9,111 research outputs found

    Simplified micromechanical equations for thermal residual stress analysis of coated fiber composites

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    The fabrication of metal matrix composites poses unique problems to the materials engineer. The large thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) mismatch between the fiber and matrix leads to high tensile residual stresses at the fiber/matrix (F/M) interface which could lead to premature matrix cracking during cooldown. Fiber coatings could be used to reduce thermal residual stresses. A simple closed form analysis, based on a three phase composite cylinder model, was developed to calculate thermal residual stresses in a fiber/interphase/matrix system. Parametric studies showed that the tensile thermal residual stresses at the F/M interface were very sensitive to the CTE and thickness of the interphase layer. The modulus of the layer had only a moderate effect on tensile residual stresses. For a silicon carbide titanium aluminide composite, the tangential stresses were 20 to 30 pct. larger than the axial stresses, over a wide range of interphase layer properties, indicating a tendency to form radial matrix cracks during cooldown. Guidelines for the selection of appropriate material properties of the fiber coating were also derived in order to minimize thermal residual stresses in the matrix during fabrication

    Micromechanical combined stress analysis: MICSTRAN, a user manual

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    Composite materials are currently being used in aerospace and other applications. The ability to tailor the composite properties by the appropriate selection of its constituents, the fiber and matrix, is a major advantage of composite materials. The Micromechanical Combined Stress Analysis (MICSTRAN) code provides the materials engineer with a user-friendly personal computer (PC) based tool to calculate overall composite properties given the constituent fiber and matrix properties. To assess the ability of the composite to carry structural loads, the materials engineer also needs to calculate the internal stresses in the composite material. MICSTRAN is a simple tool to calculate such internal stresses with a composite ply under combined thermomechanical loading. It assumes that the fibers have a circular cross-section and are arranged either in a repeating square or diamond array pattern within a ply. It uses a classical elasticity solution technique that has been demonstrated to calculate accurate stress results. Input to the program consists of transversely isotropic fiber properties and isotropic matrix properties such as moduli, Poisson's ratios, coefficients of thermal expansion, and volume fraction. Output consists of overall thermoelastic constants and stresses. Stresses can be computed under the combined action of thermal, transverse, longitudinal, transverse shear, and longitudinal shear loadings. Stress output can be requested along the fiber-matrix interface, the model boundaries, circular arcs, or at user-specified points located anywhere in the model. The MICSTRAN program is Windows compatible and takes advantage of the Microsoft Windows graphical user interface which facilitates multitasking and extends memory access far beyond the limits imposed by the DOS operating system

    A macro-micromechanics analysis of a notched metal matrix composite

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    A macro-micromechanics analysis was formulated to determine the matrix and fiber behavior near the notch tip in a center-notched metal matrix composite. Results are presented for a boron/aluminum monolayer. The macro-level analysis models the entire notched specimen using a three dimensional finite element program which uses the vanishing-fiber-diameter model to model the elastic-plastic behavior of the matrix and the elastic behavior of the fiber. The micro-behavior is analyzed using a Discrete Fiber-Matrix (DFM) model containing one fabric and the surrounding matrix. The dimensions of the DFM model were determined by the ply thickness and the fiber volume fraction and corresponded to the size of the notch-tip element in the macro-level analysis. The boundary conditions applied to the DFM model were determined from the macro-level analysis. Stress components within the DFM model were calculated and stress distributions are presented along selected planes and surfaces within the DFM model, including the fiber-matrix interface. Yielding in the matrix was examined at the notch tip in both the macro- and micro-level analyses. The DFM model predicted higher stresses (24 percent) in the fiber compared to the global analysis. In the notch-tip element, the interface stresses indicated that a multi-axial criterion may be required to predict interfacial failure. The DFM analysis predicted yielding to initiate in the notch-tip element at a stress level 28 percent lower than predicted by the global analysis

    A large magnetoinductance effect in La0.67Ba0.33MnO3

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    We report four probe impedance of La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 at f = 100 kHz under different dc bias magnetic fields. The ac resistance (R) exhibits a peak around Tp = 325 K which is accompanied by a rapid increase and a peak in the reactance (X) in a zero field. The magnetoreactance exhibits a sharp peak close to Tp and its magnitude (= 60% in H = 1 kG) exceeds that of the ac magnetoresistance (= 5 % inH = 1 kG). It is suggested that the magnetoreactance arises from changes in the self inductance of the sample rather than the capacitance.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. accepted in Appl. Phys. Let

    Fracture mechanics analysis for various fiber/matrix interface loadings

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    Fiber/matrix (F/M) cracking was analyzed to provide better understanding and guidance in developing F/M interface fracture toughness tests. Two configurations, corresponding to F/M cracking at a broken fiber and at the free edge, were investigated. The effects of mechanical loading, thermal cooldown, and friction were investigated. Each configuration was analyzed for two loadings: longitudinal and normal to the fiber. A nonlinear finite element analysis was performed to model friction and slip at the F/M interface. A new procedure for fitting a square-root singularity to calculated stresses was developed to determine stress intensity factors (K sub I and K sub II) for a bimaterial interface crack. For the case of F/M cracking at a broken fiber with longitudinal loading, crack tip conditions were strongly influenced by interface friction. As a result, an F/M interface toughness test based on this case was not recommended because nonlinear data analysis methods would be required. For the free edge crack configuration, both mechanical and thermal loading caused crack opening, thereby avoiding frictional effects. A F/M interface toughness test based on this configuration would provide data for K(sub I)/K(sub II) ratios of about 0.7 and 1.6 for fiber and radial normal loading, respectively. However, thermal effects must be accounted for in the data analysis

    Ply-level failure analysis of a graphite/epoxy laminate under bearing-bypass loading

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    A combined experimental and analytical study was conducted to investigate and predict the failure modes of a graphite/epoxy laminate subjected to combined bearing and bypass loading. Tests were conducted in a test machine that allowed the bearing-bypass load ratio to be controlled while a single-fastener coupon was loaded to failure in either tension or compression. Onset and ultimate failure modes and strengths were determined for each test case. The damage-onset modes were studied in detail by sectioning and micrographing the damaged specimens. A two-dimensional, finite-element analysis was conducted to determine lamina strains around the bolt hole. Damage onset consisted of matrix cracks, delamination, and fiber failures. Stiffness loss appeared to be caused by fiber failures rather than by matrix cracking and delamination. An unusual offset-compression mode was observed for compressive bearing-bypass laoding in which the specimen failed across its width along a line offset from the hole. The computed lamina strains in the fiber direction were used in a combined analytical and experimental approach to predict bearing-bypass diagrams for damage onset from a few simple tests

    Combined bearing and bypass loading on a graphite/epoxy laminate

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    A combined experimental and analytical study was conducted to determine the behavior of a graphite/epoxy laminate subjected to combined bearing and bypass loading. Single-fastener quasi-isotropic specimens were loaded at various bearing-bypass ratios until damage was produced at the fastener hole. Damage-onset strengths and damage modes were then analyzed using local hole-boundary stresses calculated by a finite-element analysis. The tension data showed the expected linear interaction for combined bearing and bypass loading with damage developing in the net-section tension mode. However, the compression bearing-bypass strengths showed an unexpected interaction involving the bearing mode. Compressive bypass loads reduced the bearing strength by decreasing the bolt-hole contact arc and thus increasing the severity of the bearing loads. The bearing stresses at the hole boundary were not accurately estimated by superposition of the stress components for separate bearing and bypass loading. However, superposition produced reasonably accurate estimates for tangential stresses especially near the specimen net-section

    X-ray properties of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 during a variability class transition

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    We present a detailed X-ray study of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 during a variability class transition observed in 2000 June with the PPCs of the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment. We supplement this observation with data from the RXTE archives. The source made a transition from a steady low-hard state to a regular oscillatory behaviour in the light curve known as bursts or class `rho' (Belloni et al. 2000) between 2000 May 11 and 17 and reverted back to the low-hard state on 2000 June 27. A gradual change in the burst recurrence time from about 75 s to about 40 s was observed which then increased to about 120 s during the ~ 40 days of class `rho'. The regular bursts disappeared from the X-ray light curves and the class transition was observed to occur within 1.5 hours on 2000 June 27 with the PPCs. A correlation is found between the observed QPO frequency at 5-8 Hz in the quiescent phase and the average X-ray intensity of the source during the class `rho'. We notice a strong similarity between the properties of the source during the class `rho' and those during the oscillatory phase of the observations of class `alpha'. From the timing and spectral analysis, it is found that the observed properties of the source over tens of days during the class `rho' are identical to those over a time scale of a few hundreds of seconds in the class `alpha'. Examining the light curves from the beginning of the RXTE/PCA and RXTE/ASM observations, it is found that the change of state from radio-quiet low-hard state to high state occurs through the X-ray classes `rho' and `alpha' which appear together during the state transition. It is further inferred that the source switches from low-hard state to the class `rho' through the intermediate class `alpha'.Comment: 10 pages with 9 figures, LaTex. To be appeared in MNRA

    Failure analysis of a graphite/epoxy laminate subjected to bolt bearing loads

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    Quasi-isotropic graphite/epoxy laminates (T300/5208) were tested under bolt bearing loads to study failure modes, strengths, and failure energy. Specimens had a range of configurations to produce failures by the three nominal failure modes: tension, shearout, and bearing. Radiographs were made after damage onset and after ultimate load to examine the failure modes. Also, the laminate stresses near the bolt hole calculated for each test specimen configuration, and then used with a failure criterion to analyze the test data. Failures involving extensive bearing damage were found to dissipate significantly more energy than tension dominated failures. The specimen configuration influenced the failure modes and therefore also influenced the failure energy. In the width-to-diameter ratio range of 4 to 5, which is typical of structural joints, a transition from the tension mode to the bearing mode was shown to cause a large increase in failure energy. The failure modes associated with ultimate strength were usually different from those associated with the damage onset. Typical damage sequences involved bearing damage onset at the hole boundary followed by tension damage progressing from the hole boundary