58 research outputs found

    Iron in the Tumor Microenvironment—Connecting the Dots

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    Iron metabolism and tumor biology are intimately linked. Iron facilitates the production of oxygen radicals, which may either result in iron-induced cell death, ferroptosis, or contribute to mutagenicity and malignant transformation. Once transformed, malignant cells require high amounts of iron for proliferation. In addition, iron has multiple regulatory effects on the immune system, thus affecting tumor surveillance by immune cells. For these reasons, inconsiderate iron supplementation in cancer patients has the potential of worsening disease course and outcome. On the other hand, chronic immune activation in the setting of malignancy alters systemic iron homeostasis and directs iron fluxes into myeloid cells. While this response aims at withdrawing iron from tumor cells, it may impair the effector functions of tumor-associated macrophages and will result in iron-restricted erythropoiesis and the development of anemia, subsequently. This review summarizes our current knowledge of the interconnections of iron homeostasis with cancer biology, discusses current clinical controversies in the treatment of anemia of cancer and focuses on the potential roles of iron in the solid tumor microenvironment, also speculating on yet unknown molecular mechanisms

    Ferritin H deficiency deteriorates cellular iron handling and worsens Salmonella typhimurium infection by triggering hyperinflammation

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    Iron is an essential nutrient for mammals as well as for pathogens. Inflammation-driven changes in systemic and cellular iron homeostasis are central for host-mediated antimicrobial strategies. Here, we studied the role of the iron storage protein ferritin H (FTH) for the control of infections with the intracellular pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium by macrophages. Mice lacking FTH in the myeloid lineage (LysM-Cre+/+Fthfl/fl mice) displayed impaired iron storage capacities in the tissue leukocyte compartment, increased levels of labile iron in macrophages, and an accelerated macrophage-mediated iron turnover. While under steady-state conditions, LysM-Cre+/+Fth+/+ and LysM-Cre+/+Fthfl/fl animals showed comparable susceptibility to Salmonella infection, i.v. iron supplementation drastically shortened survival of LysM-Cre+/+Fthfl/fl mice. Mechanistically, these animals displayed increased bacterial burden, which contributed to uncontrolled triggering of NF-ÎșB and inflammasome signaling and development of cytokine storm and death. Importantly, pharmacologic inhibition of the inflammasome and IL-1ÎČ pathways reduced cytokine levels and mortality and partly restored infection control in iron-treated ferritin-deficient mice. These findings uncover incompletely characterized roles of ferritin and cellular iron turnover in myeloid cells in controlling bacterial spread and for modulating NF-ÎșB and inflammasome-mediated cytokine activation, which may be of vital importance in iron-overloaded individuals suffering from severe infections and sepsis

    Interferon-gamma polymorphisms and risk of iron deficiency and anaemia in Gambian children

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    Background: Anaemia is a major public health concern especially in African children living in malaria-endemic regions. Interferon-gamma (IFN-?) is elevated during malaria infection and is thought to influence erythropoiesis and iron status. Genetic variants in the IFN-? gene (IFNG) are associated with increased IFN-? production. We investigated putative functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and haplotypes of IFNG in relation to nutritional iron status and anaemia in Gambian children over a malaria season. Methods: We used previously available data from Gambian family trios to determine informative SNPs and then used the Agena Bioscience MassArray platform to type five SNPs from the IFNG gene in a cohort of 780 Gambian children. We also measured haemoglobin and biomarkers of iron status and inflammation at the start and end of a malaria season. Results: We identified five IFNG haplotype-tagging SNPs (IFNG-1616 [rs2069705], IFNG+874 [rs2430561], IFNG+2200 [rs1861493], IFNG+3234 [rs2069718] and IFNG+5612 [rs2069728]). The IFNG+2200C [rs1861493] allele was associated with reduced haemoglobin concentrations (adjusted ? -0.44 [95% CI -0.75, -0.12]; Bonferroni adjusted P = 0.03) and a trend towards iron deficiency compared to wild-type at the end of the malaria season in multivariable models adjusted for potential confounders. A haplotype uniquely identified by IFNG+2200C was similarly associated with reduced haemoglobin levels and trends towards iron deficiency, anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia at the end of the malaria season in models adjusted for age, sex, village, inflammation and malaria parasitaemia. Conclusion: We found limited statistical evidence linking IFNG polymorphisms with a risk of developing iron deficiency and anaemia in Gambian children. More definitive studies are needed to investigate the effects of genetically influenced IFN-? levels on the risk of iron deficiency and anaemia in children living in malaria-endemic areas.</ns4:p

    Ferritin-Mediated Iron Sequestration Stabilizes Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α upon LPS Activation in the Presence of Ample Oxygen

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    SummaryBoth hypoxic and inflammatory conditions activate transcription factors such as hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α and nuclear factor (NF)-ÎșB, which play a crucial role in adaptive responses to these challenges. In dendritic cells (DC), lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced HIF1α accumulation requires NF-ÎșB signaling and promotes inflammatory DC function. The mechanisms that drive LPS-induced HIF1α accumulation under normoxia are unclear. Here, we demonstrate that LPS inhibits prolyl hydroxylase domain enzyme (PHD) activity and thereby blocks HIF1α degradation. Of note, LPS-induced PHD inhibition was neither due to cosubstrate depletion (oxygen or α-ketoglutarate) nor due to increased levels of reactive oxygen species, fumarate, and succinate. Instead, LPS inhibited PHD activity through NF-ÎșB-mediated induction of the iron storage protein ferritin and subsequent decrease of intracellular available iron, a critical cofactor of PHD. Thus, hypoxia and LPS both induce HIF1α accumulation via PHD inhibition but deploy distinct molecular mechanisms (lack of cosubstrate oxygen versus deprivation of co-factor iron)

    On-demand erythrocyte disposal and iron recycling requires transient macrophages in the liver

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    Iron is an essential component of the erythrocyte protein hemoglobin and is crucial to oxygen transport in vertebrates. In the steady state, erythrocyte production is in equilibrium with erythrocyte removal1. In various pathophysiological conditions, however, erythrocyte life span is severely compromised, which threatens the organism with anemia and iron toxicity2,3. Here we identify an on-demand mechanism that clears erythrocytes and recycles iron. We show that Ly-6Chigh monocytes ingest stressed and senescent erythrocytes, accumulate in the liver via coordinated chemotactic cues, and differentiate to ferroportin 1 (FPN1)-expressing macrophages that can deliver iron to hepatocytes. Monocyte-derived FPN1+ Tim-4neg macrophages are transient, reside alongside embryonically-derived Tim-4high Kupffer cells, and depend on Csf1 and Nrf2. The spleen likewise recruits iron-loaded Ly-6Chigh monocytes, but these do not differentiate into iron-recycling macrophages due to the suppressive action of Csf2. Inhibiting monocyte recruitment to the liver leads to kidney and liver damage. These observations identify the liver as the primary organ supporting rapid erythrocyte removal and iron recycling and uncover a mechanism by which the body adapts to fluctuations in erythrocyte integrity

    “Pumping iron”—how macrophages handle iron at the systemic, microenvironmental, and cellular levels

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    TAM-ing the CIA—Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Their Potential Role in Unintended Side Effects of Therapeutics for Cancer-Induced Anemia

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    Cancer-induced anemia (CIA) is a common consequence of neoplasia and has a multifactorial pathophysiology. The immune response and tumor treatment, both intended to primarily target malignant cells, also affect erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. In parallel, immune activation inevitably induces the iron-regulatory hormone hepcidin to direct iron fluxes away from erythroid progenitors and into compartments of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Moreover, many inflammatory mediators inhibit the synthesis of erythropoietin, which is essential for stimulation and differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells to mature cells ready for release into the blood stream. These pathophysiological hallmarks of CIA imply that the bone marrow is not only deprived of iron as nutrient but also of erythropoietin as central growth factor for erythropoiesis. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) are present in the tumor microenvironment and display altered immune and iron phenotypes. On the one hand, their functions are altered by adjacent tumor cells so that they promote rather than inhibit the growth of malignant cells. As consequences, TAM may deliver iron to tumor cells and produce reduced amounts of cytotoxic mediators. Furthermore, their ability to stimulate adaptive anti-tumor immune responses is severely compromised. On the other hand, TAM are potential off-targets of therapeutic interventions against CIA. Red blood cell transfusions, intravenous iron preparations, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents and novel treatment options for CIA may interfere with TAM function and thus exhibit secondary effects on the underlying malignancy. In this Hypothesis and Theory, we summarize the pathophysiological hallmarks, clinical implications and treatment strategies for CIA. Focusing on TAM, we speculate on the potential intended and unintended effects that therapeutic options for CIA may have on the innate immune response and, consequently, on the course of the underlying malignancy.ISSN:2234-943
