11 research outputs found

    Analytic calculation of the electric field of a coherent THz pulse

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    Accelerators can serve as sources for intense THz radiation by producing sub-ps long electron bunches, which generate synchrotron radiation coherently in the THz regime. In this paper, we present an analytic method to calculate the electric field pulse emitted by an electron bunch with arbitrary bunch shape. Our method is applied to a Gaussian bunch as well as a complex bunch profile resulting from a nonlinear beam dynamics simulation

    Studies of Bunch-bunch Interactions in the ANKA Storage Ring with Coherent Synchrotron Radiation using an Ultra-fast Terahertz Detection System

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    In the low-alpha operation mode of the ANKA synchrotron light source, coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is emitted from short electron bunches. Depending on the bunch current, the radiation shows bursts of high intensity. These bursts of high intensity THz radiation display a time evolution which can be observed only on long time scales with respect to the revolution period. In addition, long range wake fields can introduce a correlation between the bunches within a bunch train and thus modify the observed behaviour. A novel detection system consisting of an ultra-fast superconducting THz detector and data acquisition system was used to investigate correlations visible on the bursting pattern and to study the interactions of very short pulses in the ANKA storage ring

    FLUTE, a linac based THz source

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    We propose a versatile THz source named FLUTE (Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test-Experiment) based on a 30 - 50 MeV S-band linac with bunch compressor, that aimsat not only producing high field THz pulses but also at serving as a test facility to study accelerator physics issues. This source is an important step towards the planned ultra-broadband THz to mid infrared user facility TBONE. Special emphasis is put on studies of bunch compression as a function of bunch charge (0.1-5 nC) and of different generation mechanisms of coherent radiation (CSR, CER, CTR). This paper describes the design and layout of the proposed FLUTE machine and presents results of beam dynamic calculations with the tracking programs ASTRA and CSRtrack. In addition, calculations for the achievable peak electrical field and spectral characteristics for one version of the FLUTE layout are shown

    Analytical bunch compression studies for a linac-based electron accelerator

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    The current paper deals with analytical bunch compression studies for FLUTE whose results are compared to simulations. FLUTE is a linac-based electron accelerator with a design energy of approximately 40 MeV currently being constructed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. One of the goals of FLUTE is to generate electron bunches with their length lying in the femtosecond regime. In the first phase this will be accomplished using a magnetic bunch compressor. This compressor forms the subject of the studies presented. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part deals with pure geometric investigations of the bunch compressor where space charge effects and the backreaction of bunches with coherent synchrotron radiation are neglected. The second part is dedicated to the treatment of space charge effects. The upshot is that the analytical results in the two parts agree quite well with what is obtained from simulations. This paper shall form the basis for future analytical studies of the FLUTE bunch compressor and of bunch compression, in general

    FLUTE: A Versatile Linac-based THz Source Generating Ultra-short Pulses

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    FLUTE is a linac-based accelerator test facility and a THz source currently being constructed at KIT with an electron beam energy of ~41 MeV. It is designed to cover a large charge range from a few pC to ~3 nC. FLUTE is optimized to provide ultra-short electron bunches with an RMS length down to a few fs. In this contribution, we focus on the layout of the machine from the RF gun & gun laser over the linac and the compressor to the THz beamline for the generation of coherent synchrotron, transition and edge radiation (CSR, CTR, CER)