1,209 research outputs found


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    Portland cement is generally made of clay, lime, iron sand, silica sand and alumina sand, In this research, the manufacture of cement by using the material in the form of Sidoarjo mud because it has a clay content that resembles that of 2,34% CaO, 6,52% Al2O3, SiO2 Fe2O3 67,63% and 4,88%, making it possible to make an manufacture of Portland cement with addition of CaO and through the combustion process, Research done by mixing mud in Sidoarjo in chalk in some variation ratio of 40:60; 37,5:62,5; 35:65; 32,5:67,5 and 30:70, After a homogeneous mixture and then baked in the furnace at a temperature variation 1200o C with the time allowed is 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes, Cement is then the compressive strength test and analyzed levels of the chemical, Retrieved best conditions on a comparison between proportion of Sidoarjo mud and lime 30:70, 3 hours burning time and compressive strength value of 13,00 kg / cm2 for ages 3 days and 15,08 kg / cm2 to age 7 days

    Wave Localization and Density Bunching in Pair Ion Plasmas

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    By investigating the nonlinear propagation of high intensity electromagnetic (EM) waves in a pair ion plasma, whose symmetry is broken via contamination by a small fraction of high mass immobile ions, it is shown that this new and interesting state of (laboratory created) matter is capable of supporting structures that strongly localize and bunch the EM radiation with density excess in the region of localization. Testing of this prediction in controlled laboratory experiments can lend credence, inter alia, to conjectures on structure formation (via the same mechanism) in the MEV era of the early universe.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted for publication by Physics of Plasma

    Penataan Kawasan Kumuh (Pulo Geulis) Kelurahan Babakan Pasar Kecamatan Bogor Tengah Kota Bogor

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    Meningkatnya kawasan kumuh perkotaan adalah dampak adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat terhadap konflik kemampuan dan kebutuhan akan hunian. Penanganan kawasan kumuh dengan menggusur penduduk seringkali memunculkan masalah baru yang sama peliknya, sehingga perlu dicari alternative penanganan dengan bantuan stakeholders dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dan lingkungan. Masalah permukiman kumuh dikota-kota besar seperti di Kota Bogor belum bisa diatasi dengan baik, salh satunya adalah masalah permukiman kumuh di bantaran sungai, salah satunya adalah Pulo Geulis yang berada di Kelurahan Babakan Pasar Kecamatan Bogor Tengah Kota Bogor. Berdasarkan kesimpulan hasil analisis terhadap Penataan kawasan Kumuh Pulo Geulis Kelurahan Babakan Pasar Kecamatan Bogor Tengah Kota Bogor disimpulkan bahwa: minimnya aksesibilitas menuju atau keluar wilayah, kekumuhan yang terjadi juga dikarenakan kondisi fasilitas dan utulitas yang di lokasi studi saat ini belum memenuhi standar yang layak dan belum mengakomodasikan kebutuhan fasilitas pendukung untuk Kenyamana dan keamana masyarakat, ditambah rendahnya penghasilan masyarakat Pulo Geulis yang mengakibatkan ketidak mampuan dalam memperbaiki fisik lingkungan wilayah sendiri

    Acceleration of Plasma Flows Due to Reverse Dynamo Mechanism

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    The "reverse-dynamo" mechanism - the amplification/generation of fast plasma flows by micro scale (turbulent) magnetic fields via magneto-fluid coupling is recognized and explored. It is shown that macro-scale magnetic fields and flows are generated simultaneously and proportionately from micro scale fields and flows. The stronger the micro-scale driver, the stronger are the macro-scale products. Stellar and astrophysical applications are suggested.Comment: 16 pages including 3 figures. The Astrophys. J. (accepted); additional material is given for clarification; terminology is change

    Wakamono Kotoba “Maji” dalam Kalimat Percakapan Bahasa Jepang Ditinjau dari Segi Sosiolinguistik

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    This research aimed at affecting social factor and situation factor toword the using of maji in Japanese conversation's sentence. This research used qualitative approach and analyzed by William Labov's social factor theory and Fishman's situation factor theory. The subject in this research was the word maji used in Japanese conversation sentences from Japanese dramas called Koinaka and Summer Nude. Data collection's method was “simak” method and used “simak bebas libat cakap” technic and taking note method. Data analyse's method was “padan” method or “extralingual padan” method and used “hubung banding menyamakan” technic. The result shows that in social factor, the word maji often used by middle class people in every sector of works, and used by educated people or in process of education. The word maji used by people around adolescent to adult, when the listener around adolescent to elder. The word maji can be used by male or female. In situation factor, the word of maji often be used in informal conversation with various topics. Non-standard language variety often be used in conversation when using maji
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