4 research outputs found

    Mobility study of young women who exchange sex for money or commodities using Google Maps and qualitative methods in Kampala, Uganda.

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess mobility patterns and reasons for high mobility among young women engaged in sex work within a randomised controlled trial to gauge how mobility may hinder access to health services and enhance HIV risk in a highly vulnerable population. SETTING: Participants were recruited from a clinic in Kampala, Uganda set up for women at high risk of HIV infection. PARTICIPANTS: Adolescent girls and young women engaged in sex for money and/or commodities are at particular risk in countries with high HIV prevalence and high fertility rates. High mobility increases exposure to HIV risk. Women participants were eligible for the parent study if aged 15-24 years, HIV negative and engaged in sex work. For this substudy, 34 qualitative interviews were held with 14 sex workers (6 HIV positive, 8 HIV negative), 6 health worker/policy makers, 3 peer educators, 5 'queen mothers' and 6 male partners MEASURES: Participants used Google Maps to identify work venues at 12-month and 18-month study visits. We also conducted 34 interviews on mobility with: high-risk women, male partners, health workers and sex-worker managers. Topics included: distance, frequency and reasons for mobility. We used Python software to analyse mapping data. RESULTS: Interviews found in depth narratives describing lack of education and employment opportunities, violence, lack of agency, social, sexual and familial support networks and poverty as a complex web of reasons for high mobility among young sex workers. CONCLUSIONS: Young women at high risk are highly mobile. Reasons for mobility impact access and retention to health services and research activities. Strategies to improve retention in care should be cognisant and tailored to suit mobility patterns. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT03203200

    A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Experiences, Enablers and Barriers of Rheumatic Heart Disease Care in Uganda

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    Introduction: Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) remains a significant public health problem in countries with limited health resources. People living with RHD face numerous social challenges and have difficulty navigating ill-equipped health systems. This study sought to understand the impact of RHD on PLWRHD and their households and families in Uganda. Methods: In this qualitative study, we conducted in-depth interviews with 36 people living with RHD sampled purposively from Uganda’s national RHD research registry, stratifying the sample by geography and severity of disease. Our interview guides and data analysis used a combination of inductive and deductive methods, with the latter informed by the socio-ecological model. We ran thematic content analysis to identify codes that were then collapsed into themes. Coding was done independently by three analysts, who compared their results and iteratively updated the codebook. Results: The inductive portion of our analysis, which focused on the patient experience, revealed a significant impact of RHD on work and school. Participants often lived in fear of the future, faced limited childbirth choices, experienced domestic conflict, and suffered stigmatization and low self-esteem. The deductive portion of our analysis focused on barriers and enablers to care. Major barriers included the high out-of-pocket cost of medicines and travel to health facilities, as well as poor access to RHD diagnostics and medications. Major enablers included family and social support, financial support within the community, and good relationships with health workers, though this varied considerably by location. Conclusion: Despite several personal and community factors that support resilience, PLWRHD in Uganda experience a range of negative physical, emotional, and social consequences from their condition. Greater investment is needed in primary healthcare systems to support decentralized, patient-centered care for RHD. Implementing evidence-based interventions that prevent RHD at district level could greatly reduce the scale of human suffering. There is need to increase investment in primary prevention and tackling social determinants, to reduce the incidence of RHD in communities where the condition remains endemic

    Comparison of approaches to determine echocardiographic outcomes for children with latent rheumatic heart disease

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    Background Screening programmes using echocardiography offer opportunity for intervention through identification and treatment of early (latent) rheumatic heart disease (RHD). We aimed to compare two methods for classifying progression or regression of latent RHD: serial review method and blinded, side-by-side review.Methods A four-member expert panel reviewed 799 enrolment (in 2018) and completion (in 2020) echocardiograms from the GOAL Trial of latent RHD in Uganda to make consensus determination of normal, borderline RHD or definite RHD. Serial interpretations (enrolment and completion echocardiograms read at two different time points, 2 years apart, not beside one another) were compared with blinded side-by-side comparisons (enrolment and completion echocardiograms displayed beside one another in random order on same screen) to determine outcomes according to prespecified definitions of disease progression (worsening), regression (improving) or no change. We calculated inter-rater agreement using Cohen’s kappa.Results There were 799 pairs of echocardiogram assessments included. A higher number, 54 vs 38 (6.8% vs 4.5%), were deemed as progression by serial interpretation compared with side-by-side comparison. There was good inter-rater agreement between the serial interpretation and side-by-side comparison methods (kappa 0.89). Disagreement was most often a result of the difference in classification between borderline RHD and mild definite RHD. Most discrepancies between interpretation methods (46 of 47, 98%) resulted from differences in valvular morphological evaluation, with valves judged to be morphologically similar between enrolment and final echocardiograms when compared side by side but classified differently on serial interpretation.Conclusions There was good agreement between the methods of serial and side-by-side interpretation of echocardiograms for change over time, using the World Heart Federation criteria. Side-by-side interpretation has higher specificity for change, with fewer differences in the interpretation of valvular morphology, as compared with serial interpretation