7 research outputs found

    Bilateral Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis

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    Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is an uncommon form of chronic bacterial pyelonephritis characterized by the destruction of renal parenchyma and the presence of granulomas, abscesses, and collections of lipid-laden macrophages (foam cells) replacing the renal parenchyma. This case report illustrates the clinical course of bilateral diffuse xanthogranulo-matous pyelonephritis with a subtle manifestation in contrast to those typically presenting with fever, flank pain or urinary tract infection. The patient therefore received supportive treatment for 18 months without hemodialysis, instead of the curative treatment, bilateral nephrectomy, which would have caused immediate loss of residual renal function and dependence on hemodialysis

    How small is TOO small? New liver constraint is needed- Proton therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma patients with small normal liver.

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    PURPOSE:This study evaluated the outcomes of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with small normal liver volume (NLV) treated with proton beam therapy (PBT) and introduced estimated standard liver volume (eSLV) as a new constraint. MATERIALS AND METHODS:HCC patients with NLV 20% and an rV30/eSLV ratio of >30% are acceptable

    Additional file 1 of Targeting vulnerable microcircuits in the ventral hippocampus of male transgenic mice to rescue Alzheimer-like social memory loss

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    Additional file 1: Materials and methods. Table S1 Virus strains and their applications. Table S2. Antibody list. Fig. S1 A realistic picture for the social memory test. Fig. S2 Schematic representation of the dissection of vCA1 and dCA1. Fig. S3 Prominent accumulation of hyper-phosphorylated tau (p-Tau, AT8) in the ventral hippocampal CA1 (vCA1) of 3xTg-AD mice. Fig. S4 Accumulation of hyper-phosphorylated tau (p-Tau) in the vCA1 of 3-month-old female P301L and 8-month-old male P301S mice. Fig. S5 Differential proteins detected in the ventral hippocampal CA1 (vCA1) and dorsal hippocampal CA1 (dCA1) in WT and P301L mice. Fig. S6 Number of differentially phosphorylated proteins/sites detected in the ventral hippocampal CA1 (vCA1) and dorsal hippocampal CA1 (dCA1) in WT and P301L mice. Fig. S7 Male 3xTg-AD and P301L mice displayed social memory deficits. Fig. S8 Injection sites of AAV-hSyn-hTau-eGFP virus into the vCA1. Fig. S9 Overexpression hTau in vCA1 has no effect on anxiety-like behaviors. Fig. S10 Tau accumulation in the dCA1 has no effect on social memory. Fig. S11 Hyper-phosphorylated tau (p-Tau) is accumulated in excitatory and PV neurons of 3xTg-AD mice. Fig. S12 hTau accumulation increases the action potential threshold of CaMKII+ and PV+ neurons in the vCA1. Fig. S13 No transmission of hTau occurs from excitatory neurons (CaMKII+) to PV neurons in vCA1-hTauCaMKII mice. Fig. S14 hTau overexpression in PV or excitatory neurons does not affect the electrophysiological properties of excitatory or PV neurons. Fig. S15 Quantitative analysis of co-location of GCaMP6f and hTau in excitatory and PV neurons. Fig. S16 Tau accumulation has no effects on eGFP signals of CaMKII and PV neurons during bouts of social interaction. Fig. S17 Accumulation of vCA1-hTauPV disinhibits excitatory neurons during novel conspecific identification. Fig. S18 Accumulation of vCA1-hTauPV has no effect on eGFP signals of CaMKII neurons during bouts of social interaction. Fig. S19 ChR2 is highly expressed in excitatory and PV neurons. Fig. S20 Photostimulation of excitatory neurons during social exploration has no improvement on social discrimination in vCA1-hTauCaMKII mice. Fig. S21 Photoactivation of excitatory and PV neurons expressing eYFP had no effects on tau-impaired social memory. Fig. S22 Photoactivation of excitatory neurons in physical condition at different rhythm has no improvements on social memory. Fig. S23 Photoactivation of PV neurons in physical condition at different rhythm has no improvements on social memory. Fig. S24 Ursolic acid (UA) at 30 μmol/L effectively reduces pathological tau without changing tau mRNA. Fig. S25 CCK-8 assay on cytotoxicity of UA in HEK293-hTau cells. Fig. S26 Low-dose UA treatment remarkably reduces tau load and ameliorates social memory deficits in vCA1-tau mice. Fig. S27 Low-dose UA treatment has no toxic effect on social memory in C57BL/6 mice. Fig. S28 Low-dose UA treatment improves the excitability of excitatory and PV neurons in vCA1-hTau mice

    Gene selection for cancer identification: a decision tree model empowered by particle swarm optimization algorithm

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    [[abstract]]Background In the application of microarray data, how to select a small number of informative genes from thousands of genes that may contribute to the occurrence of cancers is an important issue. Many researchers use various computational intelligence methods to analyzed gene expression data. Results To achieve efficient gene selection from thousands of candidate genes that can contribute in identifying cancers, this study aims at developing a novel method utilizing particle swarm optimization combined with a decision tree as the classifier. This study also compares the performance of our proposed method with other well-known benchmark classification methods (support vector machine, self-organizing map, back propagation neural network, C4.5 decision tree, Naive Bayes, CART decision tree, and artificial immune recognition system) and conducts experiments on 11 gene expression cancer datasets. Conclusion Based on statistical analysis, our proposed method outperforms other popular classifiers for all test datasets, and is compatible to SVM for certain specific datasets. Further, the housekeeping genes with various expression patterns and tissue-specific genes are identified. These genes provide a high discrimination power on cancer classification.[[notice]]補正完