17 research outputs found

    Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae), una especie nueva del sur de los Ghats Occidentales, India

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    Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae) is described as a new species from the Idukki district of Kerala in the southern Western Ghats. Detailed description along with colour photographs, distribution map, and key to the identification of Polygala species occurring in Kerala are provided. The new species is compared with the morphologically allied P. sibirica, P. rosmarinifolia, and P. chinensis. The conservation status of the new species is assessed provisionally as Data Deficient (DD) according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.Se describe Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae) como una nueva especie del distrito de Idukki de Kerala en el sur de los Ghats occidentales. Se proporciona una descripción detallada junto con fotografías en color, un mapa de distribución y una clave para la identificación de las especies de Polygala presentes en Kerala. La nueva especie se compara con las especies morfológicamente afines P. sibirica, P. rosmarinifolia y P. chinensis. El estado de conservación de la nueva especie se evalúa provisionalmente como Datos Insuficientes (DD) de acuerdo con las Categorías y Criterios de la Lista Roja de la UICN

    Kalanchoe dineshii (Crassulaceae), una nueva especie del sur de los Ghats occidentales, India

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    A new species of Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae), K. dineshii Syam Radh & Nampy, is described and illustrated. The new species occurs in the Mathikettan Shola National Park in southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India, and it is only known from the Idukki district. It is morphologically most similar to K. bhidei, but distinguished from the latter by its small stature (30-40 cm high), obovate to obtrullate sessile leaves adnate to stem in the basal ¼th, and widely ovate calyx lobes. Information is also given on the distribution, habitat, phenology, and conservation status of the new taxon.Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae), K. dineshii Syam Radh & Nampy. La nueva especie se encuentra en el Parque Nacional Mathikettan Shola, en el sur de los Ghats occidentales, Kerala, India, y solo se conoce del distrito de Idukki. Es similar en su morfología a K. bhidei, pero puede distinguirse de ésta por su menor tamaño (30-40 cm de altura), hojas sésiles, de obovadas a obtruladas, adnatas al tallo en 1/4 de su longitud, y lóbulos del cáliz anchamente ovados. Se aporta también información sobre la distribución, hábitat, fenología y estatus de conservación de este nuevo taxón

    Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae), a new species from the southern Western Ghats, India

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    Polygala idukkiana (Polygalaceae) is described as a new species from the Idukki district of Kerala in the southern Western Ghats. Detailed description along with colour photographs, distribution map, and key to the identification of Polygala species occurring in Kerala are provided. The new species is compared with the morphologically allied P. sibirica, P. rosmarinifolia, and P. chinensis. The conservation status of the new species is assessed provisionally as Data Deficient (DD) according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria

    Henckelia khasiana, una nueva especie de Gesneriaceae de la India

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    A new species of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae) is here described and illustrated. It is morphologically most similar to H. oblongifolia but differs in having lanceolate calyx lobes, two prominent longitudinal flaps on the inner surface of the corolla tube, bilobed stigma and tomentose capsules. A detailed description of the new species with colour photographs, affinities and a comparison with related species is given. Based on the present data, the new species is provisionally assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Henckelia (Gesneriaceae). Esta nueva especie es similar a H. oblongifolia, de la que se diferencia por tener lóbulos del cáliz lanceolados, dos láminas longitudinales prominentes en la superficie interna del tubo de la corola, estigma bilobulado y cápsulas tomentosas. Se proporciona una descripción detallada de la nueva especie y fotografías en color de sus principales órganos. Sobre la base de los datos actuales, se evalúa provisionalmente como en Peligro Crítico (CR) de acuerdo con las categorías y criterios de la Lista Roja de la IUCN

    Kalanchoe dineshii (Crassulaceae), a new species from southern Western Ghats, India

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    A new species of Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae), K. dineshii Syam Radh & Nampy, is described and illustrated. The new species occurs in the Mathikettan Shola National Park in southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India, and it is only known from the Idukki district. It is morphologically most similar to K. bhidei, but distinguished from the latter by its small stature (30-40 cm high), obovate to obtrullate sessile leaves adnate to stem in the basal ¼th, and widely ovate calyx lobes. Information is also given on the distribution, habitat, phenology, and conservation status of the new taxon

    Una nueva especie de Parasopubia (Orobanchaceae) del sur de las Ghats occidentales, India

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    Parasopubia raghavendrae, a new species of Orobanchaceae is described from the southern Western Ghats of Kerala. It resembles P. delphinifolia and P. hofmannii var. hofmannii by its habit, shape, colour and hairiness of corolla lobes but differs by length of calyx tube, hairiness of staminal filaments and stomium, and shape and ornamentation of seeds. Parasopubia raghavendrae is hitherto known only from the type locality Mathikettan Shola National Park in Idukki district, Kerala. Detailed description of the new species along with colour photographs and comparison with its closely similar species are given. We also assessed provisionally the conservation status of the new species as Critically Endangered (CR) according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.Parasopubia raghavendrae, una nueva especie de Orobanchaceae se describe para el sur del Ghats occidental de Kerala. Se asemeja a P. delphinifolia y P. hofmannii var. hofmannii por su hábito, forma, color e indumento de los lóbulos de la corola, y difiere de ellas por la longitud del tubo del cáliz, indumento del filamento estaminal y del estomio, y la forma y ornamentación de las semillas. Hasta ahora, P. raghavendrae solo se conoce para la localidad tipo del Parque Nacional de Mathikettan Shola, en el distrito de Idukki, Kerala. Se proporciona la descripción detallada de la nueva especie junto con fotografías en color y una comparativa con las especies más similares. Así mismo, se evalúa provisionalmente el estado de conservación de la nueva especie con la categoría en Peligro Crítico (CR) de acuerdo a los Criterios de la Lista Roja de la UICN


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    Volume: 19Start Page: 133End Page: 13

    Induced cleistogamy: A strategy for reproductive assurance in Murdannia nudiflora (Commelinaceae)

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    Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan is a day flower that is dependent on entomophilous pollination. Despite the lack of pollinator attractants and its short flower longevity, M. nudiflora shows high rates of fecundity, which lead to their rapid dispersal. In addition to monitoring the vegetative reproductive methods and the effect of select environmental parameters (atmospheric temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation rates) in M. nudiflora, we evaluated mating systems in this species via artificial crosses. This species has evolved to undergo autogamy to ensure reproductive success when pollinators are insufficient; cleistogamous flowers are produced for optimal pollinator activity when environmental conditions are unfavorable. The number of cleistogamous flowers produced was found to be positively correlated with humidity and precipitation rates, and negatively correlated with temperature. In addition, it was found that high humidity and precipitation always hinder insect pollinators. Therefore, the combination of vegetative reproduction, entomophily, and cleistogamous self-pollination helps this weedy species to propagate with maximum efficiency. Murdannia nudiflora employs pre-anthesis cleistogamy as a mating strategy for reproductive assurance while retaining mechanisms that promote out-crossing.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Sonerila longipedunculata sp. nov., a new species of Melastomataceae from the southern Western Ghats, India, with additional notes and lectotypification of Sonerila travancorica

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    A new species of Melastomataceae, Sonerila longipedunculata Resmi & Nampy sp. nov., is described from the southern Western Ghats, India. It is morphologically close to S. travancorica, but differs by the tuberous root stock, fleshy stems, ovate to cordate lamina, longer, angular peduncles, 3-ribbed hypanthium, ovate-elliptic petals, acute anthers, and 3-ribbed capsules. Detailed description, distribution map, and photographic images are provided. The morphological differences with relevant species are discussed. The status of the new species is provisionally assessed here as ‘critically endangered’ according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. The name Sonerila travancorica is lectotypified and its identity is discussed. The status of Sonerila longipetiolata is discussed and is synonymised under S. travancorica

    <I>Sonerila longipedunculata</I> sp. nov., a new species of Melastomataceae from the southern Western Ghats, India, with additional notes and lectotypification of <I>Sonerila travancorica</I>

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    A new species of Melastomataceae, Sonerila longipedunculata Resmi &amp; Nampy sp. nov.,is described from the southern Western Ghats, India. It is morphologically close to S. travancorica, but diff ers by the tuberous root stock, fleshy stems, ovate to cordate lamina, longer, angular peduncles, 3-ribbed hypanthium, ovate-elliptic petals, acute anthers, and 3-ribbed capsules. Detailed description, distribution map, and photographic images are provided. The morphological diff erences with relevant species are discussed. The status of the new species is provisionally assessed here as ‘critically endangered’ according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. The name Sonerila travancoricais lectotypifi ed and its identity is discussed. The status of Sonerila longipetiolata isdiscussed and is synonymised under S. travancorica.</p