20 research outputs found

    Pristopi k poučevanju politične korektnosti v slovenski osnovni Ŕoli

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    The M.A. thesis focuses on political correctness as a concept in today\u27s society and seeks practical approaches to teaching its linguistic aspects as part of English classes in the primary school. The thesis consists of an overview of the history of political correctness, its elements, its implementation in educational institutionsan overview of a similar implementation in Slovenia (Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana) and its reactionand an overview of theoretical and practical approaches to teaching political correctness. In the practical section, Touchstone, a series of English as a foreign language course books, written by a Slovene author, are reviewed, examples of content related to political correctness and the content that may potentially be perceived as politically incorrect are presented and analyzed. In the empirical section, a questionnaire was conducted. The participants were teachers of English from primary and secondary schools and English student teachers. Based on the results, we attempted to determine the general attitude towards political correctness and teaching political corrects in English as a foreign language classesexperiences participants have with teaching topics related to political correctnessand the level of importance participants believe political correctness has in peer and class relations. The conclusion is based on the findings from the theoretical, practical and empirical segment and suggestions on how political correctness could be implemented in English as a foreign language classes are provided.Magistrsko delo obravnava politično korektnost kot pojem v sedanji družbi ter iŔče praktične pristope k poučevanju lingvističnih aspektov le-te pri pouku angleŔkega jezika v osnovni Ŕoli. Delo sestoji iz pregleda zgodovine politične korektnosti, njenih elementov, implementacije v (izobraževalnih) ustanovahpregleda poskusa podobne implementacije v Sloveniji (Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani) in odziva na njo ter pregleda teoretičnih in praktičnih pristopov k poučevanju politične korektnosti. V praktičnem delu je pregledana serija učbenikov slovenskega avtorja za angleŔčino kot tuj jezik, Touchstone, izpostavljeni in analizirani pa so primeri vsebine, ki je povezana s politično korektnostjo ter vsebine, ki bi jo lahko nekateri potencialno zaznali kot politično nekorektno. V empiričnem delu je bila izvedena anketa, v kateri so sodelovali profesorji oz. profesorice angleŔkega jezika, ki poučujejo na osnovnih in srednjih Ŕolah, ter Ŕtudenti oz. Ŕtudentke poučevanja angleŔčine. Na podlagi rezultatov ankete smo poskuŔali oceniti sploŔno staliŔče do politične korektnosti in do poučevanja politične korektnosti pri pouku angleŔkega jezika, dosedanje izkuŔnje s poučevanje tem, povezanih s politično korektnostjo, ter ugotoviti, kakŔen pomen anketiranci pripisujejo politični korektnosti pri medvrstniŔkih odnosih in odnosih v razredu. Zaključni sklep, ki je izoblikovan na podlagi teoretičnega, praktičnega in empiričnega dela, predlaga, kako bi se lahko politična korektnost postopoma vključevala v pouk angleŔkega jezika

    Tribal Alliances Undermine Empires: A new view on Arminiusā€˜ Victory in Teutoburg Forest based on Comparative Analysis of the Han-Xiongnu War

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    Arminij je Rimljanom predstavljal enega izmed največjih nasprotnikov v zgodovini antičnega Rima, kar je možno razbrati že iz del dveh izmed največjih rimskih zgodovinarjev, Publija Kornelija Tacita in Kasija Diona. Oba omenjata zloglasnega germanskega poglavarja, ki je s svojimi vojaki v bitki v TevtoburŔkem gozdu, leta 9 n. Ŕt., Rimljanom zadal enega izmed najhujŔih udarcev. Katastrofalni poraz in izguba približno 20.000 rimskih vojakov (tri rimske legije) sta imela dolgoročne posledice ter konkretno spremenila načrte za Ŕirjenje rimskega cesarstva. Cesar Avgust je utrdil položaj na zahodnem bregu reke Ren, ki je po porazu predstavljala dokončno mejo rimskega cesarstva na severovzhodu. V prostoru antične Kitajske pa se je od 2. stoletja pr. n. Ŕt. do 1. stoletja n. Ŕt. dinastija Han soočala s plemeni Xiongnu, ki so po vzpostavitvi cesarstva predstavljali eno izmed največjih groženj v vzhodnoazijskem prostoru. Predvideva se, da so bili Huni, ki so se postopoma preseljevala proti zahodu, v evropski prostor, potomci prav teh plemen. V magistrski nalogi na kratko predstavim zgodovino zgoraj navedenih tvorb in plemen, nakar poskuŔam prostora med seboj primerjati ter ponazoriti ključne vzporednice in razlike med posameznimi entitetami.To the Romans, Arminius was one of the greatest antagonists in the history of ancient Rome, which is evident from the works of two of the greatest Roman historians: Publius Cornelius Tacitus and Cassius Dio. Both mention the infamous Germanic chieftain, who with his soldiers delivered one of the greatest blows to the Romans, in the Battle of Teutoburg forest, in 9 AD. The catastrophic defeat and the loss of some 20.000 Roman soldiers (3 Roman legions) had long-term effects, and significantly changed Roman expansion plans. Caesar Augustus fortified the western bank of the Rhine, which after the Roman defeat, represented the definitive border of the Roman Empire in the northeast. In ancient China, the Han dynasty faced the threat of the Xiongnu tribes, who formed an empire and were in conflict with the Han between the second century BC and first century AD. It is likely that the Huns were descendants of the Xiongnu people, who have migrated west towards Europe. In my thesis, I briefly summarize the history of the above-mentioned people and their land, and attempt to compare the European entities with the Asian, drawing parallels and presenting crucial differences

    Microautoradiography with gelatine

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