37 research outputs found

    L'estudi de la deshumanització i la infrahumanització en psicologia

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    L'estudi psicosocial sobre la conducta antisocial i la crueltat dels éssers humans reconeix l'existència d'una representació deshumanitzadora de l'altre. El propòsit d'aquest article és presentar els avanços empírics en l'estudi de la infrahumanització, com a atribució diferencial de sentiments en l'endogrup i en l'exogrup. Atès que els sentiments 'per exemple, l'amor, l'esperança, el menyspreu, el ressentiment' es consideren emocions exclusivament humanes, les persones no sols atribueixen més sentiments a l'endogrup que no als exogrups, sinó que neguen a aquests últims la capacitat de vivenciar-ne. Ara oferim, en primer lloc, una descripció de les distintes perspectives que s'han utilitzat per a estudiar la deshumanització. En segon lloc, es presenten les conclusions derivades de les investigacions empíriques sobre la infrahumanització. Finalment, es tracen les diferències entre deshumanització i infrahumanització, se'n presenta una síntesi i es fan algunes propostes per a futures intervencions

    Confianza y ansiedad intergrupal: los dos lados del estigma hacia las personas con síndrome de Down

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    People with Down syndrome experience a type of ambivalent stigmatisation, which combines stereotypes, emotional reactions, and both positive and negative attitudes. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between ambivalent attitudes towards people with Down syndrome, and the levels of intergroup trust and anxiety felt towards them. A total of 144 university students completed a questionnaire on their social perception of people with Down syndrome, indicating the extent to which they anticipate an interaction with this group based on trust or anxiety. The results show that responses to people with Down syndrome are ambivalent. Moreover, while intergroup trust is preceded by high levels of admiration and competence, intergroup anxiety is associated with high levels of aversion, compassion and low admiration. We discuss the implications of these results, taking into account how to enhance the social perception of people with Down syndrome, as well as the complex role of compassion in the assessment of stigmatised groups.Las personas con síndrome de Down sufren un tipo de estigmatización ambivalente, que combina estereotipos, reacciones emocionales y actitudes positivas y negativas. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relación que existe entre las actitudes ambivalentes hacia las personas con síndrome de Down, y los niveles de confianza y ansiedad intergrupal que se mantienen hacia ellas. Un total de 144 estudiantes universitarios respondieron a un cuestionario sobre la percepción social que mantienen hacia este colectivo, e indicaron en qué medida anticipan una interacción con personas con síndrome de Down basada en la confianza o en ansiedad intergrupal. Los resultados indican que se producen respuestas ambivalentes hacia las personas con síndrome de Down. Además, mientras que la confianza intergrupal está relacionada con altos niveles de admiración y competencia, la ansiedad intergrupal está relacionada con niveles altos de aversión, compasión y baja admiración. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados alcanzados de cara a mejorar la percepción social de las personas con síndrome de Down, así como el complejo papel que juega la compasión en la valoración de grupos estigmatizados

    Volunteering as an Explanatory Factor of Social Entrepreneurship: An Analysis of an Educational Context

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    The promotion of entrepreneurial intention in educational contexts is a priority that is increasingly present in academic planning, especially at university level. Furthermore, social entrepreneurship has been gaining prominence not only as a formula for improving the welfare and equity of society as a whole, but also as a mechanism for professional development. Taking into account both aspects, this paper analyzes the effect of university students participating in volunteer activities on their intention to carry out social entrepreneurship projects. With this objective, this study is based on the Theory of Planned Action of Ajzen. A sample of 208 university students was analyzed, 96 of whom had some experience of volunteering. The results confirm that taking part in volunteering, during students’ education, positively affects their intention to start social entrepreneurship projects. This result allows us to conclude that encouraging volunteering could be a good methodological tool to promote social entrepreneurship within the educational field. In addition, the implementation of this type of social project could benefit university students not only by making social improvements to their environment, but also as a labor insertion tool

    Contextual Performance in Academic Settings: The Role of Personality, Self-efficacy, and Impression Management

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    The main purpose of this paper was to analyse the predictive role of personality, self-efficacy, and impression management on contextual performance in academic settings. A sample of 223 university students voluntarily answered a battery of tests on-line. Results showed that conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness, as well as self-efficacy, predict contextual performance self-evaluations. Furthermore, the significant interaction between conscientiousness and self-efficacy multiplies their influence. Besides, impression management contributes to predicting contextual performance, but did not interact with the remaining variables. Results related to personality and self-efficacy are consistent with those found in work settings

    Condicionantes de la intención emprendedora en el alumnado universitario: un análisis desde la perspectiva de género

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    ABSTRACT The present study focus on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education as an instrument for the promotion of the entrepreneurial intention, as well as the influence of gender in the implementation of new business initiatives. Adopting the perspective of the theory of planned behavior, the differential effect of gender on entrepreneurship intention in a group of participants in an entrepreneurship education project in the university context is analyzed. The results suggest that, although there were no gender differences in the levels of entrepreneurial intention, the predictor variables of this dimension differ depending on the sex of participants. Thus, in the case of men, self-efficacy is the main explanatory variable of entrepreneurial intention, whereas for women the most predictor variable is perceived controllability. These results may have important implications for the design of enterprise education programs in relation to the need for pedagogical elements that distinguish the skills and competencies to be developed for women and men, in order to achieve improvements in their entrepreneurial intention.En el presente trabajo se parte de las evidencias, constatadas en la literatura, en relación con la eficacia de la educación emprendedora como instrumento para el fomento de la intención de emprender, así como de la influencia de la variable género en la puesta en marcha de nuevas iniciativas empresariales. Adoptando la perspectiva de la teoría de la acción planificada, se analiza el efecto diferencial del género sobre la intención de emprender entre un grupo de alumnos/as participantes en un proyecto de educación emprendedora en el contexto universitario. Los resultados apuntan a que, si bien no se han encontrado diferencias de género en los niveles de intención emprendedora, sí que las variables predictoras de la misma difieren en función del sexo de los participantes. Así, en el caso de los hombres, la autoeficacia es la principal variable explicativa de la intención emprendedora, mientras que para las mujeres el factor determinante es la controlabilidad percibida. Este hecho puede tener importantes implicaciones de cara al diseño de programas de educación emprendedora, en relación con la necesidad de introducir elementos pedagógicos que distingan las capacidades y competencias a desarrollar para mujeres y hombres de cara a lograr mejoras de su intención emprendedora.  ABSTRACT The present study focus on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education as an instrument for the promotion of the entrepreneurial intention, as well as the influence of gender in the implementation of new business initiatives. Adopting the perspective of the theory of planned behavior, the differential effect of gender on entrepreneurship intention in a group of participants in an entrepreneurship education project in the university context is analyzed. The results suggest that, although there were no gender differences in the levels of entrepreneurial intention, the predictor variables of this dimension differ depending on the sex of participants. Thus, in the case of men, self-efficacy is the main explanatory variable of entrepreneurial intention, whereas for women the most predictor variable is perceived controllability. These results may have important implications for the design of enterprise education programs in relation to the need for pedagogical elements that distinguish the skills and competencies to be developed for women and men, in order to achieve improvements in their entrepreneurial intention

    Biological, Psychological, Social, and Legal Aspects of Trans Parenthood Based on a Real Case: A Literature Review

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    Trans men are people who, based on their genitals, were assigned the status of female at birth. However, their identity and their way of living gender do not correspond to the socially established norms. In this paper,we discuss the different perspectives in relation to transgender people and their desire for parenthood. This review, and the basis of this paper, is inspired by the case of a trans man who desiredgestation with his own genetic material. He began the cycle of assisted reproduction when he was a legally recognized woman, but that attempt ended with a miscarriage. From that assisted reproduction cycle, four embryos remainedfrozen. After the failed experience of gestation, the person completed his transition. Now legally a man, he attempted to gestate using his reproductive organs. This literature review aimed to identify relevant studies describing the relationship between transgender person and biological parenthood. This study comprehensively addresses important aspectsone should know when considering a transgender pregnancy. These factors include biological, psychological, social,and legal issues. After reviewing the state-of-the-art information on trans parenthood, the main conclusion is that ‘the desire to have a child is not a male or female desire but a human desire

    Experiencias en el aula: segundo encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras

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    Experiencias de profesores en su quehacer en los distintos ambientes de aprendizaje presenciales y a distancia.La segunda entrega de Experiencias en el aula es una publicación anual que recoge las ponencias ganadoras presentadas en el Segundo Encuentro de Prácticas Pedagógicas Innovadoras, organizado por el Centro de Excelencia Docente aeiou, de la Vicerrectoría General Académica de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO Todas las ponencias publicadas en la segunda entrega de Experiencias en el aula fueron seleccionadas por evaluadores externos durante la convocatoria al Segundo Encuentro de Prácticas Pedagógicas Innovadoras en el que fueron presentadas; este evento, organizado por el Centro de Excelencia Docente aeiou, y la Vicerrectoría General Académica de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios- UNIMINUTO, tuvo lugar los días 9 y 10 de octubre de 2017

    What is the Link Between Different Components of Empathy and Burnout in Healthcare Professionals? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Research on healthcare shows that the relationship between empathy and burnout is complex. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to clarify the link between different empathic components and burnout components in healthcare professionals. A systematic review was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidance. The search strategy was applied in PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Scopus, and Medline, from January 1990 to January 2021. Population included nurses and doctors. Key inclusion criteria were articles addressing the relationship between different components of empathy and professional performance and wellbeing or burn out, or studies using burnout and empathy measures with validity support from commonly accepted sources of evidence. Risk of bias was assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. From 1159 references identified, 22 studies were included in the systematic review, and 5 studies in the meta-analysis. Empathic Concern was significantly correlated with Depersonalization and Personal Accomplishment. Moreover, the links between Perspective Taking, Depersonalization and Personal Accomplishment were statistically significant. In conclusion, exploring and understanding the complex links between empathy and burnout could help healthcare professionals as well as institutions to reduce the risk of suffering burnout.Office of Scientific and Technical Research (DGICYT), grant number PID2019- 108800RA-I0

    “Superheroes? No, thanks.” Accepting vulnerability in healthcare professionals

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    In this commentary, we develop a conceptual proposal aimed to explain why a discourse of praise and admiration for healthcare professionals´ limitless dedication can trigger a general indifference to the burnout and suffering they experience. Ultimately, this can lead to the justification of the lack of resources dedicated to preventing these problems. We first start by pointing out the stigmatisation of healthcare professionals suffering from burnout and showing their vulnerability, highlighting the complex interactions that occur in the healthcare context and that increase the risk of perpetuating their suffering. Then, we appeal to the recognition of one’s own vulnerability as a key element towards the creation of a culture more focused on the duty of care for those who care for others. We conclude with several proposals for action to cope with burnout-related stigma, trying to change the superhuman image of health personnel and incorporating the vulnerability inherent to human beings.Office of Scientific and Technical Research (DGICYT), Spain, grant number PID2019-108800RA-I0


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónInfrahumanización en niños: evaluación de 70 términos relacionados con humanidad. Antecedentes: las investigaciones sobre la infrahumanización han revelado que las personas atribuyen más sentimientos al endogrupo que al exogrupo, al que niegan o restringen la capacidad para experimentarlos. Cuando se ha investigado este sesgo en niños, los investigadores han utilizado la misma taxonomía de rasgos emocionales que con adultos. El objetivo de esta investigación es realizar un estudio normativo que permita a los investigadores tener una taxonomía de humanidad atribuida a los términos emocionales específica para niños. Método: 363 niños de entre 11 y 12 años respondieron diferentes cuestionarios relativos a un total de 70 términos emocionales, evaluados en ocho dimensiones relacionadas con la percepción de humanidad. Resultados: el análisis de componentes principales muestra que los niños agrupan las dimensiones implícitas asociadas a humanidad de modo diferente a los adultos. Conclusiones: este estudio normativo permite seleccionar términos emocionales graduados en humanidad percibida por una muestra infantil, con el fin de superar las limitaciones encontradas hasta el momento en la investigación sobre infrahumanización en niños.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]