41 research outputs found

    Determination of hydrodynamic zones

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    U radu je opisano određivanje hidrodinamičkih zona faktorskom analizom glavnih komponenata. Na primjeru zagrebačkog vodonosnog sustava, identificirane su tri glavne hidrodinamičke zone i nekoliko manjih, koje su odraz prvenstveno lokalnih uvjeta prihranjivanja. Prva se zona nalazi u području budućeg crpilišta Črnkovec, druga u rubnim dijelovima vodonosnog sustava, a treća u uskom pojasu uz rijeku Savu. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj rijeke na prihranjivanje vodonosnih slojeva.The determination of hydrodynamic zones through factorial analysis of principal components is described in the paper. Three main and several smaller hydrodynamic zones, which are primarily representative of local recharge conditions, have been identified using the Zagreb water bearing system as an example. The first zone is located within the area of the future well field in Čulinec, the second lies in boundary areas of the water bearing system, and the third zone is situated in the narrow belt along the Sava river. It was established that the influence of the river on the recharge of water bearing strata is quite considerable

    Procjena propusnosti aluvijalnog tla korištenjem varijacije sadržaja vlage

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    The use of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity can help to define soil permeability, i.e. can contribute to the estimation of water percolation through unsaturated zone. The goal of this paper was the estimation of soil permeability at the location of case study profile Kosnica, situated in the alluvial plain of the Zagreb aquifer, Croatia, based on the variation in soil water content. Zagreb aquifer represents the only source of potable water for inhabitants of the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. The thickness of unsaturated zone of the Zagreb aquifer varies from 8 meters in NW part to 2 meters in SE part. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity values were calculated according to the granulometric composition of soil horizons and with optimized soil parameters. Variation in unsaturated hydraulic conductivity showed that the upper part of the soil profile was generally permeable throughout the 2011/2012 hydrologic year. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity calculated with optimized soil parameters gave the highest values, always greater than 1E-9 m/s. Even though the estimation of soil profile permeability would be more precise with measurements of water content and pressure head in each soil horizon, calculation performed in this manner can give the first insight in general estimation of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity variability and related soil permeability.Korištenje nesaturirane hidrauličke vodljivosti može pomoći u definiranju propusnosti tla, odnosno procjeđivanju vode kroz nesaturiranu zonu. Cilj ovog rada je procjena propusnosti tla na lokaciji profila Kosnica, koji se nalazi u aluvijalnoj ravnici zagrebačkoga vodonosnika, Republika Hrvatska, na temelju varijacije sadržaja vlage u tlu. Zagrebački vodonosnik predstavlja jedini izvor pitke vode za stanovnike Grada Zagreba i dijela Zagrebačke županije. Debljina nesaturirane zone zagrebačkoga vodonosnika varira od 8 m u sjeverozapadnom dijelu, do 2 m u jugoistočnom dijelu. Vrijednosti nesaturirane hidrauličke vodljivosti izračunate su na temelju granulometrijskog sastava horizonata tla i na temelju optimiziranih parametara tla. Varijacija nesaturirane hidrauličke vodljivosti pokazala je da je gornji dio profila općenito propustan tijekom 2011./2012. hidrološke godine. Nesaturirane hidrauličke vodljivosti proračunate na temelju optimiziranih parametara tla generirale su najviše vrijednosti, uvijek veće od 1E–9 m/s. Iako bi procjena propusnosti profila tla bila preciznija kada bi postojala mjerenja sadržaja vlage i tlaka u svakom horizontu, ovakav način proračuna može dati prvi uvid u okvirne vrijednosti varijacije nesaturirane hidrauličke vodljivosti i povezane propusnosti

    Ansatz zur Bestimmung von Grenzwerten verunreinigender Materien im Grundwasser nach den Bestimmungen der EU Direktiven und Richtlinien

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    Granične vrijednosti onečišćujućih tvari koriste se u postupcima ocjene kemijskoga stanja tijela podzemne vode i procjene rizika od nepostizanja okolišnih ciljeva za podzemne vode. U radu je detaljno obrazložena pravna osnova za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti, koja proizlazi iz EU direktiva, te su prikazane smjernice za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti iz relevantnih CIS vodiča, proizašlih iz aktivnosti Zajedničke provedbene strategije Okvirne direktive o vodama (2000/60/EZ). Razmotreni su znanstveni aspekti pristupa za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti, koji se temelje na primjeni okolišnoga kriterija, usmjerenoga prema zaštiti okoliša, i kriterija korištenja, usmjerenoga prema zaštiti pitke vode i drugih legitimnih vidova korištenja vode. Analizirana je mogućnost primjene odgovarajućih numeričkih pokazatelja djelovanja procesa razrjeđenja i procesa razgradnje onečišćujućih tvari te značenje i metode određivanja ambijentalnih pozadinskih koncentracija tvari u podzemnoj vodi. U radu su prikazani i rezultati komparativnih analiza primjene i usporedivosti metodologija za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti u državama članicama EU, provedenih tijekom 2012. i 2015. godine.Pollutant limit values are used in the procedures of chemical status assessment of groundwater bodies and risk assessment of failure to achieve environmental objectives for groundwater. The paper elaborates in detail the legal basis for determining limit values according to EU directives and presents the guidelines for determining limit values from the relevant CIS guidance documents resulting from the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). Scientific aspects of the approach to determining limit values were based on the application of the environmental criterion (environmental protection) and use criterion (protection of drinking water and other legitimate water uses). A possibility to implement suitable numerical indicators of dilution and pollutant breakdown impacts, as well as the importance and methods for determining ambient background concentrations of substances in groundwater were analysed. The paper also presents the results of comparative analyses of the implementation and comparability of methodologies for determining limit values in EU Member States, which was conducted during 2012 and 2015.Grenzwerte verunreinigender Materien benutzt man bei Verfahren zur Beurteilung des chemischen Zustandes von Grundwasserkörpern und beim Beurteilen des Risikos vom Nichterreichen der ökologischen Ziele für Grundwasser. In der Arbeit wurde die rechtliche Grundlage basierend auf EU-Direktiven detailliert erörtert. Außerdem sind die Richtlinien zur Bestimmung von Grenzwerten aus relevanten CIS Broschüren, die aus der Aktivität Gemeinsame Durchführungsstrategien der Rahmendirektive über Wasser (2000/60/EZ) hervorgegangen sind. Erwägt wurden wissenschaftliche Aspekte des Ansatzes zur Bestimmung von Grenzwerten, die auf der Anwendung des Umweltkriteriums (zum Schutz der Umwelt) und des Anwendungskriteriums (zum Schutz von Trinkwasser und anderen legitimen Anwendungen von Wasser) basieren. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeit entsprechender numerischer Indikatoren zum Verdünnungsprozess wurde analysiert, ebenso wie zum Zersetzungsprozess verunreinigender Mittel sowie die Bedeutung und die Methoden zur Bestimmung ambientaler Hintergrundkonzentrationen von Materien im Grundwasser. In der Arbeit wurden auch die Resultate vergleichender Analysen der Anwendung und Vergleichbarkeit von Methodologien zur Bestimmung von Grenzwerten in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU dargestellt, die in den Jahren 2012 und 2015 durchgeführt wurden

    Ansatz zur Bestimmung von Grenzwerten verunreinigender Materien im Grundwasser nach den Bestimmungen der EU Direktiven und Richtlinien

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    Granične vrijednosti onečišćujućih tvari koriste se u postupcima ocjene kemijskoga stanja tijela podzemne vode i procjene rizika od nepostizanja okolišnih ciljeva za podzemne vode. U radu je detaljno obrazložena pravna osnova za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti, koja proizlazi iz EU direktiva, te su prikazane smjernice za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti iz relevantnih CIS vodiča, proizašlih iz aktivnosti Zajedničke provedbene strategije Okvirne direktive o vodama (2000/60/EZ). Razmotreni su znanstveni aspekti pristupa za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti, koji se temelje na primjeni okolišnoga kriterija, usmjerenoga prema zaštiti okoliša, i kriterija korištenja, usmjerenoga prema zaštiti pitke vode i drugih legitimnih vidova korištenja vode. Analizirana je mogućnost primjene odgovarajućih numeričkih pokazatelja djelovanja procesa razrjeđenja i procesa razgradnje onečišćujućih tvari te značenje i metode određivanja ambijentalnih pozadinskih koncentracija tvari u podzemnoj vodi. U radu su prikazani i rezultati komparativnih analiza primjene i usporedivosti metodologija za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti u državama članicama EU, provedenih tijekom 2012. i 2015. godine.Pollutant limit values are used in the procedures of chemical status assessment of groundwater bodies and risk assessment of failure to achieve environmental objectives for groundwater. The paper elaborates in detail the legal basis for determining limit values according to EU directives and presents the guidelines for determining limit values from the relevant CIS guidance documents resulting from the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). Scientific aspects of the approach to determining limit values were based on the application of the environmental criterion (environmental protection) and use criterion (protection of drinking water and other legitimate water uses). A possibility to implement suitable numerical indicators of dilution and pollutant breakdown impacts, as well as the importance and methods for determining ambient background concentrations of substances in groundwater were analysed. The paper also presents the results of comparative analyses of the implementation and comparability of methodologies for determining limit values in EU Member States, which was conducted during 2012 and 2015.Grenzwerte verunreinigender Materien benutzt man bei Verfahren zur Beurteilung des chemischen Zustandes von Grundwasserkörpern und beim Beurteilen des Risikos vom Nichterreichen der ökologischen Ziele für Grundwasser. In der Arbeit wurde die rechtliche Grundlage basierend auf EU-Direktiven detailliert erörtert. Außerdem sind die Richtlinien zur Bestimmung von Grenzwerten aus relevanten CIS Broschüren, die aus der Aktivität Gemeinsame Durchführungsstrategien der Rahmendirektive über Wasser (2000/60/EZ) hervorgegangen sind. Erwägt wurden wissenschaftliche Aspekte des Ansatzes zur Bestimmung von Grenzwerten, die auf der Anwendung des Umweltkriteriums (zum Schutz der Umwelt) und des Anwendungskriteriums (zum Schutz von Trinkwasser und anderen legitimen Anwendungen von Wasser) basieren. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeit entsprechender numerischer Indikatoren zum Verdünnungsprozess wurde analysiert, ebenso wie zum Zersetzungsprozess verunreinigender Mittel sowie die Bedeutung und die Methoden zur Bestimmung ambientaler Hintergrundkonzentrationen von Materien im Grundwasser. In der Arbeit wurden auch die Resultate vergleichender Analysen der Anwendung und Vergleichbarkeit von Methodologien zur Bestimmung von Grenzwerten in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU dargestellt, die in den Jahren 2012 und 2015 durchgeführt wurden

    Uloga nagiba padina, gustoće vrtača i analize vodne bilance u izdvajanju kompleksnog slivnog područja rijeke Slunjčice (Hrvatska)

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    Due to the high vulnerability of the karst aquifer to the surface contaminants, a precisely defined catchment area has the highest priority. In this study, the influence of slope inclination, the doline density analysis, and the water budget analysis in the delineation process of a complex karst catchment area is discussed. To define hydrogeological role of lithological units, cross sections of slope inclination and doline density were combined with hydrogeological cross sections, while the degree of karstification was used to describe the permeability of rock units. The verification of karst catchment delineation area was performed with water budget analysis. The methodology used for the determination of hydrogeological behavior and delineation of a complex karst catchment area (Slunjčica River basin, Croatia) is shown with the flow diagram. It has been found that the highest doline density appears in the range from 0 to 1° of the slope inclinations, and that it decreases with a higher slope degree. Although the results of this study confirm that even with the relatively small number of input data it is possible to define the karst catchment area, it must be emphasized that the doline density analysis presents an indispensable tool in the research related to the definition of karst catchment areas.Radi vrlo visoke prirodne ranjivosti krških vodonosnika, izrazito je važno precizno određivanje slivne površine. U okviru ovog istraživanja razmatran je utjecaj nagiba terena, gustoće vrtača i vodne bilance u procesu razdvajanja složenih krških slivnih područja. Za definiranje hidrogeološke uloge pojedinih litoloških jedinica korištena je kombinacija hidrogeoloških profila s podacima o gustoći vrtača i nagibu terena, dok je za opis propusnosti pojedinih stijenskih jedinica korišten stupanj okšenosti. Za verifikaciju i provjeru izdvojenih slivnih područja korištena je vodna bilanca. Metodologija korištena za utvrđivanje hidrogeološke uloge pojedinog područja i određivanje slivnog područja (rijeka Slunjčica, Hrvatska) prikazana je dijagramom toka. Utvrđeno je da se najveće vrijednosti gustoće vrtača pojavljuju u dijelovima terena s nagibom padina od 0 to 1°, te se smanjuju s povećanjem nagiba padina. Iako rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je čak i s malim brojem ulaznih podataka moguće odrediti slivno područje u kršu, potrebno je dodatno naglasiti da analiza gustoće vrtača predstavlja nezamjenjiv alat prilikom istraživanja vezanih za određivanje slivnih područja u kršu

    Sorption of cadmium, zinc and copper in dominant soils of the Zagreb aquifer system, Croatia

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    Contamination of soils with potentially toxic metals (PTMs) is an environmental problem. In this study, sorption of cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) in four soil profiles (two Fluvisols, one Gleysol, and one Cambisol), representing the dominant soils of the Zagreb aquifer system, were studied using a multi element laboratory batch test. Mathematical expressions were applied to establish the relationship between the concentration of the adsorbent in the liquid phase and the solid phaSe at equilibrium and in laboratory conditions. The study revealed that the investigated soils have a higher capacity to sorb Cu than Zn and Cd. The most significant physicochemical characteristics of soils, influencing sorption, are pH, carbonate content (minerals) and organic matter. Although all PTMs in all analyzed soils had a similar sorption capacity, the variation of sorption was higher in the siltic soils (Fluvisols) compared with the texturally finer (loamic) Gleysol and Cambisol soils, as well as in the subsoil horizons compared with the topsoils. Results indicate that sorption of PTMs is more influenced by physicochemical characteristics at different soil depths than by soil type, which is confirmed with a higher affinity for Zn and Cd bonding in the topsoil horizons. Also, it has been shown that Cd may pose more of a threat to soils and groundwater due to its toxicity and relatively high mobility in comparison with Zn and Cu

    Definition of the river Gacka springs subcatchment areas on the basis of hydrogeological parameters

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    The river Gacka springs catchment area is located in the Dinaric karst, which is globally known as the locus typicus, or classical Karst. It is composed of four major and several minor karst springs of different discharge rates. The river Gacka springs are characterised by great discharge and exceptional quality, so the catchment area of the river is indicated in the Water Management Strategy (OFFICIAL GAZETTE NO. 91/08) as an area with strategically important eserves of drinking water for the Republic of Croatia. To determine the hydrogeological characteristics of he subcatchments of this large and complex aquifer system, hydrological and hydrochemical parameters were measured on the main springs. Data collected on the springs were analysed using the recession analysis by the „matching strip“ method, the statistical analysis of a time series of measured data both by autocorrelation (analysis of individual series) and by cross-correlation methods (analysis of interrelationships between time series), multivarilate statistical analysis (Factor Analysis) of hydrochemical parameters using the software package STATISTICA 6.0 (1998), and geochemical modelling of hydrochemical parameters using the NETPATH computer program. Interpretation of lithological, structural and tectonic characteristics of the rocks, together with tracing data and the applied analytical methods, allowed the springs catchment of the river Gacka to be divided into three subcatchments. The results of this study imply the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to research. </p

    Influence of groundwater quality indicators on nitrate concentrations in the Zagreb aquifer system

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    Nitrates presents one of the main groups of contaminants in the Zagreb aquifer system. Some natural groundwater quality indicators can have significant influence on their stability and mobility in the saturated zone. Correlation and multivariate statistical analyses were used to test the correlation of average values of NO3- with O2, ORP, pH, EC and temperature of groundwater, and to allocate observation wells that belong to the same clusters. ORP values didn`t relate to any observed variables, which is probably due to their variability which suggests changes in the oxidation-reduction conditions in the aquifer system. Principal component analysis was used for the determination of variables that are related to the nitrate concentrations and which were then used in cluster analysis. Other variables were excluded from cluster analysis. Three methods were used to perform cluster analysis, where the results calculated with Ward`s method were chosen as the most appropriate. In the end, two clusters were identified, one with smaller, and one with higher NO3-, O2 and EC values. Observation wells from cluster 1 are generally located near the Sava River and have similar nitrate concentrations. Lack of other nitrogen species and moderately aerobic conditions suggest very fast nitrification in the shallow Holocene aquifer.</p

    Ansatz zur Bestimmung der Grenzwerte von verunreinigenden Materien im Grundwasser der Republik Kroatien

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    U radu je prikazan hrvatski pristup za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti tvari i pokazatelja mogućih onečišćenja podzemne vode u vodnom području rijeke Dunav i jadranskom vodnom području. Detaljno su obrazloženi kriteriji za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti, prilagođeni značajkama hidrogeoloških sustava te s njima povezanih ili o njima ovisnih kopnenih i vodenih ekosustava u Republici Hrvatskoj, koji se odnose na referentne standarde kakvoće, odnosno kriterijske vrijednosti, te na pozadinske koncentracije. Analizirane su različite metode procjene pozadinskih koncentracija, koje su korištene u postupku određivanja graničnih vrijednosti u RH, te je razmotrena pouzdanost rezultata dobivenih primjenom različitih metoda na osnovi zajedničkih kriterija. Prikazan je postupak utvrđivanja kriterijskih vrijednosti za važne prijamnike i vidove korištenja podzemne vode, a posebno su analizirani i opisani glavni tipovi graničnih vrijednosti koji se koriste u postupku ocjene kemijskoga stanja ili procjene rizika u pojedinim vodnim područjima. Na primjeru grupiranoga tijela podzemne vode Istočna Slavonija – sliv Drave i Dunava prikazan je postupak određivanja pozadinskih koncentracija i graničnih vrijednosti za odabrane tvari i pokazatelje.The paper presents the Croatian approach to the determination of limit values and indicators of potential groundwater pollution in the Danube River Basin District and Adriatic River Basin District. The criteria for determining limit values are elaborated in detail and adapted to the characteristics of hydrogeological systems and their associated or dependent terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Republic of Croatia, i.e. referent quality standards, such as criteria values and background concentrations. Different methods for assessing background concentrations, which were used in the procedure of limit value determination in the Republic of Croatia, were analysed and the reliability of results obtained by applying different methods based on shared criteria were considered. The procedure of determining the criteria values for important recipients and different groundwater uses were described; the main types of limit values used in the procedures of chemical status assessment and risk assessment in individual river basin districts were analysed and described in particular. The procedure of determining background concentrations and limit values for selected substances and indicators were demonstrated on the example of the groundwater body group Eastern Slavonia – Drava and Danube basin.In der Arbeit wird der kroatische Ansatz zur Bestimmung der Grenzwerte von Materien und des Anzeigens möglicher Verunreinigungen von Grundwasser im Wassergebiet des Flusses Donau und im adriatischen Wassergebiet dargestellt. Die Kriterien zur Bestimmung der Grenzwerte sind genauestens erläutert und den Merkmalen von hydrogeologischen Systemen angepasst, sowie den damit verbundenen oder von ihnen abhängenden Land- und Wasserökosystemen in der Republik Kroatien, die sich auf referierende Qualitätsstandards, beziehungsweise Kriteriumswerte beziehen, ebenso auf Hintergrundkonzentrationen. Analysiert wurden verschiedene Schätzungsmethoden von Hintergrundkonzentrationen, die beim Bestimmungsverfahren der Grenzwerte in der Republik Kroatien benutzt wurden. Außerdem wurde die Verlässlichkeit der Resultate beurteilt, die bei der Anwendung verschiedener Methoden mit gemeinsamen Kriterien erhalten wurden. Dargestellt wurde die Bestimmungsmethode von Kriteriumswerten für wichtige Empfänger und Arten der Nutzung von Grundwasser, besonders analysiert und beschrieben wurden die Typen von Grenzwerten, die beim Verfahren der Beurteilung des chemischen Zustandes oder Schätzung von Risiken in den einzelnen Wassergebieten benutzt werden. Am Beispiel des gruppierten Körpers des Grundwassers Ostslawonien - das Becken von Drau und Donau wurde das Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Hintergrundkonzentrationen und Grenzwerten für ausgesuchte Materien und Indikatoren dargestellt