2,570 research outputs found


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    La Perception de la RSE par les Consommateurs Libanais: Quels enjeux pour les PME?

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    International audienceSous la poussée institutionnelle et sociale, les entreprises ont étendu leurs relations d'échange au-delà de la sphère économique et recherchent la légitimation de leurs actes. Les thématiques du développement durable (DD) et de la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise (RSE) suscitent, depuis quelques années, un intérêt soutenu, et devient un objet d'étude pour les chercheurs en sciences de gestion et en marketing. Encore balbutiant il y a quelques années, le concept de la RSE gagne de plus en plus de terrain au Liban. Le consommateur libanais est désormais exposé à de nombreux messages porteurs d'engagements sociétaux. Dès lors, cette recherche s'attache à montrer comment ce dernier perçoit les actions des entreprises libanaises inscrites dans des logiques de Responsabilité Sociale, et de vérifier si cette perception impacte son intention d'achat


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    This study concerns on students’ ability in developing a descriptive paragraph based on three paragraph components and characteristics of good paragraph, but it is not based on the grammatical error.  It focuses on descriptive paragraph because it is supposed as one type of paragraph that will be use more by students both during their courses and their works. The populations of this study are students first semester of English department in STAIN Tulungagung. There are 31 students (20%) as samples selected randomly, and they are taken from 152 students who divided into 5 classes. They are assigned to develop descriptive paragraph in the end of the semester as their final project.  The result of this study shows that generally students’ ability in developing descriptive paragraphs are good, it is shown from their average score (72.14).  Moreover, there are 22 or 71% students who get 75 up to 84, means that most of their ability in developing good descriptive paragraphs are very good


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    Many kindegarten start to introduce English as their local content subject, but most of them are did not provide the English syllabus. This study suggest to kindegarten teacher in developing English syllabus for kindegraten students, in order to they have any standart in teaching English. The model of development is adapted from the framework component of syllabus that is conveyed by Grave. This model consist of seven steps, they are: need assesment, determining goals and objectives, conceptualizing content, selecting and developing materials and activities, organization of content and activities, eveluation, and consideration of resources and constraints

    A Baltimore Love Thing: A Look at Social Dances and Their Connection to Communal Healing Amongst Black People in Baltimore

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    This thesis provides insight on the vast effects of systematic racial injustice towards Black people living in Baltimore, Maryland. It highlights the negative effects of racism and the impact of collective shared trauma, while also bringing attention to the resilience long-time and current residents have shown through the action of movement, dance, and simply being. The essence of the Baltimore originated social dance called Rockin’ Off/Shakin’ Off, developed in 2005, provides the chance to dance out lived individual and shared experiences. The discussion sheds light on similarities between key principles of dance/movement therapy and Rockin’ Off/Shakin’ Off, and how this form has been instrumental in emphasizing how belonging aids in communal healing


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    This research is entitled “The Effect of Using Annotation Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Analytical Exposition Texts at Islamic Senior High School Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru. The research design was a quasiexperimental research. The objectives of the research were to find out the students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text taught by using Annotation strategy, to find out the students’ reading comprehension of Analytical Exposition text taught without using Annotation strategy, and to find out whether there is or not a significant effect of using Annotation strategy on students’ reading comprehension at the eleventh grade of Islamic Senior High School Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru. The population of this research was the eleventh grade students at Islamic Senior High School Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru in 2016/2017. It consisted of seven classes; the number of population was 185 students. The sample of this research was 50 students taken from two classes (25 students in each class). The technique of collecting data used by researcher was test, used to find out the students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text. The technique of analyzing data was an independent sample t-test and it was eased by using SPSS 16 program. Finally, based on the data analysis, the researcher concluded that there is a significant effect of using annotation strategy on students’ reading comprehension at the eleventh grade of Islamic Senior High School Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru, where the sig. (2 tailed) was 0.001<0.05, It means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Keywords: the effect, annotation strategy, reading comprehensio

    Opskrbni lanci znanja u vremenu propadanja istine: uloga enciklopedija

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    Our information sphere—the space where we not only express our opinions, but where we also form our opinions—is facing significant challenges. The core trends of »truth decay«— growing disagreement about facts; blurred lines between opinion and fact; increasing influence of opinion over fact; and declining trust in formerly respected sources of factual information—have become increasingly evident in the strategic and systemic dilution and distortion of information that contribute to increasing fragmentation of society, deepening already existing divisions. Over the past three years, growing geopolitical tension and asymmetric warfare have further increased the visibility of and focus on the weaponisation of information and, by implication, the weaknesses of our collective cognitive security. Societal and economic repercussions of the pandemic and the accompanying »infodemic«, the accelerated geopolitical competition, as well as recent domestic political violence in the USA and—most recently—Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, have increased the sense of urgency to defend and reinvigorate the information ecosystems that form the core of our liberal democracies, enabling everyone to not only express their opinions, but also to form their opinions, to make informed choices without being manipulated. Against this backdrop, the strategic importance of strengthening our knowledge supply chains is growing. Reinvigorating already existing components of our shared information sphere—including national verified encyclopedias—can help boost collective cognitive resilience against information manipulation, both in and beyond Europe. The external face of such investments can contribute to developing new aspects of European knowledge diplomacy, promoting and projecting European democratic values and freedoms in third countries.Naša informacijska sfera, odnosno prostor gdje ne samo da izražavamo svoja mišljenja nego ih i oblikujemo, suočena je s ozbiljnim izazovima. Osnovne tendencije »propadanja istine« (truth decay) – sve učestalije neslaganje o činjenicama, zamagljene crte između mišljenja i činjenica te smanjeno povjerenje u nekad cijenjene izvore činjeničnih informacija – postaju sve očitije u strateškom i sustavnom razvodnjavanju i iskrivljavanju informacija, što pridonosi rastućoj rascjepkanosti društva, produbljujući već postojeće podjele. Tijekom prethodnih triju godina rastuće geopolitičke napetosti i asimetrično ratovanje dodatno su podignuli vidljivost i usredotočenost na upotrebu informacija kao oružja i – implicitno – slabost naše kolektivne kognitivne sigurnosti. Društvene i gospodarske posljedice pandemije i popratne »infodemije«, rastuće geopolitičko natjecanje, kao i nedavno političko nasilje u SAD-u te agresija Rusije na Ukrajinu povećale su osjećaj da je potrebno hitno obraniti i obnoviti informacijske ekosustave, koji čine srž naših liberalnih demokracija, čime se svima omogućuje ne samo izražavanje mišljenja nego i njegovo oblikovanje te donašanje promišljenih odluka bez da pritom budu podložne manipulacijama. U tom kontekstu raste strateška važnost osnaživanja naših opskrbnih lanaca znanja. Oživljavanje već postojećih sastavnica naše zajedničke informacijske sfere, uključujući potvrđene nacionalne enciklopedije, može pomoći pri povećanju naše kolektivne kognitivne otpornosti na manipuliranje informacijama u Europi i izvan nje. Vanjsko lice takvih ulaganja može pridonijeti razvijanju novih aspekata europske diplomacije znanja te promoviranju i projekciji europskih demokratskih vrijednosti i sloboda u drugim državama


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    We see and face that our students not really motivated when they learn English, feeling bored and not interesting to English. Teaching media usage can face this problem, because the use of teaching media can attract students’ attention to the subject. However, even the teacher used teaching media to explain materials, sometimes it is not a good way to avoid students’ boredom, because they not really interesting to teaching media used. This article tries to give some ideas related to the problem above, by offering ideas about interesting teaching media that is technology based teaching media. This issues based on the fact that the growth of technology today is very massive, and students are very familiar and interested in technology. So, it is hoped as an English teacher to adapt students’ interest in term of technology as teaching media
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