653 research outputs found


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    The Rapid growth of technology and infrastructure has made our lives easier. The advent of technology and population development, the usage of vehicles are rapidly increasing as human relies on automobile transportation more than all other public transport such as train, bus and airplane. This has caused an increase in traffic hazards and the road accident which caused a huge loss of life and property because of poor emergency facilities. This project will provide an optimum solution to this draw and design a website for the system

    Clinico-radiological and pathological correlation of interstitial lung diseases: a prospective single centre study

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    Background: Current investigation was done to study the role of HRCT chest in the diagnosis and characterization of interstitial lung diseases, yield of transbronchial lung biopsy and role of multidisciplinary approach of diagnosis.Methods: We prospectively analyzed clinical features and radiological findings in 38 patients of ILD. Radiological diagnosis on HRCT was made in every case depending on type of predominant abnormality and pattern of involvement. Following this, TBLB was done in every case.Results: ILD was diagnosed in all cases on HRCT. Most common ILD type was UIP (31.5%) followed by sarcoidosis (21%) and NSIP (15.7%). Other ILD subtypes encountered were, RB-ILD, AIP and acute silicosis. In 68.4% cases, there was definitive diagnosis on TBLB. Out of which in 15.7% cases, HRCT and TBLB diagnosis were different. In 15.3% cases, TBLB gave diagnosis of only non- specific ILD.Conclusions: HRCT can detect ILD in 100% cases & can characterize ILD into various patterns. But, HRCT alone without clinical correlation and pathology can cause diagnostic confusion in many cases. However, multidisciplinary approach by engaging clinician, radiologist and pathologist can lead to accurate diagnosis in many cases of ILD. TBLB is a safe, minimally invasive procedure which can establish correct diagnosis in many cases especially in broncho-centric diseases


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    Managers in the present competitive world have to face tough competition to survive and sustain themselves in their area of operation. There are various Institutions offering MBA degree courses but the worth of these degree holders is a matter of suspicion. When they have to deal with practical situations, at times they might be troubled because what they actually did learn in their classes and from papers may not provide them with the right wisdom of timely usage of learned matter. Also, there are philosophies put forth by various Quality Gurus which these managers have seen in black and white when they were students but how many have made a practical concern and consideration over those is again a doubtful affair. This study thus try to identify the opinion of present generation managers about the applicability of 14- point philosophy laid down by the Father of Quality Management, Dr. W. Edward Deming. This is basically a research paper done after conducting an opinion survey among managers in general without looking into their area of operation

    Direct Shader Sampling in Painterly Rendering for Animation

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    We present a technique for generating stroke parameters in particlebased painterly rendering algorithms that guarantees temporal coherence in animation through directly sampling shaders. To determine the appropriate color for a brush stroke, techniques like [Meier 1996] render the scene into reference pictures using traditional techniques. This reference picture is then queried by applying the camera transform to the particle’s position. This transform will not always map to the correct pixel which can lead to noticeable temporal discontinuities when there is a significant color difference between two neighboring pixels. When a stroke particle lies on the edge of an object, the brush stroke will sometimes flicker between the two neighboring colors. Previously, as described in [Meier 1996], scenes would be broken up into different layers, and image processing effects were applied to reference pictures to ensure that the right color is sampled. Our method requires no post processing effects to ensure temporal coherence around these edge cases

    Experiences of survivors of commercial sexual exploitation availing rehabilitation at R&P homes in India

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    Background: Sex trafficking constitute as the primary form of human trafficking involving predominantly young girls and women. Rehabilitation of rescued victims of commercial sexual exploitation is critical in efficient reintegration into society. Aims: The main aim of the study is to explore the narratives of the victims of commercial sexual exploitation in understanding various factors towards eventual Rehabilitation within Rehabilitation & Protection (R&P) homes in India. Method: The study involves participatory action research at R&P homes in India. In total, 30 victims of commercial sexual exploitation, aged 29-50 years, participated in the study. Results:  The result through thematic analysis reflected the initiators and detrimental factors towards Rehabilitation in R&P homes. The analysis also reflected various internal and external factors contributing to effective Rehabilitation. Conclusion: The results provide insight into various factors for critical action by practitioners on the field through intervention, policies, and other mechanisms. The research also emphasizes the employment of participatory action research for research with the critical and marginalized population

    Regulation of rDNA Transcription by Proto-Oncogene PELP1

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    Proline-, glutamic acid-, and leucine-rich protein (PELP1) is a novel nuclear receptor coregulator with a multitude of functions. PELP1 serves as a scaffolding protein that couples various signaling complexes with nuclear receptors and participates as a transcriptional coregulator. Recent data suggest that PELP1 expression is deregulated in hormonal cancers, and that PELP1 functions as a proto-oncogene; however, the mechanism by which PELP1 promotes oncogenesis remains elusive.Using pharmacological inhibitors, confocal microscopy and biochemical assays, we demonstrated that PELP1 is localized in the nucleolus and that PELP1 is associated with the active ribosomal RNA transcription. Cell synchronization studies showed that PELP1 nucleolar localization varies and the greatest amount of nucleolar localization was observed during S and G2 phases. Using pharmacological compounds and CDK site mutants of PELP1, we found that CDK's activity plays an important role on PELP1 nucleolar localization. Depletion of PELP1 by siRNA decreased the expression of pre-rRNA. Reporter gene assays using ribosomal DNA (pHrD) luc-reporter revealed that PELP1WT but not PELP1MT enhanced the expression of reporter. Deletion of nucleolar domains abolished PELP1-mediated activation of the pHrD reporter. ChIP analysis revealed that PELP1 is recruited to the promoter regions of rDNA and is needed for optimal transcription of ribosomal RNA.Collectively, our results suggest that proto-oncogene PELP1 plays a vital role in rDNA transcription. PELP1 modulation of rRNA transcription, a key step in ribosomal biogenesis may have implications in PELP1-mediated oncogenic functions


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    The Rapid growth of technology and infrastructure has made our lives easier. The advent of technology and population development, the usage of vehicles are rapidly increasing as human relies on automobile transportation more than all other public transport such as train, bus and airplane. This has caused an increase in traffic hazards and the road accident which caused a huge loss of life and property because of poor emergency facilities. This project will provide an optimum solution to this draw and design a website for the system

    Genetic variations among ecologically diverse species of Anurans at the level of genus based on ISSR marker

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    Anurans (frogs and toads) collected from South Kanara, Udupi and North Kanara districts, Karnataka viz: Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (an aquatic), Fejervarya rufescens (a burrowing), Duttaphrynus melanostictus (a terrestrial), Fejervarya caperata (a semi aquatic), Ramanella montana (a semi arboreal) and Polypedates maculatus (an arboreal) belonging to five genera placed under four families were compared using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) marker to analyze genetic variability and relationship between the investigated taxa. ISSR profile obtained exhibited 100% presence of polymorphic bands.The ISSR bands could also be categorized as high (H), moderate (M) and light (L) based on the intensity of amplification. Dendrograms were generated using similarity coefficient and relationship coefficient values based on the count of only high or high and moderate or high, moderate and light bands in each case. Analysis of the data suggests that the genetic relatedness between the taxa as exhibited in the generated dendrograms varies based on the type of amplified bands considered. The clustering pattern obtained in the case of high and moderate bands was more close to the conventional taxonomical pattern of grouping based on thephenotypic characters. The specific unique bands present in each case may be of importance as molecular markers. Observed genetic variability (presence/absence, total number, intensity of amplification and size of polymorphic bands) among taxa probably provide factors contributing partially to diverse adaptive fitness supporting varied ecological demands. However, an intensive study incorporating more representive species from each of the habitat is needed to pinpoint the importance of the unique bands as the genus/species/ecological molecular markers

    Oxidative intramolecular cyclization reactions of Cinnamayl ethers mediated by cerium (IV) ammonium nitrate (CAN): a stereoselective synthesis of 3,4-trans-disubstitutedtetrahydrofuran derivatives

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    Various alkoxy-cinnamyl cinnamyl ethers and an alkoxy-cinnamyl prenyl ether underwent stereoselective oxidative cyclizations on treatment with a methanolic solution of cerium(IV) ammonium nitrate to afford 3,4-trans- disubstituted tetrahydrofuran derivatives. Different products were obtained under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
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