190 research outputs found
Traditional architecture in Kriva Palanka and Kriva Palanka region from 19th and the early 20th century
The town house in Kriva Palanka contains certain stylistic features, according to the development of living space in the 19th century, in the particular context of the Balkans, according to their shape, construction materials, exterior and interior design, decoration and color. The town house was formed with several specific expressive elements represented in the construction system, spatial composition and architectural decorative treatment. The spatial system of the urban house was usually consisted of a central space (porch or veranda), which connected the rooms that would be raised to its two sides. The interior that shaped the town house contained embedded chests, cupboards, decorated ceilings, fireplaces and other decorative items that formed the harmonious stylistic composition in the space. The outer shape and form of the townhouse is a result of the internal organization of space, adjusted to the site conditions and the urban matrix of deployment of building volumes. The region of Kriva Palanka contains a rich collection of preserved specimens of architectural heritage
The Traditional city architecture in Macedonia from 19 century
The monograph contains an overview of the most important features of town houses in the cities of the 19th century in Macedonia. The material is presented through a description of the specific characteristics of a house from each city, where certain local elements are noted.
The drawings show the most significant examples of dwellings that were defined in a period of several centuries, and the highest level of aesthetic, spatial and constructive values reached in the 19th century. The drawings show the external characteristics of the houses, with emphasized
compositions on the facades, defined floor levels, aesthetic details of the exterior decoration, etc.
In every city where there are preserved samples of traditional dwellings,
groups of houses are usually formed, which together with the street form a building core, as a more recognizable visual feature of the city and the panorama with the surroundings. It covers the cities that have formed a specific expression of the buildings from the 19th century, samples where
a certain concept is recognized, adapted to the climate, environment, natural environment and local perceptions of the spatial and volumetric concept of architectural buildings
Aesthetic and constructive characteristics of the traditional house in Skopje area from 19 century
The monograph contains, in addition to the analysis of the basic
characteristics of a model of traditional dwelling in Skopje, the basic
construction systems, which contain solutions related to nurturing
tradition in the Skopje region. and the applied aesthetic details of the
facade. The analysis defines the traditional residential construction of the
19th century, where the specific craft processing of the elements of the
house and the local way of construction are visible
Индустриски дизајн 2
Целта на наставата по предметот Индустриски дизајн 2 е студентите да ги согледаат влијаниjата и искуствата при создавањето на дизајнот во индустриското производство, што претставува еден сложен проектирачки процес. Притоа потребно е да ја усовршат техниката на презентирање при проектирањето и пласирањето на одредени елементи од дизајнот, врз основа на презентација на искуствата на светски признатите дизајнери.
Потребно е студентите успешно да ја применуваат методологијата на проектирањето на предметите од индустрискиот дизајн, со примена на додатни сознанија од теориската подлога која е составен дел на наставатa.
Во текот на наставата потребно е да ги усовршат сите аспекти на влијанијата и обликувањето при сложениот интердисциплинарен процес на проектирање на индустриските производи. Студентите се стекнуваат со знаење за задоволување на современите дизајнерски решенија според одредени барања на современата техника и технологија на обликување и производство на индустрискиот дизајн.
Преку следењето на наставата од овој предмет студентите добиваат сознанија и теоретско-практична подлога за процесот на дизајнирање, каде процесот на обликување добива завршна форма на комплетен проект
Traditional architecture in Ohrid and Struga from XIX century
The material from this publication is a definition of the basic characteristics of a model of a traditional dwelling-from the 19th century, which, in addition to the region of Ohrid and Struga, was also represented in the wider Balkan area. In doing so, the development stages of the evolution of the dwelling are covered, through the constructive, spatial, external decoration and the prevalence of similar buildings in these regions. Through the documentation of drawings and analyzes the traditional residential construction of the 19th century is defined, where the specific craftsmanship of the elements of the house and the local way of building are visible. The approach to the processing of the material for the model of the traditional house has not been specialized published so far, thus contributing to the meaning and need of expert material, which aims to create an expert base of data and documentation for further research. The study is intended to serve educational purposes, to create a record of the technical constructive values of buildings. The documentation has been collected, processed and prepared for publication in the past few years, in order to define the value and significance of the building heritage, which contains autochthonous characteristics, as part of the building culture of the population living in this territory
Rural architecture in southeast Macedonia from XIX century
The data presented in this publication represent an attempt to define the basic characteristics of a model of a traditional dwelling-from the 19th century, in the region of the South-Eastern part of Macedonia. Through the
documentation and researches, the development stages of the evolution of the dwelling are covered, through the constructional characteristics, the spatial differences, the external decoration and the prevalence of similar
buildings in these regions. Through the documentation of drawings and analyzes the traditional residential construction of the 19th century is
defined, where the specific craftsmanship of the elements of the house and the local way of building are visible
Space – intеrior and exterior
Space can be closed, semi-closed and open. The interior is closed and half closed space and the exterior is half closed and open space.
Forms in space occupy part of it and mutually correspond, but when the area is closed at the same time limited but is ready for framing and is open when it is completely free and provides opportunities to shape but creativity should be a high level to be filled with different content than most which closed forms are functional
Chardak-universal functional space in a traditional house from the 19th and the beginning of 20th century in Republic of Macedonia
The chardak- as most evident spatial and functional element is dominant and polyvalent meaning, where analyze its impacts in all segments of the traditional way of living and building houses. Basic spatial, functional and contextual meanings balcony related facilities in urban areas, but the same characteristics, we can conclude and habitats from rural areas in certain facilities families had a higher status in society and economic base. This analysis is concerning to his spatial structure, constructive incorporation, substantive conception, decorative harmony, communication versatility, attitude and relationship to the surrounding area and other polyvalent features
Application of symmetry in the traditional architecture of the 19th and early 20th century in Macedonia
Application of symmetric placement of structural elements, spatial structure, open layout, facade shape and overall concept is often a feature of the house from 19th and early 20th century. The applications of the ideal set of symmetric elements are considered quality contribution to architectural-constructive solution. Symmetry was observed in interior equipment with built-in furniture, the form of fences, standing on stairs, decoration of interior doors, fireplace decorations, use of facade elements, layout erkernite outlets, look at frontier, decorative elements and balcony etc.. The connection to the purpose of indoor space can be recognized on the outside facade, by grouping the window open position or the balcony. The use of anthropomorphic measures in humans is an essential starting point for dimensioning objects of traditional architecture. Most prominent and clearly visible element of symmetry is the main facade of the buildings of traditional architecture. Harmonization is achieved with symmetric solution primarily to meet the physical, technical, design and artistic concept
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