458 research outputs found

    Polyamory and Kinship in Finland : Negotiating Love, Equality and the Self

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    My graduate thesis looks at polyamory, or consensual parralel relationships through the study of kinship in anthropology. I concentrate on Lévi-Strauss ideas about structural exchange in relation to David Schneiders ideas about kinship substance and Marilyn Stratherns ideas about gender. I look at how the study of kinship has been formed by the connecting of love with sex in Western discourse and how olyamorists question this connection in their practices. My aim is to understand polyamorous sociality through its own terms. I studied people identifying themselves as polyamorists in Finland. My study consisted of 12 interviews and a survey with a take of 76 espondents. My fieldwork was done in the summer of 2011, in the three major cities of Finland: Helsinki, Turku and Tampere. I found that polyamorists constituted a distinct group that differed from what has been statistically studied as the Finnish norm. They were mostly feminists, non religious urban adults. In my research I found that polyamorists were using consensuality to actively create their relationships and themselves as individuals. This was done in opposition to marriage, but it was in relation to a specifically Finnish ideal of relationships being based on equality. In their attempts to recreate equality in parrallel relationships through consensuality, polyamorists were at the same time adhering to ideals as they were changing the normative forms of relationships. I found that polyamorists were creating relatedness not through sexual intercourse, but through a particular discourse of love where love. This love was expressed as negotiation and agreements, which became central in how polyamorists defined themselves as individuals in their relationships

    Health Information for Adolescents on the Internet

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    Nutritional evaluation of grain legumes for poultry : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Poultry Nutrition at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    The nutritional value of faba beans (Vicia faba), Australian sweet lupins (Lupinus angustifolius), white lupins (Lupinus albus) and peas (Pisum sativum) grown in New Zealand for broilers were evaluated in terms of their nutritional characteristics, protein quality (protein efficiency ratio), apparent metabolisable energy, apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of amino acids and the effects on bird performance. The effects of dehulling and extrusion cooking on the nutritive value of legumes were also investigated. The first experiment discussed in Chapter 3 evaluated the effect of cultivars on the nutrient profile and protein quality of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum), Australian sweet lupins, peas and soybeans (Glycine max). With the exception of white lupins, cultivars had no effect on the proximate and fibre composition of grain legumes. Starch was the primary carbohydrate component of chickpeas and peas, whilst non-starch polysaccharides were the major carbohydrates in lupins. The legume proteins were deficient in lysine, methionine, cystine and threonine. No differences were found in protein quality between cultivars of the different grain legume species. The lowest weight gain and protein efficiency ratio, in addition to the highest relative pancreatic weight and mortality rate was found in raw soybeans, suggesting that soybeans contained high a concentration of anti-nutritional factors, such as protease inhibitors. Birds fed chickpeas, lupins and peas had a low mortality rate and relative pancreatic weight, confirming that the level of anti-nutrients in these legume seeds was low. The apparent metabolisable energy and apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of amino acids of faba beans, Australian sweet lupins, white lupins and peas were determined in the second experiment (Chapter 4). Cultivar effect on the apparent metabolisable energy values was observed only for faba beans and white lupins. Faba beans, white lupins and peas had comparable apparent metabolisable energy values, but these values were higher than those of Australian sweet lupins, and lower than that of soybean meal. No cultivar differences were found in the apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of amino acids of grain legumes. The apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of amino acids of both lupin species was found to be comparable to that of soybean meal. The effects of feeding diets containing 200 g/kg faba beans, lupins or peas on the performance, digestive tract development and litter quality of broilers were investigated in the third and fourth trials. In the cage trial (Chapter 5), the results showed that the weight gain of birds fed diets containing grain legumes was similar to that of control diet. Feed intake and feed per gain of birds fed diets containing the majority of grain legume cultivars did not differ from those fed the maize-soy diet. Birds fed diets containing faba beans had more dry and friable excreta compared to other treatment diets. The performance of birds fed diets containing 200 g/kg grain legumes during the 35 d grow-out period, in the floor pen trial (Chapter 6), confirmed the results of the cage trial. In this trial, weight gain and feed per gain of birds fed diets without meat meal were superior to those with meat meal. In cage trials, the modification of some segments of digestive tract development was probably due to the dietary NSP. Whilst in floor pen trial, digestive tract development was not influenced by the inclusion of grain legumes. The effect of methodology of determination (direct vs. difference method) on the apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of amino acids of wheat, maize, Australian sweet lupins, peas and soybean meal for broilers was evaluated in the fifth study (Chapter 7). The influence of methodology on apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of amino acids was found to vary amongst the feed ingredients. In general, the apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of amino acids of test ingredients determined by the difference method was higher than those determined by the direct method, suggesting that the use of the direct method may underestimate the apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of amino acids in low and medium protein ingredients. Data reported in Chapter 8 shows that dehulling increased the apparent metabolisable energy values of faba beans and Australian sweet lupins, but it had no beneficial effect on peas. The increase of apparent metabolisable energy values may be attributed to the decrease in non-starch polysaccharides of these legume seeds after dehulling. The removal of hulls increased the amino acid concentrations, but it had no effect on the apparent ileal digestibility coefficient of most amino acids. These results suggest that dehulling of grain legumes would be nutritionally beneficial and, likely to be economical in view of the improved amino acid concentrations and energy values. The final experiment (Chapter 9) demonstrated that extrusion of peas markedly influenced the content of crude protein, non-starch polysaccharides, starch, and trypsin inhibitors. The soluble non-starch polysaccharides and trypsin inhibitor contents of the majority of extruded pea samples were higher than those of raw peas, but insoluble and total non-starch polysaccharides decreased with extrusion. Extrusion had no effect on the apparent ileal protein digestibility and the apparent metabolisable energy of peas, but it increased ileal starch digestibility


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    This study employs a Markov chain model of vegetation dynamics to examine the economic and ecological benefits of post-fire revegetation in the Great Basin sagebrush steppe. The analysis is important because synergies between wildland fire and invasive weeds in this ecosystem are likely to result in the loss of native biodiversity, less predictable forage availability for livestock and wildlife, reduced watershed stability and water quality, and increased costs and risk associated with firefighting. The analysis is based on a parameterized state-and-transition model of vegetation change for Wyoming big sagebrush community in the Great Basin sagebrush steppe. This conceptual model was formulated into a quantitative, predictive model by implementing it as a Markov chain process that links vegetation change, management, and costs. Simulation results were used to develop cost curves for achieving ecological goals and to evaluate uncertainty in future vegetation conditions. The Markov chain model shows that post-fire revegetation using either a native seed mix or crested wheatgrass was more effective than no revegetation for achieving ecosystem objectives. Further, post-fire revegetation with either seed mix cost less than no revegetation because of resulting reductions in fire suppression costs. Consequently, post-fire revegetation makes both ecological and economic sense, and the choice of seed mix should depend on the prioritization of management objectives. Identifying the economic and ecological tradeoffs of different management strategies should enable improved management of the sagebrush-steppe, and Markov processes provide a straight-forward method for identifying these trade-offs.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Konstruksi Model Pengujian Ex Ante Terhadap Rancangan Undang-Undang Di Indonesia

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    The quality of legislation in Indonesia is often questioned when the Constitutional Court cancels several chapters of a law or even the entire law. The poor quality of legislation is influenced by powerful political factor in the legislation process. These factors have an impact on unsynchronization of laws with the constitution or disharmony with other legislation. Ex ante review in this context becomes an alternative way to prevent bad legislation because every bill should be reviewed first. In Indonesian context, the ideal model of ex ante review is not only concerning with the constitutionality, but also harmony with other laws as well as other parameters necessary to produce good legislation

    Sekularisasi, Kultur Digital dan Geliat Agama: Tantangan dan Sketsa Berteologi Digital di Indonesia

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    Secularization and digital culture are the influencing aspects that define the characteristics of religious societies in the 21st century. As a formation of the history of social change, these two elements greatly determine the efforts of religion, in doing theology and church services at the present, in the term of digital theology. Indeed, It is determined by the surprising rise of the COVID-19 pandemic which forces religious efforts to deal with digital things. As a new experience, digital theology seeks a form as to how the social change made it. Elements such as secularization,  digital culture, and church formation become the important aspects to determine the direction of doing theology. Based on these new experiences, this paper will describe a sketch of how to doing digital theology in Indonesia, especially in the case of GMIT. With the theology of incarnation as the frame, digital theology puts the relational substance (God-human, among human relationships and between the real and digital world. As the digital world as a locus, digital theology therefore over a liquid digital church and the presensia-accompaniment model of a church mission to be the sketch of doing theology in the digital context in Indonesia.AbstrakSekularisasi dan kultur digital adalah dua elemen yang berpengaruh dalam ciri keberagamaan masyarakat religius di abad ke 21. Sebagai bentukan dari sejarah perubahan sosial, kedua hal ini sangat menentukan upaya  beragama, berteologi dan bergereja  dalam konteks kekinian.  Salah satu istilah yang dikedepankan adalah teologi digital. Bentuk berteologi digital saat ini justru didorong oleh situasi pandemi COVID-19. Sebagai sebuah pengalaman dadakan dan baru berteologi secara digital menjadi upaya mencari bentuk mengikuti perubahan sosial` Elemen seperti sekularisasi dan kultur digital dan geliat beragama menjadi aspek yang menentukan arah berteologi. Dengan berpatokan pada pengalaman baru inilah tulisan ini berkenan memberikan gambaran sketsa berteologi digital di Indonesia melalui pengalaman bergereja di GMIT. Payung teologi inkarnasi yang dipakai sebagai usulan berteologi, mendasari keterkaitan relasional baik antara Allah dan manusia, antar-manusia maupun antara  dunia real dan digital. Dalam memaknai ruang digital menjadi locus berteologi, maka sketsa gereja cair digital, dan model kehadiran digital presensia dan accompaniment menjadi sebuah tawaran bergereja dan bermisi dalam konteks digital di Indonesia


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    Latar belakang: AKI dan AKB di Indonesia merupakan salah satu indikator penting untuk menilai kualitas pelayanan kesehatan disuatu wilayah, di Kota Kupang tahun 2017 jumlah AKI yaitu 2,05/1.000 KH dan AKB sebesar 48/100.000 KH Profil Kesehatan Kota Kupang Tahun 2017).AKI dan AKB dapat ditekan melalui pelayanan asuhan kebidanan secara komprehensif yang intensif dan berfokus pada asuhan sayang ibu dan sayang bayi selama masa kehamilan, persalinan, nifas, bayi baru lahir dan keluarga berencana sehingga mencegah agar tidak terjadi komplikasi. Tujuan: Menerapkan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif dengan pendekatan manajemen Kebidanan pada Ny .Y. F. di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Alak tanggal 24 Maret sampai dengan 1 Mei 2018. Metode penelitian: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelaahan studi kasus unit penelitian tunggal. Unit tunggal disini dapat berarti satu orang ibu yang diberikan asuhan sejak masa kehamilan hingga KB. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil di Puskesmas Alak Kota Kupang. Sampel yang diambil peneliti adalah G1P0A0AH0 UK 37 minggu 3 hari. Hasil: Asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada Ny.Y. F. selama hamil TM III dengan gangguan rasa nyaman yaitu sering BAK, pada persalinan secara normal, masa nifas dengan nifas normal serta BBL dengan BBL normal, dan ibu sudah menjadi akseptor baru KB suntik 3 bulan. Kesimpulan: Penulis dapat melakukan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada NY. Y.F secara mandiri, tidak ditemukan adanya penyulit pada masa kehamilan, persalinan, nifas BBL dan KB