194 research outputs found

    Description of rail track geometry deterioration process in Hungarian rail lines No. 1 and No. 140

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    The aim was the perfection of an analytic examination, which describes the track deterioration process, characterized the correspondences more precisely and better to use in practice. This method was based on the destruction’s theory of the railway track geometry and it exploited the possibilities of recent computer technology. More than one million measuring car (FMK-004) data were processed than analyzed and defined by configuring and programming a new method. The results of this method were descriptive functions, which afford interpretable information about the geometrically destruction’s occurrences of the different railway lines

    Nádudvar második világháborús személyi vesztesége az új források tükrében

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    The dissertation on the topic of Nádudvar’s (Hajdú-Bihar county town) personal losses in World War II aims to present the current state of an ongoing research. Due to continuing data excavations approximately 1100 people of Hungarian citizenship related to Nádudvar have been detected so far, whose death is closely related to World War II. Current study reports on the death registers of Nádudvar, managed by the National Archives of Hungary Hajdú-Bihar County Archives, and also on the loss registers concernig the staff of the Ministry of Defence Military History Institute and Museum. The essay discusses separately the jewish citizens of Nádudvar losing their lives owing to the Holocaust. Furthermore, the study also tells about the citizens – born in Nádudvar or owning an estate in the town – who were captified as prisoners of war, regardless of their having died in captivity somewhere in the Soviet Union or having come home from captivity. The essay also touches upon the issue of soldiers who died a heroic death and also the civil victims of the war. It can be concluded that World War II has shattered the town of Nádudvar indeed, as it lost about 10% of its population. This 10% presents almost 400 jewish deportees, 30 civil victims, 432 prisoners of war (nearly 300 of whom returned) and nearly 200 soldiers who died a heroic death. Besides of all it’s also worth to be noted that the data of the last census before entering the war (recorded in 1941) and the first census after the war (recorded in 1949) are almost identical. Thus, Nádudvar appears to have been able to recover from the shock caused by the loss of lives

    A PÁWA – egy mai ifjúsági szubkultúra leírása

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    A kibertérben elkövetett vagyon elleni bûncselekmények nyomozásának egyes kérdései

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    The author provides an overview of law enforcement responses to challenges of investigating cyber related crime against property.A szerző áttekintést nyújt a tulajdonnal szembeni kiberbűncselekmények kivizsgálásával kapcsolatos kihívások bűnügyi válaszairól

    Hajdú-Bihar megye II. világháborús vesztesége és a veszteségkutatás eszközei

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    Dokumentumok dinamikus megjelenítése a weben

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    A szakdolgozat a Java alapú webes alkalmazás-fejlesztési technikákkal foglalkozik.B