23 research outputs found

    Adjustment process of reasonable accommodation for students with disability

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    本研究の一部はJSPS科研費15K01683の助成を受けた。 本研究の一部は第45回中国四国大学保健管理研究集会(平成27年8月,徳島市),並びに第53回全国大学保健管理研究集会(平成27年9月,盛岡市)で発表した

    初年次基礎教育科目における予習課題および復習、Google Classroom を使用した小テストの学生の実施状況および学生からの評価

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     初年次基礎教育科目「疾病治療概論」における予習課題、復習、Google Classroom を使用した小テストに対する評価を明らかにすることを目的として、A 大学の1 年生を対象にアンケート調査を行った。72 名より回答があり(回収率97.3%)、予習課題は授業内容の理解に役立ったかの質問には、“そう思う”が40.3%、“ややそう思う”が52.8%であった。復習は授業内容の理解に役立ったかの質問には、“そう思う”が61.4%、“ややそう思う”が38.6%であった。小テストは授業内容の理解に役立ったかの質問には、“そう思う”が56.3%、“ややそう思う”42.3%であり、今後の授業でもGoogle Classroom を使った小テストを希望する学生は65.3%であった。 web 経由でスマートフォンから手軽に解答できるツールは、授業内容の理解を高めることに有効であり、新型コロナウイルス感染症が流行している状況においても学習の継続に貢献できる可能性が示された

    Characterizing user demographics in posts related to breast, lung and colon cancer on Japanese twitter (X)

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    Abstract Various cancer-related information is spreading on social media. Our study aimed to examine the account types associated with cancer-related tweets (currently known as posts) on Twitter (currently known as X) in Japan, specifically focusing on breast, lung, and colon cancer. Using the Twitter application programming interface, we collected tweets containing keywords of the three cancers type in August–September 2022. The accounts were categorized into seven types: Survivor, Patient’s family, Healthcare provider, Public organization, Private organization, News, and Other according to account name and texts. We analyzed the sources of the top 50 most liked and retweeted tweets. Out of 7753 identified tweets, breast cancer represented the majority (62.8%), followed by lung cancer (20.8%) and colon cancer (16.3%). Tweets came from 4976 accounts. Account types varied depending on the cancer type, with breast cancer topics more frequently from Survivor (16.0%) and lung cancer from Patient’s family (16.3%). Healthcare provider and Public organization had minimal representation across three cancer types. The trends in the top 50 tweets mirrored the distribution of accounts for each cancer type. Breast cancer-related tweets had the highest frequency. There were few from public organizations. These findings emphasize the need to consider the characteristics of cancer-related information sources when sharing and gathering information on social media

    Fact-Checking Cancer Information on Social Media in Japan: Retrospective Study Using Twitter

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    BackgroundThe widespread use of social media has made it easier for patients to access cancer information. However, a large amount of misinformation and harmful information that could negatively impact patients’ decision-making is also disseminated on social media platforms. ObjectiveWe aimed to determine the actual amount of misinformation and harmful information as well as trends in the dissemination of cancer-related information on Twitter, a representative social media platform. Our findings can support decision-making among Japanese patients with cancer. MethodsUsing the Twitter app programming interface, we extracted tweets containing the term “cancer” in Japanese that were posted between August and September of 2022. The eligibility criteria were the cancer-related tweets with the following information: (1) reference to the occurrence or prognosis of cancer, (2) recommendation or nonrecommendation of actions, (3) reference to the course of cancer treatment or adverse events, (4) results of cancer research, and (5) other cancer-related knowledge and information. Finally, we selected the top 100 tweets with the highest number of “likes.” For each tweet, 2 independent reviewers evaluated whether the information was factual or misinformation, and whether it was harmful or safe with the reasons for the decisions on the misinformation and harmful tweets. Additionally, we examined the frequency of information dissemination using the number of retweets for the top 100 tweets and investigated trends in the dissemination of information. ResultsThe extracted tweets totaled 69,875. Of the top 100 cancer-related tweets with the most “likes” that met the eligibility criteria, 44 (44%) contained misinformation, 31 (31%) contained harmful information, and 30 (30%) contained both misinformation and harmful information. Misinformation was described as Unproven (29/94, 40.4%), Disproven (19/94, 20.2%), Inappropriate application (4/94, 4.3%), Strength of evidence mischaracterized (14/94, 14.9%), Misleading (18/94, 18%), and Other misinformation (1/94, 1.1%). Harmful action was described as Harmful action (9/59, 15.2%), Harmful inaction (43/59, 72.9%), Harmful interactions (3/59, 5.1%), Economic harm (3/59, 5.1%), and Other harmful information (1/59, 1.7%). Harmful information was liked more often than safe information (median 95, IQR 43-1919 vs 75.0 IQR 43-10,747; P=.04). The median number of retweets for the leading 100 tweets was 13.5 (IQR 0-2197). Misinformation was retweeted significantly more often than factual information (median 29.0, IQR 0-502 vs 7.5, IQR 0-2197; P=.01); harmful information was also retweeted significantly more often than safe information (median 35.0, IQR 0-502 vs 8.0, IQR 0-2197; P=.002). ConclusionsIt is evident that there is a prevalence of misinformation and harmful information related to cancer on Twitter in Japan and it is crucial to increase health literacy and awareness regarding this issue. Furthermore, we believe that it is important for government agencies and health care professionals to continue providing accurate medical information to support patients and their families in making informed decisions

    Do infections with disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex precede sweet's syndrome? A case report and literature review

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    Sweet's syndrome is reportedly associated with preceding nontuberculous mycobacterial infections (NTMIs). Here, we report on a systemic Mycobacterium intracellulare infection in a patient on corticoid therapy for Sweet's syndrome. Literature searches show that 69.1% of patients with Sweet's syndrome and NTMIs developed this syndrome later than NTMIs and 89.3% of them developed during the clinical course of a rapidly growing mycobacterial infection. The residual cases were associated with slow-growing mycobacteria (14.3%), but only three cases of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infections before the onset of Sweet's syndrome have been reported, and all of them were caused by disseminated MAC disease. One of these cases developed during corticoid therapy for Sweet's syndrome, while another case had underlying diabetes mellitus. Hence, the occurrence of systemic MAC disease may be an inevitable consequence of long-term steroid use and underlying diseases. Literature searches also show that cervical lymphadenitis was a predominant symptom in NTMIs (90.5%). The present case did not have cervical lymphadenitis although the previously reported MAC cases did experience it. Therefore, lymphadenitis from NTMIs may be related to the pathogenesis of Sweet's syndrome. Hence, should a patient have systemic infection without lymphadenitis, it will be more difficult to clinically confirm that MAC disease is a predisposing factor for Sweet's syndrome

    Mutation of the Plastidial α-Glucan Phosphorylase Gene in Rice Affects the Synthesis and Structure of Starch in the Endosperm[W]

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    Plastidial phosphorylase (Pho1) accounts for ∼96% of the total phosphorylase activity in developing rice (Oryza sativa) seeds. From mutant stocks induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea treatment, we identified plants with mutations in the Pho1 gene that are deficient in Pho1. Strikingly, the size of mature seeds and the starch content in these mutants showed considerable variation, ranging from shrunken to pseudonormal. The loss of Pho1 caused smaller starch granules to accumulate and modified the amylopectin structure. Variation in the morphological and biochemical phenotype of individual seeds was common to all 15 pho1-independent homozygous mutant lines studied, indicating that this phenotype was caused solely by the genetic defect. The phenotype of the pho1 mutation was temperature dependent. While the mutant plants grown at 30°C produced mainly plump seeds at maturity, most of the seeds from plants grown at 20°C were shrunken, with a significant proportion showing severe reduction in starch accumulation. These results strongly suggest that Pho1 plays a crucial role in starch biosynthesis in rice endosperm at low temperatures and that one or more other factors can complement the function of Pho1 at high temperatures