41 research outputs found

    Can Intermarriage ‘Kokusai kekkon’ Prevent Return Migration? : The Case of Moroccan Migrant Returnees from Japan

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    The aim of this study is twofold: Firstly, it investigates the role of intermarriage or ‘Kokusai kekkon’ with Japanese natives in facilitating Moroccan migration to Japan. Secondly, it aims to understand the factors which have pushed Moroccan migrants to return home. Over the last decade, a growing number of Moroccan migrants have relied on ‘Kokusai kekkon’ or ‘intermarriage’ with Japanese natives as a strategy to migrate to Japan. Nevertheless, many of these migrants return to Morocco after years of residence and work in Japan. The study takes the hypothesis of structural reasons in Japan and Morocco as the causes of this act. Drawing from in-depth interviews with six former Moroccan migrants who have returned to Morocco, quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed to understand some of the reasons behind this return migration. The study showed that intermarriage was strategic to migration for the majority of the informants; however, it was not a sufficient factor to prevent their return to Morocco. It also revealed many structural factors in both Japan and Morocco that have encouraged this return; including the inability to generate savings, the incapability to remit as well as Japan’s restrictive citizenship requirements Keywords:Kokusai kekkon Intermarriage, n, Moroccan Returnees, Japan’s Migration Policies           &nbsp

    Understanding Moroccan Return Migration and Intermarriage Dynamics : The Case of Moroccan Returnees from Japan

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    The aim of this study is twofold: Firstly, it investigates the role of intermarriage or ‘Kokusai kekkon’ with Japanese natives in facilitating Moroccan migration to Japan. Secondly, it aims to understand the factors which have pushed Moroccan migrants to return home. Over the last decade, a growing number of Moroccan migrants have relied on ‘Kokusai kekkon’ or ‘intermarriage’ with Japanese natives as a strategy to migrate to Japan. Nevertheless, many of these migrants return to Morocco after years of residence and work in Japan. The study takes the hypothesis of structural reasons in Japan and Morocco as the causes of this act. Drawing from in-depth interviews with six former Moroccan migrants who have returned to Morocco, quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed to understand some of the reasons behind this return migration. The study showed that intermarriage was strategic to migration for the majority of the informants; however, it was not a sufficient factor to prevent their return to Morocco. It also revealed many structural factors in both Japan and Morocco that have encouraged this return; including the inability to generate savings, the incapability to remit as well as Japan’s restrictive citizenship requirements

    Preventive effects of betamethasone valerate ointment for radiation-induced severe oral mucositis in patients with oral or oropharyngeal cancer: protocol for a multicentre, phase II, randomised controlled trial (Bet-ROM study)

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    Introduction: This is a randomised, multi-centre, open-label, phase II study to evaluate the efficacy of betamethasone valerate ointment on radiation-induced oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing concomitant radiotherapy with cisplatin or cetuximab.Methods and analysis: The trial will take place at seven hospitals in Japan. Patients will be randomised (1:1) into betamethasone and control groups after the occurrence of grade 1 oral mucositis. In the betamethasone group, patients will use betamethasone valerate ointment five times a day, in addition to usual oral hygiene guidance. The primary endpoint is the incidence and onset time of grade 3 oral mucositis. The secondary endpoints are the incidence and onset time of grade 2 oral mucositis, incidence and onset time of oral candidiasis, completion of radiation therapy and adverse events. Target accrual is 102 patients with a two-sided type I error rate of 5% and 80% power to detect an 80% risk reduction in the incidence of grade 3 oral mucositis.Ethics and dissemination: This study was approved by the Clinical Research Review Board of Nagasaki University (No. CRB20-009). All participants will be required to provide written informed consent. Findings will be disseminated through scientific and professional conferences and peer-reviewed journal publication. The datasets generated during the study will be available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.Trial registration number: jRCTs071200013

    るいそうに関する実態調査と今後の対策 : プロジェクトチームの結成(予報)

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    国際経済における台湾の役割の変化 : パソコン産業を事例に

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    はじめに / 第1節 直接投資の進展 /  1. 企業内貿易の増加 /  2. アメリカの直接投資 /  3. 日本の直接投資 /  4. 台湾への直接投資 /   (1) 台湾への直接投資の進展 /   (2) 直接投資による技術移転 /  5. 台湾における情報産業の勃興 /  6. 小結 / 第2節 グローバル生産ネットワークの進展 /  1. 先進国企業によるアウトソーシングへの流れ /  2. 生産方式の変遷 /   (1) ウインテリズムの登場 /   (2) モジュラー化の進展 /  3. パソコン産業のアウトソーシングの,台湾への集中 /   (1) 外注先として台湾が選ばれた要因 /   (2) OEM・ODM受託を引き受けた台湾側の理由 /   (3) GPNへの統合によるコンピタンスの拡大 /   (4) 1990年代後半以降の,中国を利用し得る強みの付加 /  4. 小結 / 第3節 台湾に賦与される役割の変化-多くのアジア途上国の一つから,唯一の存在へ /  1. 国際的な要求と台湾内の諸条件の偶然の一致 /  2. 小結 / おわりに / 参考文


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    はじめに / 第1節 中国への投資と台湾内の就業者数の関係 / 第2節 企業の台湾内投資および対外投資後の台湾内の雇用等の状況 / 第3節 失業率の上昇 / 第4節 台湾内の労働力不足 / 第5節 投資先での中国人の雇用 / 第6節 投資先での失業 / おわり