12 research outputs found

    Herramienta educativa sobre cuidados básicos de enfermería en el recién nacido dirigida a padres de la unidad de cuidado intensivo e intermedio neonatal en un hospital de iv nivel en Bogotá

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    54 páginasSe realizo un proyecto de gestión para la unidad de cuidado intensivo e intermedio neonatal de un hospital de IV nivel en la ciudad de Bogotá, el objetivo principal de éste proyecto fue diseñar una herramienta educativa dirigida a los padres sobre cuidados bàsicos de enfermería en el recien nacido. Mediante la metodologia del Marco lógico se planteó, desarrolló e implementó parte del proyecto y por medio de un plan de acción se realizó la búsqueda y análisis de la información y se diseñó una cartilla con los cuidados básicos de enfermería en el recien nacido. Como producto final se obtuvo una cartilla y se desarrolló una propuesta de socialización para las enfermeras de la unidad y para los padres con el fin de socializar, unificar conceptos y conocimientos e implementar la cartilla como herramienta educativa en el momento de educación brindado por la enfermera.Especialización en Enfermería en Cuidado Crítico con énfasis en NeonatoEspecialista en Enfermería en Cuidado Crítico con énfasis en Neonat

    PPD-induced monocyte mitochondrial damage is associated with a protective effect to develop tuberculosis in BCG vaccinated individuals: A cohort study.

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    INTRODUCTION:The mechanisms of mononuclear phagocyte death have been associated with the permissiveness and resistance to mycobacterial replication, but it remains unknown whether or not they help predict the risk of developing TB. OBJECTIVE:To describe the factors associated with the induction of monocyte mitochondrial and membrane damage in response to PPD as well as determine if this type of damage might predict the susceptibility of developing active tuberculosis in a cohort of household contacts (HHCs) from Medellin, Colombia from 2005 to 2008. METHODS:The prospective cohort study contains 2060 HHCs patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who were meticulously followed for two years. A survey of the socio-demographic, clinical, epidemiological factors and blood samples were collected. Mononuclear cell cultures were stimulated with or without PPD and the type of monocyte death was determined by the flow of cytometry, an indicator was also used for its analysis. Logistic regression was adjusted by the Generalized Estimations Equations and the survival was estimated with the Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression. Confidence intervals were used for estimating the association. RESULTS:1,859 out of 2,060 blood samples of the HHCs patients analyzed showed monocyte death. In response to PPD, 83.4% underwent mitochondrial damage while 50.9% had membrane damage. The membrane damage in response to PPD was higher in children under 4 years (OR: 1.57; (95% CI: 1.1 to 2.4) and the HHCs who slept regularly in the same household has an index case of (OR: 1.54; 95% CI: 1.0 to 2.3). After adjustment by age, comorbidities, nutritional status, proximity to index case and overcrowding, the risk of developing active TB among BCG vaccinated HHCs individuals with induction of mitochondrial damage was HR = 0.19 (95% CI: 0.1 to 0.5). CONCLUSIONS:The induction of monocytes mitochondrial damage by PPD stimulation correlates with protection of TB disease development in BCG-vaccinated HHCs. This represents a potential tool to predict susceptibility of developing active disease in this population

    Effect of PPD stimulation on mitochondrial and cell membrane damage in mononuclear phagocytes from household contacts of smear-positive patients in Colombia.

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    <p>The level of mitochondrial damage was calculated as the difference between the percentage of PPD stimulated cells minus the percentage of non-stimulated cells for mitochondrial damage and cell membrane damage.</p

    Effect of the induction of mitochondrial monocyte damage and BCG vaccination on the probability of developing tuberculosis in household contacts (HHC) of smear-positive TB patients.

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    <p>The dotted line shows the probability of the HHC that did not have mitochondrial damage (MD -); the black line shows the probability of HHC that did have mitochondrial damage (MD+). Household contacts of smear-positive patients were followed up for two years to detect development of active TB disease. Probabilities were calculated by Kaplan-Meier and compared by Log-Rank test. HR: Hazard Ratio.</p