4,078 research outputs found

    Gravitational Radiation from a Naked Singularity -- Odd-Parity Perturbation --

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    It has been suggested that a naked singularity may be a good candidate for a strong gravitational wave burster. The naked singularity occurs in the generic collapse of an inhomogeneous dust ball. We study odd-parity mode of gravitational waves from a naked singularity of the Lema\^{\i}tre-Tolman-Bondi space-time. The wave equation for gravitational waves are solved by numerical integration using the single null coordinate. The result is that the naked singularity is not a strong source of the odd-parity gravitational radiation although the metric perturbation grows in the central region. Therefore, the Cauchy horizon in this space-time would be marginally stable against odd-parity perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Prog. Theor. Phys. Final version, with minor changes. Reference 13 adde

    Gravitational Radiation from a Naked Singularity. II - Even-Parity Perturbation -

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    A naked singularity occurs in the generic collapse of an inhomogeneous dust ball. We study the even-parity mode of gravitational waves from a naked singularity of the Lema\^{\i}tre-Tolman-Bondi spacetime. The wave equations for gravitational waves are solved by numerical integration using the single null coordinate. The result implies that the metric perturbation grows when it approaches the Cauchy horizon and diverges there, although the naked singularity is not a strong source of even-parity gravitational radiation. Therefore, the Cauchy horizon in this spacetime should be unstable with respect to linear even-parity perturbations.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, errors and typos corrected, final versio

    Physical Processes in Naked Singularity Formation

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    Gravitational collapse is one of the most fruitful subjects in gravitational physics. It is well known that singularity formation is inevitable in complete gravitational collapse. It was conjectured that such a singularity should be hidden by horizons if it is formed from generic initial data with physically reasonable matter fields. Many possible counterexamples to this conjecture have been proposed over the past three decades, although none of them has proved to be sufficiently generic. In these examples, there appears a singularity that is not hidden by horizons. This singularity is called a `naked singularity.' The appearance of a naked singularity represents the formation of an observable high-curvature, strong-gravity region. In this paper we review examples of naked singularity formation and recent progress in research of observable physical processes - gravitational radiation and quantum particle creation - from a forming naked singularity.Comment: 76 pages, 25 figure file

    How Do Nonlinear Voids Affect Light Propagation ?

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    Propagation of light in a clumpy universe is examined. As an inhomogeneous matter distribution, we take a spherical void surrounded by a dust shell where the ``lost mass'' in the void is compensated by the shell. We study how the angular-diameter distance behaves when such a structure exists. The angular-diameter distance is calculated by integrating the Raychaudhuri equation including the shear. An explicit expression for the junction condition for the massive thin shell is calculated. We apply these results to a dust shell embedded in a Friedmann universe and determine how the distance-redshift relation is modified compared with that in the purely Friedmann universe. We also study the distribution of distances in a universe filled with voids. We show that the void-filled universe gives a larger distance than the FRW universe by 5\sim 5% at z1z \sim 1 if the size of the void is 5\sim 5% of the Horizon radius.Comment: To appear in Prog. Theor. Phys. 10

    Neumann problem for the Korteweg–de Vries equation

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    AbstractWe consider Neumann initial-boundary value problem for the Korteweg–de Vries equation on a half-line(0.1){ut+λuux+uxxx=0,t>0,x>0,u(x,0)=u0(x),x>0,ux(0,t)=0,t>0. We prove that if the initial data u0∈H10,214∩H21,72 and the norm ‖u0‖H10,214+‖u0‖H21,72⩽ε, where ε>0 is small enough Hps,k={f∈L2;‖f‖Hps,k=‖〈x〉k〈i∂x〉sf‖Lp<∞}, 〈x〉=1+x2 and λ∫0∞xu0(x)dx=λθ<0. Then there exists a unique solution u∈C([0,∞),H21,72)∩L2(0,∞;H22,3) of the initial-boundary value problem (0.1). Moreover there exists a constant C such that the solution has the following asymptoticsu(x,t)=Cθ(1+ηlogt)−1t−23Ai′(xt3)+O(ε2t−23(1+ηlogt)−65) for t→∞ uniformly with respect to x>0, where η=−9θλ∫0∞Ai′2(z)dz and Ai(q) is the Airy functionAi(q)=12πi∫−i∞i∞e−z3+zqdz=1πRe∫0∞e−iξ3+iξqdξ

    Peierls Mechanism of the Metal-Insulator Transition in Ferromagnetic Hollandite K2Cr8O16

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    Synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiment shows that the metal-insulator transition occurring in a ferromagnetic state of a hollandite K2_2Cr8_8O16_{16} is accompanied by a structural distortion from the tetragonal I4/mI4/m to monoclinic P1121/aP112_{1}/a phase with a 2×2×1\sqrt{2}\times\sqrt{2}\times 1 supercell. Detailed electronic structure calculations demonstrate that the metal-insulator transition is caused by a Peierls instability in the quasi-one-dimensional column structure made of four coupled Cr-O chains running in the cc-direction, leading to the formation of tetramers of Cr ions below the transition temperature. This furnishes a rare example of the Peierls transition of fully spin-polarized electron systems.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in press, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Langevin Analysis of Eternal Inflation

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    It has been widely claimed that inflation is generically eternal to the future, even in models where the inflaton potential monotonically increases away from its minimum. The idea is that quantum fluctuations allow the field to jump uphill, thereby continually revitalizing the inflationary process in some regions. In this paper we investigate a simple model of this process, pertaining to inflation with a quartic potential, in which analytic progress may be made. We calculate several quantities of interest, such as the expected number of inflationary efolds, first without and then with various selection effects. With no additional weighting, the stochastic noise has little impact on the total number of inflationary efoldings even if the inflaton starts with a Planckian energy density. A "rolling" volume factor, i.e. weighting in proportion to the volume at that time, also leads to a monotonically decreasing Hubble constant and hence no eternal inflation. We show how stronger selection effects including a constraint on the initial and final states and weighting with the final volume factor can lead to a picture similar to that usually associated with eternal inflation.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Existence and uniqueness of the integrated density of states for Schr\"odinger operators with magnetic fields and unbounded random potentials

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    The object of the present study is the integrated density of states of a quantum particle in multi-dimensional Euclidean space which is characterized by a Schr\"odinger operator with a constant magnetic field and a random potential which may be unbounded from above and from below. For an ergodic random potential satisfying a simple moment condition, we give a detailed proof that the infinite-volume limits of spatial eigenvalue concentrations of finite-volume operators with different boundary conditions exist almost surely. Since all these limits are shown to coincide with the expectation of the trace of the spatially localized spectral family of the infinite-volume operator, the integrated density of states is almost surely non-random and independent of the chosen boundary condition. Our proof of the independence of the boundary condition builds on and generalizes certain results by S. Doi, A. Iwatsuka and T. Mine [Math. Z. {\bf 237} (2001) 335-371] and S. Nakamura [J. Funct. Anal. {\bf 173} (2001) 136-152].Comment: This paper is a revised version of the first part of the first version of math-ph/0010013. For a revised version of the second part, see math-ph/0105046. To appear in Reviews in Mathematical Physic