58 research outputs found

    次の直下地震から東京はどのように復興されるべきか : 阪神大震災と東京の事前復興都市計画の取り組み

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    本論文は、南関東で発生が危倶されている直下の地震に対して、東京都では地震被害想定を前提に、被災地域の都市復興をどのように進めるべきかを事前検討することとした。その検討メンバーの一人である著者は、阪神大震災での都市復興過程を基礎に、それを上回る被害の発生が想定される東京区部直下の地震に対する「事前復興計画」の考え方を整理した。本論文は、「東京都都市復興マニュアル」を紹介しつつ、都市復興及びその事前準備の課題を考察したものである。本論文の構成は以下である。1.東京の都市構造と地震に対する地域危険度評価 2. 東京の地震環境と危倶される南関東の直下地震 3. 東京における区部直下地震の被害想定 4. 東京の都市計画の系譜と防災都市づくり推進計画 5. 来るべき東京の都市復興概念と復興計画策定マニュアルの考え方 6. 考察 最も重要な課題は、如何に市民(被災者)の参加と理解を得ながら、都市復興計画に合意し、事業の実施を推進することが出来るかという課題である。そのためには、災害後に復興街づくりが始まるのではなく、被災が危倶される木造密集市街地で、事前に、どのように街づくりを市民と協働で取り組んでおくか、が重要であることを述べた。In this paper,the author presents how Tokyo shall be reconstructed after the next big earthquake through the introduction of Tokyo\u27s Urban Reconstruction Planning Manual. This manual was published in 1997 by Tokyo Metropolitan Government,learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster and the implementation of its urban reconstruction projects which were not easy to do in the severe condition of damaged areas. The purporse of this manual is to prepare the urban reconstruction plan making that will be implemented after a disaster in the remaining time an earthquake arrives. The contents of this paper are as follows; 1. The Urban Structure of Tokyo through Area Vulnerability Assessment. 2. Tokyo\u27s Seismological Environment and the Next Big Earthquake. 3. Damage Estimation of the Next Big Earthquake in Tokyo. 4. Tokyo\u27s Urban Planning and Promotional Plan for Disaster-resistant City. 5. Concept of the Next Reconstruction Plan and Plan-making Manual. 6. Conclusions. As a result,the author concluded that,even if the preparedness plan for urban recovery and reconstruction such as Ground Design for Tokyo\u27s Reconstruction can be developed,the most important countermeasure against the next Big One is a promotion and progression of the earthquake-proofing projects for making Tokyo a disaster-resistant city,improving community safer,and retrofitting existing houses without recent earthquake-resistant standard. Because the preparedness measures for recovery and reconstruction cannot reduce damages caused by the next Big Earthquake

    Machi: Neighborhood and Small Town—The Foundation for Urban Transformation in Japan

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    The term machi, signifying both neighborhood and small town, is a key element for understanding Japanese urban form and city planning. After tracing the origins of the term, this article explores the historic and contemporary significance of the concept and its particular spatial and socioeconomic forms. The article then argues that the concept of machi influenced the ways in which Japanese planners picked up foreign concepts through the nineteenth and particularly the twentieth century, absorbing some ideas and rejecting others. Building on their perception of the city as composed of urban units that allowed for planning in patchwork patterns, leading Japanese planners carefully selected models—independently of international appreciation—making, for example, the book The New Town by the German planner Gottfried Feder a standard reference. The article concludes by arguing that foreign observers must understand the concept of machi to comprehend contemporary Japanese neighborhoods, city life, and urban forms

    日本における広域応援と広域協働による災害対応システムの現状 : 首都圏の巨大災害を事例に

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    The aim of this paper is the introduction of Japanese disaster management system and the wide-area support system in case of Tokyo Inland Earthquake and the discussion of the important issues for effective wide-area support. Learning from the 1995 Hanshin-awaji Earthquake, the support system among local autonomies and between local autonomies and National government has been revised and enlarged in Japan. In this paper, especially the wide-area support system in huge metropolitan region is focused on. For Tokyo inland earthquake which provability in three decades is approximately 70%, Japanese National Government has established the new wide-area support system. The one is the emergency response teams of local governments conducted by National Police Agency and Fire & Disaster Management Agency for the rescue, relief, emergency medical service, emergency fire service and so on. The other is the wide-area support system of JNG by the Self-defense Force and Japan Coast Guard according to request from prefectural local governments. On the other hand, many local governments established the co-supporting system among not only the remote local governments but also the neighboring local governments in the wide area. In Tokyo metropolitan region, eight prefectural governments and large city governments conclude the agreement of widearea support for each other. However, the emergency activities are based on each Local Disaster Management Plan, which is established under the Basic Disaster Management Law by each other. There is no Wide-area Disaster Management Plan.本論文の目的は、日本の地域防災システムの紹介と首都直下地震対策としての広域応援および広域連携システムを紹介し、効果的な広域応援のあり方を論考することである。1995年の阪神・淡路大震災の教訓として、国家政府と地方自治体の連携体制および地方自治体同士の相互応援・連携体制は改定され、拡張されている。本論では、とくに巨大都市圏における広域応援システムに焦点を当てている。事例として、今後30年間に発生する確率70%といわれる首都直下地震をとりあげ、日本における新しい広域応援システムを紹介する。ひとつは、国家公安委員会警察庁や総務省消防庁が救急・救助・緊急医療サービスなどのために創設した緊急対応チームについてである。もうひとつは、地方自治体からの応援要請に対応した海上保安庁および自衛隊による緊急支援の仕組みでの強化である。他方、地方自治体は個別に遠隔地の自治体との間で任意に応援協定を締結したり、近隣の自治体間での相互応援協定を締結する事例が増えている。とくに首都圏では、巨大都市圏を構成している8都県市(東京都、千葉・神奈川・埼玉県、横浜・川崎・さいたま・千葉の政令指定都市)が、同時被災する可能性が高い首都直下地震時の相互応援協定を新たに締結した。しかしながら、個々の自治体の災害時対応は、個々の「地域防災計画」に依拠している。この地域防災計画は「地方自治」を原則として「自治域内で、全ての災害対応を全うする計画」となっている。しかし、巨大災害となることが想定されている首都直下地震では、自治の範囲を超えた広域的な取り組みを可能とする新しい法制度の創設が必要となっている

    Socio-economic and living conditions of tokyo\u27s inner-city

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    This report aims to research the socio-economic and living condition of Tokyo inner-city area residents in 1980 from the viewpoint of the inner-city problem. The 35 kinds of official data by ward area are selected and analyzed. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1) The inner-city problem of Tokyo is restricted to the inner area around the CBD, rather than in the inner core area, which is characterized by high population density and mixed residential-industrial land use. 2) In the inner core area of Tokyo, a marked decrease in young residential population and the rise of aged population ratio are noticed as an inner-city problem for each self-governing body. 3) The inner-city problem of Tokyo is caused not by the ethnic minority and immigration problems but by the degradation of traditional manufacturing industries and the poor residential environment and housing

    Urban structure of islamic city and its modern transformation: a case study of aleppo, syria

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    Aleppo is the most typical Islamic city. Recently its urbanization has been advanced with the demolition of Isramic townscape and historic monuments under the modern European-style urban planning. Especially, new road construction has demolished many traditional houses in old town. This paper describes these phenomena based on the case study in Bab al Hadid area of Aleppo and proposes the necessity of city planning for conservation of traditional town. The most important point is that the cul-de-sac accessways resembling the traditional blind alleys must be constructed and facilities for car parking must be annexed to them. Because it results in conseration of not only islamic townscape but also islamic urban life

    Recovery of livelihood following disasters in present japan

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    The objective of this study is to clarify the recovery process in the livelihood of victims of various disasters from the standpoint of victim. In the case studies the earthquake of 1984 and the city fire of 1976 were considered. The result of the questionnaire for each victim is concluded as follows: 1) each victim must basically recover the livelihood of his household by himself, in spite of the existence of administrative and volunteer services; 2) In a Japanese city of wooden structures, city fires sometimes offer a chance to improve or redevelop the old city. In the case of the Sakata City Fire of 1976, the land readjustment project for reconstruction of the central commercial district was carried out. However, the recovery of livelihood for individuals was late because the reconstruction took time; 3) The economic loss in each affected household and the cost of recovery were not insignificant. Especially in the case of the fire, loan to these households put pressure upon their livelihood for a long time

    Case study on intensity of damage caused by disasters in recent japan

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    Damage caused by disasters such as earthquakes, floods and great fires in recent Japan is examined. Intensity of damage is shown not by the absolute value of loss, but by the index value in the form of a damage ratio, such as the sufferer ratio and the ratio of economic losses to the government\u27s annual income. Through these ratios, it is clarified that the small absolute value of loss never means to give the slight socio-economic impact in a small-size local governments