26 research outputs found

    Interstellar and Solar System Organic Matter Preserved in Interplanetary Dust

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    Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the Earth's stratosphere derive from collisions among asteroids and by the disruption and outgassing of shortperiod comets. Chondritic porous (CP) IDPs are among the most primitive Solar System materials. CPIDPs have been linked to cometary parent bodies by their mineralogy, textures, Ccontent, and dynamical histories. CPIDPs are fragile, finegrained (less than um) assemblages of anhydrous amorphous and crystalline silicates, oxides and sulfides bound together by abundant carbonaceous material. Ancient silicate, oxide, and SiC stardust grains exhibiting highly anomalous isotopic compositions are abundant in CPIDPs, constituting 0.01 - 1 % of the mass of the particles. The organic matter in CPIDPs is isotopically anomalous, with enrichments in D/H reaching 50x the terrestrial SMOW value and 15N/14N ratios up to 3x terrestrial standard compositions. These anomalies are indicative of low T (10100 K) mass fractionation in cold molecular cloud or the outermost reaches of the protosolar disk. The organic matter shows distinct morphologies, including subum globules, bubbly textures, featureless, and with mineral inclusions. Infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry studies of organic matter in IDPs reveals diverse species including aliphatic and aromatic compounds. The organic matter with the highest isotopic anomalies appears to be richer in aliphatic compounds. These materials also bear similarities and differences with primitive, isotopically anomalous organic matter in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. The diversity of the organic chemistry, morphology, and isotopic properties in IDPs and meteorites reflects variable preservation of interstellar/primordial components and Solar System processing. One unifying feature is the presence of subum isotopically anomalous organic globules among all primitive materials, including IDPs, meteorites, and comet Wild2 samples returned by the Stardust mission

    Precious Dust Two Mission Converge on Asteroid Sample Returns

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    Far-flung spacecraft deliver incredible views of distant worlds. But there's nothing like bringing samples back to Earth. Instruments carried by spacecraft have limitations-of power, complexity, size, and number. Their investigations leave many fundamental questions unanswered, questions that we might be able to answer if only we had samples. This summer marks the beginning of an exciting new era in sample-return missions: NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft arrives at asteroid Bennu, and the Japanese Hayabusa2 spacecraft arrives at asteroid Ryugu. Both are primitive asteroids-dark remnants of Solar System formation that carry carbon and water-a type of asteroid that's never been visited before. After thoroughly mapping their respective asteroids for geology and mineralogy, each probe will collect surface samples and return them to Earth. I can't wait to study them in my laboratory. Cosmic-dust pioneer Kazu Tomeoka introduced me to the dream of sample-return missions 20 years ago. In those days, the only returned extraterrestrial samples were from the Moon. He said to his students, "In the near future, we will be able to collect samples from asteroids and comets. There will be no need to wait for meteorites or cosmic dust to come and fall from the sky. And some of you might be the first to look at those samples." This inspired my life's work: laboratory analysis of returned astromaterials

    Dust in the Solar System - Properties and Origins

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    Interplanetary dust pervades the inner Solar System, giving rise to a prominent glow above the horizon at sunrise and sunset known as the zodiacal light. This dust derives from the disintegration of comets as they approach the Sun and from collisions among main-belt asteroids. The Earth accretes roughly 4x10(exp 6) kg/year of 1 - 1,000 micron dust particles as they spiral into the Sun under the influence of Poynting-Robertson drag and solar wind drag. Samples of these grains have been collected from deep sea sediments, Antarctic ice and by high-altitude aircraft and balloon flights. Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the stratosphere have been classified by their IR spectra into olivine, pyroxene, and hydrated silicate-dominated classes. Most IDPs have bulk major and minor element abundances that are similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Hydrated silicate-rich IDPs are thought to derive from asteroids based on their mineralogy and low atmospheric entry velocities estimated from peak temperatures reached during atmospheric entry. Anhydrous IDPs are typically aggregates of 0.1 - approx. 1 micron Mg-rich olivine and pyroxene, amorphous silicates (GEMS), Fe, Nisulfides and rare spinel and oxides bound together by carbonaceous material. These IDPs are often argued to derive from comets based on compositional similarities and high atmospheric entry velocities that imply high eccentricity orbits. Infrared spectra obtained from anhydrous IDPs closely match remote IR spectra obtained from comets. The most primitive (anhydrous) IDPs appear to have escaped the parent-body thermal and aqueous alteration that has affected meteorites. These samples thus consist entirely of grains that formed in the ancient solar nebula and pre-solar interstellar and circumstellar environments. Isotopic studies of IDPs have identified silicate stardust grains that formed in the outflows of red giant and asymptotic giant branch stars and supernovae]. These stardust grains include both amorphous and crystalline silicates. The organic matter in these samples also exhibits highly anomalous H, C, and N isotopic compositions that are consistent with formation in low temperature environments at the outermost regions of the solar nebula or presolar cold molecular cloud. The scientific frontiers for these samples include working toward a better understanding of the origins of the solar system amorphous and crystalline grains in IDPs and the very challenging task of determining the chemical composition of sub-micron organic grains. Laboratory studies of ancient and present-day dust in the Solar System thus reveal in exquisite detail the chemistry, mineralogy and isotopic properties of materials that derive from a range of astrophysical environments. These studies are an important complement to astronomical observations that help to place the laboratory observations into broader context

    Sample Curation in Support of the OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission

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    The OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission launched to asteroid Bennu Sept. 8, 2016. The spacecraft will arrive at Bennu in late 2019, orbit and map the asteroid, and perform a touch and go (TAG) sampling maneuver in July 2020. After sample is stowed and confirmed the spacecraft will return to Earth, and the sample return capsule (SRC) will land in Utah in September 2023. Samples will be recovered from Utah [2] and then transported and stored in a new sample cleanroom at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston [3]. The materials curated for the mission are described here. a) Materials Archive and Witness Plate Collection: The SRC and TAGSAM were built between March 2014 and Summer of 2015, and instruments (OTES,OVIRS, OLA, OCAMS, REXIS) were integrated from Summer 2015 until May 2016. A total of 395 items were received for the materials archive at NASA-JSC, with archiving finishing ~30 days after launch (with the final archived items being related to launch operations)[4]. The materials fall into several general categories including metals (stainless steel, aluminum, titanium alloys, brass and BeCu alloy), epoxies, paints, polymers, lubricants, non-volatile-residue samples (NVR), sapphire, and various miscellaneous materials. All through the ATLO process (from March 2015 until late August 2016) contamination knowledge witness plates (Si wafer and Al foil) were deployed in the various cleanrooms in Denver and KSC to provide an additional record of particle counts and volatiles that is archived for current and future scientific studies. These plates were deployed in roughly monthly increments with each unit containing 4 Si wafers and 4 Al foils. We archived 128 individual witness plates (64 Si wafers and 64 Al foils); one of each witness plate (Si and Al) was analyzed immediately by the science team after archiving, while the remaining 3 of each are archived indefinitely. Information about each material archived is stored in an extensive database at NASA-JSC, and key summary information for each will be presented in an online catalog. b) Bulk Asteroid sample: The Touch and Go Sampling Mechanism (TAGSAM) head will contain up to 1.5 kg of asteroid material. Upon return to Earth, the TAGSAM head with the sample canister will be subjected to a nitrogen purge and then opened in a nitrogen cabinet in Houston. Once the TAGSAM head is removed from the canister, it will be dis-assembled slowly and carefully under nitrogen until the sample can be removed for processing in a dedicated nitrogen glovebox. Bennu surface samples are expected to be sub-cm sized, based on thermal infrared and radar polarization ratio measurements [1]. The upper limit on material collected by the TAGSAM head is ~2 cm. Therefore, we will be prepared to handle, subdivide, and characterize materials of a wide grain size (from ~10 m to 2 cm), and for both organic (UV fluorescence) and inorganic (SEM, FTIR, optical) properties. Representative portions of the bulk sample will be prepared for JAXA (0.5 %; see also [5]) and Canadian Space Agency (4%), with the remaining divided between the science team (75%). c) Contact Pad samples: The base of the TAGSAM head contains 24 contact pads that are designed to trap the upper surface layer of material and thus offer an opportunity to study asteroid samples that have resided at the very top surface of the regolith. Asteroid material is trapped on the pads in spring steel Velcro hooks, and material will have to be removed from these pads by curation specialists in the lab. d) Hardware: Some canister and SRC hardware items will contain information that will be important to understanding the collected samples, including the canister gas filter, temperature strips, flight witness plates, and the TAGSAM and canister parts that might have adhering dust grains. Some challenges remaining for both bulk sample and contact pad samples include: i) working with intermediate size range (200 to 500 micron) samples - a size range NASA has not previously worked in such detail; ii) techniques for removal of contact pad material from the spring steel hooks, iii) static electrical effects of dust sized particles during sample handling and curation is likely to be significant, and iv) the TAGSAM head and associated canister hardware will undoubtedly be coated with fine adhering dust grains from Bennu. In the case of collection of a large bulk sample mass, the adhering dust grains may be of lower priority. If a small sample mass is returned, the adhering dust may attain a higher priority, so recovery of adhering dust grains is an additional challenge to consider. In the year leading up to sample return we plan a variety of sample handling rehearsals that will enables the curation team to be prepared for many new aspects posed by this sample suite

    Curation and Analysis of Samples from Comet Wild-2 Returned by NASA's Stardust Mission

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    The NASA Stardust mission returned the first direct samples of a cometary coma from comet 81P/Wild2 in 2006. Intact capture of samples encountered at 6 km/s was enabled by the use of aerogel, an ultralow dense silica polymer. Approximately 1000 particles were captured, with micron and submicron materials distributed along ~mm scale length tracks. This sample collection method and the fine scale of the samples posed new challenges to the curation and cosmochemistry communities. Sample curation involved extensive, detailed photodocumentation and delicate microsurgery to remove particles without loss from the aerogel tracks. This work had to be performed in highly clean facility to minimize the potential of contamination. JSC Curation provided samples ranging from entire tracks to micrometersized particles to external investigators. From the analysis perspective, distinguishing cometary materials from aerogel and identifying the potential alteration from the capture process were essential. Here, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) proved to be the key technique that would make this possible. Based on TEM work by ourselves and others, a variety of surprising findings were reported, such as the observation of high temperature phases resembling those found in meteorites, rarely intact presolar grains and scarce organic grains and submicrometer silicates. An important lesson from this experience is that curation and analysis teams must work closely together to understand the requirements and challenges of each task. The Stardust Mission also has laid important foundation to future sample returns including OSIRISREx and Hayabusa II and future cometary nucleus sample return missions

    Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer Planning (OSIRIS-REx)

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    Scientists at ARES are preparing to curate and analyze samples from the first U.S. mission to return samples from an asteroid. The Origins-Spectral Interpretation- Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer, or OSIRIS-REx, was selected by NASA as the third mission in its New Frontiers Program. The robotic spacecraft will launch in 2016 and rendezvous with the near-Earth asteroid Bennu, in 2020. A robotic arm will collect at least 60 grams of material from the surface of the asteroid to be returned to Earth in 2023 for worldwide distribution by the NASA Astromaterials Curation Facility at ARES

    The Abundance and Distribution of Presolar Materials in Cluster IDPS

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    Presolar grains and remnants of interstellar organic compounds occur in a wide range of primitive solar system materials, including meteorites, interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), and comet Wild-2 samples. Among the most abundant presolar phases are silicate stardust grains and molecular cloud material. However, these materials have also been susceptible to destruction and alteration during parent body and nebular processing. In addition to their importance as direct samples of remote and ancient astrophysical environments, presolar materials thus provide a measure of how well different primitive bodies have preserved the original solar system starting materials

    Interstellar and Solar Nebula Materials in Cometary Dust

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    Laboratory studies of cometary dust collected in the stratosphere and returned from comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Stardust spacecraft have revealed ancient interstellar grains and molecular cloud organic matter that record a range of astrophysical processes and the first steps of planetary formation. Presolar materials are rarer meteorites owing to high temperature processing in the solar nebula and hydrothermal alteration on their asteroidal parent bodies. The greater preservation of presolar materials in comets is attributed to their low accretion temperatures and limited planetary processing. Yet, comets also contain a large complement of high temperature materials from the inner Solar System. Owing to the limited and biased sampling of comets to date, the proportions of interstellar and Solar System materials within them remains highly uncertain. Interstellar materials are identified by coordinated isotopic, mineralogical, and chemical measurements at the scale of individual grains. Chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (CP IDPs) that likely derive from comets are made up of 0.1 - 10 micron-sized silicates, Fe-Ni-sulfides, oxides, and other phases bound by organic material. As much as 1% of the silicates are interstellar grains that have exotic isotopic compositions imparted by nucleosynthetic processes in their parent stars. Crystalline silicates in CP IDPs dominantly have normal isotopic compositions and probably formed in the Solar System. 81P samples include isotopically normal refractory minerals that resemble Ca-Al rich inclusions and chondrules common in meteorites. The origins of sub-micron amorphous silicates in IDPs are not certain, but at least a few % of them are interstellar grains. The remainder have isotopic compositions consistent with Solar System origins and elemental compositions that are inconsistent with interstellar grain properties, thus favoring formation in the solar nebula [4]. The organic component in comets and primitive meteorites has large enrichments in D/H and N-15/N-14 relative to terrestrial materials. These isotopic signatures are probably due to low temperature chemical processes in cold molecular clouds or the outermost reaches of the protoplanetary disk. The greatest isotopic anomalies are found in sub-micron organic nanoglobules that show chemical signatures of interstellar chemistry. The observation that cometary dust is mostly composed of isotopically normal minerals within isotopically anomalous organic matter is difficult to reconcile with the formation models of each component. The mineral component likely formed in high temperature processes in the inner Solar System, while the organic fraction shows isotopic and chemical signatures of formation near 10 K. Studying more primitive remnants of the Solar System starting materials would help in resolving this paradox. Comets formed across a vast expanse of the outer disk under differing thermal and collisional regimes, and some are likely to be better preserved than others. Finding truly pristine aggregates of presolar materials may require return of a pristine sample of comet nucleus material

    3D Observation of GEMS by Electron Tomography

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    Amorphous silicates in chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (CP-IDPs) coming from comets are dominated by glass with embedded metal and sulfides (GEMS). GEMS grains are submicron-sized rounded objects (typically 100-500) nm in diameter) with anaometer-sized (10-50 nm) Fe-Ni metal and sulfide grains embedded in an amorphous silicate matrix. Several formation processes for GEMS grains have been proposed so far, but these models are still being debated [2-5]. Bradley et al. proposed that GEMS grains are interstellar silicate dust that survived various metamorphism or alteration processes in the protoplanetary disk and that they are amorphiation products of crystalline silicates in the interstellar medium by sputter-deposition of cosmic ray irradiation, similar to space weathering [2,4]. This consideration is based on the observation of nano-sized crystals (approximately 10 nm) called relict grains in GEMS grains and their shapes are pseudomorphs to the host GEMS grains. On the other hand, Keller and Messenger proposed that most GEMS formed in the protoplanetary disk as condensates from high temperature gas [3,5]. This model is based on the fact that most GEMS grains have solar isotopic compositions and have extremely heterogeneous and non-solar elemental compositions. Keller and Messenger (2011) also reported that amorphous silicates in GEMS grains are surrounded by sulfide grains, which formed as sulfidization of metallic iron grains located on the GEMS surface. The previous studies were performed with 2D observation by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) or scanning TEM (STEM). In order to understand the structure of GEMS grains described above more clearly, we observed 3D structure of GEMS grains by electron tomography using a TEM/STEM (JEM-2100F, JEOL) at Kyoto University. Electron tomography gives not only 3D structures but also gives higher spatial resolution (approximately a few nm) than that in conventional 2D image, which is restricted by sample thickness ) approx. or greater than 50 nm). Three cluster IDPs (L2036AA5 cluster4, L2009L8 cluster 13 and W726A2) were used for the observations. ID W726A2 was collected without silicon oil, which is ordinary used to collect IDPs, so this sample has no possibility of contaminations caused by silicon oil or solvent to rinse it [6]. The samples were embedded in epoxy risin and sliced into ultrathin sections (50-300 nm) using an ultramicotome. The sections were observed by BF-TEM and HAADF-STEM (high angle annular dark field-scanning TEM) modes. Images were obtained by rotating the sample tilt angle over a range of +/- 65 deg in 1 deg steps. The obtained images were reconstructed to slice images. Mineral phases in the slice images were estimated by comparing with a 2D elemental map obtained by an EDS (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) system equipped in the TEM/STEM. Careful examination of the slice images confirmed that iron grains are embedded in the amorphous silicate matrix of the GEMS grains, but sulfide grains were mainly present on the surface of the amorphous silicate. These results are consistent with the model that GEMS grains formed as condensates [3,5], although more data are needed to conclude the origin of GEMS grains. The present study is the first successful example adapting the electron tomography to the IDPs. This type of analysis will be important for planetary material sciences in the future

    Curation, Spacecraft Recovery and Preliminary Examination for the Stardust Mission: A Perspective from the Curatorial Facility

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    We briefly describe some of the challenges to the Stardust mission, curation and sample preliminary analysis, from the perspective of the Curation Office at the Johnson Space Center. Our goal is to inform persons planning future sample returns, so that they may learn from both our successes and challenges (and avoid some of our mistakes). The Curation office played a role in the mission from its inception, most critically assisting in the design and implementation of the spacecraft contamination control plan, and in planning and documenting the recovery of the spacecraft reentry capsule in Utah. A unique class 100 cleanroom was built to maintain the returned comet and interstellar samples in clean comfort, and to permit dissection and allocation of samples for analysis