24 research outputs found

    Változó tendenciák a humán papillómavírus okozta szájgaratdaganatok kezelésében

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    The incidence of oropharyngeal cancers caused by human papillomavirus rises sharply. They are characterized by very good therapeutic response, including radiosensitivity, as is demonstrated by the results of several retrospective analyses. In the following review publications related to this topic are introduced, (radio)biological causes of radiosensitivity are explored and the role of surgical, chemo- and biological therapeutic methods of these types of tumors are discussed with the aim to better understand their different behavior. Taking into account the younger age and better general condition of patients as well as the tumor radiosensitivity it is recommended to override the current therapeutic guidelines in respect of the doses and treatment methods primarily in order to reduce therapeutic complications. Currently several randomized trials on this subject are in progress

    Image guided high-dose-rate brachytherapy versus volumetric modulated arc therapy for head and neck cancer

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    Background The aim of the study was to present dosimetric comparison of image guided high-dose-rate brachytherapy (IGBT) with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) for head and neck cancer regarding conformity of dose distribution to planning target volume (PTV) and doses to organs at risk (OARs). Patients and methods Thirty-eight consecutive patients with T1-4 mobile tongue, floor of mouth and base of tongue cancer treated with IGBT were selected. For these patients additional VMAT treatment plans were also prepared using identical computed tomography data. OARs and PTV related parameters (e.g. V98, D0.1cm3, Dmean, etc.) were compared. Results Mean V98 of the PTV was 90.2% vs. 90.4% (p > 0.05) for IGBT and VMAT, respectively. Mean D0.1cm3 to the mandible was 77.0% vs. 85.4% (p 0.05). Dmean to ipsilateral and contralateral submandibular glands was 16.4% vs. 21.9% (p > 0.05) and 8.2% vs. 16.9% (p < 0.05), respectively. Conclusions Both techniques showed excellent target coverage. With IGBT dose to normal tissues was lower than with VMAT. The results prove the superiority of IGBT in the protection of OARs and the important role of this invasive method in the era of new external beam techniques

    A CyberKnife sztereotaxiás sugárterápia alkalmazásának lehetősége fej-nyaki daganatok kezelésében

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    The treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck is multimodal, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, or the combination of those. Though aggressive treatment results in complete tumor remission in many patients even in locally advanced stages, unfortunately local relapse is not uncommon. For patients not candidate for salvage surgery, chemotherapy and conventional fractionated external beam irradiation can be applied. However, for patients previously treated with full-dose radiotherapy, the deliverable reirradiation dose is limited, considering the elevated risk of toxicity caused by cumulative doses. CyberKnife is a highly conformal radiosurgical technology which can successfully treat this subset of patients. In addition, it can be applied for hardly resectable rare tumors of the skull base and the head and neck region like chordoma, chondrosarcoma and paragangliomas. The CyberKnife stereotacic radiosurgery technology is now available in Hungary, in the National Institute of Oncology

    Neck Node Squamous Cell Metastasis from Unknown Primary and Mutagen Sensitivity: A Case Series

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    Most of the neck node metastases from cancer of unknown primary (CUP) are squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). The majority of which are human papillomavirus (HPV)-related, frequently show cystic morphology referring to Waldeyer’s ring origin. Here, we report four cases of neck node SCCs metastases from CUP. In our institute, 432 patients with head and neck (HN) SCC underwent pretreatment mutagen sensitivity (MS) assay between 1996 and 2006. Among them, 4 patients ≤50 years of age had metastatic cervical nodes from CUP. The primary treatment was cervical node dissection ± radiotherapy. All patients had elevated (&gt;1.0 chromatid break/cell) MS. One male patient died of progressive neck metastasis within 3 years and the 3 female patients are still alive more than 15 years after initial treatment of HPV+ (two) or cystic (one) SCC. Two female patients developed second and third distant site metachronous primary cancers. HPV+ or cystic HNSCC from CUP with elevated MS indicates good outcome. Distant site metachronous cancers of different histologic origins cannot be explained by field cancerization. The clinical significance of elevated MS in neck node SCC metastasis from CUP requires further investigation

    CyberKnife versus multicatheter interstitial brachytherapy for accelerated partial breast irradiation: a dosimetrical assessment with focus on organs at risk

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    Background: The purpose of the study was to dosimetrically compare multicatheter interstitial brachytherapy (MIBT) and stereotactic radiotherapy with CyberKnife (CK) for accelerated partial breast irradiation with special focus on dose to organs at risk (OARs). Materials and methods: Treatment plans of thirty-one patients treated with MIBT were selected and additional CK plans were created on the same CT images. The OARs included ipsilateral non-target and contralateral breast, ipsilateral and contralateral lung, skin, ribs, and heart for left sided cases. The fractionation was identical (4 x 6.25 Gy). Dose-volume parameters were calculated for both techniques and compared. Results: The D90 of the PTV for MIBT and CK were similar (102.4% vs. 103.6%, p = 0.0654), but in COIN the MIBT achieved lower value (0.75 vs. 0.91, p &lt; 0.001). Regarding the V100 parameter of non-target breast CK performed slightly better than MIBT (V100: 1.1% vs. 1.6%), but for V90, V50 and V25 MIBT resulted in less dose. Every examined parameter of ipsilateral lung, skin, ribs and contralateral lung was significantly smaller for MIBT than for CK. Protection of the heart was slightly better with MIBT, but only the difference of D2cm3 was statistically significant (17.3% vs. 20.4%, p = 0.0311). There were no significant differences among the dose-volume parameters of the contralateral breast. Conclusion: The target volume can be properly irradiated by both techniques with high conformity and similar dose to the OARs. MIBT provides more advantageous plans than CK, except for dose conformity and the dosimetry of the heart and contralateral breast. More studies are needed to analyze whether these dosimetrical findings have clinical significance

    Az MRI és a CT szerepe a sugárterápia utáni státusz értékelésében, szövődményeinek vizsgálatában, fej-nyaki daganatoknál

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    Most head and neck cancer patients are treated with combined modalities such as surgery, radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy (ChT). Concurrent chemo-radiation has improved treatment outcomes with increased toxic effects. Reactions after RT are divided into early and late changes. Early reactions are seen during the course of therapy or within 3 months; these are reversible in most cases. Late complications are observed 3 months to years after RT and they are generally irreversible. As typical late reaction radiation induced necrosis may occur in soft tissues, cartilage, bones and brain. Tumor recurrence and post-radiation necrosis typically appear at the same time, within 2-3 years after RT; the differentiation may be difficult. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have become the gold standards not only for staging and assessing tumor response, but also to evaluate posttreatment status, to distinguish residual or recurrent tumor and RT complications. Using baseline CT or MRI between 2-3 months after treatment and performing standard follow-up imaging with strict clinical follow-up are required to establish early salvage treatment

    In situ ductails emlőcarcinoma kombinált sebészi- és sugárkezelése: Multicentrikus prospektív randomizált vizsgálat = Combined surgical and radiotherapy treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: Multicentric prospective randomized study

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    289 duktális in situ emlőrák (DCIS) miatt emlőmegtartó műtéttel kezelt beteget randomizáltunk a lokális recidíva szempontjából meghatározott rizikó csoportok szerinti besorolás után. Immunhisztokémiai (IHK) módszerrel vizsgáltuk a lehetséges molekuláris prognosztikai markerek (ER, PR, Her2, p53, Bcl2 és Ki-67) expresszióját. A pozitív IHK reakció a Her2 (38%), p53 (36%) és Ki-67 (47%) markereknél a nukleáris grade-del korrelált. Ezzel szemben az ER (77%), PR (67%) és Bcl2 (67%) pozitivitás szignifikáns inverz összefüggésben volt a grade-del. A klinikai eredményeket 3 éves medián követési idő után 278 betegnél elemeztük. A magas rizikójú betegcsoportban emlőmegtartó műtét és sugárkezelés után 4 (1,7%) lokális recidíva és 1 (0,4%) távoli áttét alakult ki, emlődaganatos haláleset nem volt. A helyi daganatkiújulás 3 és 5 éves valószínűsége 1,1% és 3,1% volt. Tapasztalataink alapján a DCIS egyértelmű diagnózisa esetén az őrszem nyirokcsomó biopszia rutinszerű elvégzése nem indokolt. Korai eredményeink alapján az emlő DCIS kezelésében az emlőmegtartó műtét és posztoperatív sugárkezelés alkalmazásával a helyi daganatkiújulás éves aránya 1% alatt marad. A tumorágy "boost" kezelés hatékonyságának megítélésére és a vizsgált molekuláris markerek prognosztikai/prediktív értékének elemzésére hosszabb követési idő után lesz lehetőségünk. A molekuláris prognosztikai faktorok IHK vizsgálata segítségünkre lehet a DCIS biológiai heterogenitásának feltérképezésében. | 289 patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) treated by breast-conserving surgery were randomised according to predetermined risk groups. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed to detect the expression of potential molecular prognostic markers (ER, PR, Her2, p53, Bcl2, and Ki-67). The positive immunostaining for Her2 (38%), p53 (36%), and Ki-67 (47%) correlated with a high nuclear grade. Significant inverse correlation was found between the expression of ER (77%), PR (67%), Bcl2 (67%) and grade. Clinical results was analysed for 278 patients at a median follow-up of 36 months. In the high-risk patient group 4 (1.7%) local recurrences and 1 (0.4%) distant metastasis occurred. No patient died of breast cancer. The 3- and 5-year probability of local recurrence was 1.1% and 3.1%, respectively. Based on our experience, the definitive diagnosis of DCIS does not warrant sentinel lymph node biopsy. Preliminary results suggest that breast-conserving surgery followed by radiotherapy yields an annual local recurrence rate of less than 1% in patients with DCIS. Further follow-up is needed to define the clinical benefit of tumour bed boost irradiation and to analyse the prognostic/predictive value of molecular prognostic factors. IHC of molecular prognostic markers can assist to gain insight into the biologic heterogeneity of DCIS

    A brachytherapia szerepe az ajak-szájüregi daganatok kuratív ellátásában = The role of brachytherapy in the curative treatment of oral cavity tumors

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    Összefoglaló. A szájüregi daganatok kuratív kezelésében az elsődlegesen választandó műtét mellett a sugárterápiának is jelentős szerepe van. A lokális tumormentesség biztosításához azonban dóziseszkaláció szükséges. Ennek külső besugárzással való megvalósítása a környező normálszövetek fölösleges dózisterhelésével és az ebből következő mellékhatások előfordulásának emelkedésével jár. A brachytherapia (BT) - amelynek során radioaktív sugárforrást/sugárforrásokat juttatunk a tumorba vagy annak közelébe - lehetővé teszi a helyileg magasabb dózis leadását a környező ép szövetek kímélésével. A BT a korai, T1-2N0 stádiumú szájüregi tumoroknál - kedvező prognosztikai faktorok mellett - akár kizárólagosan vagy mint posztoperatíve egyedül alkalmazott terápiás modalitás jön szóba. Kedvezőtlenebb prognózis esetén vagy előrehaladottabb stádiumban (T3-4 vagy N+) a műtétet és/vagy a percutan irradiációt kiegészítő eljárásként alkalmazható kedvező sugárfizikai tulajdonságai miatt. A kis dózisteljesítményű (low-dose-rate, LDR) BT-t már évtizedek óta alkalmazzák a terápiában, de ezt kezdi kiszorítani a nagy dózisteljesítményű (high-dose-rate, HDR), illetve a pulzáló dózisteljesítményű (pulse-dose-rate, PDR) BT. A jelen áttekintő tanulmány célja irodalmi adatok alapján a BT szerepének és indikációjának ismertetése a szájüregi daganatok kuratív kezelésében, alrégiókra lebontva. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(37): 1471-1479. Summary. Radiation therapy plays a significant role in the curative treatment of oral cavity tumors, in addition to the primary choice of surgery. However, dose escalation is required to ensure local tumor control. Its implementation with external irradiation is accompanied by an unnecessary dose exposure to the surrounding normal tissues and an increase in the incidence of consequent side effects. Brachytherapy (BT), in which a radiation source/sources is/are placed inside or close to the tumor, allows a higher dose to be delivered locally, sparing the surrounding intact tissues. In addition to favorable prognostic factors in early T1-2N0 stage oral cavity tumors, BT is considered either exclusively or as a sole postoperative therapeutic modality. At less favorable prognosis or at a more advanced stage (T3-4 or N+), BT can be used as a complementary procedure after surgery and/or percutaneous irradiation based on its favorable radio-physical properties. Low-dose-rate (LDR) BT has been used in the therapy for decades, but recently it has been replaced by high-dose-rate (HDR) and pulse-dose-rate (PDR) BT. The purpose of this review is to describe the role and indications of BT in the treatment of oral cavity tumors categorized into subregions, based on the literature data. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(37): 1471-1479

    Dose-volume analysis of target volume and critical structures in computed tomography image-based multicatheter high-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy for head and neck cancer

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    Purpose : To evaluate dose-volume relationships of target volume and critical structures in computed tomography (CT) image-based brachytherapy for head and neck cancer. Material and methods : Thirty-seven patients with mobile tongue, floor of mouth, and base of tongue cancer treated with brachytherapy (post-operative alone and as a boost after external beam radiotherapy [EBRT], or definitive alone or as a boost after EBRT) were selected. Treatment plans were made using post-implant CT images. The fractionation schedule was 7-15 Ă— 3-5 Gy for post-operative (with or without EBRT), 14-15 Ă— 3 Gy for definitive alone, and 5-10 Ă— 3 Gy for boost treatments. For the target volume, V 100 , D 90 , and dose non-uniformity ratio (DNR) were calculated. For the mandible, spinal cord and salivary glands doses to specified volumes were reported. Results : The median values of V 100 and D 90 were 89.9% and 99.9%, respectively; the median values of DNR was 0.46. The median D 2cm 3 of the mandible and spinal cord were 48.3% and 5.8%, respectively. The ipsilateral median D 2cm 3 of parotid and submandibular glands were 6.4% and 12.5%, whereas on the contralateral side, the corresponding values were 5.3% and 7.0%, respectively. Conclusions : Using conformal treatment planning, it was desirable to keep the dose to the mandible, spinal cord, and salivary glands at an acceptable level. The quantitative plan evaluation may help us find correlations between dosimetric parameters and clinical outcome, which may lead to improve the quality of the treatment, but it requires longer follow-up and results from other studies