314 research outputs found

    Counterions at Charged Cylinders: Criticality and universality beyond mean-field

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    The counterion-condensation transition at charged cylinders is studied using Monte-Carlo simulation methods. Employing logarithmically rescaled radial coordinates, large system sizes are tractable and the critical behavior is determined by a combined finite-size and finite-ion-number analysis. Critical counterion localization exponents are introduced and found to be in accord with mean-field theory both in 2 and 3 dimensions. In 3D the heat capacity shows a universal jump at the transition, while in 2D, it consists of discrete peaks where single counterions successively condense.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005

    Counterion-Mediated Weak and Strong Coupling Electrostatic Interaction between Like-Charged Cylindrical Dielectrics

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    We examine the effective counterion-mediated electrostatic interaction between two like-charged dielectric cylinders immersed in a continuous dielectric medium containing neutralizing mobile counterions. We focus on the effects of image charges induced as a result of the dielectric mismatch between the cylindrical cores and the surrounding dielectric medium and investigate the counterion-mediated electrostatic interaction between the cylinders in both limits of weak and strong electrostatic couplings (corresponding, e.g., to systems with monovalent and multivalent counterions, respectively). The results are compared with extensive Monte-Carlo simulations exhibiting good agreement with the limiting weak and strong coupling results in their respective regime of validity.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure


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    Since 1980, Total Quality Management (TQM) has emerged as a management strategy for providing customers with services that match their needs. In the UAE, the department of municipal affairs and transport will introduce quality measuring tools. TQM establishes quality as the guiding force behind leadership, planning, and design, necessitating the assistance of the eight essential aspects. Thus, TQM would include leaders and managers who have earned quality excellence awards, shown superior performance, delivered superior service, and earned public confidence. In public administration, quality improvement and assessment have resulted in the development and implementation of strategic models. Total quality management originated in the manufacturing industry. TQM and excellence awards are critical in the UAE economy due to the demand for high-quality public services. This is unsurprising, given that service organisations continue to face harsh realities equal to those faced by industrial organisations. This is the fundamental rationale for using service quality models. The phases of service quality management may help improve the efficiency and satisfaction of service delivery while also building a strategic framework for technology integration and innovation. The Department of Municipal Affairs and Transportation is obligated to provide value-added services to its customers and must demonstrate a strong commitment to quality service in order to achieve economic success. JEL: H11; H83; L10 Article visualizations


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    Total quality management (TQM) is a collection of strategies for constantly improvement inside organisations. The government of UAE has made considerable measures towards the adoption of TQM. Despite that, many organisations in UAE are not able to adopt the principles of TQM. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of TQM principles proposed by the International Organization for Standardization on Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport quality. This study employed quantitative technique to address research questions. The conclusion of this study reveals that department of municipal affairs and transport industries need to adopt the principles of TQM according to the seven principles of ISO to achieve high Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport Quality. This study recommends that transport industries in UAE should establish a department of quality office in each college headed by specialist managers in TQM who will be responsible for following-up and monitoring the application of TQM like continuous improvement, teamwork spirit, and sharing decision-making. JEL: H12; H50 Article visualizations


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    To provide customers with services that meet their demands, Total Quality Management (TQM) has arisen as a management technique since 1980. Quality measurement instruments are to be implemented in the department of municipal affairs and transport in the UAE. TQM makes quality the driving force behind leadership, planning, and design, thus it requires the eight core aspects’ help. Thus, TQM would include leaders and managers based on quality excellence awards, performance, service delivery, and public trust. Quality improvement and measurement in public administration has led to the development and deployment of strategic models. Total quality management has its roots in manufacturing. The UAE economy’s demand for quality public services has made TQM and excellence awards important. Given that service organisations continue to confront harsh realities comparable to those encountered by industrial organisations, this is not surprising. This is the basic rationale for using service quality models. The stages in service quality management may improve service delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction, establishing the strategic framework for technology integration and innovation. The Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport has been compelled to offer value added service for customers and must exhibit a strong commitment to quality service in order to promote its commercial success. Article visualizations

    X-ray Protection Using Mixture of Cement Shielding with Barium Sulfate

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    This study aims to investigate a way to reduce transmitted x-ray through cement shielding. A cement shielding which painted by Barium Sulfate capable of absorbing a significant portion of X-ray was used with different thickness and composition. The measurements were recorded at various applied voltages (50 kVp to 120 kVp), and the transmitted and backscattered x-ray was measured using ion chamber. The results showed that the cement shielding painted by Barium Sulfate was very effective in the absorption of incident x-ray up to about 95%, and has the ability to reduce backscattered x-ray radiation up to about 75 % by using fabricated iron steel grid based on a plate composed from cement shielding painted by Barium Sulfate

    Wrapping Transition and Wrapping-Mediated Interactions for Discrete Binding along an Elastic Filament: An Exact Solution

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    The wrapping equilibria of one and two adsorbing cylinders are studied along a semi-flexible filament (polymer) due to the interplay between elastic rigidity and short-range adhesive energy between the cylinder and the filament. We show that statistical mechanics of the system can be solved exactly using a path integral formalism which gives access to the full effect of thermal fluctuations, going thus beyond the usual Gaussian approximations which take into account only the contributions from the minimal energy configuration and small fluctuations about this minimal energy solution. We obtain the free energy of the wrapping-unwrapping transition of the filament around the cylinders as well as the effective interaction between two wrapped cylinders due to thermal fluctuations of the elastic filament. A change of entropy due to wrapping of the filament around the adsorbing cylinders as they move closer together is identified as an additional source of interactions between them. Such entropic wrapping effects should be distinguished from the usual entropic configuration effects in semi-flexible polymers. Our results may be applicable to the problem of adsorption of proteins as well as synthetic nano-particles on semi-flexible polymers such as DNA.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Non-monotoic fluctuation-induced interactions between dielectric slabs carrying charge disorder

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    We investigate the effect of monopolar charge disorder on the classical fluctuation-induced interactions between randomly charged net-neutral dielectric slabs and discuss various generalizations of recent results (A. Naji et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 060601 (2010)) to highly inhomogeneous dielectric systems with and without statistical disorder correlations. We shall focus on the specific case of two generally dissimilar plane-parallel slabs, which interact across vacuum or an arbitrary intervening dielectric medium. Monopolar charge disorder is considered to be present on the bounding surfaces and/or in the bulk of the slabs, may be in general quenched or annealed and may possess a finite lateral correlation length reflecting possible `patchiness' of the random charge distribution. In the case of quenched disorder, the bulk disorder is shown to give rise to an additive long-range contribution to the total force, which decays as the inverse distance between the slabs and may be attractive or repulsive depending on the dielectric constants of the slabs. We show that in the case of two dissimilar slabs the net effect due to the interplay between the disorder-induced and the pure van der Waals interactions can lead to a variety of unusual non-monotonic interaction profiles between the dielectric slabs. In particular, when the intervening medium has a larger dielectric constant than the two slabs, we find that the net interaction can become repulsive and exhibit a potential barrier, while the underlying van der Waals force is attractive. On the contrary, when the intervening medium has a dielectric constant in between that of the two slabs, the net interaction can become attractive and exhibit a free energy minimum, while the pure van der Waals force is repulsive. Therefore, the charge disorder, if present, can drastically alter the effective interaction between net-neutral objects.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure