2 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Google Classroom Media in Teaching English for Tourism at a Tourism and Business Institute

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    ABSTRACTThe present study examined the effectiveness of Google Classroom media in teaching English for tourism students at a private Tourism and Business Institute in Bali during mandatory online learning in 2020. The study was qualitative research, implementing the QAIT model for evaluating the effectiveness of Google Classroom in teaching English, involving four lecturers and 42 students. The data were collected through observations of the teaching-learning process in two classes and interviews with the lecturers. The researchers were the primary research instrument, supported by interview guides and an observation checklist. In general, the use of Google Classroom in these English for Tourism classes was only sufficiently effective, with only one lecturer performing well, two lecturers performing sufficiently, and one lecturer performing insufficiently. Obstacles identified among the students were lousy internet connection, lack of device, low motivation, and lack of readiness in using the online learning platform. In conclusion, the implementation of Google Classroom in the observed English Classroom was proven to be only sufficient. This conclusion implies the need for more training for teachers in using Google Classroom to improve the quality, appropriateness, incentive, and time-effectiveness of the teaching and learning process, especially in online learning. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengamati efektivitas media Google Classroom dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris untuk mahasiswa pariwisata di Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis swasta di Bali selama pembelajaran online wajib tahun 2020. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, mengimplementasikan model QAIT untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas Google Classroom di pengajaran bahasa Inggris, yang melibatkan empat dosen dan 42 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi proses belajar mengajar di kedua kelas dan wawancara dengan dosen. Peneliti bertindak sebagai instrumen penelitian utama, didukung oleh pedoman wawancara dan daftar periksa observasi. Secara umum penggunaan Google Classroom pada kelas Bahasa Inggris untuk Pariwisata ini baru cukup efektif, dengan hanya satu dosen yang berprestasi baik, dua dosen berprestasi cukup, dan satu dosen dirasa kurang memadai. Kendala yang ditemukan pada siswa adalah koneksi internet yang buruk, kurangnya perangkat, motivasi yang rendah, dan kurangnya kesiapan dalam menggunakan platform pembelajaran online. Kesimpulannya, penerapan Google Classroom di Kelas Bahasa Inggris yang diamati terbukti hanya cukup. Kesimpulan ini menyiratkan perlunya lebih banyak pelatihan bagi guru dalam menggunakan Google Classroom untuk meningkatkan kualitas, kesesuaian, insentif, dan efektivitas waktu proses belajar mengajar, terutama dalam pembelajaran online

    Intra-Sentential and Intra-Lexical Code Mixing in Nessie Judge’s YouTube Video Entitled “Lagu Populer + Pesan Iblis Tersembunyi”

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    As a linguistic phenomenon, code mixing is common to be identified in language users. Furthermore, YouTube as one of the online platforms has become an environment rich with the use of code mixing. Considering that YouTube might influence the language use in its audience, the following study aimed to identify the use of code-mixing presented by Indonesian content creator named Nessie Judge. Following the qualitative analysis research from Miles, Huberman, & Saldana (2014), the recent study identified the types of code mixing as presented by Hoffman namely, Intra-sentential code-mixing and Intra-lexical code-mixing. The present study identified the use of code mixing type intra-sentential and -lexical uttered by the speaker. From 114 utterances made by Nessie Judge in her video, code-mixing was identified in 86 utterances, where 53 utterances belong to intra-sentential code mixing and 13 utterances belonged to intra-lexical code mixing. The analysis revealed that the use of code mixing might be rooted in the speakers’ inability to find the equivalent words while discussing the video content.  By looking at the number of the data percentage, intra-sentential code-mixing had more data than intra-lexical code-mixing meaning that the use of intra-sentential code-mixing was more common rather than intra-lexical code-mixing. It can be concluded because the speaker in the video inserts English words at the end of sentences or in the middle of sentences most of the time. The speaker on the video was clearly seen mixed Indonesian words with English words without changing the structure or context of the sentences