2 research outputs found

    A case report: the first successful cochlear implant in Uganda.

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    Hearing impairment is a significant disability. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of the world\u2019s approximately 120 million people with hearing impairment live in developing countries. Cochlear implant is the only therapeutic intervention for those with severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss. We are reporting an interesting case of the very first cochlear implant operation carried out in Uganda. The patient was a 23 year old male whose presenting complaint was inability to hear in the left ear for three and a half years and in the right ear for one year. He had been treated for TB(Tuberculosis) mastoiditis . After the 8 months of treatment, the otorrhea persisted and he underwent a tympanomastoidectomy on the same ear. He reported no familial history of hearing loss. On examination, ENT examination revealed a small pars flaccida retration pocket of the right tympanic membrane with cholesteatoma. The left ear had an intact tympanic membrane. Pure tone audiometry revealed profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears( see attached PTA results), CT scan of the temporal bone showed normal inner ear anatomy bilaterally and mild sclerotic changes in both mastoid bones. He then had surgery on his right ear which included cochlear implantation. The cochlear implant (CI) was activated on the first postoperative day remotely via internet with the help of the cochlear implant team at New York University Cochlear Implant Center and the patient was immediately able to appreciate some sounds. He received a pneumococcal vaccine on the first postoperative day and was discharged the following day

    Uvula infections and traditional uvulectomy: Beliefs and practices in Luwero district, central Uganda.

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    Uvulitis is the inflammation and swelling of the uvula, usually associated with infection of nearby structures. Uvulitis can be treated symptomatically, using medication or in some cases with uvulectomy, the uvula surgical removal or shortening. Traditional uvulectomy by traditional practitioners has been practiced in Africa for ages, associated with adverse outcomes. Although there is no empirical evidence for the association between adverse outcomes and traditional uvulectomy in Uganda, anecdotal findings showed incidents of uvula infections following uvulectomy in central Uganda. While these findings also indicate that traditional uvulectomy is common, the community understanding of uvulitis, the beliefs and practices are not well understood. This qualitative study sought to understand beliefs and practices using interviews with community health workers, traditional uvulectomy clients, and traditional surgeons, and focus group discussions with community members. Transcribed data were analysed in Atlas.ti 9 using thematic analysis steps. The findings show that uvula infection, locally known as "Akamiro" and the associated traditional uvulectomy are common in Luwero and beyond. "Akamiro" was described as larger than the normal, the size of a chicken heart or a big pimple, visible when a child cries, with unknown causes. Symptoms included persistent cough, diarrhoea, vomiting, loss of appetite, inability to swallow and ultimately weight loss, swollen stomach, saliva overflow, fever, breathing and speech difficulty. Diagnosis was confirmed after seeking care from health workers or in consultation with significant others and finally the traditional surgeon; in a hierarchical pattern. Uvulectomy was conducted by traditional surgeons, with surgery lasting a few minutes, in the morning or after sun-set. Tools used were razor blades, reeds, strings, wires, sickle knives and spoons. Payment was flexible; cash or in-kind. Surgeons had immense community trust, including community health workers. Interventions to support persons with uvula infections need to address the health system weaknesses, and health education