8 research outputs found
Eutrophisation et dynamique du phosphore et de l'azote en Seine : un nouveau contexte suite Ă lâamĂ©lioration du traitement des eaux usĂ©es
The Seine river system is an ecosystem deeply affected by human activities. The new water quality requirements have led to significant changes. We provided an overview of nitrogen transfers in the Seine basin. We conducted sampling campaigns in order to describe the dynamics of nitrogen and nitrification. Furthermore, we compared our results with the observations before the implementation of nitrogen treatment at the wastewater treatment plant Seine Aval (WWTP SAV). The results proved that the WWTP discharges less ammonium and more nitrifiers but with a slower development than before. These communities disappear downstream, without causing low oxygen concentrations in the lower Seine and its estuary, as they did before... A simplified modelling of nitrogen concentrations and nitrification before and after the implementation of nitrogen treatment helped to reproduce the past and the present trends.Moreover, the assessment of the fluxes and the analysis of the role of phosphorus were realized. The inputs to the river system have been reduced almost three times in the early year 2000. The experimental measurement of phosphorus sorption characteristics onto suspended solids has shown that particles could be affected by the discharges coming from the WWTP SAV after the introduction of an advanced treatment. We show also by modelling, that the algal growth is very sensitive to adsorption process. The changes in frequency and amplitude of algal blooms observed in the Seine can be explained by the reduction of point phosphorus loadings. The modelling of algal blooms throughout the entire basin remains difficult with the currently available mechanistic tools.La Seine est un écosystÚme profondément affecté par les activités humaines. Il a subi des changements améliorant le traitement des eaux usées parisiennes et les apports diffus de l'agriculture. Des campagnes de prélÚvements en profils longitudinaux ont été menées à l'amont et à l'aval de la station d'épuration Seine-Aval (step SAV) pour décrire la dynamique de l'azote et des activités des micro-organismes nitrifiants et la comparer aux observations disponibles antérieures à l'implémentation d'un traitement de l'azote. Les résultats prouvent que la step SAV rejette moins d'ammonium et plus d'organismes nitrifiants mais avec un développement plus lent et moins important qui disparaissent en aval améliorant le déficit en oxygÚne en Seine. De plus, le bilan et le rÎle du phosphore ont été démontrés avec des apports au milieu fluvial diminués d'un facteur 2.7 depuis le début des années 2000. La mesure expérimentale des paramÚtres de l'adsorption du phosphore sur la matiÚre en suspension a permis d'affirmer que ceux-ci sont influencés par les rejets des stations d'épuration mettant en oeuvre un traitement du phosphore. Nous montrons, par modélisation, que la dynamique de développement des algues est sensible au processus d'adsorption du phosphore. Les changements apparus dans la fréquence et l'intensité des blooms algaux en Seine peuvent s'expliquer par la réduction de la charge ponctuelle en phosphore. Avec des concentrations en orthophosphates proches de la limitation dans les secteurs amont, une modélisation précise de l'apparition du phytoplancton à l'échelle du bassin versant reste cependant encore difficile avec les outils mécanistiques actuels que nous avons développés
Eutrophication and dynamics of phosphorus and nitrogen in the Seine River : a new context following the improvement of wastewater treatment
La Seine est un écosystÚme profondément affecté par les activités humaines. Il a subi des changements améliorant le traitement des eaux usées parisiennes et les apports diffus de l'agriculture. Des campagnes de prélÚvements en profils longitudinaux ont été menées à l'amont et à l'aval de la station d'épuration Seine-Aval (step SAV) pour décrire la dynamique de l'azote et des activités des micro-organismes nitrifiants et la comparer aux observations disponibles antérieures à l'implémentation d'un traitement de l'azote. Les résultats prouvent que la step SAV rejette moins d'ammonium et plus d'organismes nitrifiants mais avec un développement plus lent et moins important qui disparaissent en aval améliorant le déficit en oxygÚne en Seine. De plus, le bilan et le rÎle du phosphore ont été démontrés avec des apports au milieu fluvial diminués d'un facteur 2.7 depuis le début des années 2000. La mesure expérimentale des paramÚtres de l'adsorption du phosphore sur la matiÚre en suspension a permis d'affirmer que ceux-ci sont influencés par les rejets des stations d'épuration mettant en oeuvre un traitement du phosphore. Nous montrons, par modélisation, que la dynamique de développement des algues est sensible au processus d'adsorption du phosphore. Les changements apparus dans la fréquence et l'intensité des blooms algaux en Seine peuvent s'expliquer par la réduction de la charge ponctuelle en phosphore. Avec des concentrations en orthophosphates proches de la limitation dans les secteurs amont, une modélisation précise de l'apparition du phytoplancton à l'échelle du bassin versant reste cependant encore difficile avec les outils mécanistiques actuels que nous avons développés.The Seine river system is an ecosystem deeply affected by human activities. The new water quality requirements have led to significant changes. We provided an overview of nitrogen transfers in the Seine basin. We conducted sampling campaigns in order to describe the dynamics of nitrogen and nitrification. Furthermore, we compared our results with the observations before the implementation of nitrogen treatment at the wastewater treatment plant Seine Aval (WWTP SAV). The results proved that the WWTP discharges less ammonium and more nitrifiers but with a slower development than before. These communities disappear downstream, without causing low oxygen concentrations in the lower Seine and its estuary, as they did before... A simplified modelling of nitrogen concentrations and nitrification before and after the implementation of nitrogen treatment helped to reproduce the past and the present trends.Moreover, the assessment of the fluxes and the analysis of the role of phosphorus were realized. The inputs to the river system have been reduced almost three times in the early year 2000. The experimental measurement of phosphorus sorption characteristics onto suspended solids has shown that particles could be affected by the discharges coming from the WWTP SAV after the introduction of an advanced treatment. We show also by modelling, that the algal growth is very sensitive to adsorption process. The changes in frequency and amplitude of algal blooms observed in the Seine can be explained by the reduction of point phosphorus loadings. The modelling of algal blooms throughout the entire basin remains difficult with the currently available mechanistic tools
The response of river nitrification to changes in wastewater treatment (The case of the lower Seine River downstream from Paris)
In the early 2000s, most of the effluents from the Paris agglomeration (12 million inhabitants) were still discharged after only a standard activated sludge treatment of carbon, thus releasing a high ammonium load. This triggered the growth of nitrifying bacteria in the river and caused a deficit of dissolved oxygen concentration 200 km downstream, at the entrance of the estuarine area. From 2007 on, improvements of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) helped to nitrify most of the ammonium, and to denitrify 70% of the nitrate produced since 2012. This paper documents the effect of these recent changes in the treatment of Paris effluents, based on measurements of nitrogen species concentrations and nitrifying activities along longitudinal profiles of the lower Seine River. These observations are put into perspective with respect to previous observations, and a modeling approach is developed to evidence the role of ammonium and nitrifying organisms released with the WWTP effluents into the receiving water body. Today, a larger biomass of ammonium-oxidizing microbes is being discharged by the WWTP, but the microorganisms released do not grow, possibly because of the low substrate in the river. The same is true for nitrite-oxidizing microbes, which explains the persistence of nitrite often discharged with the effluents because of incomplete nitrification and/or denitrification in the treatment line. Taking into account the development of microbial populations of nitrifying organisms is essential to explain the observed spatial and temporal pattern of the nitrogen species.This paper proves that nitrogen treatment of Paris wastewater since the improvements in WWTP has impacted nitrification in the Seine River. The observations and the modelling tools showed that more nitrifiers are discharged than before but do not develop due to lack in substrate leading in the disappearance of oxygen deficits linked to nitrification
Impact of hydro-sedimentary processes on the dynamics of soluble reactive phosphorus in the Seine River
International audienceThis paper focuses on soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) dynamics along a 225 km stretch of the Seine River, including the Paris urban area, for the 2007â2011 period. The impact of hydro-sedimen-tary processes on SRP concentrations and fluxes is estimated under various hydrological conditions. Sorp-tion interaction parameters between SRP and sus-pended matter are experimentally determined on river water samples and are included in a hydro-ecological model. Simulated concentrations are compared to weekly measurements at 11 monitoring stations. The introduction of sorption in the model reduces the root mean square error of simulated SRP concentrations by 20 % and allows the simulation of particulate inorganic P (PIP) accumulation in the system. With these ameliorations, the model constitutes a reliable manage-ment tool, which is compatible with the requirements of new regulations as the European Water Framework Directive. P mass balances are assessed upstream and downstream the major waste water treatment plant of the Paris urban area. P fluxes in the system are mainly driven by hydrological conditions and sediment-related processes. While SRP is the predominant P form during low flow, PIP accounts for more than 70 % of the total P during high flow. Moreover, SRP sorption fluxes are of the same order of magnitude as biotic fluxes affecting SRP concentrations. According to the model, and based on all the available data, 75 % of the SRP release by the river bed sediments occurs during high flow periods, and PIP exchanges at the sedimentâwater interface are more than 4 times higher during high flow periods than during low flow periods
Phosphorus budget in the water-agro-food system at nested scales in two contrasted regions of the world (ASEAN-8 and EU-27)
International audiencePhosphorus (P) plays a strategic role in agricultural production as well as in the occurrence of freshwater and marine eutrophication episodes throughout the world. Moreover, the scarcity and uneven distribution of minable P resources is raising concerns about the sustainability of long-term exploitation. In this paper we analyze the P cycle in anthropic systems with an original multiscale approach (world region, country, and large basin scales) in two contrasting world regions representative of different trajectories in socioeconomic development for the 1961-2009 period: Europe (EU-27)/France and the Seine River Basin, and Asia (ASEAN-8)/Vietnam and the Red River Basin. Our approach highlights different trends in the agricultural and food production systems of the two regions. Whereas crop production increased until the 1980s in Europe and France and has stabilized thereafter, in ASEAN-8 and Vietnam it began to increase in the 1980s and it is still rising today. These trends are related to the increasing use of fertilizers, although in European countries the amount of fertilizers sharply decreased after the 1980s. On average, the total P delivered from rivers to the sea is 3 times higher for ASEAN-8 (300kgPkm(-2)yr(-1)) than for EU-27 countries (100kgPkm(-2)yr(-1)) and is twice as high in the Red River (200kgPkm(-2)yr(-1)) than in the Seine River (110kgPkm(-2)yr(-1)), with agricultural losses to water in ASEAN-8 3 times higher than in EU-27. Based on the P flux budgets, this study discusses early warnings and management options according to the particularities of the two world regions, newly integrating the perspective of surface water quality with agricultural issues (fertilizers, crop production, and surplus), food/feed exchanges, and diet, defining the so-called water-agro-food system