9 research outputs found

    Comparative study of different soybean genotypes in irrigation technology

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    In many places in Hungary, early maturity soybean can be successfully grown. The earlier maturity group of soy which ripened in 110–125 days in most crop areas in Hungary. However, to achieve excellent results, the selection of proper varieties is important too. Successful cultivation is largely dependent on the macro and microclimate of the production area, the nutrient supply of the soil and the cultivation technology. Soybean can be produced in places where the amount of precipitation is right, as the lack of water results in lower yields and deteriorated oil and protein concentrations. In the following study, 2 years (2016 and 2017) are compared to the yield, protein and oil content of the soybeans of the early maturation group in irrigated and non-irrigated treatments. Based on our experiment, it can be stated that, during the irrigation of soybean, oil and protein content and yields did not always change

    Eltérő szójatermesztési technológiák összehasonlító elemzése az igen korai éréscsoportban = Comparative Analysis of Different Soy Production Technologies in the Very Early Maturity Group

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    Sokféle termesztéstechnológiai leírás létezik ma Magyarországon, mely segíti a szójatermesztést, de nem kerül elég hangsúly a termőhely fontosságára. Sokszor olvasni, hogy ahol sikeresen termeszthető a kukorica, ott beilleszthető a szója is a vetésforgóba, de azt már kevesen tudják, hogy nem mindegy milyen körülmények közé melyik fajta illik. Cikkünk a Magyar Szója és Fehérjenövény Egyesület tagjaiként mutatja be a három helyszín termesztés technológiáját és eredményeit az igen korai éréscsoportból, ahol a cél a minél magasabb hozam és az azzal párosuló fehérje tartalom elérése volt. A kísérleti helyszínek az alábbiak voltak: Dél-Alföldi régió, Közép-Dunántúli régió, Észak- Alföldi régió. A kísérlet félüzemi körülmények között került beállításra, mely közelebb áll az üzemi termeléshez, ezért jobban láthatók az azokból eredő eltérések — mind termésátlagban, mind fehérje- és olajtartalomban

    Evaluation of potential reference genes for real-time qPCR analysis in a biparental beetle, Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)

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    Hormones play an important role in the regulation of physiological, developmental and behavioural processes. Many of these mechanisms in insects, however, are still not well understood. One way to investigate hormonal regulation is to analyse gene expression patterns of hormones and their receptors by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). This method, however, requires stably expressed reference genes for normalisation. In the present study, we evaluated 11 candidate housekeeping genes as reference genes in samples of Lethrus apterus, an earth-boring beetle with biparental care, collected from a natural population. For identifying the most stable genes we used the following computational methods: geNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, comparative delta Ct method and RefFinder. Based on our results, the two body regions sampled (head and thorax) differ in which genes are most stably expressed. We identified two candidate reference genes for each region investigated: ribosomal protein L7A and RP18 in samples extracted from the head, and ribosomal protein L7A and RP4 extracted from the muscles of the thorax. Additionally, L7A and RP18 appear to be the best reference genes for normalisation in all samples irrespective of body region. These reference genes can be used to study the hormonal regulation of reproduction and parental care in Lethrus apterus in the future