11 research outputs found

    Ameliorasi dan Peyorasi dalam Bahasa Madura di Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    This research is based on the dynamic or change in nature of the language. It is this nature that usually causes a change of a language, especially meaning. In this case, the change in meaning that occur are amelioration and peyoration changes. These apply to every language in Indonesia, especially Madurese language. Therefore, this research aims to describe the change in the meaning of the word amelioration and peyoration and describes the function of change the meaning of ameliorate and peyoration in Madurese language in Kabupaten Kubu Raya. This research was conducted at Dusun Karya Dua, Desa Kuala Dua, Kecamatan Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Kubu Raya. The research method that used was descriptive method in the form of qualitative. Technique of collecting data that used were interview technique, record, and record. Data collection tools that used were stationery, tape recorder, and auxiliary instruments. Data an¬alysis techniques that used were comparative techniques and grammatical analysis. The function of amelioration changes, including eliminating prejudice, cultural and religious adjustments, beauty, beautification of appearance, and needs. Functions of peyoration change, including cursing, rejection, expression of irritation, self-reliance, boasting, and flexibility

    Transformation of Turkey’s Regional Policies: The Case of the KRG Referendum Debacle

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    Turkey’s response to the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq’s independence referendum took most observers by surprise. The prevailing assumption was that, despite its vocal objections, Turkey would eventually just accommodate the results of the referendum because years of engagement and a KRG-centred Iraq policy had created multi-faceted interdependencies, which would be hard to overturn. However, rhetoric dictated policy. In a counter-intuitive move, Turkey realigned its partnerships to chart a new policy which involved greater coordination with the central government of Iraq. This reaction is best understood through a study of contextual variables at regional, domestic and leadership levels which have led to major changes in Turkey’s regional policies

    Ecological Innovation Efforts and Performances: An Empirical Analysis

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    The negative effects caused by global warming and climate change have increased the need for production technologies in decreasing environmental costs. This need has brought up the eco-innovation concept. Eco-innovation policies are the main priority of the European Union in ensuring a sustainable development and in the process of cyclical economy transformation. This chapter aims to investigate the relative eco-innovation efforts and performances of the European Union countries. In order to measure the eco-innovation performances of community members by the European Union, "eco-innovation index" has been published by calculating eco-innovation scoreboard since 2010. The 16 indicators gathered from different data sources are grouped into five thematic areas (eco-innovation inputs, eco-innovation activities, eco-innovation outputs, resource efficiency outputs and socioeconomic outputs). These variables indicate the efforts and performances of the European Union countries in terms of eco-innovation. In other words, eco-innovation inputs and ecoinnovation activities are used as a proxy for eco-innovation efforts. Eco-innovation outputs, resource efficiency outputs and socioeconomic outputs are used as a proxy eco-innovation performance. Cluster analysis and discriminant analysis were used to determine the relative eco-innovation efforts and performances of the European Union countries. The results show that EU countries have different performance levels in terms of eco-innovation efforts