7 research outputs found

    Valor preditivo do índice tornozelo-braço na evolução de pacientes com claudicação intermitente

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the ankle-brachial index (ABI) could be used to predict the prognosis for a patient with intermittent claudication (IC). We studied 611 patients prospectively during 28 months of follow-up. We analyzed the predictive power of using various levels of ABI - 0.30 to 0.70 at 0.05 increments - in terms of the measure's specificity (association with a favorable outcome after exercise rehabilitation therapy) and sensitivity (association with a poor outcome after exercise rehabilitation therapy). We found that using an ABI of 0.30 as a cut-off value produced the lowest margin of error overall, but the predictive power was still low with respect to identifying the patients with a poor prognosis after non-aggressive therapeutic treatment. Further study is needed to perhaps identify a second factor that could increase the sensitivity of the test.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a evolução da distância de marcha de pacientes com claudicação intermitente relacionando com o índice tornozelo-braço (ITB) e o valor deste índice como fator preditivo para o prognóstico desses pacientes. Observou-se prospectivamente a evolução de 611 pacientes durante 28 meses. Analisamos o valor preditivo do ITB inicial usando vários valores de corte - 0.30 a 0.70 em incrementos de 0.05 - em relação à especificidade (associação com uma evolução favorável após tratamento clínico) e sensibilidade (associação com uma evolução desfavorável após tratamento clínico). Encontramos o ITB de 0.30 como o valor de corte produzindo a menor margem de erro, mas seu valor preditivo ainda foi baixo para identificar os pacientes com mau prognóstico para o tratamento não invasivo. Estudos adicionais são necessários para se identificar um fator adicional que possa aumentar a sensibilidade do teste

    Avaliação objetiva da isquemia de membros superiores: uso do dinamômetro isocinético

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work is to present an objective, practical, and reproducible method for evaluating the functional limitation caused by occlusive arterial disease in upper limbs: a stress test using an isokinetic dynamometer. METHODS: Twenty-three patients with unilateral subclavian artery occlusive disease were included in the study, forming group 1. Seven patients of similar age, with atherosclerotic or Takayasu's disease in the aorto-iliac segment, without subclavian artery occlusive disease, were included as a control group (group 2). For all tests, we utilized the CYBEX© 6000 isokinetic dynamometer. The elbow was tested using a series of 30 repetitions of extension and flexion of the arm, performed up to a maximum of 270 repetitions (9 series) or until the limit of the tested limb was reached. RESULTS: We initially compared all the limbs without arterial disease of both groups to analyze whether they presented similar functional performance. No significant difference was found for any of the parameters studied. Considering that upper limbs without arterial disease have a similar response to exercise in these analyzed parameters, we compared the upper limbs in group 1 (with and without subclavian artery occlusive disease). For all parameters, the limbs with subclavian artery occlusive disease presented significantly lower values than the control limbs (P < 0.05), which can be objectively attributed to the ischemia (there were different responses in different individuals, which allows the quantification of the limitation caused by subclavian artery occlusive disease). CONCLUSION: In this study, we present a new stress test for impairment in patients with subclavian artery occlusive disease that might facilitate the classification of patients according to their functional impairment, and thus result in a better choice of therapeutic approach for each case as well as reporting of objective parameters that allow comparisons of the results of different treatments, including for long-term follow-up.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um método para a avaliação da limitação funcional causada por doença arterial oclusiva de artéria subclávia: o teste de esforço utilizando o dinamômetro isocinético. MÉTODO: Pacientes com trombose unilateral de artéria subclávia foram selecionados, reunindo 23 pacientes no Grupo com doença arterial oclusiva de artéria subclávia. Sete pacientes com idade semelhante, sem doença arterial em membros superiores foram incluídos, formando o grupo controle. Para a realização do teste, utilizou-se o dinamômetro isocinético CYBEX® 6000. O cotovelo foi testado em séries consecutivas de 30 repetições do movimento de extensão e flexão, até que se atingisse o máximo de 270 repetições (9 séries), ou até que se alcançasse o limite do membro testado. RESULTADO: Inicialmente comparou-se todos os membros sem doença arterial dos dois grupos, para analisar se apresentavam desempenho semelhante. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos em relação a todos os parâmetros estudados. Comparou-se então, os dois membros de cada paciente do Grupo doença arterial oclusiva de artéria subclávia. Em todos os parâmetros analisados, os membros com doença arterial oclusiva de artéria subclávia apresentaram diferença estatística (p < 0.05) em relação aos membros controle, o que foi objetivamente atribuído à isquemia. (Foram registrados diferentes graus de limitação entre os paciente, o que permite estimar objetivamente o grau de limitação causado pela isquemia causada pela oclusão da subclávia) CONCLUSÃO: Este teste de esforço permite que pacientes com isquemia de membros superiores sejam avaliados e estratificados, conforme o grau de sua limitação funcional, o que facilitará a escolha da melhor terapêutica para cada caso e a obtenção de parâmetros para comparação do resultado de diferentes tratamentos e para o seguimento clínico em longo prazo

    Use of arteriography for the initial evaluation of patients with intermittent lower limb claudication

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    CONTEXT: Many patients with intermittent claudication continue to be forwarded to the vascular surgeon for initial evaluation after arteriography has already been accomplished. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this work was to analyze the usefulness and the need for this procedure. TYPE OF STUDY: Retrospective study. SETTING: The patients were divided into two groups: Group 1, with the arteriography already performed and Group 2 without the initial arteriography. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred patients with intermittent claudication were retrospectively studied. Other specialists had forwarded them for the first evaluation of intermittent claudication, without any previous treatment. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: All patients were treated clinically for at least a 6-month period. The total number of arteriographies performed in the two groups was compared and the need and usefulness of the initial arteriography (of Group 1) was also analyzed. RESULTS: The evolution was similar for both groups. The total number of arteriographies was significantly higher in Group 1 (Group 1 with 53 arteriographies vs. Group 2 with 7 arteriographies). For this group, it was found that arteriography was only useful in five cases (10%), because the surgeries were based on their findings. However, even in those cases, no need for arteriography was observed, as the procedure could have been performed at the time of surgical indication. CONCLUSION: There are no indications for arteriography in the early evaluation of patients with intermittent claudication, because it does not modify the initial therapy, independent of its result. In cases where surgical treatment is indicated, this procedure should only be performed prior to surgery

    Use of arteriography for the initial evaluation of patients with intermittent lower limb claudication

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    CONTEXT: Many patients with intermittent claudication continue to be forwarded to the vascular surgeon for initial evaluation after arteriography has already been accomplished. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this work was to analyze the usefulness and the need for this procedure. TYPE OF STUDY: Retrospective study. SETTING: The patients were divided into two groups: Group 1, with the arteriography already performed and Group 2 without the initial arteriography. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred patients with intermittent claudication were retrospectively studied. Other specialists had forwarded them for the first evaluation of intermittent claudication, without any previous treatment. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: All patients were treated clinically for at least a 6-month period. The total number of arteriographies performed in the two groups was compared and the need and usefulness of the initial arteriography (of Group 1) was also analyzed. RESULTS: The evolution was similar for both groups. The total number of arteriographies was significantly higher in Group 1 (Group 1 with 53 arteriographies vs. Group 2 with 7 arteriographies). For this group, it was found that arteriography was only useful in five cases (10%), because the surgeries were based on their findings. However, even in those cases, no need for arteriography was observed, as the procedure could have been performed at the time of surgical indication. CONCLUSION: There are no indications for arteriography in the early evaluation of patients with intermittent claudication, because it does not modify the initial therapy, independent of its result. In cases where surgical treatment is indicated, this procedure should only be performed prior to surgery

    Comparison between OPD-Scan results and visual outcomes of monofocal and multifocal intraocular lenses Comparação dos resultados do OPD-Scan e performance visual das lentes intraoculares monofocal e multifocal

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    PURPOSE: To compare the visual outcome, contrast sensitivity and wavefront analysis of patients that underwent cataract surgery and implantation of AcrySof SN60D3 multifocal intraocular lens with those who received the AcrySof SN60AT monofocal IOL. METHODS: This was a prospective clinical trial of forty eyes that received the multifocal IOL and thirty-two eyes that received the monofocal IOL after phacoemulsification. RESULTS: Values for total and spherical aberrations in the multifocal group were statistically lower than in the monofocal group. In the monofocal group, 75% achieved uncorrected intermediate visual acuities between Jaeger 1 and 6. In the multifocal group, 75% of the eyes achieved more than Jaeger 6. At least 87.5% of the multifocal group and 6.3% of the monofocal group achieved monocular uncorrected near acuity of 20/30 (J2, N5) or better. And 90.0% of the eyes in the multifocal group and 37.5% in the monofocal group achieved an uncorrected near acuity of 20/40 (J3, N6) or better. The mean spherical error was 0.11 D in the multifocal group and -0.18 D in the monofocal group (p=0.0379). The SN60D3 group compared to SN60AT group had low contrast sensitivity (log units) with statistically significant differences in 6.0 cpd in photopic conditions (p=0.014) and the SN60D3 group compared to SN60AT group had higher contrast sensitivity (log units) under mesopic conditions (p=0.044). CONCLUSION: The multifocal IOLs induced less spherical aberration than monofocal IOLs and predictably good uncorrected distance and uncorrected near acuities. However, contrast sensitivity was lower in the multifocal group.<br>OBJETIVO: Comparar a performance visual, sensibilidade ao contraste e de wavefront com OPD-Scan em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular AcrySof SN60D3 multifocal e AcrySof SA60AT monofocal. MÉTODOS: Quarenta olhos com a lente intraocular multifocal e trinta e dois olhos com a lente intraocular monofocal. A avaliação oftalmológica contou com medida da acuidade visual para longe, intermediária e curta distância, sem correção e com a melhor correção óptica, teste de sensibilidade ao contraste e análise de frente de onda por meio do aberrômetro OPD-Scan. RESULTADOS: As aberração total e aberração esférica no grupo multifocal foi estatisticamente inferior comparada com o grupo monofocal. No grupo monofocal 75% apresentaram acuidade visual monocular intermediária sem correção entre Jaeger 1 e 6, no grupo multifocal 75% apresentaram mais que Jaeger 6. Aproximadamente 87,5% do grupo multifocal e 6,3% do grupo monofocal apresentaram acuidade visual monocular sem correção para perto de 20/30 (J2, N5), ou melhor, e 90,0% dos olhos do grupo multifocal e 37,5% do grupo monofocal apresentaram acuidade visual monocular sem correção para perto de 20/40 (J3, N6) ou melhor. A média de erro esférico foi de 0,11 D no grupo multifocal e -0,18 D no grupo monofocal (p=0,0379). O grupo monofocal apresentou superioridade estatística na sensibilidade ao contraste em condições fotópicas (p=0,014) e mesópicas (p=0,0044) a 6 cpg quando comparada ao grupo multifocal. CONCLUSÃO: A lente intraocular multifocal apresentou menos aberração esférica comparada à lente intraocular monofocal, da prevista multifocalidade sem correção para longe e perto. Entretanto, o grupo multifocal apresentou baixa sensibilidade ao contraste

    Predictive value of the ankle-brachial index in the evaluation of intermittent claudication Valor preditivo do índice tornozelo-braço na evolução de pacientes com claudicação intermitente

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the ankle-brachial index (ABI) could be used to predict the prognosis for a patient with intermittent claudication (IC). We studied 611 patients prospectively during 28 months of follow-up. We analyzed the predictive power of using various levels of ABI - 0.30 to 0.70 at 0.05 increments - in terms of the measure's specificity (association with a favorable outcome after exercise rehabilitation therapy) and sensitivity (association with a poor outcome after exercise rehabilitation therapy). We found that using an ABI of 0.30 as a cut-off value produced the lowest margin of error overall, but the predictive power was still low with respect to identifying the patients with a poor prognosis after non-aggressive therapeutic treatment. Further study is needed to perhaps identify a second factor that could increase the sensitivity of the test.<br>O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a evolução da distância de marcha de pacientes com claudicação intermitente relacionando com o índice tornozelo-braço (ITB) e o valor deste índice como fator preditivo para o prognóstico desses pacientes. Observou-se prospectivamente a evolução de 611 pacientes durante 28 meses. Analisamos o valor preditivo do ITB inicial usando vários valores de corte - 0.30 a 0.70 em incrementos de 0.05 - em relação à especificidade (associação com uma evolução favorável após tratamento clínico) e sensibilidade (associação com uma evolução desfavorável após tratamento clínico). Encontramos o ITB de 0.30 como o valor de corte produzindo a menor margem de erro, mas seu valor preditivo ainda foi baixo para identificar os pacientes com mau prognóstico para o tratamento não invasivo. Estudos adicionais são necessários para se identificar um fator adicional que possa aumentar a sensibilidade do teste