20 research outputs found

    Práticas alimentares de lactentes brasileiros nascidos com baixo peso e fatores associados

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    OBJETIVO: Caracterizar a alimentação complementar e analisar a influência de fatores individuais e contextuais sobre práticas alimentares de lactentes que nasceram com baixo peso. MÉTODOS: Este estudo transversal incluiu 2.370 lactentes nascidos com baixo peso e com idade entre 6 e 12 meses incluídos na Pesquisa de Prevalência de Aleitamento Materno em Municípios Brasileiros (2008), que abrangeu as 26 capitais, o Distrito Federal e mais 37 municípios. As práticas alimentares foram avaliadas usando dois indicadores: i) diversidade alimentar, caracterizada pelo consumo dos cinco grupos alimentares: carnes, feijão, legumes e verduras, frutas e leite; ii) consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados, caracterizado pela ingestão de pelo menos um dos seguintes alimentos no dia anterior à pesquisa: refrigerante, ou suco industrializado, ou bolacha, biscoito e salgadinho. As covariáveis de interesse corresponderam às características socioeconômicas, dos lactentes, das mães e dos serviços de saúde. O fator contextual foi a “prevalência municipal de desnutrição infantil”. O efeito individualizado dos fatores de estudo sobre os desfechos foi avaliado mediante regressão de Poisson com estrutura multinível. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 59% dos lactentes consumiram alimentos ultraprocessados, enquanto 29% apresentaram diversidade alimentar. Mães que residiam em municípios com prevalência de desnutrição infantil inferior a 10%, com maior nível de escolaridade e que trabalhavam fora de casa foram mais propensas a oferecer diversidade alimentar. O consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados foi maior entre lactentes residentes em municípios com prevalência de desnutrição infantil inferior a 10%, cujas mães eram mais jovens e multíparas. CONCLUSÕES: A baixa prevalência de alimentação diversa aliada à alta prevalência do consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados caracteriza a baixa qualidade da alimentação dos lactentes brasileiros com baixo peso ao nascer. Fatores individuais e contextuais impactam a qualidade da alimentação dessa população, sugerindo a necessidade de adoção de estratégias eficazes para aumentar o consumo de alimentos in natura e minimamente processados e diminuir o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados por esta população vulnerável.OBJECTIVE: To characterize complementary feeding and to analyze the influence of individual and contextual factors on dietary practices of low birth weight infants. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 2,370 low birth weight infants aged 6 to 12 months included in the Breastfeeding Prevalence Survey in Brazilian Municipalities (2008), which covered the 26 state capitals, the Federal District and 37 municipalities. Dietary practices were assessed using two indicators: I) dietary diversity, characterized by the consumption of five food groups: meat, beans, vegetables, fruit and milk; II) consumption of ultra-processed foods, characterized by the ingestion of at least one of the following foods on the day prior to the survey: soda, or processed juice, or cookie, cracker and crisps. The covariates of interest were the socioeconomic characteristics of infants, mothers and health services. The contextual factor was the “municipal prevalence of child undernutrition.” The individualized effect of the study factors on outcomes was assessed by multilevel Poisson regression. RESULTS: Approximately 59% of infants consumed ultra-processed foods, while 29% had diverse feeding. Mothers living in municipalities with child undernutrition prevalence below 10%, with higher education and working outside the home were more likely to offer dietary diversity. Consumption of ultra-processed foods was higher among infants living in municipalities with child undernutrition prevalence below 10%, whose mothers were younger and multiparous. CONCLUSIONS: The low prevalence of diverse feeding combined with the high prevalence of ultra-processed food consumption characterizes the low quality of feeding of low birth weight Brazilian infants. Individual and contextual factors impact the feeding quality of this population, suggesting the need for effective strategies to increase the consumption of fresh and minimally processed foods and decrease the consumption of ultra-processed foods by this vulnerable population

    Cloth masks in public places: an essential intervention to prevent COVID-19 in Brazil.

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    There is increasing evidence that the use of masks is an indispensable protective measure against COVID-19, given the high transmissibility of the new coronavirus through the respiratory system, including by asymptomatic individuals. The use of cloth masks in public places has been established as a protective measure to be adopted alongside social distancing and hand hygiene. This narrative review aims to systematize the scientific evidence that informs the widespread use of cloth masks as a preventive measure against COVID-19 and to describe the evolution of positions contrary to or in favor of its use outside the home, in view of the advance of the new coronavirus pandemic globally. The scientific articles, technical notes, governmental decrees and other documents analyzed indicate that widespread use of masks has the potential to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus. We recommend that the Brazilian government adopt strategies to increase the supply of reusable cloth masks to the public, especially to vulnerable populations and to support studies on the impact of this measure to control the pandemic in the country. Finally, it is imperative to ensure that use of masks does not exacerbate stigmatization of racial groups that already face prejudice

    The effect of laboratory testing on COVID-19 monitoring indicators: an analysis of the 50 countries with the highest number of cases.

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse how testing the population influences the health indicators used to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic in the 50 countries with the highest number of diagnosed cases. METHODS: This was an ecological study using secondary data retrieved on 8/19/2020. Cumulative incidence, mortality rate, case-fatality rate, and proportion of positive tests were calculated. The data were described and presented graphically, with their respective Spearman Correlation Coefficients. RESULTS: The testing rate varied enormously between countries. Cumulative incidence and the proportion of positive tests were correlated with the number of tests, while the mortality rate and case-fatality rate showed low correlation with this indicator. CONCLUSION: Most countries do not test enough to ensure adequate monitoring of the pandemic, and this is reflected in the quality of the indicators. Expanding the number of tests is essential, but it needs to be accompanied by other measures, such as isolation of diagnosed cases and contact tracing

    Factors associated with low birth weight at term: a population-based linkage study of the 100 million Brazilian cohort.

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    BACKGROUND: Factors associated with low birth weight at term (TLBW), a proxy for intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), are not well-elucidated in socioeconomically vulnerable populations. This study aimed to identify the factors associated with TLBW in impoverished Brazilian women. METHODS: Records in the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort database were linked to those in the National System of Information on Live Births (SINASC) to obtain obstetric, maternal, birth and socioeconomic data between 2001 and 2015. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to investigate associations between variables of exposure and TLBW. RESULTS: Of 8,768,930 term live births analyzed, 3.7% presented TLBW. The highest odds of TLBW were associated with female newborns (OR: 1.49; 95% CI: 1.47-1.50), whose mothers were black (OR: 1.20; 95% CI: 1.18-1.22), had a low educational level (OR: 1.57; 95% CI: 1.53-1.62), were aged ≥35 years (OR: 1.44; 95% CI: 1.43-1.46), had a low number of prenatal care visits (OR: 2.48; 95% CI: 2.42-2.54) and were primiparous (OR: 1.62; 95% CI: 1.60-1.64). Lower odds of TLBW were found among infants whose mothers lived in the North, Northeast and Center-West regions of Brazil compared to those in the South. CONCLUSION: Multiple aspects were associated with TLBW, highlighting the need to comprehensively examine the mechanisms underlying these factors, especially in more vulnerable Brazilian populations, in order to contribute to the elaboration of health policies and promote better conditions of life for poor and extremely poor mothers and children

    Differences in risk factors for incident and recurrent preterm birth: a population-based linkage of 3.5 million births from the CIDACS birth cohort.

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth (PTB) is a syndrome resulting from a complex list of underlying causes and factors, and whether these risk factors differ in the context of prior PTB history is less understood. The aim of this study was to explore whether PTB risk factors in a second pregnancy were different in women with versus without previous PTB. METHODS: We conducted a population-based cohort study using data from the birth cohort of the Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (CIDACS) for the period 2001 to 2015. We used longitudinal transition models with multivariate logistic regression to investigate whether risk factors varied between incident and recurrent PTB. RESULTS: A total of 3,528,050 live births from 1,764,025 multiparous women were analyzed. We identified different risk factors (Pdifference <0.05) between incident and recurrent PTB. The following were associated with an increased chance for PTB incidence, but not recurrent: household overcrowding (OR 1.09), maternal race/ethnicity [(Black/mixed-OR 1.04) and (indigenous-OR 1.34)], young maternal age (14 to 19 years-OR 1.16), and cesarean delivery (OR 1.09). The following were associated with both incident and recurrent PTB, respectively: single marital status (OR 0.85 vs 0.90), reduced number of prenatal visits [(no visit-OR 2.56 vs OR 2.16) and (1 to 3 visits-OR 2.44 vs OR 2.24)], short interbirth interval [(12 to 23 months-OR 1.04 vs OR 1.22) and (<12 months, OR 1.89, 95 vs OR 2.58)], and advanced maternal age (35-49 years-OR 1.42 vs OR 1.45). For most risk factors, the point estimates were higher for incident PTB than recurrent PTB. CONCLUSIONS: The risk factors for PTB in the second pregnancy differed according to women's first pregnancy PTB status. The findings give the basis for the development of specific prevention strategies for PTB in a subsequent pregnancy

    Social distancing measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic: potential impacts and challenges in Brazil.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged researchers and policy makers to identify public safety measures forpreventing the collapse of healthcare systems and reducingdeaths. This narrative review summarizes the available evidence on the impact of social distancing measures on the epidemic and discusses the implementation of these measures in Brazil. Articles on the effect of social distancing on COVID-19 were selected from the PubMed, medRXiv and bioRvix databases. Federal and state legislation was analyzed to summarize the strategies implemented in Brazil. Social distancing measures adopted by the population appear effective, particularly when implemented in conjunction with the isolation of cases and quarantining of contacts. Therefore, social distancing measures, and social protection policies to guarantee the sustainability of these measures, should be implemented. To control COVID-19 in Brazil, it is also crucial that epidemiological monitoring is strengthened at all three levels of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). This includes evaluating and usingsupplementary indicators to monitor the progression of the pandemic and the effect of the control measures, increasing testing capacity, and making disaggregated notificationsand testing resultstransparentand broadly available


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    Introdução: As políticas públicas são essenciais para reduzir a morbimortalidade infantil. Este estudo descreve a evolução das políticas relacionadas à atenção à criança no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no Brasil, implementadas desde a criação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Metodologia: Revisão narrativa da literatura com base nos principais marcos regulatórios com influência direta ou indireta na Atenção à Saúde da Criança (ACS) na APS, publicados entre 1990 e 2017. Resultados: Foram analisados ​​31 documentos oficiais, organizados em uma linha do tempo e classificados em três categorias: I) Normas do SUS e da APS; II) diretrizes para os serviços de saúde materno-infantil no âmbito da APS; e, III) políticas intersetoriais. Conclusão:A evolução das políticas de CSC no Brasil é marcada por uma série de conquistas em prol da ampliação dos direitos sociais e da garantia do direito à saúde que ampliou o acesso aos serviços de saúde e contribuiu para a melhoria das condições de vida e de vida das crianças. No entanto, as desigualdades sociais e os desafios no acesso e qualidade da atenção na APS são persistentes, com retrocessos causados ​​pela implementação de medidas de austeridade desde 2016.Introdução: Políticas públicas são fundamentais para a redução da morbimortalidade na infância. O presente estudo descreve uma evolução política relacionada à Atenção Primária à Saúde da Criança no âmbito da Atenção Primária Saúde (APS) no Brasil, desde a criação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Metodologia: Revisão narrativa da literatura com base nos principais marcos normativos com influência na Atenção à Saúde da Criança no âmbito da APS, publicados entre 1990 e 2017. Resultados: Foram analisados 31 documentos oficiais, distribuídos numa linha do tempo, classificados em: I) normatização do SUS e da APS; II) orientação aos serviços de saúde materno-infantil no âmbito da APS e III) políticas intersetoriais. Conclusão: A evolução das políticas pensadas no Brasil está marcada para serviços e como soluções da série de direitos sociais e como possibilidades de vistas da vida. Porém, além das desigualdades sociais, desafios no acesso e na qualidade do cuidado na APS se fazem persistentes, com retrocessos são persistentes agravados com a capacidade de trabalhar1 em medidas de austeridade curso desde 206

    Risk of mortality for small newborns in Brazil, 2011-2018: A national birth cohort study of 17.6 million records from routine register-based linked data.

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth (25 times higher for LBW (HR=25.8; (95% CI:25.5-26.1) compared to normal birth weight (NBW). 18% of all live births were included in one of the small vulnerable newborn phenotypes. Of those 8.2% were term-SGA (4.7%NBW, 3.5%LBW), 0.6% were term-AGA-LBW, 8.3% preterm-AGA (3.8%NBW, 4.5%LBW) and 1.0% preterm-SGA-LBW. Compared to term-AGA-NBW, the highest mortality risk was for preterm-LBW phenotypes (HR=36.2(95%CI 35.6-36.8) preterm-AGA-LBW, HR=62.0(95%CI 60.8-63.2) preterm-SGA-LBW). The increased mortality risk associated with vulnerable newborn phenotypes was highest in the first month of life, with attenuated but continued high risk in the post-neonatal period and 1-4 years of age. INTERPRETATION: Our findings support the value of using more detailed phenotypes to identify those at highest risk. More granular data can inform care at the individual level, advance research, especially for prevention, and accelerate progress towards global targets such as the Sustainable Development Goals. FUNDING: Wellcome Trust

    Evaluating the effect of Bolsa Familia, Brazil's conditional cash transfer programme, on maternal and child health: A study protocol.

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    BACKGROUND: Conditional Cash Transfer Programs have been developed in Latin America in response to poverty and marked social inequalities on the continent. In Brazil, the Bolsa Familia Program (BFP) was implemented to alleviate poverty and improve living conditions, health, and education for socioeconomically vulnerable populations. However, the effect of this intervention on maternal and child health is not well understood. METHODS: We will evaluate the effect of BFP on maternal and child outcomes: 1. Birth weight; 2. Preterm birth; 3. Maternal mortality; and 4. Child growth. Dynamic retrospective cohort data from the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort (2001 to 2015) will be linked to three different databases: Live Birth Information System (2004 to 2015); Mortality Information System (2011 to 2015); and Food and Nutritional Surveillance System (2008 to 2017). The definition of exposure to the BFP varies according to the outcome studied. Those who never received the benefit until the outcome or until the end of the follow-up will be defined as not exposed. The effects of BFP on maternal and child outcomes will be estimated by a combination of propensity score-based methods and weighted logistic regressions. The analyses will be further stratified to reflect changes in the benefit entitlement before and after 2012. DISCUSSION: Harnessing a large linked administrative cohort allows us to assess the effect of the BFP on maternal and child health, while considering a wide range of explanatory and confounding variables