de la arquitectura normal y por denudación focal celular del mesotelio que es el requisito para la implantación metastásica. Esta alteración no se asocia con células cancerosas libres en la cavidad peritoneal y se plantea que estos cambios pueden expresar mecanismos necesarios que anteceden a la metastización peritoneal del adenocarcinoma gástrico

    Gene expression and chromosomal location for susceptibility to Sjögren's syndrome

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    Primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting mainly the exocrine glands. Its physio-pathology is poorly understood and most of the knowledge has been related to the inflammatory component. The aim of this work was to evaluate gene expression profiling in fractions enriched in epithelial cells from labial salivary glands (LSGs) of patients with primary SS and identify chromosomal regions harboring susceptibility genes expressed in epithelial cells. A combined approach of gene expression and genome-wide association study was used. Enriched epithelial cell fractions were obtained from LSGs of patients and controls. Amplified total RNA was labeled and hybridized to 10K cDNA microarrays. Results were normalized and subjected to statistical and functional analysis. A genome-wide microsatellite screen at 10 cM resolution (393 markers) was performed. In salivary gland-epithelial cells from patients 528 genes were expressed differentially in comparison to controls. Pathways not previously linked to disease were found to be altered. Twenty-eight and 15 genes associated with apoptosis were up-regulated and down regulated, respectively. Interferon-related genes, most of which participated in interferon signaling, were also found to be up-regulated. From the genome-wide screen, 6 markers showed evidence of highly significant association with the disease. Of these, five loci harbor genes differentially expressed in patients LSG-epithelial cells. Our results show that in enriched gland-epithelial cells of pSS, both pro-apoptotic/anti-apoptotic and interferon signaling inhibition/stimulation balances may occur. Genes found over-expressed in epithelial cells are candidates for disease susceptibility. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Gene expression and chromosomal location for susceptibility to Sjögren's syndrome

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    Primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting mainly the exocrine glands. Its physio-pathology is poorly understood and most of the knowledge has been related to the inflammatory component. The aim of this work was to evaluate gene expression profiling in fractions enriched in epithelial cells from labial salivary glands (LSGs) of patients with primary SS and identify chromosomal regions harboring susceptibility genes expressed in epithelial cells. A combined approach of gene expression and genome-wide association study was used. Enriched epithelial cell fractions were obtained from LSGs of patients and controls. Amplified total RNA was labeled and hybridized to 10K cDNA microarrays. Results were normalized and subjected to statistical and functional analysis. A genome-wide microsatellite screen at 10 cM resolution (393 markers) was performed. In salivary gland-epithelial cells from patients 528 genes were expressed differentially in comparison to controls. Pathways not previously linked to disease were found to be altered. Twenty-eight and 15 genes associated with apoptosis were up-regulated and down regulated, respectively. Interferon-related genes, most of which participated in interferon signaling, were also found to be up-regulated. From the genome-wide screen, 6 markers showed evidence of highly significant association with the disease. Of these, five loci harbor genes differentially expressed in patients LSG-epithelial cells. Our results show that in enriched gland-epithelial cells of pSS, both pro-apoptotic/anti-apoptotic and interferon signaling inhibition/stimulation balances may occur. Genes found over-expressed in epithelial cells are candidates for disease susceptibility. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved