29 research outputs found

    Advanced Laboratory Methods for Detecting Yellow Fever Pathogen

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    Yellow fever is an acute infectious disease of viral nature, the causative agent of which is vector-borne –is transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Massive epidemics caused by the yellow fever virus are observed in the countries of Africa, South and Central America annually. Imported cases are also registered in non-endemic territories. The review presents the currently available data on the distribution, structure and classification of the yellow fever virus, the identification of its genetic variants depending on the geographical distribution, as well as modern methods of detection and identification of the pathogen in samples taken from sick and dead people. It considers the possibility of using virological, immunoserological and molecular-genetic methods for the diagnosis of yellow fever in different periods from the onset of the disease and in retrospective studies. The lists of diagnostic drugs of domestic and foreign production for the detection of agent markers (antigen, RNA), as well as specific antibodies of IgM and IgG classes, approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, are provided. The relevance of further development, improvement and introduction into laboratory practice of reagent kits that allow to detect the yellow fever virus in samples from sick people in a short time, with high efficiency and specificity is demonstrated. This will help to establish a diagnosis promptly and conduct timely anti-epidemic measures, as well as to determine the level of the population stratum immune to the pathogen in endemic regions and evaluate the effectiveness of immunization for the vaccinated contingent

    New Data on the Dissemination of the Nipah Virus (<i>Henipavirus. Paramyxoviridae</i>) and Methods of its Indication and Identification

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    Nipah virus (Nipah virus, NiV) is a representative of the genus Henipavirus of the Paramyxoviridae family, the causative agent of a dangerous infectious disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations – from an asymptomatic (subclinical) form to severe encephalitis with fatal outcome. Despite the fact that the disease caused by this virus is registered only in the countries of Southeast Asia, the possibility of importing the pathogen to non-endemic territories is not excluded. Also, this pathogen is able to infect not only a large number of people, but also animals, causing serious diseases and significant economic damage, posing both, a medical and veterinary problem. This review presents the data available in the modern press on the structure and classification of the Nipah virus, possible cycles of its transmission, spread, methods of indication and identification in clinical and biological material, as well as the effectiveness of their use depending on the timing of the onset of the disease and available commercial diagnostic and preventive drugs


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    The aim of the work – to evaluate the effectiveness of mastering residents improved by us method of differential diagnostics of essential resistant arterial hypertension (RAH) and pseudo-resistant arterial hypertension (PRAH) in comparison with conventional procedures.The main body. The study included 120 patients (men – 68 (56.7 %); women – 52 (43.3 %); average age 55±8.8 years) with a stable course of hypertension. All patients had a baseline blood pressure (BP) above 140/90 mm hg while receiving 3 or more antihypertensive drugs, one of which was a diuretic. The first year residents of training were divided into two groups: group I – control (30 residents) – processed the conventional method of differential diagnosis of RAH and PRAH; group II (30 residents) – studied new method of differential diagnosis of RAH and PRAH.The time period for differential diagnostics of RAH and PRAH by our methodology averaged 3.9±2.6 days, comparing to traditional methodology – 16.4±6.8 days, (p&lt;0.01). Introduction of new methodology allowed the residents of basic group to be better oriented in reasons of secondary forms of RAH – 25 (83.3±6.8 %) residents, comparing to the control group – 14 (46.7±9.1 %) residents, (p&lt;0.01). This work allowed increasing the knowledge about methods of differential diagnostics RAH and PRAH in the basic group of residents from 12 (40.0±8.9 %) to 24 (80.0±7.3 %), (p&lt;0.001), and from 14 (46.7±9.1 %) to 18 (60.0±8.9 %) in the control group of residents (p&gt;0.5).Conclusion. Advanced by us methods of teaching knowledge and skills of differential diagnostics of RAH and PRAH, significantly reduces its time and reliably improve the assimilation of knowledge and practical skills of medical interns in specialty «General Practice – Family Medicine».Мета роботи – оцінити ефективність засвоєння лікарями-інтернами удосконаленої нами методики диференційної діагностики есенціальної РАГ та ПРАГ у порівнянні з загальноприйнятою методикою.Основна частина. У дослідження було включено 120 пацієнтів (чоловіків – 68 (56,7 %); жінок – 52 (43,3 %); середній вік – (55±8,8) року) з гіпертонічною хворобою. Всі пацієнти мали вихідний рівень артеріального тиску (АТ) вище за 140/90 мм рт. ст. при прийомі 3-х та більше антигіпертензивних препаратів (АГП), один із яких діуретик. Лікарі-інтерни першого року навчання були розподілені на дві групи: І група – контрольна (30 інтернів) – опрацьовувала традиційну методику диференційної діаг­ностики есенціальної РАГ та ПРАГ; ІІ група (30 інтернів) – навчалась нової методики диференційної діагностики есенціальної РАГ та ПРАГ.Строки проведення диференційної діагностики РАГ та ПРАГ запропонованою нами методикою склали (3,9±2,6) дня, у порівнянні з традиційною методикою – (16,4±6,8) дня (p&lt;0,01). Впровадження запропонованої методики дозволило лікарям-інтернам основної групи краще орієнтуватись у причинах вторинних форм РАГ – 25 ((83,3±6,8) %), у порівнянні з контрольною групою – 14 ((46,7±9,1) %) інтернів (p&lt;0,01). Внаслідок проведеної роботи збільшилась кількість інтернів, які опанували методику диференційної діагностики РАГ та ПРАГ, з 12 ((40,0±8,9) %) до 24 ((80,0±7,3) %) в основній групі (p&lt;0,001), та з 14 ((46,7±9,1) %) до 18 ((60,0±8,9) %) інтернів контрольної групи (p&gt;0,5).Висновок. Удосконалена нами методика викладання знань і навичок диференційної діагностики есенціальної РАГ і ПРАГ дозволяє значно скоротити строки її проведення та достовірно покращити засвоєння знань і практичних навичок у лікарів-інтернів зі спеціальності “Загальна практика – сімейна медицина”

    Experience in Genome Analysis Use in SAET Mobile Complex Facilities

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    Described is the first-ever experience in genome analysis use in SAET mobile complex facilities, obtained during the XXVII World-wide Summer Universiade in Kazan, 2013. Carried out was 16S rRNA sequencing of Salmonella enteric strain isolated from an infected. For that matter, employed was “MicroSEQ 500 16S rDNA Bacterial Identification Kits” (Applied Biosystems, USA), which allows for sequencing of DNA fragments (500 bp) of 16S rRNA gene in the bacteria under investigation

    Management of Diagnostic Investigations at the Premises of Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team Mobile Complex at the Time of Running Mass Events

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    Laboratory support of epidemiological surveillance plays a significant role in the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population at the time of preparations to and carrying out public events. Taking into consideration the increment of load upon the laboratory facilities of the Rospotrebnadzor institutions and general medical-and-prophylactic establishments, there emerges a need to deploy specialized anti-epidemic teams. By the example of management of the laboratory investigations in SAET mobile complex during XXVII World-wide Summer Universiade in Kazan, 2013 and G-20 Summit in Saint-Petersburg, 2013 formulated have been the basic principles of organization and algorithms of diagnostic work at the premises of laboratory facilities of SAET mobile unit deployed in order to provide for sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population at the time of running public events

    Introduction of New Preparations for Gene Diagnostics of Dengue Fever and Cholera

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    Presented is the information on technical and medical trials of new generation preparations for gene diagnostics of Dengue fever and cholera, based on the multiple factor analysis. Application of these preparations makes it possible not only to detect pathogen but also to carry out its expedited identification in accordance with epidemiological significance and taxonomic status

    The study of different methods of teaching the differential diagnostics of essential resistant and pseudoresistant arterial hypertension for residents on speciality “General practice – family medicine”

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    Мета роботи – оцінити ефективність засвоєння лікарями-інтернами удосконаленої нами методики диференційної діагностики есенціальної РАГ та ПРАГ у порівнянні з загальноприйнятою методикою. Основна частина. У дослідження було включено 120 пацієнтів (чоловіків – 68 (56,7 %); жінок – 52 (43,3 %); середній вік – (55±8,8) року) з гіпертонічною хворобою. Всі пацієнти мали вихідний рівень артеріального тиску (АТ) вище за 140/90 мм рт. ст. при прийомі 3-х та більше антигіпертензивних препаратів (АГП), один із яких діуретик. Лікарі-інтерни першого року навчання були розподілені на дві групи: І група – контрольна (30 інтернів) – опрацьовувала традиційну методику диференційної діагностики есенціальної РАГ та ПРАГ; ІІ група (30 інтернів) – навчалась нової методики диференційної діагностики есенціальної РАГ та ПРАГ. Строки проведення диференційної діагностики РАГ та ПРАГ запропонованою нами методикою склали (3,9±2,6) дня, у порівнянні з традиційною методикою – (16,4±6,8) дня (p<0,01). Впровадження запропонованої методики дозволило лікарям-інтернам основної групи краще орієнтуватись у причинах вторинних форм РАГ – 25 ((83,3±6,8) %), у порівнянні з контрольною групою – 14 ((46,7±9,1) %) інтернів (p<0,01). Внаслідок проведеної роботи збільшилась кількість інтернів, які опанували методику диференційної діагностики РАГ та ПРАГ, з 12 ((40,0±8,9) %) до 24 ((80,0±7,3) %) в основній групі (p<0,001), та з 14 ((46,7±9,1) %) до 18 ((60,0±8,9) %) інтернів контрольної групи (p>0,5). Висновок. Удосконалена нами методика викладання знань і навичок диференційної діагностики есенціальної РАГ і ПРАГ дозволяє значно скоротити строки її проведення та достовірно покращити засвоєння знань і практичних навичок у лікарівінтернів зі спеціальності “Загальна практика – сімейна медицина”. Ключові слова:The aim of the work – to evaluate the effectiveness of mastering residents improved by us method of differential diagnostics of essential resistant arterial hypertension (RAH) and pseudo-resistant arterial hypertension (PRAH) in comparison with conventional procedures. The main body. The study included 120 patients (men – 68 (56.7 %); women – 52 (43.3 %); average age 55±8.8 years) with a stable course of hypertension. All patients had a baseline blood pressure (BP) above 140/90 mm hg while receiving 3 or more antihypertensive drugs, one of which was a diuretic. The first year residents of training were divided into two groups: group I – control (30 residents) – processed the conventional method of differential diagnosis of RAH and PRAH; group II (30 residents) – studied new method of differential diagnosis of RAH and PRAH. The time period for differential diagnostics of RAH and PRAH by our methodology averaged 3.9±2.6 days, comparing to traditional methodology – 16.4±6.8 days, (p<0.01). Introduction of new methodology allowed the residents of basic group to be better oriented in reasons of secondary forms of RAH – 25 (83.3±6.8 %) residents, comparing to the control group – 14 (46.7±9.1 %) residents, (p<0.01). This work allowed increasing the knowledge about methods of differential diagnostics RAH and PRAH in the basic group of residents from 12 (40.0±8.9 %) to 24 (80.0±7.3 %), (p0.5). Conclusion. Advanced by us methods of teaching knowledge and skills of differential diagnostics of RAH and PRAH, signifcantly reduces its time and reliably improve the assimilation of knowledge and practical skills of medical interns in specialty «General Practice – Family Medicine»

    Role of Mosquitoes, <I>Culex</I> <I>pipiens</I> Complex, in West Nile Fever Virus Persistence in Urbanized Biocoenoses of Saratov

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    . In wiggler samples as well as in imago ones detected are WNF virus markers, which indicate the possibility of transovarial and trans-phase transmission of virus into mosquito populations, habitant in urbanized biocoenoses. It is substantiated that Culex pipiens female mosquitoes, which reproduce autogenically, provide for the persistence of the virus within the inter-epidemic period. Therewith there is a possibility of sustained, epidemically-active WNF micro-foci to be formed in the residential area landscapes, and this issue should be given proper consideration when performing assessment of the risks associated with urban population exposure to the infection

    Identification of the Farm Animals Immune to Pathogens of Zoonotic Infectious Diseases in the Republic of Guinea

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    The most common anthropozoonoses on the African continent are coxiellosis and Rift Valley fever. It is known that detection of specific IgG antibodies in the blood sera of farm animals is one of the indicators of the pathogen circulation in a certain territory. The aim of the work was to identify specific IgG antibodies in the blood sera of farm animals collected on the territory of the Republic of Guinea to pathogens of zoonotic infectious diseases: coxiellosis, brucellosis, glanders, CCHF, West Nile and Rift Valley fevers, using enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Materials and methods. A panel of 970 samples of blood sera from farm animals inhabiting all landscape-geographical zones of Guinea was compiled for the work. Identification of specific antibodies was carried out using enzyme immunoassay with preparations recommended for veterinary studies. Results and discussion. Specific antibodies to zoonoses were detected in 700 out of 1074 samples (65.2 % of the total), including: to Coxiella burnetii – in 172 (16.0 %); to Brucella spp. – in 212 (19.7 %); viruses of Rift Valley fever – 85 (7.9 %); CCHF – in 139 (12.9 %) and West Nile fever – in 92 (8.6 %). Antibodies to Burkholderia mallei were not found in the tested material. Positive samples were registered in all landscape-geographical zones. Thus, an urgent task is to continue studying the circulation of pathogens of zoonoses and anthropozoonoses in the territory of the Republic of Guinea and to organize regular monitoring over the spread of zoonotic infectious diseases in collaboration with veterinary services, which will allow timely forecasting and coordinating prophylactic (anti-epidemic) measures to prevent cases of diseases