73 research outputs found

    TEXCAD: Textile Composite Analysis for Design. Version 1.0: User's manual

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    The Textile Composite Analysis for Design (TEXCAD) code provides the materials/design engineer with a user-friendly desktop computer (IBM PC compatible or Apple Macintosh) tool for the analysis of a wide variety of fabric reinforced woven and braided composites. It can be used to calculate overall thermal and mechanical properties along with engineering estimates of damage progression and strength. TEXCAD also calculates laminate properties for stacked, oriented fabric constructions. It discretely models the yarn centerline paths within the textile repeating unit cell (RUC) by assuming sinusoidal undulations at yarn cross-over points and uses a yarn discretization scheme (which subdivides each yarn not smaller, piecewise straight yarn slices) together with a 3-D stress averaging procedure to compute overall stiffness properties. In the calculations for strength, it uses a curved beam-on-elastic foundation model for yarn undulating regions together with an incremental approach in which stiffness properties for the failed yarn slices are reduced based on the predicted yarn slice failure mode. Nonlinear shear effects and nonlinear geometric effects can be simulated. Input to TEXCAD consists of: (1) materials parameters like impregnated yarn and resin properties such moduli, Poisson's ratios, coefficients of thermal expansion, nonlinear parameters, axial failure strains and in-plane failure stresses; and (2) fabric parameters like yarn sizes, braid angle, yarn packing density, filament diameter and overall fiber volume fraction. Output consists of overall thermoelastic constants, yarn slice strains/stresses, yarn slice failure history, in-plane stress-strain response and ultimate failure strength. Strength can be computed under the combined action of thermal and mechanical loading (tension, compression and shear)

    Effects of bolt-hole contact on bearing-bypass damage-onset strength

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    A combined experimental and analytical study was conducted to investigate the effects of bolt-hole contact on the bearing bypass strength of a graphite-epoxy laminate. Tests were conducted on specimens consisting of 16-ply quasi-isotropic T300/5208 laminates with a centrally located hole. Bearing loads were applied through a clearance-fit steel bolt. Damage onset strength and damage mode were determined for each test case. A finite element procedure was used to calculate the bolt-hole stresses and bolt contact for each test case. A finite element procedure was used to calculate the bolt-hole stresses and bolt contact for each measured damage-onset strength. For the tension bearing-bypass cases tested, the bolt contact half-angle was approximately 60 degrees at damage onset. For compression, the contact angle was 20 degrees as the bypass load increased. A corresponding decrease in the bearing damage onset strength was attributed to the decrease in contact angle which made the bearing loads more severe. Hole boundary stresses were also computed by superimposing stresses for separate bearing and bypass loading. Stresses at the specimen net section were accurately approximated by the superposition procedure. However, the peak bearing stresses had large errors because the bolt contact angles were not represented correctly. For compression, peak bearing stress errors of nearly 50 percent were calculated

    Analysis of woven and braided fabric reinforced composites

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    A general purpose micromechanics analysis that discretely models the yarn architecture within the textile repeating unit cell, was developed to predict overall, three dimensional, thermal and mechanical properties. This analytical technique was implemented in a user-friendly, personal computer-based, windows compatible code called Textile Composite Analysis for Design (TEXCAD). TEXCAD was used to analyze plain, 5-harness satin, and 8-harness satin weave composites along with 2-D braided and 2x2, 2-D triaxial braided composites. The calculated overall stiffnesses correlated well with available 3-D finite element results and test data for both the woven and the braided composites. Parametric studies were performed to investigate the effects of yarn size on the yarn crimp and the overall thermal and mechanical constants for plain weave composites. The effects of braid angle were investigated for the 2-D braided composites. Finally, the effects of fiber volume fraction on the yarn undulations and the thermal and mechanical properties of 2x2, 2-D triaxial braided composites were also investigated

    Closed-form analysis of fiber-matrix interface stresses under thermo-mechanical loadings

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    Closed form techniques for calculating fiber matrix (FM) interface stresses, using repeating square and diamond regular arrays, were presented for a unidirectional composite under thermo-mechanical loadings. An Airy's stress function micromechanics approach from the literature, developed for calculating overall composite moduli, was extended in the present study to compute FM interface stresses for a unidirectional graphite/epoxy (AS4/3501-6) composite under thermal, longitudinal, transverse, transverse shear, and longitudinal shear loadings. Comparison with finite element results indicate excellent agreement of the FM interface stresses for the square array. Under thermal and longitudinal loading, the square array has the same FM peak stresses as the diamond array. The square array predicted higher stress concentrations under transverse normal and longitudinal shear loadings than the diamond array. Under transverse shear loading, the square array had a higher stress concentration while the diamond array had a higher radial stress concentration. Stress concentration factors under transverse shear and longitudinal shear loadings were very sensitive to fiber volume fraction. The present analysis provides a simple way to calculate accurate FM interface stresses for both the square and diamond array configurations

    TEXCAD: TEXile Composite Analysis for Design

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    The Textile Composite Analysis for Design (TEXCAD) code provides the materials/design engineer with a user-friendly, desktop computer based tool for the analysis of a wide variety of fabric reinforced woven and braided composites. It can be used to calculate overall thermal and mechanical properties along with engineering estimates of damage progression and strength. TEXCAD also calculates laminate properties for stacked, oriented fabric constructions. It discretely models the yarn centerline paths within the textile repeating unit cell (RUC) by assuming sinusoidal undulations at yarn cross-over points and uses a year discretization scheme (which subdivides each yarn into smaller, piecewise straight yarn slices) together with a 3-D stress averaging procedure to compute overall stiffness properties. In the calculations for strength, it uses a curved beam-on-elastic foundation model for yarn undulating regions together with incremental approach in which stiffness properties for the failed yarn slices are reduced based on the predicted yarn slice failure mode. Nonlinear shear effects and nonlinear geometric effects can be stimulated. Input to TEXCAD consists of: (1) material parameters like impregnated yarn and resin properties such as moduli, Poisson's ratios, coefficients of thermal expansion, nonlinear shear parameters, axial failure strains, and in-plane failure stresses; and (2) fabric parameters like yarn sizes, braid angle, yarn packing density, filament diameter, and overall fiber volume fraction. Output consists of overall thermoelastic constants, yarn slice strains/stresses, yarn slice failure history, in-plane strain response, and ultimate failure strength. Strength can be computed under the combined action of thermal and mechanical loading (tension, compression, and shear). A brief overview of the analytical capabilities, program organization, and modules, input and output parameters, computer platforms, distribution, and modifications/extensions of the TEXCAD code are presented here

    Failure analysis of woven and braided fabric reinforced composites

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    A general purpose micromechanics analysis that discretely models the yarn architecture within the textile repeating unit cell was developed to predict overall, three dimensional, thermal and mechanical properties, damage initiation and progression, and strength. This analytical technique was implemented in a user-friendly, personal computer-based, menu-driven code called Textile Composite Analysis for Design (TEXCAD). TEXCAD was used to analyze plain weave and 2x2, 2-D triaxial braided composites. The calculated tension, compression, and shear strengths correlated well with available test data for both woven and braided composites. Parametric studies were performed on both woven and braided architectures to investigate the effects of parameters such as yarn size, yarn spacing, yarn crimp, braid angle, and overall fiber volume fraction on the strength properties of the textile composite

    Determination of stress intensity factors for interface cracks under mixed-mode loading

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    A simple technique was developed using conventional finite element analysis to determine stress intensity factors, K1 and K2, for interface cracks under mixed-mode loading. This technique involves the calculation of crack tip stresses using non-singular finite elements. These stresses are then combined and used in a linear regression procedure to calculate K1 and K2. The technique was demonstrated by calculating three different bimaterial combinations. For the normal loading case, the K's were within 2.6 percent of an exact solution. The normalized K's under shear loading were shown to be related to the normalized K's under normal loading. Based on these relations, a simple equation was derived for calculating K1 and K2 for mixed-mode loading from knowledge of the K's under normal loading. The equation was verified by computing the K's for a mixed-mode case with equal and normal shear loading. The correlation between exact and finite element solutions is within 3.7 percent. This study provides a simple procedure to compute K2/K1 ratio which has been used to characterize the stress state at the crack tip for various combinations of materials and loadings. Tests conducted over a range of K2/K1 ratios could be used to fully characterize interface fracture toughness

    Determination of fiber-matrix interface failure parameters from off-axis tests

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    Critical fiber-matrix (FM) interface strength parameters were determined using a micromechanics-based approach together with failure data from off-axis tension (OAT) tests. The ply stresses at failure for a range of off-axis angles were used as input to a micromechanics analysis that was performed using the personal computer-based MICSTRAN code. FM interface stresses at the failure loads were calculated for both the square and the diamond array models. A simple procedure was developed to determine which array had the more severe FM interface stresses and the location of these critical stresses on the interface. For the cases analyzed, critical FM interface stresses were found to occur with the square array model and were located at a point where adjacent fibers were closest together. The critical FM interface stresses were used together with the Tsai-Wu failure theory to determine a failure criterion for the FM interface. This criterion was then used to predict the onset of ply cracking in angle-ply laminates for a range of laminate angles. Predictions for the onset of ply cracking in angle-ply laminates agreed with the test data trends

    Measurement of multiaxial ply strength by an off-axis flexure test

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    An off-axis flexure (OAF) test was performed to measure ply strength under multiaxial stress states. This test involves unidirectional off-axis specimens loaded in bending, using an apparatus that allows these anisotropic specimens to twist as well as flex without the complications of a resisting torque. A 3D finite element stress analysis verified that simple beam theory could be used to compute the specimen bending stresses at failure. Unidirectional graphite/epoxy specimens with fiber angles ranging from 90 deg to 15 deg have combined normal and shear stresses on their failure planes that are typical of 45 deg plies in structural laminates. Tests for a range of stress states with AS4/3501-6 specimens showed that both normal and shear stresses on the failure plane influenced cracking resistance. This OAF test may prove to be useful for generating data needed to predict ply cracking in composite structures and may also provide an approach for studying fiber-matrix interface failures under stress states typical of structures

    Thrombospondin-2 Influences the Proportion of Cartilage and Bone During Fracture Healing

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    Thrombospondin-2 (TSP2) is a matricellular protein with increased expression during growth and regeneration. TSP2-null mice show accelerated dermal wound healing and enhanced bone formation. We hypothesized that bone regeneration would be enhanced in the absence of TSP2. Closed, semistabilized transverse fractures were created in the tibias of wildtype (WT) and TSP2-null mice. The fractures were examined 5, 10, and 20 days after fracture using μCT, histology, immunohistochemistry, quantitative RT-PCR, and torsional mechanical testing. Ten days after fracture, TSP2-null mice showed 30% more bone by μCT and 40% less cartilage by histology. Twenty days after fracture, TSP2-null mice showed reduced bone volume fraction and BMD. Mice were examined 5 days after fracture during the stage of neovascularization and mesenchymal cell influx to determine a cellular explanation for the phenotype. TSP2-null mice showed increased cell proliferation with no difference in apoptosis in the highly cellular fracture callus. Although mature bone and cartilage is minimal 5 days after fracture, TSP2-null mice had reduced expression of collagen IIa and Sox9 (chondrocyte differentiation markers) but increased expression of osteocalcin and osterix (osteoblast differentiation markers). Importantly, TSP2-null mice had a 2-fold increase in vessel density that corresponded with a reduction in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Glut-1 (markers of hypoxia inducible factor [HIF]-regulated transcription). Finally, by expressing TSP2 using adenovirus starting 3 days after fracture, chondrogenesis was restored in TSP2-null mice. We hypothesize that TSP2 expressed by cells in the fracture mesenchyme regulates callus vascularization. The increase in vascularity increases tissue oxemia and decreases HIF; thus, undifferentiated cells in the callus develop into osteoblasts rather than chondrocytes. This leads to an alternative strategy for achieving fracture healing with reduced endochondral ossification and enhanced appositional bone formation. Controlling the ratio of cartilage to bone during fracture healing has important implications for expediting healing or promoting regeneration in nonunions