274 research outputs found

    Towards a Rational Design of Zeolite-Polymer Composite Nanofibers for Efficient Adsorption of Creatinine

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    This report describes the compositional and structural design strategy of a zeolite-polymer composite nanofiber mesh for the efficient removal of uremic toxins towards blood purification application. The nanofiber is fabricated by electrospinning composite solution of biocompatible poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) (EVOH) and zeolite particles which are capable of selectively adsorbing uremic toxins such as creatinine. By controlling electrospinning conditions carefully, the incorporated zeolites in EVOH were found to correspond closely to the feed ratios. Elemental mapping images of Si show that zeolites were uniformly blended within the fibers. The fabricated composite fibers successfully adsorbed creatinine from solution and the adsorption capacity reached a maximum at 12 h. The crystallinity of the nanofiber was also controlled by varying the composition of ethylene content in EVOH. Less crystallinity resulted in higher creatinine adsorption capacity due to the barrier property of EVOH. Cytotoxicity assay demonstrated that the composite fibers showed less toxicity than free zeolite particles which killed more than 95% of cells. The proposed composite fibers, therefore, have the potential to be utilized as a new approach to removing creatinine selectively from the bloodstream

    Development of in-house fully residual deep convolutional neural network-based segmentation software for the male pelvic CT

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    [Background] This study aimed to (1) develop a fully residual deep convolutional neural network (CNN)-based segmentation software for computed tomography image segmentation of the male pelvic region and (2) demonstrate its efficiency in the male pelvic region. [Methods] A total of 470 prostate cancer patients who had undergone intensity-modulated radiotherapy or volumetric-modulated arc therapy were enrolled. Our model was based on FusionNet, a fully residual deep CNN developed to semantically segment biological images. To develop the CNN-based segmentation software, 450 patients were randomly selected and separated into the training, validation and testing groups (270, 90, and 90 patients, respectively). In Experiment 1, to determine the optimal model, we first assessed the segmentation accuracy according to the size of the training dataset (90, 180, and 270 patients). In Experiment 2, the effect of varying the number of training labels on segmentation accuracy was evaluated. After determining the optimal model, in Experiment 3, the developed software was used on the remaining 20 datasets to assess the segmentation accuracy. The volumetric dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and the 95th-percentile Hausdorff distance (95%HD) were calculated to evaluate the segmentation accuracy for each organ in Experiment 3. [Results] In Experiment 1, the median DSC for the prostate were 0.61 for dataset 1 (90 patients), 0.86 for dataset 2 (180 patients), and 0.86 for dataset 3 (270 patients), respectively. The median DSCs for all the organs increased significantly when the number of training cases increased from 90 to 180 but did not improve upon further increase from 180 to 270. The number of labels applied during training had a little effect on the DSCs in Experiment 2. The optimal model was built by 270 patients and four organs. In Experiment 3, the median of the DSC and the 95%HD values were 0.82 and 3.23 mm for prostate; 0.71 and 3.82 mm for seminal vesicles; 0.89 and 2.65 mm for the rectum; 0.95 and 4.18 mm for the bladder, respectively. [Conclusions] We have developed a CNN-based segmentation software for the male pelvic region and demonstrated that the CNN-based segmentation software is efficient for the male pelvic region

    The 1988-1989 explosive eruption of Tokachi-dake, central Hokkaido, Its sequence and mode

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    On December 16, 1988, after 26 years of dormancy since the last eruption in 1962, Tokachi-dake began to erupt from the 62-II crater. The eruption started with phreatic explosions. Then, on December 19, the activity changed into phreatomagmatic explosions of Vulcanian type and continued intermittently until March 5, 1989. Although the composition of the essential ejecta, mafic andesite, is similar to those of 1926 and 1962 eruptions, the mode of the present eruption is considerably diffrent The present eruption consists of a series of 23 discrete cannon-like explosions, being frequently accompanied with small-scale pyrcclastic surges and flows. The total volume of ejecta amounts to approximately 6×105 m3, of which about 20% is essential ejecta. A complete sequence of events was compiled and distribution maps of the ash-fall, ballistic blocks, and pyroclastic surges and flows were drawn for each of the larger eruptions. The pyrrolastic surges and flows of the present eruption were small scale, low temperature pyroclastic flows, rich in accessory clasts and unaccompanied by sector collapse. Therefore, the sudden melting of snow causing disastrous mudflows, as in the case of the 1926 eruption, fortunately did not occur

    Hydrothermal Aluminum-Phosphate-Sulfates in Ash from the 2014 Hydrothermal Eruption at Ontake Volcano, Central Honshu, Japan

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    Aluminum-phosphate-sulfates (APS) of the alunite supergroup occur in igneous rocks within zones of advanced argillic and silicic alteration in porphyry and epithermal ore environments. In this study we report on the presence of woodhouseite-rich APS in ash from the 27 September 2014 hydrothermal eruption of Ontake volcano. Scanning electron microscope coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS) and field emission (FE)-SEM-EDS observations show two types of occurrence of woodhouseite: (a) as cores within chemically zoned alunite-APS crystals (Zoned-alunite-woodhouseite-APS), and (b) as a coherent single-phase mineral in micro-veinlets intergrown with similar micro-veinlets of silica minerals (Micro-wormy-vein woodhouseite-APS). The genetic environment of APS minerals at Ontake volcano is that of a highly acidic hydrothermal system existing beneath the volcano summit, formed by condensation in magmatic steam and/or ground waters of sulfur-rich magmatic volatiles exsolved from the magma chamber beneath Mt. Ontake. Under these conditions, an advanced argillic alteration assemblage forms, which is composed of silica, pyrophyllite, alunite and kaolinite/dickite, plus APS, among other minerals. The discovery of woodhouseite in the volcanic ash of the Ontake 2014 hydrothermal eruption represents the first reported presence of APS within an active volcano. Other volcanoes in Japan and elsewhere with similar phreatic eruptions ejecting altered ash fragments will likely contain APS minerals derived from magmatic-hydrothermal systems within the subvolcanic environment. The presence of APS minerals within the advanced argillic zone below the summit vent of Ontake volcano, together with the prior documentation of phyllic and potassically altered ash fragments, provides evidence for the existence within an active volcano in Japan of an alteration column comparable to that of porphyry copper systems globally

    Analysis of Factors Associated With Radiation-Induced Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia Syndrome After Breast-Conserving Therapy

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    Purpose: To evaluate factors associated with radiation-induced bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) syndrome after breast-conserving therapy. Methods and materials: A total of 702 women with breast cancer who received radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery at seven institutions between July 1995 and December 2006 were analyzed. In all patients, the whole breast was irradiated with two tangential photon beams. The criteria used for the diagnosis of radiation-induced BOOP syndrome were as follows: (1) radiotherapy to the breast within 12 months, (2) general and/or respiratory symptoms lasting for >or=2 weeks, (3) radiographs showing lung infiltration outside the radiation port, and (4) no evidence of a specific cause. Results: Radiation-induced BOOP syndrome was seen in 16 patients (2.3%). Eleven patients (68.8%) were administered steroids. The duration of steroid administration ranged from 1 week to 3.7 years (median, 1.1 years). Multivariate analysis revealed that age (>or=50 years; odds ratio [OR] 8.88; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.16-67.76; p = 0.04) and concurrent endocrine therapy (OR 3.05; 95% CI 1.09-8.54; p = 0.03) were significantly associated with BOOP syndrome. Of the 161 patients whose age was >or=50 years and who received concurrent endocrine therapy, 10 (6.2%) developed BOOP syndrome. Conclusions: Age (>or=50 years) and concurrent endocrine therapy can promote the development of radiation-induced BOOP syndrome after breast-conserving therapy. Physicians should carefully follow patients who received breast-conserving therapy, especially those who are older than 50 years and received concurrent endocrine therapy during radiotherapy

    Magma Plumbing System at Izu-Oshima Volcano, Japan: Constraints From Petrological and Geochemical Analyses

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    The Izu-Oshima volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in Japan, and has generated relatively large-scale eruptions every 30–40 years for the past 200 years. As more than 30 years have passed since the last eruptions in 1986–87, volcanic activity is expected to resume in the near future. To help elucidate the current and future state of the volcano’s magma system, the temporal evolution of the recent magma plumbing system was investigated through a petrological and geochemical analysis of its basaltic lavas and pyroclastics (<∼53 wt.% of SiO2) that were erupted during the last ∼1.5 kyr. The basaltic products have variable phenocryst contents, ranging from ∼0 to ∼20 vol.%, and phenocryst-bearing samples commonly contain plagioclase, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene phenocrysts. The whole-rock compositions are significantly scattered in the Harker variation diagrams, suggesting that the compositional diversity was established by at least two independent magmatic processes. The application of principal component analysis on the whole-rock major element data suggests that one magmatic process was crystal fractionation of crystal-poor magmas, and the other process was either plagioclase accumulation or mixing of plagioclase-rich magmas. Based on this observation, and combined with the petrological analysis and previous geophysical studies, we propose that aphyric magmas, stored in an 8–10 km-deep magma chamber, progressively differentiated over time from the 7th to 20th century. Furthermore, the compositional variations in basalts resulted from the mixing of the differentiating aphyric magmas with variable proportions of porphyritic magmas derived from a 13–18 km-deep magma chamber. Because recent eruptions have been triggered by the ascent of porphyritic magma from the 13–18 km-deep magma chamber, and its injection into the 8–10 km-deep magma chamber, it is important to monitor the deeper magma chamber to predict future volcanic activity

    Allergens of the house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, in patients with mite allergic rhinitis: a clinical investigation by intracutaneous skin tests and nasal provocation tests.

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    To determine the allergens of mite allergic rhinitis, we studied 31 patients with mite allergic rhinitis by skin tests and nasal provocation tests (15 for skin and 16 for nasal tests) using 6 fractions of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp) extract differing in molecular weights (15, 25, 32, 53, 95 and 190 kDMW). In skin testing, patients showed intense positive reactions to the fractions of 15, 25, 32, 95 and 190 kDMW, among which the most patients showed positive reactions to the fractions of 15 and 25 kDMW. Significant differences were found in patients' positive reactivity among each fraction and between low (15 and 25 kD) and high (95 and 190 kD) molecular weight fractions as well. In nasal provocation tests, patients showed intense positive reactions to the fractions of 15, 32, 53 and 95 kDMW, especially to the fractions of 15 and 95 kDMW. Furthermore, the insidence of positive reactions to the 15 kDMW fraction was significantly higher than that to any other fraction in the skin tests (P &#60; 0.05). From these results, the low molecular weight fraction, 15 kDMW, is considered to be the main allergen of this mite and the high molecular weight fractions, 95 and 190 kDMW, may also be considered to be allergens of this mite.</p

    Allergens of the house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, in patients with mite allergic rhinitis: a clinical investigation by intracutaneous skin tests and nasal provocation tests.

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    To determine the allergens of mite allergic rhinitis, we studied 31 patients with mite allergic rhinitis by skin tests and nasal provocation tests (15 for skin and 16 for nasal tests) using 6 fractions of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp) extract differing in molecular weights (15, 25, 32, 53, 95 and 190 kDMW). In skin testing, patients showed intense positive reactions to the fractions of 15, 25, 32, 95 and 190 kDMW, among which the most patients showed positive reactions to the fractions of 15 and 25 kDMW. Significant differences were found in patients' positive reactivity among each fraction and between low (15 and 25 kD) and high (95 and 190 kD) molecular weight fractions as well. In nasal provocation tests, patients showed intense positive reactions to the fractions of 15, 32, 53 and 95 kDMW, especially to the fractions of 15 and 95 kDMW. Furthermore, the insidence of positive reactions to the 15 kDMW fraction was significantly higher than that to any other fraction in the skin tests (P &#60; 0.05). From these results, the low molecular weight fraction, 15 kDMW, is considered to be the main allergen of this mite and the high molecular weight fractions, 95 and 190 kDMW, may also be considered to be allergens of this mite.</p

    The MAXI Mission on the ISS: Science and Instruments for Monitoring All Sky X-Ray Images

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    The MAXI (Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image) mission is the first astronomical payload to be installed on the Japanese Experiment Module-Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) on the ISS. It is scheduled for launch in the middle of 2009 to monitor all-sky X-ray objects on every ISS orbit. MAXI will be more powerful than any previous X-ray All Sky Monitor (ASM) payloads, being able to monitor hundreds of AGN. MAXI will provide all sky images of X-ray sources of about 20 mCrab in the energy band of 2-30 keV from observation on one ISS orbit (90 min), about 4.5 mCrab for one day, and about 1 mCrab for one month. A final detectability of MAXI could be 0.2 mCrab for 2 year observations.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japa

    MAXI GSC observations of a spectral state transition in the black hole candidate XTE J1752-223

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    We present the first results on the black hole candidate XTE J1752-223 from the Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on-board the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) on the International Space Station. Including the onset of the outburst reported by the Proportional Counter Array on-board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer on 2009 October 23, the MAXI/GSC has been monitoring this source approximately 10 times per day with a high sensitivity in the 2-20 keV band. XTE J1752-223 was initially in the low/hard state during the first 3 months. An anti-correlated behavior between the 2-4 keV and 4-20 keV bands were observed around January 20, 2010, indicating that the source exhibited the spectral transition to the high/soft state. A transient radio jet may have been ejected when the source was in the intermediate state where the spectrum was roughly explained by a power-law with a photon index of 2.5-3.0. The unusually long period in the initial low/hard state implies a slow variation in the mass accretion rate, and the dramatic soft X-ray increase may be explained by a sudden appearance of the accretion disk component with a relatively low innermost temperature (0.4-0.7 keV). Such a low temperature might suggest that the maximum accretion rate was just above the critical gas evaporation rate required for the state transition.Comment: Publication of Astronomical Society of Japan Vol.62, No.5 (2010) [in print