45 research outputs found

    Biological evaluation of 5-fluorouracil nanoparticles for cancer chemotherapy and its dependence on the carrier, PLGA

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    Nanoscaled devices have great potential for drug delivery applications due to their small size. In the present study, we report for the first time the preparation and evaluation of antitumor efficacy of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-entrapped poly (D, L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles with dependence on the lactide/glycolide combination of PLGA. 5-FU-loaded PLGA nanoparticles with two different monomer combinations, 50-50 and 90-10 were synthesized using a modified double emulsion method, and their biological evaluation was done in glioma (U87MG) and breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7) cell lines. 5-FU-entrapped PLGA 50-50 nanoparticles showed smaller size with a high encapsulation efficiency of 66%, which was equivalent to that of PLGA 90-10 nanoparticles. Physicochemical characterization of nanoparticles using differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction suggested the presence of 5-FU in molecular dispersion form. In vitro release studies showed the prolonged and sustained release of 5-FU from nanoparticles with both the PLGA combinations, where PLGA 50-50 nanoparticles showed faster release. Nanoparticles with PLGA 50-50 combination exhibited better cytotoxicity than free drug in a dose- and time-dependent manner against both the tumor cell lines. The enhanced efficiency of PLGA 50-50 nanoparticles to induce apoptosis was indicated by acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining. Cell cycle perturbations studied using flow cytometer showed better S-phase arrest by nanoparticles in comparison with free 5-FU. All the results indicate that PLGA 50-50 nanoparticles possess better antitumor efficacy than PLGA 90-10 nanoparticles and free 5-FU. Since, studies have shown that long-term exposure of ailing tissues to moderate drug concentrations is more favorable than regular administration of higher concentration of the drug; our results clearly indicate the potential of 5-FU-loaded PLGA nanoparticles with dependence on carrier combination as controlled release formulation to multiplex the therapeutic effect of cancer chemotherapy

    Streaming Big Data Analysis for Real-Time Sentiment based Targeted Advertising

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    Big Data constituting from the information shared in the various social network sites have great relevance for research to be applied in diverse fields like marketing, politics, health or disaster management. Social network sites like Facebook and Twitter are now extensively used for conducting business, marketing products and services and collecting opinions and feedbacks regarding the same. Since data gathered from these sites regarding a product/brand are up-to-date and are mostly supplied voluntarily, it tends to be more realistic, massive and reflects the general public opinion. Its analysis on real time can lead to accurate insights and responding to the results sooner is undoubtedly advantageous than responding later.  In this paper, a cloud based system for real time targeted advertising based on tweet sentiment analysis is designed and implemented using the big data processing engine Apache Spark, utilizing its streaming library. Application is meant to promote cross selling and provide better customer support

    A Rapid Protocol for Somatic Embryogenesis Mediated Regeneration in Banana (Musa Spp.) Cv. Nendran

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    A simple and rapid protocol for somatic embryogenesis in banana cv. Nendran (AAB) using immature male flowers (IMF) has been developed. The IMF produced palewhite to yellow, globular embryogenic callus on MS medium supplemented with BA (0.05 - 0.50mgL-1) and picloram (0.50 - 2.00mgL-1) with explant response of to 30 per cent. Addition of ascorbic acid (20mgL-1) and Gelrite© (0.45 per cent) to callus induction medium reduced interference from phenolic exudation. Embryogenesis was induced (33.3 to 60 per cent) on semisolid (0.30 per cent Gelrite©) MS medium supplemented with BA 2mgL-1 + IAA 0.5mgL-1. The somatic embryos showed 60-80 per cent germination on half- strength semisolid MS medium with BA 2mgL-1 + IAA 0.5mgL-1. Transfer of germinated embryos to semisolid MS medium supplemented with BA 2mgL-1 + NAA 1mgL-1under 14 h light /8h dark photoperiod resulted in hundred percent conversion to plantlets. This protocol takes merely 6 months for producing plantlets from immature flower buds through somatic embryogenesis, without any intermediate liquid cultures

    Teachers’ Viewpoint of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction in Listening during Remote Teaching in Oman: Challenges and Strategies

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    Research in second language learning has identified the absence of metacognition among learners as one of the major problems contributing to students’ inability to comprehend listening texts. Moreover, the shift to remote teaching due to COVID-19 has made it more crucial for teachers and learners to adapt to new modes of teaching and learning. This accentuates the need for effective listening strategy instruction. This study conducted at a university in Oman, is unique in two ways: first, it seeks out teachers’ perceptions of metacognitive strategy instruction in remote teaching; and second, the intervention in the form of explicit metacognitive strategy instruction is offered online. This paper presents the findings of the study, which focused on the following: teachers’ perception of students’ listening difficulties; teachers’ perceptions of metacognitive strategies and their explicit instruction; the role of metacognitive strategy awareness and instruction in improving student participation and skills in listening; challenges encountered in teaching listening during remote teaching; and overcoming challenges of teaching metacognitive strategies in remote teaching. This mixed-method study collected data through questionnaires and interviews with 10 faculty members and 75 students. The findings show that teachers face several challenges, such as time limitations, shortened semesters, unfamiliar coursebook contexts, and assessment practices. For strategy instruction, teachers utilized collaborative lesson planning and resources and virtual flipped classrooms, among others. We conclude that metacognitive strategy instruction can provide better scaffolding during listening instruction and recommends further exploration of students’ use of metacognitive strategies in other academic contexts

    Magnetoelectric coupling in strained strontium titanate and Metglas based magnetoelectric trilayer

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    Direct magneto electric coupling is observed with a magnetoelectric coupling coefficient (MECC) of 806 mV cm−1 Oe−1 at 750 Hz in strontium titanate (STO) - Metglas - strontium titanate (STO-Metglas-STO) trilayer thin films with a total thickness of 600 nm. The piezoelectricity in the strained STO layer, which is otherwise a paraelectric material, enabled the sandwiched magneto electric structure to exhibit a fair sub resonant magneto electric coupling. Theoretical models proposed by Bichurin et al. and Hasanyan et al. are employed to calculate the values of MECC at sub resonant condition for the system, which is noted as 853 mV cm−1 Oe−1. The frequency dependence of MECC coefficient is also calculated and the resonance frequency is estimated as 706 Hz.publishe

    Nanoindentation and structural studies of MgO-doped congruent LiNbO3 single crystals

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    The mechanical properties of undoped and 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 mol% Mg-doped LN single crystals, grown by the Czochralski technique, have been investigated using nanoindentation studies to understand the mechanical deformation behaviour as doping is increased. This has been correlated with structural investigations by powder XRD analysis and Raman spectroscopy. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements show a slight increase in the lattice parameters as the Mg content is increased in the crystal. The lattice strain developed due to the doping has been calculated by the Williamson-Hall relation. The influence of Mg incorporation on lattice vibrations was analysed using Raman spectroscopy, which indicated no shift in the peak positions with doping, and only slight variation in the intensity and width of the peaks. The grown crystals were subjected to nanoindentation and the Young's modulus and hardness values were obtained by using the Oliver-Pharr method. The results reveal the optimal doping levels of Mg which result in enhanced mechanical strength of lithium niobate single crystals.publishe

    Chemotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a unique disease entity among head and neck cancers due to its epidemiology and clinical behavior. Non-keratinizing or undifferentiated carcinoma is the most common histological type in endemic areas. Radiotherapy is the treatment for early-stage disease. With the widespread use of IMRT, loco-regional control has improved significantly in locally advanced diseases. But distant metastasis continues to be the most common pattern of failure. To address this issue, chemotherapy has been incorporated into radiotherapy in various settings; as concurrent, induction, and adjuvant. The initial trials of concurrent chemotherapy incorporated adjuvant chemotherapy also and the magnitude of benefit contributed by each treatment was not clear. Later trials proved that adjuvant chemotherapy was not beneficial. Induction chemotherapy when added to concurrent chemoradiation resulted in improvement in Failure Free Survival, Overall Survival, and Distant Metastasis Free Survival. Thus, induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiation became the standard of care for locally advanced disease (stage III and IVA). The role of chemotherapy in stage II disease is still evolving. Metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma is treated by platinum doublet chemotherapy, Cisplatin-gemcitabine is the standard regimen

    Approach and Management of Anaplastic Carcinoma Thyroid

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    Anaplastic carcinoma thyroid, also known as undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma, is a rare but highly aggressive malignant tumor, which accounts for 2–3% of all thyroid malignancies. It is mostly seen in elderly females in their 6th or 7th decade. It carries a very bad prognosis with an average median survival of 5 months. Patients often present with a rapidly growing, painful, woody hard lower anterior neck mass fixed to underlying structures. In addition to local invasion, patients also present with regional nodal spread and distant metastasis. Though the risk factors for anaplastic carcinoma thyroid are unknown, most of them develop in the setting of long-standing goiter, possibly in an undiagnosed, well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Management of anaplastic carcinoma thyroid demands a multidisciplinary approach with the involvement of surgeon, radiation oncologist, radiologist, and endocrinologist. The conventional treatment of anaplastic carcinoma thyroid includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Recently, multitarget tyrosine kinase inhibitors are also incorporated into the treatment. However, prognosis of the disease is very poor with 4 months of overall survival of 35% and overall disease-specific mortality of 98–99%. In this chapter, we discuss how to approach the condition and various treatment strategies to provide improved treatment outcomes for patients diagnosed with anaplastic carcinoma thyroid

    External Beam Radiotherapy in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

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    Differentiated thyroid cancer is treated by surgery, radioiodine treatment, and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) suppression. The role of external beam radiotherapy is mainly palliation of radio-iodine non avid metastatic lesions and in inoperable tumors. Metastasis involving weight-bearing bones and vertebral metastasis with impending spinal cord compression are primarily treated by external radiation. External Beam Radiotherapy improves loco-regional control in patients with gross residual disease after surgical resection. Patients with extra-thyroidal disease and positive margins are treated by adjuvant external beam radiotherapy, especially when the post op radio-iodine scan is negative. External beam radiotherapy is the treatment of choice for radio-iodine non avid inoperable loco-regional recurrence. SRS alone or surgery followed by SRS is the preferred treatment for solitary brain metastasis. Whole brain radiotherapy is the treatment of choice for multiple brain metastatic disease