9,664 research outputs found

    Mechanisation of traditional crafts with outboard motors at Vizhinjam

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    The present study has been carried out to assess the impact of mechanisation of traditional crafts with outboard motor and its prospects with special reference to Vizhinjam to modernize the traditional fishery

    Seed production and hatchery management of Penaeus indicus

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    CMFRI has developed an economically viable and ecofriendly hatchery technology suited to Indian conditions, for the seed production of Penaeus indicus. The technology consists of a number of package of practices such as broodstock management, spawning, larval rearing, diatom culture and preparation of particulate feed for the postlarvae. The various package of practices are compartmentalised in separate units so as to maintain proper hygiene and prevent/reduce the incidence of outbreak of diseases. The larvae from protozoea through mysis 2/3 are fed exclusively on diatom. From mysis 2/3 stage to postlarvae 2 to 5 are fed with prawn custard along with diatom. The postlarvae 2 to 5 are transferred to the nursery and reared using egg prawn custard. Details on the maintenance of live feed culture and preparation of egg prawn custard are given. Mention is also made on the hatchery management and economics of two types of hatcheries. The main emphasis of the technology is to make the best use of the available resources and to harness the natural solar radiation and light to the maximum thereby providing an ecofriendly technology which is cost effective

    Methods for the estimation of pyrazinamide and pyrazinoic acid in body fluids

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    zinoic acid in urine using an anion-exchange resin (Dowex-1) have been described. Recoveries were quantitative, and the sensitivity was 5 ╬╝g/ml for ail 3 estimations. In serum, pyrazinoic acid at a concentration of 50 ╬╝g/ml did not interfere with the estimation of pyrazinamide. In urine, pyrazinamide and pyrazinoic acid could be separated from each other and estimated even when the 2 compounds were present together at concentrations of 2000 ╬╝g/ml each

    Broodstock development and spawning in Penaeus indicus

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    Among cultivable native species, Penaeus indicus occupies an important position due to its tolerance to wide range of salinity, fast growtK compatibility in high density culture, wide distribution and demand in export market. P. indicus broodstock can be developed using adults collected from the wild or from grow out ponds or by reusing healthy females after spawning in the hatchery. The size of prawn used for broodstock development should preferably be above 145 mmT.L. (20 g) for females and 140 mm T.L. (17 g)for males. Pens, cages, tanks with or without flow through system, recirculation system etc. are in vogue for broodstock development. 1001 tanks with in situ biological filter is used for the brood stock development in CMFRI. Stocking density of prawns per cubic meter (sex ratio I : Ij was found ideal. Three tanks of the above size can meet the broodstock requirements of a hatchery of 18 million capacity. Unilateral eyestalk ablation of females proved to be effective. Electrocautery apparatus was usedfor this purpose. Experiments also revealed that unablated P. indicus, can also be induced to mature and spawn by environmental and feed manipulation. Unablated P. indicus maintained in recirculation system and fed with intertidal oligochaetes, clam and squid meat attained maturity and spawned repeatedly over a prolonged period. Maintaining the pH of water between 8-8.2 and controlling the light intensity in broodstock tanks found to fasten maturation

    Benign giant cell tumor of bone with pulmonary metastasis- report of two cases and review of literature

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    Tumors that are metastasizing generally considered as malignant. But there are exceptions. Giant cell tumor of bone is well known for its potential to metastasize without sarcomatous transformation. Potential of benign GCT to metastasize was first reported by Jaffe et al in 1940. Prevalence of pulmonary metastasis in benign GCT is between 1-9%. Factors favoring metastasis include recurrence of tumor, surgical manipulation of initial bone tumor, location of femur etc. Peripheral or basilar portion of pulmonary parenchyma is involved commonly. Eventhough death reported in 16-25% of cases, overall it has a favorable prognosis. Surgical resection is preferred treatment for pulmonary metastasis. In the present study 2 case studies were done. In 1st study 18 year old female, known case of GCT Lt tibia, with history of curetting and cementing presented with pain and swelling at same site and pulmonary metastasis 1 year later. Biopsy from initial as well as recurrent tumor confirmed benign GCT without any features of atypia, mitosis or necrosis. Aspirate from pulmonary lesion showed osteoclastic giant cells. No treatment given to metastatic deposits and is asymptomatic even though size of pulmonary lesions is increasing. And in second study a 22 year old female, with past history of GCT referred to our institution for evaluation of lung lesion detected in X-ray. Patient underwent metastatectomy here and histopathology was similar to that of bone lesion. There was no evidence of sarcomatous transformation both in initial and recurrent lesion. Patient is asymptomatic other wise and doing well

    Direct Test for Determining Sensitivity of M. Tuberculosis To Streptomycin

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    For a total of 400 sputum specimens, the sensitivity of M. tuberculosis to streptomycin was determined by direct inoculation of the sputum sediment on to drug-free and drugcontaining slopes of Lowenstein-Jensen medium, and also by a standard indirect test. Agreement between the two methods in the classification of strains as sensitive or resistant was of the order of 90%. The optimal time for reading the direct test is 6 weeks

    Damping in Torsional Vibrations of Embedded Footings

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    The existing theoretical models to explain the dynamic behavior of embedded footings, overestimate the real response by neglecting damping forces which are inevitable as a result of slip at the interface of the embedded footing and soil. Many researchers in the field of Soil Dynamics have suggested that the inclusion of friction damping and internal damping in the mathematical model is necessary to improve the reliability of theoretical predictions. In this paper, results of the experimental investigations on full scale model embedded footings subjected to torsional mode of vibration have been presented. The results have been analyzed making use of three theoretical models, as developed by, Novak and Sachs (1973); Sankaran et al (1978) and Sankaran et al (1980). The importance of d-ping in predicting the dynamic response is brought out by a comparison of field vibratory test data with the corresponding values predicted by each of the above mentioned theoretical models

    Inactivators of Isoniazid, Based on The Ratio of The Urinary Excretion of Acetylisoniazid To Isoniazid

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    Following an intramuscular injection of isoniazid 3 mg/kg body-weight, the urinary excretion of isoniazid and acetylisoniazid during the periods 0-1, 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4 h was determined for 124 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. On the same occasion, the serum isoniazid concentration at 4┬╜ h was determined by microbiologic assay. The ratios of acetylisoniazid to isoniazid in the urine collections at 2, 3 and 4 h. were bimodally distributed. Rules were derived from these. ratios for classifying subjects as slow or rapid inactivators of isoniazid. There was 100% agreement between the classification based on each of these ratios and that based on the serum isoniazid concentration at 4┬╜ h

    Results of exploratory trawl fishing on the continental slope of the south west coast of India by M.F.V. 'Kalava'

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    So far, extensive deep sea trawling, in waters beyond 100 fathom depths, has not been attempted in Indian waters except for occasional hauls taken by the INVESTIGATOR (Alcock, 1891-1900) and other Expedition vessels (Gunther, 1887, Max Weber, 1913. Norman, 1939). During March-May 1963 M.F.V. 'Kalava' of the Indo-Norwegian Project, carried out 9 exploratory cruises off Alleppey and Ponnani on the South West Coast of India at depths ranging between 150 to 205 fathoms (274-374 m.). Large quantities of bathypelagic fish were taken during these cruises, in areas on the continental slope (Fig. 1). 24 species belonging to 23 genera and 19 families have already been described by Tholasilingam et al. (1964). Nearly 82% of the catch was represented by about 11 bathypelagic species taken at the rate of up to 496 kg. per hour of trawl, in the richest grounds. Since such occurrence has not been recorded so far, a quantitative assessment of these bathypelagic fishes along with deep sea prawns, lobsters and squids, has been given in the following pape
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