91 research outputs found

    Curvature Perturbations from a Massive Vector Curvaton

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    We study a ghost-free model of massive vector curvaton proposed in the literature, where the quick decrease of the vector background expectation value is avoided by a suitable choice of kinetic and mass functions. The curvaton perturbations of this model have been so far computed assuming that these functions are external classical quantities, and it was found that some special time evolution of these functions leads to scale invariant and statistically isotropic perturbations of the vector curvaton. However, external functions should be understood as originating from the expectation value of some additional field. Since these functions need to present a non-trivial evolution during inflation, the field cannot be trivially integrated out, and, in particular, its perturbations need to be included in the computation. We do so in a minimal implementation of the mechanism, where the additional field is identified with the inflaton. We show that, except for a narrow window of model parameters, the interaction with this field generally causes the curvature perturbations to violate statistical isotropy beyond the observational limit.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, references added and sorted, a footnote adde

    Does the detection of primordial gravitational waves exclude low energy inflation?

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    We show that a detectable tensor-to-scalar ratio (r103)(r\ge 10^{-3}) on the CMB scale can be generated even during extremely low energy inflation which saturates the BBN bound ρinf(30MeV)4\rho_{\rm inf}\approx (30 {\rm MeV})^4. The source of the gravitational waves is not quantum fluctuations of graviton but those of SU(2)SU(2) gauge fields, energetically supported by coupled axion fields. The curvature perturbation, the backreaction effect and the validity of perturbative treatment are carefully checked. Our result indicates that measuring rr alone does not immediately fix the inflationary energy scale.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Blue Tensor Spectrum from Particle Production during Inflation

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    We discuss a mechanism of particle production during inflation that can result in a blue gravitational wave (GW) spectrum, compatible with the BICEP2 result and with the r < 0.11 limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio at the Planck pivot scale. The mechanism is based on the production of vector quanta from a rolling pseudo-scalar field. Both the vector and the pseudo-scalar are only gravitationally coupled to the inflaton, to keep the production of inflaton quanta at an unobservable level (the overproduction of non-gaussian scalar perturbations is a generic difficulty for mechanisms that aim to generate a visible GW signal from particle production during inflation). This mechanism can produce a detectable amount of GWs for any inflationary energy scale. The produced GWs are chiral and non-gaussian; both these aspects can be tested with large-scale polarization data (starting from Planck). We study how to reconstruct the pseudo-scalar potential from the GW spectrum.Comment: 18 pages, single-columned, 6 figure

    Where does curvaton reside? Differences between bulk and brane frames

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    Some classes of inflationary models naturally introduce two distinct metrics/frames, and their equivalence in terms of observables has often been put in question. D-brane inflation proposes candidates for an inflaton embedded in the string theory and possesses descriptions on the brane and bulk metrics/frames, which are connected by a conformal/disformal transformation that depends on the inflaton and its derivatives. It has been shown that curvature perturbations generated by the inflaton are identical in both frames, meaning that observables such as the spectrum of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies are independent of whether matter fields---including those in the standard model of particle physics---minimally couple to the brane or the bulk metric/frame. This is true despite the fact that the observables are eventually measured by the matter fields and that the total action including the matter fields is different in the two cases. In contrast, in curvaton scenarios, the observables depend on the frame to which the curvaton minimally couples. Among all inflationary scenarios, we focus on two models motivated by the KKLMMT fine-tuning problem: a slow-roll inflation with an inflection-point potential and a model of a rapidly rolling inflaton that conformally couples to gravity. In the first model, the difference between the frames in which the curvaton resides is encoded in the spectral index of the curvature perturbations, depicting the nature of the frame transformation. In the second model, the curvaton on the brane induces a spectral index significantly different from that in the bulk and is even falsified by the observations. This work thus demonstrates that two frames connected by a conformal/disformal transformation lead to different physical observables such as CMB anisotropies in curvaton models.Comment: 16 pages, v2: published versio