13 research outputs found

    Przesuwanie granicy wieku i zmniejszanie liczby przeciwwskazań do resekcji wątroby u obciążonych onkologicznych chorych — opis przypadku

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    Liver resections are performed in increasing numbers due to oncological indications. Thus, the indications for surgical treatment of liver tumors are constantly expanding. Advanced age and other comorbidities often exclude this group of patients from treatment by liver resection. Patient C.S. (80 y.a., height 166 cm, weight 97 kg, ASA = 4) with risk factors was admitted for resection of metastatic lesions (adenocarcinoma) of the cecum to the liver. The patient was diagnosed with hypertension, atherosclerosis, stable coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, chronic renal failure (eGFR = 37), obesity, degenerative spinal lesions, sigmoid colon diverticulitis, dystonic tremor of the head. Previously operated upon and had amputation of the uterus with appendages (2005), cholecystectomy, right hemicolectomy (2012) complicated by respiratory failure with the need for ventilation seven days post-surgery. Prior to surgery, the patient had imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT and MRI scans of the abdomen, which confirmed a 55mm metastatic tumor in the seventh segment of the liver. The results were analyzed during a radiological and surgical consultation in order to prepare the safest available surgical access and the scope of the planned resection. A cardiac echocardiography was performed and the patient had a cardio-, neuro- and anesthetic consultation. The patient was fully informed about the high risk of complications and possible operational failure. During surgery a right hemihepatectomy was performed. The resected lobe weighed 712 g. Blood loss was < 500 ml, 2 units RBC and 2 units FFP were transfused. The surgery and the postoperative period proceeded without serious complications. The only problem was a short-lived biliary fistula, which healed spontaneously. Age and comorbid conditions are often a contraindication for surgery, but with proper medical support, the opportunity to interact with other professionals and thorough preparation of the patient and the team of surgeons, the risk of failure can be significantly minimized. A modern, personalized, multidisciplinary approach towards each patient can expand indications and reduce contraindications for hepatic resection.Resekcje wątroby ze wskazań onkologicznych są coraz częściej wykonywaną operacją. Wskazania do leczenia operacyjnego nowotworów wątroby stale są rozszerzane, wciąż jednak zaawansowany wiek pacjenta oraz inne towarzyszące choroby często wykluczają tę grupę chorych z leczenia resekcją wątroby. Chora C.S. (lat 80, wzrost 166 cm, masa ciała 97 kg, ASA = 4) obciążona internistycznie została zakwalifikowana do resekcji zmiany przerzutowej gruczolakoraka kątnicy do wątroby. W wywiadzie nadciśnienie tętnicze, uogólniona miażdżyca, stabilna choroba niedokrwienna serca, cukrzyca typu 2, przewlekła niewydolność nerek (eGFR = 37), otyłość, stany zwyrodnieniowe kręgosłupa, uchyłkowatość esicy, drżenie dystoniczne głowy. Stan po amputacji macicy z przydatkami (2005), po cholecystektomii, po hemikolektomii prawostronnej (2012) powikłanej niewydolnością oddechową z koniecznością wentylacji 7 dni od operacji. Wykonano USG, TK i MR jamy brzusznej, które potwierdzały guz przerzutowy o średnicy 55 mm w VII segmencie wątroby. Wyniki tych badań były dokładnie omówione na konsylium radiologiczno-chirurgicznym w celu zaplanowania najbezpieczniejszego dostępu i zakresu planowanej resekcji. Wykonano echokardiografię serca i konsultowano chorą kardiologicznie, neurologicznie oraz anestezjologicznie. Pacjentka była w pełni poinformowana o wysokim ryzyku powikłań i ewentualnego niepowodzenia operacji. Podczas operacji wykonano hemihepatektomię prawostronną. Resekowana część wątroby ważyła 712 g. Utrata krwi w czasie operacji < 500 ml, przetoczono 2 j. KKCz oraz 2 j. FFP. Chora zniosła zabieg operacyjny i okres pooperacyjny bez powikłań. Jedynym problemem była krótkotrwała przetoka żółciowa, która zagoiła się samoistnie. Wiek i choroby towarzyszące często stanowią przeciwwskazanie do leczenia operacyjnego, jednak przy odpowiednim zapleczu medycznym, możliwości współpracy z innymi specjalistami oraz dokładnym przygotowaniem chorego i zespołu przeprowadzającego operację ryzyko niepowodzenia znacznie spada. Zatem nowoczesne, indywidualne, wielospecjalistyczne podejście do chorego pozwala rozszerzać wskazania i zmniejszać przeciwwskazania do resekcji wątroby

    Identification and significance of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Cel badań. Badania poświęcono identyfikacji i ocenie znaczenia endotelialnych komórek progenitorowych we krwi obwodowej chorych na HCC.Materiał i metoda. Badania przeprowadzono u 133 chorych na HCC, dotychczas nieleczonych, z których 46 zostało zakwalifikowanych do resekcji wątroby, 45 do przeszczepienia wątroby i 42 do leczenia paliatywnego. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 43 osób zdrowych i 42 chorych na marskość wątroby, bez stwierdzonego raka. Od badanych pobierano próbki świeżej krwi w objętości 2 ml i niezwłocznie wykonywano badanie fenotypu komórek metodą cytometrii przepływowej z użyciem cytometru FACS CANTO II. Frakcję endotelialnych komórek progenitorowych (EPCs) o fenotypie CD34(+)CD133(+)CD45(dim)CD309(+) identyfikowano za pomocą wymienionych markerów powierzchniowych. Populację hematopoetycznych komórek macierzystych (HSCs) identyfikowano na podstawie fenotypu CD34(+)CD133+)CD45(dim), zgodnie z regułami ISHAGE. Wyniki, przedstawione jako odsetek endotelialnych komórek progenitorowych w populacji hematopoetycznych komórek macierzystych (%EPCs/HSCs) oraz odsetek HSCs w pulileukocytów CD45(+) (%HSCs/WBC) opracowano statystycznie.Wyniki. Badanie wykazało znamienne różnice we frakcji EPCs i subpopulacji HSCs pomiędzy chorymi na raka i osobami zdrowymi (test U Manna-Whitneya: chisq = –5,92; p < 0,0001 i chisq 3,85; p < 0,0001, odpowiednio) oraz pomiędzy chorymi na raka i na marskość wątroby (chisq = –6,09; p < 0,0001 i 2,47; p < 0,01, odpowiednio). Różnice te nie były znamienne pomiędzy chorymi na HCC a chorymi na marskość wątroby (NS).Wnioski. Wzrost odsetka hematopoetycznych komórek macierzystych i ich frakcji, endotelialnych komórek progenitorowych, wskazuje na rolę, jaką odgrywają w rozwoju raka wątrobowokomórkowego. Nieistotne różnice pomiędzy chorymi na raka i na marskość wątroby potwierdzają tezę o przedrakowym charakterze marskości.Aim of study. The study identified and assessed the role of endothelial progenitor cells in the peripheral blood circulation of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.Material and methods. There were 133 HCC patients who qualified for liver resection, 45 for liver transplantation, and 42 for palliation. Control groups consisted of 43 healthy and 42 cirrhotic individuals. Circulating HSCs and EPCs were measured by phenotypic analysis of fresh blood samples in a flow cytometer according to the approval of ISHAGE. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) were defined and enumerated as CD34(+),133(+),CD45(dim), CD309(+). Results were evaluated statistically indicating the rate of endothelial progenitor cells (%EPCs) in the fraction of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs — defined as CD34(+),CD133(+),CD45(dim), the subpopulation of leukocytes (WBC) — defined asCD45(+) cells.Results. Significant differences were found in the rate of the EPC fraction and in the HSC subpopulation between cancer patients and healthy individuals (the test used was U-Mann-Whitney: Chisq = –5.92, p < 0.0001 and Chisq = 3.85,p < 0.0001, respectively), and between patients with cirrhosis and with a healthy liver (Chisq = –6.09, p < 0.0001 and Chisq = 2.47, p < 0.01, respectively). The differences between patients with HCC and with liver cirrhosis were statisticallynot significant.Conclusions. Increasing the rate of hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells in peripheral blood circulation indicates the importance for HCC development

    Problemy starzenia się demograficznego w Polsce

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    Is the Age of Patients with Iatrogenic Bile Duct Injuries Increasing?

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    Resection of the gall-bladder is still the most common surgical procedure performed at general surgery departments. The laparoscopic method used in the majority of cases offers considerable benefits but at the same time is associated with an increased rate of bile duct complications. So far, a slim female aged 25-50 years was a typical patient with a iatrogenic bile duct injury. The aim of the study was to identify the age of patients with iatrogenic bile duct injuries as well as the clinical course observed in recent years. Material and methods. Gender and age structure of patients admitted to the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery between the beginning of 2011 and June 2014 and treated for iatrogenic bile duct injuries, complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, were analysed. The patients were referred to the department as a reference centre. Results. In the group of 186 patients, females predominated (69.4%) and the mean age was 52 years. A considerable increase in the mean age of patients treated in 2014 as compared with previous years was seen. This was related to an increased rate of bile duct injuries in patients aged over 70 years, who accounted for about 25% of the group. In previous years, bile duct injuries in patients of such an advanced age happened considerably less frequently. Conclusions. A iatrogenic bile duct injury in an elderly person may prove a fatal complication. A repair surgery, i.e. the biliary-enteric anastomosis, is a major and burdensome procedure, particularly in the case of patients aged over 70 years. Special caution during laparoscopic cholecystectomy is advised in this population, and the slightest doubts should lead to conversion

    Randomized control trials using a tablet formulation of hyperimmune bovine colostrum to prevent diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in volunteers

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    OBJECTIVE: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is the leading cause of travelers' diarrhea. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of a powdered extract of hyperimmune bovine colostrum to protect against diarrhea in volunteers challenged with ETEC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tablets were manufactured from a colostrum extract from cattle immunized with 14 ETEC strains, including serogroup O78. Two separate randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials involving 90 healthy adult volunteers were performed to investigate the ability of different tablet formulations to protect against diarrhea following an oral challenge with an O78 ETEC strain. RESULTS: The first study with 30 participants evaluated the efficacy of tablets, containing 400 mg of colostrum protein, taken thrice daily with bicarbonate buffer. This regimen conferred 90.9% protection against diarrhea in the group receiving the active preparation compared with the placebo group (p = 0.0005). The second study examined the efficacy of tablets containing 400 mg colostrum protein given with buffer (83.3% protection; p = 0.0004) or without buffer (76.7% protection; p = 0.007), and tablets containing 200 mg colostrum protein given without buffer (58.3% protection; p = 0.02), compared with placebo. The difference between buffered and unbuffered treatments was not significant (p > 0.1). CONCLUSIONS: Active tablet formulations were significantly more effective than placebo in protecting volunteers against the development of diarrhea caused by ETEC. These results suggest that administration of a tablet formulation of hyperimmune bovine colostrum containing antibodies against ETEC strains may reduce the risk of travelers' diarrhea

    Evolution Of The Results Of 1500 Liver Transplantations Performed In The Department Of General, Transplant And Liver Surgery Medical University Of Warsaw

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    Liver transplantation is a well-established treatment of patients with end-stage liver disease and selected liver tumors. Remarkable progress has been made over the last years concerning nearly all of its aspects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of long-term outcomes after liver transplantations performed in the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery (Medical University of Warsaw). Material and methods. Data of 1500 liver transplantations performed between 1989 and 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. Transplantations were divided into 3 groups: group 1 including first 500 operations, group 2 including subsequent 500, and group 3 comprising the most recent 500. Five year overall and graft survival were set as outcome measures. Results. Increased number of transplantations performed at the site was associated with increased age of the recipients (p<0.001) and donors (p<0.001), increased rate of male recipients (p<0.001), and increased rate of piggyback operations (p<0.001), and decreased MELD (p<0.001), as well as decreased blood (p=0.006) and plasma (p<0.001) transfusions. Overall survival was 71.6% at 5 years in group 1, 74.5% at 5 years in group 2, and 85% at 2.9 years in group 3 (p=0.008). Improvement of overall survival was particularly observed for primary transplantations (p=0.004). Increased graft survival rates did not reach the level of significance (p=0.136). Conclusions. Long-term outcomes after liver transplantations performed in the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery are comparable to those achieved in the largest transplant centers worldwide and are continuously improving despite increasing recipient age and wider utilization of organs procured from older donors