124 research outputs found


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    The functional attributes of minor subpopulations of mouse thymus cells derived by bovine serum albumin density gradient centrifugation, cortisone treatment, or selective depletion by anti-TL or anti-θ treatment have been examined. A subpopulation derived in each fashion contains the cells required to evoke graft-versus-host reactions in neonatal F1 hybrid recipients and to be stimulated by alloantigens in vitro in one-way mixed lymphocyte cultures and by phytohemagglutinin. The functions of this subpopulation are abrogated by treatment with anti-H-2 plus complement and by high concentrations of anti-θ. A tentative ordering of the various thymus cell subpopulations, on the basis of these and other data, is described

    Relation Between Moisture Sorption and Hygroexpansion of Sitka Spruce During Adsorption Processes

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    Moisture adsorption processes carried out in successive steps at three increasing levels of RH (45, 75, 85%) at 20°C for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Carr.) were studied. Moisture content and dimensional changes in radial and tangential directions of the specimens were measured and it was found that moisture changes were slower than dimensional. The modeling on this moisture-dimensional relationship, based on the idea of dividing sorbed water into two components having different effects on dimensional changes, not only shows a good agreement with experimental results, but also presents a new understanding of the mechanism of hygroexpansion of wood

    A blue-shifted anion channelrhodopsin from the Colpodellida alga Vitrella brassicaformis

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    Microbial rhodopsins, a family of photoreceptive membrane proteins containing the chromophore retinal, show a variety of light-dependent molecular functions. Channelrhodopsins work as light-gated ion channels and are widely utilized for optogenetics, which is a method for controlling neural activities by light. Since two cation channelrhodopsins were identified from the chlorophyte alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, recent advances in genomic research have revealed a wide variety of channelrhodopsins including anion channelrhodopsins (ACRs), describing their highly diversified molecular properties (e.g., spectral sensitivity, kinetics and ion selectivity). Here, we report two channelrhodopsin-like rhodopsins from the Colpodellida alga Vitrella brassicaformis, which are phylogenetically distinct from the known channelrhodopsins. Spectroscopic and electrophysiological analyses indicated that these rhodopsins are green- and blue-sensitive pigments (lambda(max) = similar to 550 and similar to 440 nm) that exhibit light-dependent ion channeling activities. Detailed electrophysiological analysis revealed that one of them works as a monovalent anion (Cl-, Br- and NO3-) channel and we named it V. brassicaformis anion channelrhodopsin-2, VbACR2. Importantly, the absorption maximum of VbACR2 (similar to 440 nm) is blue-shifted among the known ACRs. Thus, we identified the new blue-shifted ACR, which leads to the expansion of the molecular diversity of ACRs

    Functional expression of the eukaryotic proton pump rhodopsin OmR2 in Escherichia coli and its photochemical characterization

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    Microbial rhodopsins are photoswitchable seven-transmembrane proteins that are widely distributed in three domains of life, archaea, bacteria and eukarya. Rhodopsins allow the transport of protons outwardly across the membrane and are indispensable for light-energy conversion in microorganisms. Archaeal and bacterial proton pump rhodopsins have been characterized using an Escherichia coli expression system because that enables the rapid production of large amounts of recombinant proteins, whereas no success has been reported for eukaryotic rhodopsins. Here, we report a phylogenetically distinct eukaryotic rhodopsin from the dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina (O. marina rhodopsin-2, OmR2) that can be expressed in E. coli cells. E. coli cells harboring the OmR2 gene showed an outward proton-pumping activity, indicating its functional expression. Spectroscopic characterization of the purified OmR2 protein revealed several features as follows: (1) an absorption maximum at 533 nm with all-trans retinal chromophore, (2) the possession of the deprotonated counterion (pK(a)=3.0) of the protonated Schiff base and (3) a rapid photocycle through several distinct photointermediates. Those features are similar to those of known eukaryotic proton pump rhodopsins. Our successful characterization of OmR2 expressed in E. coli cells could build a basis for understanding and utilizing eukaryotic rhodopsins

    Comparative study of the work load between one-man buses and two-man buses.

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    The differences in physiological and safety conditions of one-man buses and two-man buses were examined from the view point of occupational fatigue. This survey consisted of a work load study which included a time study, study of subsidiary behavior, auditory task, memory test, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and physiological function tests and a self-administered questionnaire which involved items concerning safety and subjective fatigue complaints. The visual and postural restrictions in the one-man bus were greater than in the two-man bus. The mental capacity of the one-man bus drivers was found to be less. Greater mental fatigue and stress were observed in the one-man bus. More subjective fatigue complaints were observed in the one-man bus. More cases of near accidents were observed in the one-man bus. From these results it was concluded that the one-man bus caused bus drivers a greater mental and physical work load.</p

    Surgical Treatment for Pulmonary Metastases

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    This study is based on 29 patients undergoing resection for pulmonary metastases from 1960 to 1981 in our clinics. Factors concerning their prognosis are discussed in this study. 1) Prognosis following surgery is associated with the origin of the primary disease, the sizes and numbers of pulmonary metastases, and the disease-free period. 2) Pulmonary metastases arising from original tumors with slow growth rate, such as thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and some of osteogenic sarcomas, are favorable candidates for surgical treatment. 3) Operative methods of choice are not essential in anticipating better results. Complete removal of the tumor is required. We assume that improved chemotherapy may be contributary to a gain in a longer survival

    Living donor liver transplantation from a donor previously treated with interferon for hepatitis C virus: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Selecting a marginal donor in liver transplantation (LT) remains controversial but is necessary because of the small number of available donors.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 46-year-old Japanese woman was a candidate to donate her liver to her brother, who had decompensated liver cirrhosis of unknown origin. Eight years before the donation, she had a mild liver dysfunction that was diagnosed as a hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (serotype 2). She had received anti-viral therapy with interferon α-2b three times weekly for 24 weeks and had a sustained viral response (SVR). A biopsy of her liver before the donation showed normal findings without any active hepatitis, and her serum was negative for HCV-RNA. Only 67 patients have undergone LT from a cadaveric donor in Japan. The family in this case decided to have living donor LT. A careful selection for the liver graft donation was made; however, since she was the only candidate, we approved her as a living donor. She was discharged nine days after the liver donation. Her liver function recovered immediately. A computed tomography scan showed sufficient liver regeneration one year later. Her brother also had good liver function after LT and had no HCV infection 48 months after surgery and no <it>de novo </it>malignancy. Neither of the siblings has developed an HCV infection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A patient with SVR status after interferon therapy might be considered a candidate for living donor LT but only if there are no other possibilities of LT for the recipient. A careful follow-up of the donor after donation is needed. The recipient also must have a very close follow-up because it is difficult to predict what might happen to the graft with post-transplant immunosuppression.</p

    Analysis of the Hepatic Functional Reserve, Portal Hypertension, and Prognosis of Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection Through Contaminated Blood Products in Japan

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    Background As the survival of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals has improved due to the widespread use of antiretroviral therapy, the mortality rate due to hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related liver disease has increased in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. Aim The aims of this study were to establish the appropriate therapeutic strategy for HIV/HCV-coinfected patients by evaluating the liver function, including the hepatic functional reserve and portal hypertension, and to investigate the prognosis of HIV/HCV-coinfected patients in Japan. Patients and Methods In addition to regular liver function tests, the hepatic functional reserve of 41 patients with HIV/HCV coinfection was evaluated using the indocyanine green retention rate and liver galactosyl serum albumin-scintigraphy. The data for 146 patients with HIV/HCV coinfection through blood products were extracted from 4 major HIV centers in Japan. In addition to liver function tests, the platelet counts (PLT) were evaluated as a marker of portal hypertension. Results In spite of the relatively preserved general liver function test results, approximately 40% of the HIV/HCV-coinfected patients had an impaired hepatic functional reserve. In addition, while the albumin and bilirubin levels were normal, the PLT was <150,000/μL in 17 patients. Compared with HCV mono-infected patients with a PLT <150,000/μL, the survival of HIV/HCV-coinfected patients was shorter (HCV, 5 years, 97%; 10 years, 86% and HIV/HCV, 5 years, 87%; 10 years, 73%; P <.05). Conclusion These results must be taken into account to establish an optimal therapeutic strategy, including the appropriate timing of liver transplantation in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients in Japan

    Prevention of esophageal strictures after endoscopic submucosal dissection

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    Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) have recently been accepted as less invasive methods for treating patients with early esophageal cancers such as squamous cell carcinoma and dysplasia of Barrett\u27s esophagus. However, the large defects in the esophageal mucosa often cause severe esophageal strictures, which dramatically reduce the patient\u27s quality of life. Although preventive endoscopic balloon dilatation can reduce dysphagia and the frequency of dilatation, other approaches are necessary to prevent esophageal strictures after ESD. This review describes several strategies for preventing esophageal strictures after ESD, with a particular focus on anti-inflammatory and tissue engineering approaches. The local injection of triamcinolone acetonide and other systemic steroid therapies are frequently used to prevent esophageal strictures after ESD. Tissue engineering approaches for preventing esophageal strictures have recently been applied in basic research studies. Scaffolds with temporary stents have been applied in five cases, and this technique has been shown to be safe and is anticipated to prevent esophageal strictures. Fabricated autologous oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets to cover the defective mucosa similarly to how commercially available skin products fabricated from epidermal cells are used for skin defects or in cases of intractable ulcers. Fabricated autologous oralmucosal- epithelial cell sheets have already been shown to be safe

    The Effect of Surgical Repair for Pectum Excavatum on Cardiopulmonary Function

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    In five patients with corrective surgery for pectus Excavatum, the effectiveness of surgical repair were evaluated from the results of pulmonary function test as well as the finding on ECG according to follow-up study postoperativelly. Of five patient undergone the corrective surgery which sternoturnover with costalplasty employed in 4, and sternoplasty alone in I, all of them were male and the average age except 3 years of age was 14.8 years ranging from 10 to 21 years. There are no manifestation of clinical syndrome in all 5 cases. However, the fair mental growth demands psychologically the early corrective surgery in young chidren. By follow-up study after surgical correction for pectus excavatum during a period from 3 months to 3 years and 3 months, the finding on EKG of right ventricular overload revealed the improvement within 2 months after surgical correction in contrast the results of pulmonary function test disclosed no marked changes until 2 months following surgery. From the view of cosmetic efficacy of corrective surgery, sternoturnover with or without costalplasty are one of the adovocating operative procedures
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